Copy of Resentment


There were many comfortable moments in life, such as sleeping on the bed on a cloudy day with light rain, being notified of suspension of classes just before going to school, or going to the back alley with friends after school to buy freshly cooked Oden. When recalling those times, one couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Just like at this moment, in this leisurely classroom with sufficient heating, Bian Shengjian suddenly felt very comfortable when listening to Old Tan chanting hypnotic lectures on the podium.

The sunlight pierced through the glass and hit Lu Shen’s side face, which was bent down as he was reading seriously, and it dyed his outline with a layer of fluffy golden borders. Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and poked him.


“What’s wrong?” Lu Shen put down the book, looked at him and asked in a low voice.

“It’s nothing, I just think you’re amusing.” Bian Shengjian was about to take back his hand, yet still pinched his chin along the way, “Sometimes you really look like a little pet.” 

“Class is still ongoing, Third brother.” Lu Shen was a little helpless, but the place where Bian Shengjian touched was a little itchy, therefore he reached out and pressed his fingertips.

 “Zhou Li is looking over here.”

Bian Shengjian immediately turned his head when he heard that, then he spotted Zhou Li looking with sad eyes. After staring for a few seconds, he silently shook his head and then turned back, as if to express his speechlessness to his behavior.

Bian Shengjian: “…Am I being despised?”

Lu Shen couldn’t help laughing, “It shouldn’t be. People who have no sense of existence like me won’t be noticed.”

“Who said you have no sense of existence?” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue and pressed his hand down, “Aren’t I looking at you now?”

“Ah, yes.” Lu Shen nodded with a smile, and suddenly erected the book that was spread flat on the table, and leaned towards Shengjian. “Third brother, come here.”

“Why?” Bian Shengjian looked at him inexplicably.

“Come and have one,” Lu Shen said.

Bian Shengjian was silent for a few seconds, looked at the podium and then back at him.

 “Lu Shen, I found that you are really more shameless than me.’

“I won’t allow you to say that about yourself.” Lu Shen looked at him seriously.

“What the hell…” Bian Shengjian stared at him for several seconds, gritted his teeth and also erected his own book, then quickly moved over and kissed Lu Shen on the lips.

 “Is this okay, you fucker.”

Lu Shen didn’t say anything, just stared at him then smiled. After that, he stretched out his hand and pinch his leg after a laugh, “You are so kind, Young Bian.”

Bian Shengjian turned his head and didn’t look at him, but his cheeks were a little hot. He was able to do such a shameless thing in front of everyone now and it seemed that he was really used to spending time with someone, that even his face grew thick altogether. “Go away.”

“Would you like to sleep at my place tonight?” Lu Shen raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

Bian Shengjian paused for a moment and turned to look at him, “Going to sleep at your place with you is just a roommate relationship thing……..Can you not make it sound so obscene?”

“Is it?” Lu Shen looked at him innocently, “It seems like we haven’t done anything other than picking mushrooms, right?”

Bian Shengjian almost wanted to pounce on him and cover his mouth for a moment, he eventually squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, “I say, classmate Lu ‘Xiao Shen’….”

“Here.” Lu Shen leaned towards him with an obedient dog face.

“If you go on like this, I will break your leg sooner or later.” Bian Shengjian twisted the corner of his mouth with a smirk, and pinched Lu Shen’s leg hard to verify his threat, “Do you hear me? You………………” 

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped again, touched Lu Shen’s legs carefully twice and said in shock, “Fuck, you’re wearing underpants?!”

“Yeah, I’m old after all.” Lu Shen nodded and touched his leg again. “You didn’t wear one? Tsk tsk, it’s such a cold day today…..Be careful of not getting cold legs in the future.”

“Aren’t you about the same age as me? Are you pretending to talk nonsense here?” Bian Shengjian glanced at him sideways, and suddenly widened his eyes as if he had finally realized something, “Wait, you………”

“Just to clarify, I was 16 when I died.” Lu Shen silently raised his hand, “If I was still alive, I would have been 26 this year.”

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak for a while, but just stared at him with wide eyes.

“So, would you like to call me Daddy?” Lu Shen hooked the corners of his mouth.

“Damn you!” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help raising his voice a little, and the people sitting in front simultaneously turned their heads.

“Shengjian, what’s the matter?” Old Tan, who was intoxicated in class, was finally startled by his sound, adjusted his glasses and looked over, “Is there anything you don’t understand?”

“……….No.” Bian Shengjian twitched the corners of his mouth, “Teacher Tan, please continue.”

Really shocking

It was such a shock.

Is there anything more fucked up than suddenly realizing that your boyfriend is ten years older than you but still looks like the same age as you on the outside?

There shouldn’t be.

……..But for any ordinary person, one probably wouldn’t find a ghost as a companion in any of their eight lifetimes, right?

Lu Shen just wanted to laugh at Shengjian’s complicated eyes looking at him, and eventually touched Shengjian’s hair that he sprayed every day, “Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore.”

“Are you really ten years older than me?” Bian Shengjian still stared at him.

“Guess?” Lu Shen blinked.

“…I’m tired, stay away from me.” Bian Shengjian rubbed his forehead, “I want you to be quiet.”

“Who is “Jingjing”?” Lu Shen immediately asked, “Why do you want her?”

(t/n Jingjing-pin yin of “Silent” or “Quiet”)

“Stop telling such old-fashioned jokes?” Bian Shengjian resisted the urge to hit him again, “Shut up.”

“Okay, so today’s class will end here, but this teacher still has to talk about another thing while there are still a few minutes left.” 

Old Tan finally stopped his “hypnosis”, placed down the book and patted the podium, awakening those who were about to knock their heads on the corner of the table. 

“Wake up, how come everyone seems to be in a coma…….This noon, will you still be this sleepy?” 

“We won’t.” the class responded feebly.

“Class 7 or 8 this afternoon, we along with the junior level students will all gather on the playground. The school has arranged a psychology extracurricular activity for everyone with a psychology teacher.” Old Tan said.

“Does it mean that there is no class?” The people inside the class finally came to their senses, especially Zhou Li who had rushed to say,  “That’s great!”

“Would it be fine if there was no class? Then Zhou Li, did your parents feel particularly good when you took your simulated test results home that week?” Old Tan looked at him and said slowly.

“Mr. Cai, don’t make fun of me.” Zhou Li rubbed his head, a little embarrassed, “Oh, I was just whipped with  a rattan, it’s not like I’m not used to it for a long time.”

The people in the class laughed, and Old Tan shook his head helplessly amidst the laughter, and gave some instructions before leaving the classroom at the sound of the bell.

Bian Shengjian also laughed a few times, but suddenly felt melancholy after laughing.

Now it was the first semester of his sophomore year of high school, and it would be the second semester after the winter vacation, and then junior year of high school, then college entrance examination, then university……..

Before that, how long can Lu Shen stay with him?

Bian Shengjian suddenly felt a little uneasy, the future that seemed to be still a long time to come seemed to be so close in front of his eyes, so close that he could almost see its outline-

“Third brother, do you want to go to the restroom?” Lu Shen suddenly interrupted his thinking, “Or we could go together?”

“Let’s go.” Bian Shengjian stood up, endured yet still eventually said, “The remaining resentful spirits…….aren’t there only two remaining?”

“Yes.” Lu Shen seemed to know what he was thinking, and squeezed his fingertips in comfort. “Don’t worry, we still have a long period of time to go, let’s just take our time.“

Bian Shengjian fell silent, and in the end did not ask him how long this “a period of time” he had referred to.

This year? Next year? Or forever?

“Hey.” Bian Shengjian hooked Lu Shen’s shoulder with his hand, “You said……”

“What?” Lu Shen patted his arm.

“Forget it,” Bian Shengjian shrugged, then simply slapped him on the buttocks. “Go, go to the toilet.”

“I was holding back just after class,” Lu Shen whispered, “You scared me just now, I was afraid I might’ve just peed on myself.”

“Pee!” Bian Shengjian pointed to him with one hand, and then pointed to the toilet, “Do your business.”

Lu Shen smiled and said nothing, he then raised his hand and messed up a certain young man’s carefully groomed hairstyle, “I don’t want to pee on your hand, lest you blow your temper again.”

Bian Shengjian:”…… Lu Shen, do you want to die!!”


Class 7 and 8 gathered on the playground on time. Although they didn’t have to go to class, they still didn’t understand the behavior of the school’s extracurricular activities on this cold day, and even wanted to curse.

“Damn it, I’m freezing to death.”

“That, I suddenly want to go back to the classroom and read a book.”

“Me too, take me to sneak away!”

“Students, please be quiet.” 

In the front row of the crowd stood a female teacher with fluttering hair. She was wearing a short skirt with bare legs and a long beige trench coat on the cold day. Although she looked exquisite and beautiful, she radiated an indifferent aura.

“I am the person in charge of psychology extracurricular activities this time, you can call me Teacher Su…..”

“God, isn’t she cold?” Zhou Li couldn’t help staring at her legs and asked.

“Stupid, she’s wearing stockings, can’t you see it.” Bian Shengjian clicked his tongue.

“Ah, Brother Jian, you’re a know-it-all!” Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, and asked again, “But what is stockings?”

“It’s just thermal stockings.” Bian Shengjian glanced at him, “Do you want to wear them? If you want to wear them, this Father will place an order for you right now.”

“Damn, I’m not a womenswear freak.” Zhou Li quickly waved his hands, his ears turned red, “I’m just curious.”

Bian Shengjian was so amused by his reaction that he coughed a few times to prevent himself from laughing, and then heard the teacher Su holding the microphone said calmly, “The purpose of this meeting is to give psychological counseling to the junior level students. After all, their studies are heavy and their psychological pressure is naturally high. Soon, our sophomore students will also soon be promoted to junior level, this teacher only hopes to open everyone’s hearts through this activity, and face the student life in the future…. …”

As the group of people who braved the wind finally finished the bowl of chicken soup, they dispersed one after another. With Teacher Su’s instructions, they sat down in a circle in the same place as their class. After playing a few boring interactive games, all the little rascals felt a little tired, and just hoped that this idiotic activity would end quickly so that they could go back to the classroom to warm their bodies.

“Okay, now this teacher is going to distribute some things to everyone after the warm-up activity just now.” Teacher Su said and raised a few blue ribbons in her hand, which were similar to the ones on a cake packaging box. “Now each student will get three blue ribbons in their hands. This teacher will then ask you to give them to the people you think are the most important to you, and say some words of encouragement and thanks to each other, hopes of helping each other in this life and to get better and better!”

As soon as her words fell, some people started booing excitedly. After the blue ribbons were distributed, the crowd became lively all of a sudden. Among them, the people who harvested the most blue ribbons were all the class advisers. Old Tan’s two wrists were basically wrapped tightly with ribbons, and his face was grinning from ear to ear.

“Brother Jian!” Zhou Li forcefully grabbed Bian Shengjian’s wrist, and tied a ribbon to it. “Here, we will still be good brothers in the third year of high school.”

“Thank you.” Bian Shengjian also tied his second ribbon to his wrist. “Remember to study hard and improve every day.”

Zhou Li rubbed his nose in embarrassment, looked at Bian Shengjian’s wrist with only one ribbon tied on it, and asked in surprise, “Eh, didn’t any girl come over and tie a ribbon on you? Could it be that you were abandoned by them so quickly? Is it? Tsk tsk, I say, women are creatures that love the new and dislike the old…..”

“Stop it, why don’t you just publish a book if you are so talkative.” Bian Shengjian gave him a sideways glance, “Yes, there were but I refused.”

“Why? The time has come to show your charisma and preference in choosing a spouse!” Zhou Li asked, a little puzzled.

Bian Shengjian twitched the corners of his mouth and said nothing, simply turned around and directly grabbed Lu Shen’s arm and raised it at him, “Because I only have one left, and I want to give it to him.”

“…..Ah?” Zhou Li looked at him in a daze.

Bian Shengjian didn’t look back, and quickly tied a beautiful bow on Lu Shen’s wrist with a ribbon, “Done.”

“Thank you Third brother,” Lu Shen smiled and also tied the remaining two ribbons on his hands, and then gently hooked his fingertips on the surface, “You are the most important person to me.”

“En.” Bian Shengjian responded softly, looked down at the few cheap colored ribbons on his wrists, and actually had the illusion that he was reluctant to take them off.

“Lu Shen.”

“What is it?” Lu Shen looked at him with a smile.

“Come to my house for the Spring Festival this year.” Bian Shengjian looked at him and said, his expression looking very serious.

Lu Shen was stunned for a while, then nodded lightly, “Okay.”

After that, he curled his lips as if remembering something, “Conveniently…….I can also give you the gift.”


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