Copy of Resentment

Haunted Building Horror Night (Part 2)

Sticky, soggy, and rotten.

As light continued to illuminate the dust in the air, cold sweat slowly flowed down his temples. At this moment, he could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his blood vessels. Bian Shengjian stood there for a second, then ran downstairs without hesitation.

Lu Shen…

He gritted his teeth fiercely, the hand holding the mobile phone was trembling slightly, and his feet made a series of harsh noises against the wooden stairs that seemed about to collapse.

However, Bian Shengjian halted after taking two steps, and grabbed the handrail a little unsteadily.

He and Lu Shen came up from the first floor just now, and Lu Shen disappeared at the corner of the first floor. It stands to reason that he should be able to return to the first floor after going down the stairs now, but why……

Bian Shengjian stared at the long corridor in front of him in disbelief, and the floor number marked beside the stairs: 3

This is the third floor.

How is this possible? 

Bian Shengjian took a step back abruptly, and accidentally bumped into something with his heel. There was a clanging metal sound in the empty space, and he turned his head slowly to find that it was just an empty tin can that had already slowly rolled down the stairs.

Clank clank clank

Bian Shengjian’s palms were filled with cold sweat, and he almost couldn’t hold the phone anymore, yet he still forced himself to calm down first, and observed the surrounding environment.

 It was indeed an ordinary long corridor, with classrooms, and windows and doors that were tightly closed, which didn’t look as messy as the first floor.

…but where did the first floor go?

Bian Shengjian quickly thought about it, and after confirming that he was indeed going downstairs, he quickly retreated to the stairs and went down a floor tentatively. This time he walked very slowly, and looked back from time to time. But at this moment, the phone suddenly rang, which was a prompt tone of power shortage.

“Fuck.” Bian Shengjian stared at the slowly dimming screen, and an uncontrollable despair began to spread in his heart.

No signal, no power.

Most importantly, he lost Lu Shen.

Bian Shengjian suddenly withdrew his last foot down the stairs, and couldn’t help but gasp.

It’s still the corridor.

He subconsciously looked at the sign next to it. The red number on the white wall was clearly marked: 4

This is the fourth floor?

“Lu Shen! Where are you!” Bian Shengjian finally couldn’t help shouting, and it echoed in the empty stairwell, yet no one responded even after a long time.

“Damn…” Bian Shengjian was trembling a little, but he could only stand there and watch the only light source in his hand: There is still ten percent of power left.

This won’t last long.

What to do? 

Bian Shengjian turned around and began to go upstairs, finally realizing that he had encountered a ‘ghost hitting the wall’.

—And since going downstairs means going up one floor, does that mean that as long as you go upstairs, you can eventually get out?

Thirty seconds later, Shengjian saw hope.

Sure enough, after he went up one floor, he saw that the label next to the white wall changed to 3.

There’s hope!

Bian Shengjian quickened his pace, only the sound of his suppressed panting and the violent beating of his heart remained in his ears.

He was overjoyed, and almost tripped over the tin can just now, but when he stood on the second floor and climbed another floor, the corner of his mouth that had just raised an arc froze instantly.

The number on the white wall is 3.

He went back to the third floor.

It’s an endless loop.

Bian Shengjian put his hands on his knees and took a deep breath. At this moment, he could even hear the sound of his sweat dripping on the floor.

His mobile phone only had five percent of battery left.

Analyzing his current situation, it would be almost impossible for him to run out of the building before it finally runs out of battery.

He was trapped on the third floor.

A notification sound came from the mobile phone, as if in its last struggle.

Three percent.

Bian Shengjian wanted to smash the phone for a moment, but before he could raise his hand, he ran to the stairs with the last light source and looked down. 

Judging from this height, he is indeed on the third floor.

Bian Shengjian’s heart sank.

He only felt a slight vibration in the palm of his hand, and the phone that was holding on to its last three percent of battery eventually completely went dark. Bian Shengjian finally stood in complete darkness at this moment, and even heard the slightest sounds around him in the dark.

He squatted down slowly, grabbed his hair with his hands.

 “Lu Shen… where the hell are you…”

The current situation was as follows:

Now he was on the third floor, and as soon as he went up, the floor numbers would follow, and eventually stop on the sixth floor as there were no more stairs. And if he goes down, he will encounter “ghost hitting the wall” as he reaches the second floor. When he continues to go down, the numbers will rise instead of falling, and he will eventually end up on the sixth floor again.

Panting for breath, Bian Shengjian wiped the sweat dripping from the corner of his mouth vigorously. After running up and down several times like this, he finally gave up the idea of going out from the stairs, and cast his eyes on the long corridor in front of him.

There must be another exit at the end of the corridor.

But now he didn’t have a light source in his hand, and Bian Shengjian didn’t dare to act rashly, after all, he had no idea what was waiting for him at the other end of the darkness.


Bian Shengjian’s back stiffened.


It was that haunting cry again.

“Go away!” Bian Shengjian roared, and suddenly regretted not carrying with him the bloody peach wood sword when they went out……although Lu Shen said that these things were useless against resentful spirits.


The thing was still crying, but after his roar spread out, the voice gradually became quieter, but before Shengjian could breathe a sigh of relief, it was quickly replaced by a voice. 

The road is muddy and difficult to walk on, and it is really tiring to be hungry and thirsty. Full of sadness, full of grief, who will understand my sorrow…”

It sounded like someone reading a book.

Bian Shengjian was bewildered.

Where is the sound coming from?

But soon the voice changed from vague to clear, and passed through the corridor into Bian Shengjian’s ears.

The road is muddy and difficult to walk on, and it is really tiring to be hungry and thirsty. Full of sadness, full of grief, who will understand my sorrow…”

Bian Shengjian listened to the strange sound of reading in the darkness, and the nerves that were tense and about to reach the limit gradually relaxed. The whole body seemed to be soaked in appropriate warm water, that even the consciousness began to become a little hazy.

He couldn’t help stepping forward, walking towards the end of the corridor step by step.

The sound of reading still continued, but the tone remained the same, just like what everyone would hear countless times in school on weekdays.

The reeds by the river are green, and the autumn dew turns into frost. Where is the person you like? On the other side of the river.……”

Bian Shengjian didn’t stop walking, but the surrounding environment gradually changed, and the sound of reading became louder and louder.

 “Go upstream to pursue her, and the road to follow her is long and difficult……

The wooden floor under the feet gradually brightened, and the surrounding classroom windows turned vivid and clean. As he went forward, he could even hear the buzzing sound of the loudspeaker during class hours.

“Down the river I searched, she seemed to be in the middle of the river….”

Bian Shengjian raised his head, and finally woke up in a dream-like state when he saw the class board on the door of a certain class.

Grade 2 and Class 8

The sound of reading stopped.

Bian Shengjian turned his head slowly, and was shocked to find that the classroom next to him was full of people at some point, he could even notice through the window that everyone was holding a book in their hands. However, the moment he turned his head, the people inside all looked over, their faces were expressionless, as their eyes were fixed on him.

These people only have the whites on their eyes!

“Ah!” Bian Shengjian screamed, but suddenly he felt his arm suddenly being grabbed from behind.

“Third Brother.”

“Fuck!” Bian Shengjian punched back without thinking. “Ghost!”

“It’s me.” The punch he swung was firmly caught by someone, with voice clearly panting, then said, “Sorry, I’m late.”

“…Lu Shen?” Bian Shengjian’s voice was trembling, and the moment he saw Lu Shen’s pale face, he rushed forward and hugged him fiercely, and then hit him hard on the back several times.

 “Fuck you, where did you die off to!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Lu Shen grabbed his shoulder and quickly moved a few steps aside, “I’ve encountered some trouble…… Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Bian Shengjian sniffed, “just fucking encountered ‘ghost hitting the wall’.”

“Well, it did deliberately attract you to come here.” Lu Shen took a deep breath and patted him on the back comfortingly. “Don’t be afraid, it’s fine now.”

“Fucker!” Bian Shengjian hit him on the back again. “Where did you go just now?”

“Got separated to another space, and it was not easy finding you again.” Lu Shen sighed, and leaned forward to kiss his earlobe. “Fortunately, I still have this.”

“Does this thing have a positioning function?” Bian Shengjian glared at him, then suddenly pounced on him and gnawed his mouth. “You fucking scared me to death.”

Although he knew that now was not the time to flirt, the moment Bian Shengjian saw Lu Shen, he felt like being alive after a catastrophe, that he even wanted to cry a little.


“Hey,” Lu Shen wiped his mouth helplessly, “Be gentle, you just knocked on my tooth.”

“Scram.” Bian Shengjian bit his lips again before letting go, and pointed to the weird classroom next to him as if remembering something.

 “By the way, there—”

The sound of reading sounded again, but for some reason Bian Shengjian could hear the gnashing of teeth in it this time.

The reeds by the river are green, and the autumn dew turns into frost. Where is the person you like? On the other side of the river….”

Lu Shen:”…..”


“Wait, Grade 2 Class 8?” Bian Shengjian finally came to his senses, and looked at Lu Shen in disbelief, “Grade 2 Class 8…isn’t it the…….you said back then..”

“Yes. ” 

Lu Shen replied, “This is the building where they attended classes back then.”

“Really?” Bian Shengjian rubbed his arms, and couldn’t help but move closer to Lu Shen. “Then you go and have a look, I just saw the classroom was full of people.”

“That might be an illusion,” Lu Shen said, paused for a while, then led him to take a few steps forward, and looked inside again through the window.

The sound of reading was still going on, but this time, the room that was full of people, now only had one sitting inside.

“Is it really a hallucination?” Bian Shengjian stretched his neck and stared at the person sitting in the corner of the classroom. “Then what is this?”

“It’s the resentful spirit.” Lu Shen also stared closely at the figure sitting in the corner. “It should have been the one that was also responsible before.”

“It’s a girl again?” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help looking at its ponytail in the back, and at the same time couldn’t help taking a step forward, “Look at this temperament, I feel like she’s the class monitor or something…..”

“Be careful.” Lu Shen reacted, grabbed his arm and shouted, “Don’t go close to it!”

The expression on Bian Shengjian’s face became a little confused at the moment, and he glanced at Lu Shen, “…What?”

“Damn it.” Lu Shen cursed secretly, covered Bian Shengjian’s eyes with his hand and pulled him back. “Shh…don’t look.”

At this moment, the figure sitting in the corner of the classroom suddenly moved. It threw the book in its hand to the ground and stood up. It turned its head and looked over through the window, facing Lu Shen and Bian Shengjian, it suddenly laughed, showing a mouth full of fangs that were not like any normal human beings.


“Give him…..give him to me…” The figure with a ponytail directly stared at Bian Shengjian, it slowly lowered his body to the ground in a weird crawling posture, looking like a mad dog that would jump up and bite at any time. “Give him to me……………”

“No.” Lu Shen smiled and said, “If you have the ability, why don’t you come and try?”

The resentful spirit became enraged in an instant, and rushed towards him with hands and feet on the ground. Its face was so ferocious that it almost squeezed all its facial features together, and saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.

 “Give him to me!”

As soon as Bian Shengjian broke away from Lu Shen’s hand, he saw this extremely horrifying scene—the scene of a thing crawling on the ground by itself was enough to make one’s scalp tingle, not to mention that the moving speed of this ghost was so fast. In a blink of an eye, it climbed up to the window along the tables and chairs, then slammed its head on the glass, and rushed towards them through that shattered window, while letting out a shrill cry.

“Come here.” 

A small talisman flew out from Lu Shen’s fingertips, and hit the ghost’s brow with incomparable precision. Its writhing body was instantly frozen, and it simply fell straight from the window and hit the ground, simultaneously making a dent on the floor.

The ghost tried to struggle but to no avail, therefore it could only lay still and stare at Lu Shen with poisonous eyes, as if wanting to carve a piece of flesh from his body.

“Damn. ” 

Bian Shengjian stared at it. Although it was still in the form of a person as a whole, judging from its movements and demeanor, it looked more like a ferocious mad dog. One mistake and it would pounce on you and tear you apart. 

“Shh, be quiet.” Lu Shen frowned, then he took two steps forward and pressed his hand on its forehead, which made it struggle even more frantically. Although the body could not move, its long and sharp nails still tried to scratch the floor, and several deep marks were scratched out in a short time——

“Scram…Go to hell!” The resentful spirit grumbled twice, and suddenly became a sharp cry when it saw the white light rising from Lu Shen’s palm, “Go away ahh ahh!”

Sweat dripped from Lu Shen’s forehead, and after failing to appease it, he could only wave to Bian Shengjian helplessly, “Young Bian, come here.”

“That thing won’t bite me, will it?” Bian Shengjian stared at him and contemplated.

“No, it can’t move.” Lu Shen felt helpless, “My good Young Bian, just come over and help me.”

“……Can you talk to me without that teasing tone?” Bian Shengjian took a step towards him hesitantly, only to see that the angry ghost who had just been in a frenzy suddenly became quiet, staring at him through its loose and messy hair, with a pleading expression, as if begging him to get closer to it.

“It’s okay, it won’t bite you.” Lu Shen hesitated, “They all…..are eager to get you.”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about?” Bian Shengjian felt a chill on the back of his head, “Disgusting.”

“Give me your hand.” Lu Shen said.

Bian Shengjian paused, and slowly placed his hand on Lu Shen’s.

Sure enough, it was the same feeling as last time. At the moment of contact with the ghost, he felt a piercing chill hit his face, mixed with many small pains that did not belong to him. It felt like a small fork was stabbing his heart little by little.

The resentful spirit fell silent.

“Tell me, what is your grievance?” Lu Shen said lightly.

Bian Shengjian reluctantly persisted and did not let go. He waited until Lu Shen finished asking that sentence before he felt the thing under his hand move slightly, and then let out a small whimper, like a child who had been wronged for a long time that had suddenly gotten a candy.

“Young Bian,” Lu Shen said suddenly, “quick, give me a kiss.”

“What?” Bian Shengjian didn’t react at all.

“To enter its space, there must be physical contact between the two of us,” Lu Shen said solemnly, “Hurry up.”

“Aren’t our hands already touching?” 

Bian Shengjian was a little speechless, and suddenly heard the ghost under his hand whimpering again silently.

“……All right.” Bian Shengjian gritted his teeth under Lu Shen’s earnest gaze, and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. ” Is that all right?”

A ball of white light rose from Lu Shen’s palm like before, he smiled and put his other hand around Shengjian’s waist, and deepened the kiss.



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