Copy of Resentment


Everyone would meet such a girl in their life. The kind that was quiet, sweet, liked to sit by the window in class. The wind would blew their long hair, and when they looked up, only to reveal a pair of amber eyes, and then smile at you—

Lan Yun was one of those girls.

Her family was ordinary, and she lived the life of an ordinary person, but contrary to that, she worked very hard in her studies. If there hadn’t been any accident, she would probably be able to enter a good university after high school, and then go with the flow and live the happy life of ordinary people. 

Bian Shengjian didn’t speak. When Lan Yun knelt down in front of him, many memories that didn’t belong to him flooded into his mind one after another, which was more unexpected than a thunderstorm.

But this “ordinary” came to an abrupt end when she was 13 years old.


“Xiao Yun, I don’t know how to answer this question, can you teach me?”

“Okay.” Lan Yun pulled back the broken hair by her ears and smiled, “It’s the third question?”

“Yes.” The girl who asked the question nodded, and couldn’t help but add another sentence, “Every time after school, I have to trouble you to help me with a problem…… I’m really sorry. “

“It’s okay, I’ll look at the topic first.” As she spoke, Lan Yun took a piece of paper and began to calculate seriously.

“By the way, Xiao Yun, are you from our side? Why haven’t I seen you before?” the girl asked.

“My parents transferred here for their work recently…..My primary school was in my hometown.” Lan Yun looked at the paper in front of her eyes. Handed it over, and began to prepare for the explanation with a serious look. “For this question, we first must……………….”

“Lan Yun! Teacher Yang is asking for you!” A voice suddenly came from the door of the classroom.

“Ah, okay.” Lan Yun nodded in a daze, then lowered her head and continued to read the paper. “Xiao Hui, look carefully at the circled area of the problem…I’m sorry, I have to speak faster.”

“It doesn’t matter,” the girl named Xiao Hui smiled, “Xiao Yun, you are so kind. Teacher Yang must have called you to tell you about the change of class monitor.”

“Maybe.” Lan Yun pinched her fingertips bashfully, and after finishing the topic, she stood up and walked slowly towards the office. Her thin body almost dissipated in the sun-drenched corridor.

The weather today is good.

“You’re here? Come, Xiao Yun, sit down first.” Yang Liguo put down the lesson book in his hand, and politely pointed to the chair next to him. “Don’t be nervous, the teacher just wanted to chat with you.”

“Teacher Yang, what can I do for you?” Lan Yun asked timidly, her voice soft and sweet.

“You came here with your parents, right?” Yang Liguo adjusted the frame on his face and looked directly at her. “How does it feel to be here at school? Is there anything you don’t like?”

“…No. “Lanyun felt a little cramped inexplicably, and the teacher’s gaze through the lens made her wring her fingers tightly. “My classmates are also very good to me, and there is nothing uncomfortable about it.”

“Really?” Yang Liguo looked at her, intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes skimmed over the girl’s bare white thighs, and stayed up at the collar of the school uniform with one button open. “That’s good, the teacher is just worried about you.” 

“Thank you Teacher Yang for your concern.” Lan Yun didn’t dare to look him in the eyes, and only felt more and more uneasy.

After finishing their physical education class that afternoon, she did not change her school uniform shorts back to long trousers. The reason was that the summer heat was too hot, and that there was no air conditioner in the classroom, and even the few pitiful fans couldn’t blow the wind to her side. Therefore, she could only do this.

“You should know that our class will have a change of class monitor next week, right?” Yang Liguo saw her embarrassment, quickly changed the subject, and said kindly, “Come on, tell the teacher what you think?”

“I…… I was a class monitor before, so I have more experience.” Lan Yun paused and spoke, puffing out her chest and trying to make herself look more confident. “I think I can handle this job.”

“That’s it.” Yang Liguo looked at her, but his eyes moved down a certain distance. “Then, have you finished writing your election draft?”

“Election draft?” Lan Yun suddenly panicked: “I…I thought it would start next week…so I haven’t written it yet.”

“How can you not start preparing for such an important matter in advance?” Yang Liguo suddenly slapped the table and said in a serious tone, “You have let me down!”

Lan Yun was taken aback, and the rim of her eyes were a little red. “Yes…… I’m sorry……  Teacher Yang, I will write it when I get home from school today, and I will bring it here for you to check tomorrow.”


Yang Liguo interrupted her, “I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow, so hurry up and write it to me before the school is over.”

“But…” Lanyun hesitated.

“But what? The election of class monitor is a major event in our class! How can you be careless?” Yang Liguo glanced at her, “Since you want to be the class monitor, you should show me a good attitude, otherwise how can I trust you? Can you manage our entire class well?”

“…I see, Teacher Yang.” Lan Yun nodded and wanted to stand up. “Then I will go back to the classroom and write it now.”

“Wait a minute,” Yang Liguo tapped his fingers on the table a few times, “The election draft should be written on formal official paper, do you have it?”

“Official paper?” Lan Yun was stunned for a moment and shook her head, “I’m sorry teacher, I don’t have any.”

Yang Liguo glanced at her without saying a word, turned over on the table a few times and frowned. “It’s strange… I clearly remember that I put it here……..Forget it, come with me to my dormitory to get it now, I still have a stack there.”

“Now?” Lan Yun was a little at a loss, “But…”

“But what, you don’t want to be the monitor anymore?” Yang Liguo scowled, “Forget it, you can go back to the classroom.”

“No, Teacher Yang!” Lan Yun couldn’t help raising her voice a bit. Because it’s lunch time, and only Yang Liguo and her were left in the office, Lan Yun mustered up a little courage, stepped forward and grabbed the teacher’s hand. “Teacher, let me go with you. I will definitely write the election draft for you today.”

“That’s right.” Yang Liguo nodded in satisfaction, letting the girl’s tender palm slide past his fingertips. He resisted the urge to just grab it hard, then he stood up, “Come on, hurry up.”

“…Teacher?” Lan Yun followed him into the door in a daze, and only realized something was wrong the moment the door of his dormitory was locked, and took a step back in panic.

 “Why don’t I come back tomorrow?”

“Xiao Yun, don’t be afraid,” Yang Liguo turned around, with a kind smile on his face: “Come, come here.”

“Teacher, please let me go back,” Lan Yun’s voice was filled with tears, “My mother is still waiting for me to come home for dinner….”

“Sit down first, the teacher still has a lot to say to you.” Yang Liguo grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her on the bed, but tentatively touched her waist with the other hand. “Xiao Yun…………..” 

Lan Yun was shocked, and subconsciously pushed Yang Liguo, but her wrist was immediately gripped instead.

 “What are you doing!”

This angry roar made Lan Yun dare not speak anymore, and her whole body trembled.

“What are you pushing me for? Don’t you like this very much?” Yang Liguo stared at her, then stretched out his hand and hugged her waist forcefully again.


“…I don’t!” Lan Yun plucked up her courage and shouted, she stood up and wanted to run to the door, but Yang Liguo threw her back on the bed with one hand. He immediately took the opportunity and pressed her with his heavy body, while his one hand stuck into her white school uniform.


When Lan Yun was yelled at by this extremely insulting title, she forgot to resist, not to mention that these words were spit out from the mouth of her teacher, who usually looked very dignified. Her expression instantly became a little numb. 

Yan Liguo proceeded to take off her blouse, revealing a piece of fair and smooth skin of a young girl.

“If you dare to shout out, I’ll call and tell your parents that you seduced a teacher at school.” Yang Liguo panted heavily, and the expression on his face was more excited. “You hear me?”

“I didn’t.” Lan Yun put one hand on her chest, with tears in her eyes, she repeated it no matter how scared she was. “I really didn’t.”

“You don’t even button your school uniform, isn’t that considered seduction?” Yang Liguo kissed her hard on the face, leaving a shiny saliva mark. “If you don’t want your parents to know, then be obedient.”


Heart-piercing pain.

Lan Yun didn’t know that that kind of place could make her feel so painful that her whole body trembled and almost vomited, but when everything finally stopped, two words only echoed in her ears.

Pain. Whore.

When she limped back home with legs that could barely close together, her mother, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, slapped her. “Insolent girl! How come you’re only back at this hour? Where did you go?”

Lan Yun took the slap, and a few red marks were visible in the girl’s cheek.

 “I………..I was giving lectures for others at school, and came back late.”

“Help, help, help others all day long, what about you?” Lan Yun’s mother still had an angry look on her face: “I told you a long time ago to pay more attention to yourself! The most important thing is to do a good job in your studies.”

“…I know. “Lan Yun lowered her head.

“If you know, then why don’t you come home for dinner sooner!” Lan Yun’s mother gave her an annoyed look, and said again, “Your damn father won’t come back tonight…”

“Mom.” Lan Yun poked the rice in the bowl with her chopsticks, trying her best not to shed tears. “If a student slept with the teacher at school, what would you think?”

“Why would you ask such a disgusting question?” Lan Yun’s mother frowned, “The teacher is definitely not a good person.”

Lan Yun’s hands trembled, and just as she was about to speak, her mother added angrily, “But that girl must be a whore too.”

A few seconds later, there was the sound of chopsticks falling to the ground, accompanied by an angry curse.

 “Eating a meal is not worth it! What’s the use of giving birth to you!”

After that day, Lan Yun never saw the blue sky again, and everything seemed to lose its color in her eyes, except for the red sun in the sky that still exuded dazzling golden light, which poured down from the sky to the ground. It seemed to turn into red magma, turning her into a monster too.

“I…a whore.”

Lan Yun could no longer shed tears, and she even began to think desperately.

Fall in love with him, if I fall in love with the teacher, will it not be so painful?


Bian Shengjian felt a slap on his shoulder. He finally broke free from the huge nightmare-like pain, and a noticeable thin layer of sweat broke out from his forehead.

He squeezed out two words from between his teeth.

 “……this beast. “

“Worse than a beast.” Lu Shen helped Lan Yun up from the ground, took a deep breath but was unable to speak.

“What should we do now?” Bian Shengjian’s knuckles crack, and he turned his head to look at the re-closed door, as if he saw some kind of hell in a mountain of knives.

 “….Call the police.”

“Tomorrow afternoon,” Lu Shen finally said, “There will be an assembly for all grades in the auditorium of No. 3 Middle School, and she will speak on stage on behalf of the student body.”

“……What do you mean?” Bian Shengjian frowned, reacted quickly, and immediately rejected Lu Shen’s plan. “No! Isn’t it tantamount to letting her expose her scars to the public?”

“We let her decide for herself.” 

Lu Shen lowered his head and looked at Lan Yun again, and found that there was no light in the eyes of this girl who should have been in her youth at all, and that even her pupils were gray. After helping her up, her eyes remained empty, as if she didn’t hear them at all, or that she had somehow become a humanoid doll at the mercy of others.

“Xiao Yun, listen to me, we are here to help you.” Lu Shen said word by word, “This brother and I are not from this time and space……and only you can see us.”


Finally, a trace of focus appeared in the girl’s eyes, and she stared blankly at Lu Shen.

Lu Shen pierced his fingertips through the wall in front of her, and said in a calm tone the second she was about to scream.

 “You are not a whore, nor a monster, let alone fantasize about being with your teacher to ease your own pain, because it was never your fault at all.”

Lan Yun’s mouth was half open, and half of the syllable that was about to break through the bondage of the vocal cords was choked tightly in her throat. Her bloodshot eyes were also wide open, which made people feel a little scared.

“You are a good child.” Lu Shen touched her head, speaking with an indescribable softness, like a breeze passing through the valley. “I can tell you what to do, but it still depends on your decision.”

“Besides, you are not the only victim in this matter.” Lu Shen put his hand on her shoulder lightly. “There are several girls in your class…they are all the same as you. Waiting for an opportunity to bring justice and wash away the shame, and that opportunity is tomorrow afternoon.”

“What do you want me to do?” Lan Yun’s voice was hoarse, and although her face was still numb, Lu Shen’s words just now inexplicably calmed her heart down. “How can we save them…save me.’ 

Bian Shengjian turned his face to the side, he couldn’t imagine what kind of mood Lan Yun was in when she spit out the word “help me” to them.

“If you want to expose Yang Liguo, you need evidence and witnesses…but the most important thing is the witnesses.” Lu Shen said, “When you go on stage tomorrow afternoon, I want you to bring an extra manuscript.”

Lan Yun raised her head abruptly, she finally understood what Lu Shen needed her to do, tears welled up in her eyes in an instant, “No……I don’t think…..anyone will believe me…….”

“I won’t force you to do anything.” Lu Shen pressed her shoulders hard, his eyes were deep and invisible. “But if this opportunity is missed, Yang Liguo will only be imprisoned one year later.”

Lan Yun froze in place.

Bian Shengjian grabbed Lu Shen and growled in his ear, “Didn’t you say that important things cannot be changed? Why did you lie to her?”

“I didn’t lie to her,” Lu Shen said calmly, “This is indeed Yang Liguo’s 11th year of teaching, but the time point will be moved forward by more than two months.”

“Then you still lied to her that it’s next year?” Bian Shengjian still stared at him, “Aren’t you trying to force her?”

“……Third Brother” Lu Shen’s voice suddenly became a little hoarse, “Have you ever thought about what will happen in these two months?”

Bian Shengjian was taken aback, and slowly loosened his grip on Lu Shen’s arm. “…I see.”

“I’ll do it.” Lan Yun said suddenly, she wiped her eyes and tried to repeat it, “I’ll do it.” 


At three o’clock in the afternoon, the school auditorium.

Rows of plastic chairs had been arranged neatly in advance, and with the influx of students coming inside, the auditorium had become full of voices.

“Why do you think she trusts us so much?” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but speak while standing in a corner of the auditorium.

“Maybe it’s because she has no one to trust.” Lu Shen said.

“…Didn’t you say that she has depression, will this stimulate her?” Bian Shengjian said after a moment of silence.

“Do you know what her resentment is?” Lu Shen didn’t answer this question, but asked instead.

“Because she was…..raped?” Bian Shengjian said with some difficulty.

“No.” Lu Shen shook his head, and turned his gaze to the stage, where a girl was slowly walking towards the microphone with a folder in her arms. “Her resentment is that she hated herself, for being timid and cowardly, and didn’t call out Yang Liguo’s animal behavior and made it public earlier, resulting in more innocent girls to suffer humiliation.”

Bian Shengjian was silent for a long time before softly saying. “She is really the bravest girl I have ever seen.”

“Dear teacher, dear students, today I am honored to stand here as a student representative to speak…”

Lan Yun’s soft and sweet voice spread throughout the auditorium through the microphone. The head teacher Yang Liguo sat upright at the head of the class and looked up at her, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he was looking at his most proud student.

There was some commotion in the audience, and some students who had been a little impatient after listening to this class representative’s speech began to twist and turn on their plastic chairs, and were scolded by their respective class teachers.

“Although I’m honored to be here, what I’m going to talk about today has nothing to do with the speech in my hand.” Lan Yun held the microphone in one hand, shaking the prepared speech in front of the teachers and students of the school, and then tore it in half.

The smile on Yang Liguo’s face disappeared, and his expression suddenly became a little scary.

The commotion in the auditorium stopped instantly, and everyone turned their attention to Lan Yun. Even the host who was standing not far away was stunned, and no one stepped forward to stop her for a while.

There were two noises from the speaker, and people couldn’t help covering their ears with their hands, but after the noise subsided, there was a shrill voice that exploded in everyone’s ears like thunder.

“Teacher Yang Liguo from Class 5 of Grade 2, may I ask if you think sleeping with your own students would be particularly enjoyable!”


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