Copy of Resentment


“Tolling bells?”

Lu Shen shook his head in consternation. “…I didn’t hear it.” 

“Really?” Bian Shengjian sighed, “Forget it. Just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“Then,” The expression on Lu Shen’s face was quite natural, “let’s have breakfast.”

Bian Shengjian only glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and didn’t answer.

Last night, he heard the faint sound of it nonstop. In the end, he couldn’t help but wear earplugs to block the eerie sound. That situation was very uncomfortable for Bian Shengjian, who can only sleep when it’s absolutely quiet. He even thought that he had to suffer insomnia, but the amazing thing was that he actually slept well last night. It was even a rare deep sleep where he hadn’t dreamt of anything until he woke up. 

It was a little strange.

Bian Shengjian inadvertently observed the look on Lu Shen’s face. For some reason, he was very sure that Lu Shen must have heard it too but was just deliberately pretending to be stupid in front of him.

This damn thing.

Lu Shen and Bian Shengjian were standing side by side at the back of the line. Lu Shen affectionately asks him, “Have you charged your meal card?”

“It’s charged.” Bian Shengjian raised his eyebrows and looked at him, “I’ll pay for your meal this time, you can order whatever you want. “

“Okay.” Lu Shen was not polite either and directly pointed out a few dishes from the window to the aunty in charge, then stepped back a few steps to the side and made a polite gesture of invitation. “Mr. Bian, swipe your card here.”

Bian Shengjian raised his hand and swiped on the card machine, then lowered his head and was about to collect the dishes into his tray. The boy behind him was stunned when he saw the amount on his card, and he couldn’t hold back and shouted in a low voice. “Fuck, you charged your card with 10,000 yuan?”

“What…” Lu Shen was also a little shocked and glanced at the figures displayed on the machine. “Young Master, why did you charge your meal card with so much money?”

“Let’s find a table and eat.” Bian Shengjian put a few dishes on his tray and walked to a table with a calm expression on his face looking like a grown man who’s casually having a morning stroll. “Charge this much immediately to avoid future troubles.”

“No,” Lu Shen looked at him and couldn’t help laughing a little, “Isn’t it a bit too much? Are the chicken legs you eat for lunch gilded or diamond-studded?

“You care that much?” Bian Shengjian impatiently took a bun and stuffed Lu Shen’s chattering mouth with it. 

“Eat yours.” 

Lu Shen took a bite of the bun and said with a smile, “As expected, your family can even afford to donate a building…… What the hell does your father do? So rich.”

Bian Shengjian gave him a cold look, “Don’t mention him in front of me. I don’t always rely on his money. I have my own.”

“Your own?” Lu Shen couldn’t help but be amused. “The young master also went out to work and experience the sufferings of the world himself?”

“Your family lives by the sea?” Bian Shengjian reached for a fried dumpling and chewed it in his mouth. “Don’t worry about other people’s affairs.”

(t/n your family lives by the sea-an internet buzzword. Saying this sentence is to let the other party know to mind their own business)

“Just curious,” Lu Shen smiled and shrugged, “Third brother, what happened before you changed schools? Tell me about it.”

“Sure,” Bian Shengjian put down his chopsticks, placed his right elbow on the table, and stared into his eyes, “But you have to tell me about your past too.”

“…What do you want to hear?” Lu Shen narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Anything will do,” Bian Shengjian said while slightly flexing his knuckles on the table, “It’s just that……..I can’t seem to see through you.”

“Isn’t that good?” Lu Shen, who stared back at him, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, “Keeping a sense of mystery will help our friendship last forever.”

“Forget it,” Bian Shengjian slapped his arm expressionlessly. “One day I will pry your mouth open to tell me the truth.”

“It’s still early in the morning,” Lu Shen immediately rubbed his arm. “Is it really good to be this imposing?”

“If you can’t finish eating these, pack them up.” Bian Shengjian didn’t look at him anymore and pointed to the pile of untouched food left on the table. “Help me bring it to class. “

“For Zhou Li?” Lu Shen raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah.” Bian Shengjian hesitated for a while, got up, and walked back to the window. He ordered several pieces of beef buns and put them together with the untouched foods. Somehow bringing a bag full of food gave a visual sense of offering sacrifices to an emperor.

“Although Zhou Li has a big temper, he doesn’t usually hold grudges, so don’t worry.” Lu Shen said on the way to their classroom. “I didn’t really expect you to use food to coax people…”

“Want me to bite you to death?!” Bian Shengjian endured it and didn’t kick Lu Shen’s ass on the spot.

It was getting late when they finally arrived at the classroom, but there were still not many people inside at the moment. Most of them were chattering or eating buns in their seats. He suddenly smelled a peculiar smell and took a step back in disgust. “Damn… who’s eating a leek box in the morning?” 

(t/n Chinese Leek Box is one of the most popular appetizers in China. With hot, tender leeks,  fried eggs inside, and crispy wrapper on the outside)

“Me.” Immediately, a boy raised his head and gave a cold look to Bian Shenjian. “Do you have a problem?”

Bian Shengjian looked at him in silence for a few seconds. He had no idea where this inexplicable hostility came from…….. Wait, nevermind. He understands now.

Bian Shengjian quickly dodged to the door, avoiding the eyes of the few girls in front of him. These few girls somehow looked at him so brightly that they aroused the jealousy of the surrounding boys. But, maybe because of his arrogant words and deeds on the first day, they didn’t dare to come forward to talk to him. However, it suited him just fine. Furthermore, he doesn’t want to make anyone feel embarrassed if he rejects or accepts someone at some point.

Lu Shen couldn’t help laughing a few times behind him. “Third brother, are you going to commit a peach blossom today?”

(t/n peach blossom-love affair)

“Go away.” Bian Shengjian didn’t look back.

After finally waiting for the various ecstasy smells in the classroom to dissipate a little, Bian Shengjian hurriedly walked back to his seat with the bag full of food. He happened to see Zhou Li with his back to him, bowing his head and unpacking his school bag. He hesitated for a little before slowly walking to Zhou Li and said, “That…have you already eaten?”

“Ah?” Zhou Li paused before turning to look at him. “You’re asking me?”

“Well, eat some if you haven’t.” Bian Shengjian handed over the bag. “I didn’t touch any of these.”

“This… “ Zhou Li was stunned when he looked at the big bag. “Brother Jian, are you covering my meals for the day?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Just eat it if you like.” Bian Shengjian shoved the bag directly into his hand, “Are you still being polite here with me?”

“Damn, I’m not being polite to you.” Zhou Li touched his nose and smiled, “Thanks.”

“Actually, what happened yesterday… I didn’t take it to heart.” Zhou Li hesitated with the bag in his hand before saying, “Really.”

“Hmm.” Bian Shengjian looked at him. “Hurry up, take a few bites before class starts.”

“Okay.” Zhou Li nodded with a smile, took a bun from the bag, and started eating it. He asked, “You knew I like beef-stuffed buns?”

“Guessed it. But you’re probably so hungry that you can even eat shit.” Bian Shengjian said casually as he tidied his things on his desk.

After a pause, he swallowed the bun in his mouth with some difficulty. “…Brother, although you are a good person, I still really want to find a chance to have a hard discussion with you.”

“It’s better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Let’s see you on the playground outside after school today.” Bian Shengjian said.

(t/n It’s better to choose a day than to hit the sun-which means that everything will be fine. In the past, Chinese people had to choose a good day for any major activities, such as weddings and funerals, groundbreaking sacrifices, and even “bathing”. This is called “choosing a day”. In fact, we all know that choosing a date is just a form of psychological comfort, and choosing a date at random is not necessarily bad, so there is a saying that “it’s better to hit the sun than to choose a date”. Everything will be just fine. Since we come to a certain occasion together, don’t choose another day to get together.)

Lu Shen, who had been watching the two of them from the side, couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

The first and second sessions were Lao Tan’s Chinese classes. Although Bian Shengjian was the type who would go out with a group of people who liked skip classes, it doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t listen when he’s inside the class. But when he really calmed down and prepared to listen to the lecture, he immediately found that the quality of teaching in No. 4 Middle School was far from that of his previous school. Although Lao Tan’s class was very serious, he felt that he was basically reading words from the textbook. There was nothing new. Bian Shengjian couldn’t help but start to feel sleepy after listening to it. The tone of the lecture on the podium seemed to be prolonged, and he had to take two deep breaths to keep himself from sleeping on the table.

However, compared to the quality of the lectures, he was more concerned about the listening atmosphere in the class. Lao Tan’s class was just average, but the mood in the audience was also very bad. Almost everyone was staring at the blackboard without making a sound. Lao Tan tried to interact with the students several times, but no one was willing to pay attention to him, it was dead silent. To Bian Shengjian, this kind of atmosphere was more unbearable than listening to English in a vegetable market.

So quiet!

Bian Shengjian couldn’t sit still halfway through the class. Although he was a scumbag who squatted in the back row and listened to the tyrants in class, a lively classroom atmosphere was at least more comfortable. Not this kind of ghost teaching with zero communication and zero interactions making him almost get goosebumps all over his back.

“Zhou Li!” Bian Shengjian had no choice but to shout in a low voice, but he didn’t know whether the grandson fell asleep or pretended to be deaf. After shouting for a long time, he didn’t even move.

“Come on.” Bian Shengjian could only turn his head and glance at the side. After their eyes met, Lu Shen blinked slightly and mouthed, “What?”

“Nothing.” Bian Shengjian turned back feeling a little depressed.

At this moment, even if he wanted to fish for someone to talk to, he couldn’t find anyone. In all honesty, it was a bit lonely.

Bian Shengjian couldn’t listen to the class either, so he could only use the cover of the stack of books in front of him to chat with a few people in the group chat until class was dismissed. He had to also guard against the surveillance of an old man walking down the corridor outside the window at any time. Playing on his cell phone made his back sore. After class ended, he immediately slumped onto his desk.

Suddenly, someone tapped lightly on his table a few times. Bian Shengjian was already in a bad mood, and when he sat up grumpily, he immediately caught Lao Tan’s friendly face. “Shengjian, come out and have a chat with me?”

“Okay.” Bian Shengjian stood up and simply ignored Zhou Li’s worried eyes when he turned to look at him.

Lao Tan took him to a place where there were only a few people before slowly opening his mouth. “Shengjian, have you adapted to your new school?”

“Well… Bian Shengjian hesitated but immediately nodded. “Yeah. I’ve already adapted. “

“You’re lying.” Lao Tan looked at him and smiled, “It’s alright. After all, you transferred from another school, and it’s normal that there are still some difficulties in getting used to it.” 


Shengjian answered fully anticipating Lao Tan’s next words. “Shengjian…”

Now it was Lao Tan’s turn to hesitate for a long time before he said tentatively, “Do you know that your dad invested in this school?”

“I didn’t know.” Bian Shengjian said in a flat tone.

“Okay,” Lao Tan sighed, “I didn’t expect your father to act as such when he came here. The school board has sent people to talk to me several times, saying that they want me to focus on developing you for the next two years.”

“Hmmm.” Bian Shengjian responded while staring at his shoes.

“Don’t be pressured. I have been the head teacher for more than ten years, and I treat every student in the class equally.” Lao Tan said, reaching out and patting him on the shoulder. “But I also know your father has great expectations for you, so let us give him a break.”

“He doesn’t deserve it.” Bian Shengjian said in a low tone.

“What?” Lao Tan was stunned, seeing that he refused to speak anymore, he could only reluctantly give up the topic. “By the way, about the matter between you and Teacher Chen yesterday… I have already investigated it thoroughly. “

“And then?” Bian Shengjian frowned and looked at him.

“It’s true that both you and Teacher Chen are at fault in this matter, but your father’s side was obviously biased towards you,” Lao Tan smiled helplessly, “He and Teacher Chen were very lively when they got called into the office yesterday. I almost couldn’t control the situation.”

“What did I do wrong?” Bian Shengjian snorted disdainfully. “Don’t put the blame on me. I won’t accept it even if you punish me.”

“I knew you would say that,” Lao Tan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. Taking advantage of Shengjian’s shocked state, he immediately retracted his hand. “In general, although Teacher Chen was very dissatisfied, the school and I have seen the video and found that there was no act of really going against the teacher, so you will not be punished.”

Bian Shengjian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Mr. Cai.”

Although he doesn’t really care if he was punished, it’s not that he hadn’t experienced it before, but after all, it’s better to have less than one more thing, so as not to have to add something like a review under the national flag on Monday after the punishment …..

“But since you did not pay attention in class, the school decided to punish you by having you clean up the fallen leaves for three days on school grounds after school,” said Lao Tan.

“What?” Bian Shengjian was so shocked that he almost broke his voice, “Cleaning the school grounds? Mr. Cai, why didn’t you discuss with them to let me clean the toilet instead?”

“If you want, it’s not impossible.” Lao Tan smiled and adjusted his glasses.

“Are you kidding me?” Bian Shengjian looked at him stumped.

“It’s better to choose a day than to hit the sun,” Lao Tan clapped his hands, “Do it after school ends today.”

Bian Shengjian suddenly felt that his life was gloomy.

The author has something to say: 

The real small playground style OVO

Will continue tomorrow.


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