Copy of Resentment

Ghost Presses the Bed

Bian Sheng looked at the yellow paper for a long time before slowly stuffing it back into his schoolbag, thinking that he would study it after he went back. He stretched his legs ,stood up and stared at the quiet lake that was gradually dyed orange by the sunset. It took him a long time to realize that school should’ve been dismissed at this point.

He turned around and was about to go up the steps, but what Zhou Li said when he was drunk that day suddenly flashed into his mind.

Someone once tried to commit suicide by jumping into the lake.

Bian Shengjian paused, hesitating for a few seconds and turned back around. He grabbed two stones from the ground, and threw them at the center of the lake, creating two splashing of water.

“It’s quite deep.” Bian Shengjian frowned.

He turned his head to look at the huge warning sign erected beside him. Near it was a large patch of grass that had been shaved. It emitted a grassy scent mixed with earthy smell.

Bian Shengjian walked around the part where he found Lu Shen lying flat on the first day he met him, and was about to find a longer stick to stick it into the water to find out how deep the lake was, when suddenly a shout came from above. “Hey! Classmate!”

Bian Shengjian raised his head and saw a man staring at him with a righteous face and a red badge on his sleeve. He was probably some kind of campus patrol student or something.

“Don’t go near the lake! Come up quickly! Which class are you from?” 

“…..Got it.” Bian Shengjian could only give up his plan of exploration and go up the steps, but the man still persevered in front of him. “Which class are you from! Didn’t you know that it was a taboo to go near the lake and the back mountain?”

“Almost got it.” Bian Shengjian was a little impatient. He immediately took his schoolbag and wanted to leave. “I didn’t jump down……Excuse me, thank you.”

“You!” It was probably the first time the boy on duty met such a rogue person, that he irritably slapped the notebook in his hand loudly. “Please cooperate with our patrol work! What’s your class name?”

“None.” Bian Shengjian was a little speechless, “We are done now, right?”

“What did you say?” The man raised his eyes and looked over, his tone a little shocked. “Were you just being rude to me?”

“Class 8.” Bian Shengjian was too lazy to deal with this person, and just casually said a name. “Is that okay? Then excuse me.”

The boy quickly wrote it down in the notebook, and then hesitated. “Class 8… Is there a student surnamed Deng…”

“Young Bian!”

Someone stood a few steps away from them and waved at Bian Shengjian. “Let’s go and eat!”

“Coming.” Bian Shengjian pushed the man aside without thinking, rushed to where Lu Shen was standing and threw his schoolbag at him. “I said no not call me that again, it’s childish.”

“Hey, wait!”

The boy on duty was still a little hesitant, and shouted at Bian Shengjian again. “Are you lying to me? Are you really from Class 8? Show me your ID!”

“Damn…” Bian Shengjian was a little annoyed at this man’s persistent dedication.”I don’t think it’s worth it if I jump into the lake, I haven’t even learned why I am here yet.” 

“Forget it.” Lu Shen grabbed his arm, “Don’t talk to him.”

Bian Shengjian pointed at the man, and it seemed that he was still on fire. “Come here…”

“Let’s run!” Before the boy could rush up to them, Lu Shen pulled Bian Shengjian around and quickly ran across the middle row of trees to the school road. The boy hadn’t probably reacted for a while and just stood there staring at their backs in shock, but he didn’t really chase after them for a long time.

“What are you running for? Are you sick?” Bian Shengjian was a little speechless, but Lu Shen squeezed his wrist with great strength. It was not until they had run for a long time that he couldn’t bear it and yelled. “Let go!”

Lu Shen loosened his hand and couldn’t help laughing and coughing several times on the ground. “Young Bian, the expression on your face when you just confronted that person was quite cute.”

“I’m angry!” Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but slap the bastard’s arm. “How come you can be found anywhere? Are you a ghost?”

“Not a ghost,” Lu Shen withdrew his smile, and his tone suddenly became serious. “But a guardian spirit. Bless you to be safe in this life.”

“…Aren’t you just awesome.” Bian Shengjian said through gritted teeth.

It was just after seven o’clock after dinner, and there was just a little time to wander downstairs, but Bian Shengjian was not in any interest at the moment. He just sat on the bench and stared at the other people in a daze.

“Won’t you go back and read some books tonight?” Lu Shen asked, pointing to the people carrying books that passed by.

“I’m not interested.” Bian Shengjian lowered his head and took out his mobile phone and started flipping through the messages, “Do you think I’m the kind of person who loves studying?”

“Unlikely, but learning should be very useful to the brain.” Lu Shen said.

“Uh huh.” Bian Shengjian only raised his eyebrows and didn’t look at him.

“Why don’t you want to study?” Lu Shen’s tone lowered, “Are you rebelling against your family?”

Bian Shengjian finally looked up at him, but his tone was very flat. “Go back.”

“Did I guess it right?” Lu Shen also raised his eyebrows.

Bian Shengjian did not speak. There were indeed some reasons why Bian Shengjian won’t, but more so, he also had his own problems.

When he was still a child, Bian Shengjian was often praised by people for being a smart prodigy. At that time, he didn’t know that those people were trying to flatter his father, that’s why they praised him in different ways. He was constantly soaked in the sweet praise soup for a long time. Later, when he went to primary school, he always held a contemptuous attitude towards his classmates from the beginning. He felt that he must be the best in the world although his hair isn’t gray yet, and that studying was just nothing.

But later, he keenly discovered the gap between himself and others, and the more the gap developed, the more obvious it became. This huge psychological gap made it difficult for him to accept, but no matter how hard he worked in his studies, he never surpassed the female class monitor who always monopolized the first place in the past six years.

As a result, when he entered junior high school, he began to let himself go. Began to learn all kinds of fancy skipping classes. As for fighting with people, it was an innate skill.

He could give a series of warnings and punishments without being taught. In addition, almost every issue of the white list paste at the school gate had his arrogant face covered with band aids.

It was not until after playing music and getting to know Li Fei and the others that Bian Shengjian felt that he had truly found the meaning of life, and he was even more disdainful of Bian Jianhua’s words of, “Have you ever thought about what you will do in the future?” Of course, he didn’t have the right to control him.

But now it’s different from before, the environment was different, and the people he knew had also changed. Sometimes Bian Shengjian couldn’t help being a little confused when he was lying half asleep in class. If this state continues, what will his future be like?

“It’s none of your business whether I want to or not.” Bian Shengjian said.

Lu Shen shrugged and didn’t answer the topic again. “Let’s go.”

At exactly 7:15, the gate of the dormitory slammed shut behind Bian Shengjian. Whenever it was this time, he normally would have a strong feeling that he was in a prison, but today he couldn’t muster up the energy to think about it. After dealing with Lu Shen with a few words, he planned to close the door of his single room.

“Third brother.” Lu Shenyong stopped the door from closing with his hand, “If there is anything, I’ll just be next door.”

“What’s the matter?” Bian Shengjian frowned, and remembered what Lu Shen said in the afternoon, “Be careful tonight”, and frowned even more. “Are you trying to scare me again?”

“How dare I.” Lu Shen smiled and let go, “Good night, see you tomorrow.”

“Hmm.” Bian Shengjian punched him on the shoulder casually, “Why are you always weird.”

After Bian Shengjian finished fiddling with his electric keyboard, he glanced at the time, and it was just past ten o’clock. Generally speaking, he would still be very energetic even after midnight, but at this moment he was so sleepy that he couldn’t keep his eyelids from closing. He finally got up with difficulty and went to the balcony to wash his face. Dried his face afterwards and fell down on the bed with his eyes closed. He fell asleep fast within a second.

However in his sleep, Bian Shengjian vaguely heard a bell sounding in his ears again, and it seemed to be clearer than when he heard it before, slamming into his eardrum as if it had turned into a solid thing.

“Fuck…what the hell…” Bian Shengjian dazedly took out the ear plug under the pillow and blocked the sound. Now he can’t hear it anymore. It was so quiet that he could even hear his own heartbeat.

It’s much more comfortable. Bian Shengjian turned his body to face the wall. After a while, he felt that this position was not very comfortable, so he lay back on his back and subconsciously touched the quilt.

The room was very quiet, the doors and windows were closed, and only a small slit was opened for ventilation at night, but when Bian Shengjian fell asleep, he felt a little cold.

“…why is it so cold?” With eyes still closed, he frowned and wrapped the quilt around him, but he still felt an inexplicable cold air penetrated into his body along the bed board, and unknowingly his back was covered with goosebumps.

What’s going on? Did it suddenly cool down even before October arrived?

Bian Shengjian originally wanted to get up and get a coat from the closet to make do with it, but at the moment he was very sleepy. After several seconds of ideological struggle, he gave up the idea of ​​getting out of bed. He just curled up slightly and fell asleep again.

As soon as he fell asleep, he had a dream, and he dreamed of the person who had not appeared in his dream for a long time.

“Mom!” Bian Shengjian shouted at the familiar back, his tone trembling. “Is that you?”

The woman turned around slightly, and the expression on her face was a little surprised when she saw him. “Sanbao?

“It’s me.” Bian Shengjian nodded vigorously, and ran to the woman desperately. “Mom!”

But no matter how much he ran, the distance between the woman standing on the spot became bigger and bigger, and even the figure became a little blurry.

“Mom!” Bian Shengjian was a little desperate, but no matter how he shouted and ran, the distance was still increasing, and the woman’s figure became more and more blurred.

“Sanbao… Where are you…” Someone called him softly, its voice anxious and soft.

“I’m here! I…” Before Bian Shengjian finished speaking, he suddenly froze in place, the expression on his face changed from sluggishness to shock, and finally there was only endless fear–

A knife.

There was a knife dripping with blood. 

The bright red blood was dripping down continuously along the hilt of the knife, and it had gathered into a small pool on the ground. The air seemed to also smell with the unique scent of blood.

Bian Shengjian watched in horror as more and more red gathered on the ground, and it seemed to have the tendency of spreading to his feet.

“…Son.” Someone was calling him, the voice was very low. There was some hint of air wheezing as the person spoke, it was as if their throat had been cut off.

He looked up and saw a knife stuck in the woman’s chest, and the blood was coming from where the knife protruded.

“It’s not true.” 

“Do not….This is not true. “The man suddenly pulled out the knife, trembling all over. “It’s not true!”

The woman fell heavily on the ground the moment he pulled out the knife, her face and hair were covered with blood, she was a mess and looked very frightening. But a smile slowly appeared on her pale face, with a hint of strange softness. “You have to be obedient.”

“It’s not true…” The man was still shouting in a mournful and desperate tone. “Son, you must believe me! It’s not true!”

Bian Shengjian stumbled and fell to the ground. The two people, standing and lying, locked their eyes on his face, and their mouths kept opening and closing, but he couldn’t anymore hear what they were saying–

“This is not true… I’m only dreaming…” He closed his eyes and covered his head, his body shaking uncontrollably.

“Please…” he murmured, “No… I don’t want it…”


Bian Shengjian abruptly opened his eyes, his body was soaked in sweat, and his pajamas uncomfortably stuck to his back.

He was gasping for breath in the dark, like a person floating in the deep sea who would suffocate as long as he didn’t catch his breath. His brain was numb, his spine was tingling and he couldn’t see anything in front of him because of the darkness.

Bian Shengjian stared and gasped for at least a minute before reaching out to take off his pajamas, but the next second he found something unbelievable. He couldn’t move.

Shit, what’s going on?

Bian Shengjian held his breath and tried to sit up first, but he couldn’t even lift a finger after working hard for a long time, as if his body was out of his control in an instant, leaving only his soul floating in an empty shell. 

His mind was blank for 30 seconds before he came to a conclusion: ghost presses the bed.

(t/n The ghost presses the bed, refers to suddenly becoming conscious but unable to move the body while sleeping. In fact, it is a person suffering from a sleep disorder disease.)

Although there was a special and scientific explanation for it, Bian Shengjian only felt that he was going crazy at this moment.

He couldn’t move his whole body, and his throat couldn’t make a sound. In the darkness, he could only hear his suppressed breathing. Despair and fear came over him like a wave, and his heartbeat was so fast that it was almost chaotic. 

Shengjian was a little desperate. He wanted to close his eyes, but he didn’t even have the strength to control his eyelids.

He was struggling desperately on the bed to regain control of his body, when he heard a loud knock on the door after a while, as if someone had kicked it from the outside.

He struggled to turn his eyes to look at the door, but his heart rate floated to the highest in an instant:

There was a vague shadow standing at the window.


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