Contract Marriage Interrupted

Crack (5)

Episode 94. Crack (5)


Upon hearing the words from behind, Odette’s body stiffened instantly.

Although she knew she should dismiss it as nonsense, she couldn’t bring herself to ignore what was said.

This was because Odette’s memory had not yet reached her own death.

In the end, she turned around and asked.

“I’m…… dead?”

“Didn’t you know……. You’re dead. It was reported as a suicide.”

Up until this point, while somewhat shocking, it wasn’t entirely surprising.

Odette was more aware than anyone that she was half-mad in her dreams. In such a mental state, attempting suicide wouldn’t be entirely unexpected.

But Louis had said that Walter had ‘killed’ her.

“It doesn’t make sense if it was suicide. You said Walter killed me?”

“It’s what’s publicly known as suicide. A note written by you was found, and given the circumstances, it appeared that you jumped from the terrace of the mansion.”

Louie briefly explained the circumstances surrounding Odette’s death.

The investigation following Odette’s death concluded it was suicide.

Initially, the will Odette had written was undoubtedly in her own handwriting, and as the will included details about the suicide, there was no room for doubt.

But even as Odette’s suicide became a certainty, one question remained, that was regarding Walter?


The reason was simple.

“Walter Ertmann was also on the terrace where you jumped.”

“……What are you saying?”

“We don’t have all the details, but he was there when you died. What could he have possibly done there?”

Odette’s fall from the terrace might have been Walter’s doing, Louis said.

Just his presence alone was enough to cast suspicion on him as a potential murderer.

Whether he killed her, pushed her towards death, or simply stood by and watched, he couldn’t escape responsibility.

“Walter Ertmann, he is that kind of man, and…… perhaps he has those memories too. Maybe much more than you and I know.”

“That’s not possible…….”

Odette reflexively denied the possibility, but fell silent.

She remembered the strange aura she had often sensed around Walter, and the way he acted as if he knew everything. He even knew things about Odette’s tastes that she had never told him.

‘Is it because he has memories from the past?’

Odette staggered back a step in shock.

Louis casually reached out for her again, but then withdrew with a sigh, as if recalling Odette’s previous rejection.

“You must have some suspicions yourself. No matter how devoted he seems to you, don’t trust him. He’s likely just using you and planning to discard you.”


“……To be honest, it’s hard for me to believe you, too.”

“It probably is. If it’s really hard to believe, look into the relic. You have connections at Belfort Academy, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find out.”

“The relic…….”

Odette murmured the word unwittingly.

It was because she recalled the conversation about relics she had heard at Belfort Academy before her marriage, where Count Clovis spoke about them.

– I heard that the Divinity Department has been researching relics for a long time. There are only three of them in the entire continent, and they grant wishes.

– Wishes? How is that possible?

– According to the records, it’s said that even turning back time or bringing back the dead is possible. Of course, it’s just a record and a claim.

At the end of that conversation, Louis was mentioned.

– It seemed like a curse, but it was actually because of the relic’s influence. I don’t know the details since they don’t share them over there…… but it seems to have been a very useful case.

Although she couldn’t believe other things, this information came from Anne Sophie.

It must have been true.

‘Then, is everything Louis said really true?’

Walter killed me?

Louis’s words cut sharply through her confusion.


“Maybe not now, but sooner or later, he will reveal his true intentions. If you want to escape from him, feel free to contact me anytime. I…… I want to save you, at least in this lifetime.”

Louis’s expression as he said this was tinted with affection, longing, and remorse towards Odette.

Was it because of the fact that he had once died in a past life?

His face seemed ready to reach out and hold her hand at any moment.

The same face Louis had longed for so desperately in her dreams.

But the expression itself wasn’t unfamiliar. The reason was simple.

‘Walter always looked at me like that…….’

Was it because he had memories from the past?

If so, what exactly was he hoping for?

Is he really going to use her and throw her away?

* * *


In the end, Odette pushed past Louis and left the terrace.

With each uncertain step, she struggled to catch her breath.

Every truth seemed to sway and emit a blinding light before her eyes. The stifling feeling that could only be relieved by meeting Walter.

So Odette wandered the ballroom, searching for Walter.

Her hurried steps slowed down around the third corner. It wasn’t because her feet hurt or because she no longer felt urgency in finding Walter.


‘…… Something feels strange.’

At first, she dismissed it, but she felt eyes following her with each step.

It wasn’t just the usual scrutiny that came with being the Duchess of Ertmann.

This felt like the time after the scandal between Odette and Walter broke out, when the society gossiped under Katarina’s command.

Eyes that hinted at mockery and disdain, doubting whether what they heard was true or false.

The realization of this discomfort overwhelmed Odette even more.


Unable to contain her confusion, Odette was about to speak to someone when suddenly.

“Your Majesty, There you are!”


A young lady with bright red hair, Ellie, appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Odette’s arm.


“Where have you been all this time? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Come here! I found something really tasty!”

“Wait, Ellie. I need to find Walter-“

“Your Highness.”

Ellie suddenly lowered her voice as if all her earlier enthusiasm had been a lie.

“We need to leave quickly. Do you know what’s being said right now?”

“…… What?”

“They say the Third Princess and the Duke were caught having an affair. It wasn’t just one witness! Can you believe it? They were shamelessly embracing in public!”

Ellie expressed disbelief at how Odette’s sister could engage in such behavior.

But Odette’s mind was blank, as if she had been struck by a blow.

Walter was having an affair.

“That can’t be true. He’s not that kind of person…….”

Odette mumbled in disbelief, then abruptly stopped.

She couldn’t bring herself to say that Walter wasn’t that kind of person.

‘What do I really know about him to say that?’

She still didn’t know anything about him.

And now that she knows the unwanted truth, he’s even more of an unknown.

The man who might have killed her, and the man who was so sweet and devoted to her.

Someone who would have deceived her, knowing all about a past that never happened.

Someone who would have wanted her anyway, knowing all that hadn’t happened.

Two conflicting propositions, in a moment of confusion.



She turned her head at the voice that reached her ears.

Walter, whom she hadn’t seen face to face in days, stood there.

His hair slightly disheveled, and his features marked with concern as if he had hurried over.

He must have felt uncomfortable on his way here, or heard the rumors himself.

Perhaps that was why.

There was an uncharacteristic guilt in Walter’s gaze.

The look in his eyes made it impossible for Odette to deny anything that was cluttering her mind.

Louis’s words were true. Odette hadn’t uttered a word about the past, yet she was certain that Walter knew about it. Ignorant individuals could never have eyes filled with such guilt.

Furthermore, the rumors were true. Innocent individuals wouldn’t carry such a guilty look.

“You……. what exactly…….”

The distress that had remained unexpressed even when she heard Louis’s truth now erupted.

Odette swallowed hard and asked.

“…… What exactly are you hiding?”

* * *


A common room located deep in the ballroom.

It served as the private quarters of the royal family, and only one outsider was allowed to enter.

Louis Clovis.

As he pushed open the door and entered, the woman pouring amber-colored liquid into a goblet greeted him with a sneer.

“Well, well, who do we have here? It’s our fortunate Count. Where have you been off to?”

“I had some business to attend to at the banquet hall, Your Highness.”

“Ah, I see. You must have wanted to catch a glimpse of Odette, since she’s here today. She’s become quite beautiful since becoming the Duchess of Ertmann hasn’t she?”

Blake, the one who had spoken to Louis, frowned and swirled his glass.

Uncharacteristically abandoning his usual sarcastic demeanor, he exaggerated his tone and gestures. Louis now understood that this was Blake’s way of jabbing, just as Louis understood when someone poked fun.

“…… Please refrain from such nonsense. Meeting with the Fourth Princess was not my main purpose.”

“Of course, I know that. Thanks to you, we were able to plan quite an interesting affair.”

Blake emptied his glass neatly and set it down with a clink, smiling broadly.

He was suddenly back to his usual demeanor, as if he hadn’t been so drunk since when?

“It’s just that I heard a funny story, and I wanted to tell it to the Count.”

“What story?”

“Earlier, Lizaina came to change her clothes. Unfortunately, she said that her magic tools were taken from her and she won’t be able to return them.”

“It’s fine since it was a one-time use anyway.”

“Is it? Well, that’s good then. The important thing is what Lizaina said.”

Blake’s lips curved coldly.

“Duke Ertmann, she said he intends to die.”


Louis’s face stiffened.

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