Contract Marriage Interrupted

Cedric's question

Episode 83. Cedric’s Question


Is it because Walter’s demeanor is not particularly good?

But Cedric, who knows well how often those born with blue blood under the name of nobility can be despicable and vile, isn’t unaware. If anything, in that regard, Walter fell into a very favorable category.

If the name Ertmann isn’t enough, he’ll have to bring in royalty next time.

There aren’t any major issues within the family, and Walter isn’t mistreating Odette.

If it was visible to Arnold, there was no way it would not be visible to Cedric.

But why?

“Is it still because of his demeanor?”

“Of course, it’s true that Walter isn’t someone who lacks in demeanor wherever he goes.”

Cedric smiled faintly.

“But even if Walter were an outstanding person, I would have opposed it.”

“So character isn’t the issue?”

“No. It’s Walter’s status.”

Status? Arnold’s expression became even more puzzled.

“Isn’t Ertmann’s position high enough?”

“It is significant. It’s the excessive elevation that’s the problem.”

Cedric sighed, pressing his temples.


“Arnold, do you think I’ve let it go because I truly don’t care how Odette is doing? Do you think I don’t know how she’s treated by Queen Katarina and her arrogant brothers?”

Arnold didn’t need an answer.

It was a no.

Arnold had long observed Cedric’s efforts to assist Odette behind the scenes.

He could count on one hand the number of times Cedric had cleared the poisoned wine that had nearly gotten to her.

“Of course, Odette doesn’t like to be helped by me. But sometimes the way she’s being treated makes me want to invite her to come completely under my protection, even if she doesn’t want to.”

A question that Cedric has consistently asked Odette.

– Odette, don’t you want anything?

– If you change your mind, please tell me. Even if I’m not trustworthy, I can still offer you some protection.

Odette thought of it as Cedric’s test, but Cedric was always sincere.

He had every intention of taking her under his wing with a single nod of her head.

But at the same time, he knew he couldn’t.

Even if he knew that Odette was wary of him, even if he knew that she felt pressured, that she always saw his questions as a test, he couldn’t say a word.

The reason was simple.

“Odette must live quietly. Otherwise, she faces a doomed fate.”

In fact, the questions Cedric asked were truly tests.


However, they were never meant to test Odette’s loyalty as she thought.

In fact, those were designed to save her life.

“As you know, I was the one who sent Odette to Belfort. And I was the one who knew about her abilities first.”

Cedric was also the first to know about the misfortune in Odette’s fate.

The first time he learned of her powers was more than a decade ago.

On one occasion, Cedric had almost died after drinking poisoned tea.

The threat of poisoning was not that surprising to Cedric, who did not have the protection of an Empress.

But thanks to the protection provided by the Duke of Pavel, the deceased queen’s family, and Cedric’s own sharpness, there were rarely instances where Cedric actually consumed a lethal dose of poison.

At least until that day.

‘Am I going to die like this?’

Cedric slumped against the table, gasping for breath, barely clinging to consciousness.

He hadn’t even taken a sip before he felt his body harden from the tip of his tongue, and the shards of his teacup rolled across the floor with a loud clatter.

If there had been anyone around, he could have been seen by a doctor and saved his life, but Cedric was alone that day.

And despite the loud noise of the cup shattering, there wasn’t a soul around.

‘It seems like it was deliberately …… poisoned.’

He had consumed the poison in a meticulously calculated trap.

Even if he wanted to scream, no sound came out.


Though he wanted to crawl out somehow, his body refused to move.

All that engulfed him were the chilling shadows of death and dreadful helplessness.

It was then that Cedric sensed his own death.

‘There’s no way out.’

It was too late. Even if someone discovered him and called for a doctor now, there would be no remedy.

His consciousness was already fading.

Cedric resigned himself to his impending death, feeling utterly powerless.

And when he opened his eyes.

– Ah, brother Cedric. Are you awake? How do you feel?

Odette was there.

Cedric furrowed his brow and struggled to sit up.

-……You, the Fourth Princess? Where… where am I??

– I just came to visit for a moment, but when I saw you collapsed at the tea table, so I tried to wake you up. Oh my god, look at the cold sweat. Did you have a fever?

– You…… woke me up?

It was only then that Cedric realized he didn’t feel any pain at all.

Having experienced poison a few times before, he knew that even if he barely survived the poison, he would still suffer for some time afterward.

Most of the time, it would result in slight paralysis or, in some cases, a few days of feverish discomfort.

But this time, despite supposedly consuming a lethal dose, his body felt unusually light.

And Odette, who wasn’t even a doctor, had woken Cedric from unconsciousness?


No matter how he thought about it, something was wrong.

Especially when Odette said Cedric had woken up after he had fallen asleep due to his illness.

From that day on, Cedric began investigating the possibility that Odette had special abilities, and after he was convinced that she had magical powers, he sent her to Belfort.

And by that time, Cedric had also come to truly care for Odette.

The problem was the story about Odette’s abilities sent from Belfort.

Zantipe, The head of the Magic Department at the Belfort Academy’s reported.

– The power possessed by Her Highness is truly remarkable. It’s an exceedingly rare ability, comparable to that of a god. However, for some reason, all those who are born with it are unhappy and short-lived.

In fact, this did not necessarily apply only to Odette’s abilities.

Is there any reason to say that beauty and genius are often met with tragic fates?

Those who are excessively exceptional or defy common understanding often face unhappy lives and tragic ends.

It just so happened that every single one of them who was born with Odette’s ‘life-giving ability’.

As soon as Cedric heard the news, he sent a letter to Zantipe to keep Odette silent about the misfortune.

And since then, he’s been trying to figure out how to save her life.

“The only thing I know for sure is that the longer you keep quiet, the better your chances of survival.”

The more people who know about your abilities, the more misery you will suffer.


Furthermore, hastily trying to escape from the given unhappiness often resulted in even greater misfortune later on, so acting recklessly was out of the question.

“Regis Xavier was a case in point. I knew in advance that he had approached Odette with impure intentions. Although I considered intervening before Odette learned the truth, she seemed to be quite enjoying her time with him, so I let it be. But what was the result?”

Odette found out the truth about Regis in the worst possible way, and it hurt her like never before.

Her misfortune was a reaction to the fact that being with Reggie had allowed her to escape a little bit from the reality she’d been living under.

Or perhaps, from the beginning, Regis’s approach to Odette might have been a repercussion of her abilities being known to Zantipe and a few others.

It was then that Cedric became certain.

Until there was a clearer way to save her, it was best to assist her in maintaining her current state as much as possible.

Fortunately, didn’t have any particular sense of righteousness or ambition.

Her goal was simply to live quietly and harmoniously.


“Amidst all this, suddenly becoming the Duchess of Ertmann. Who would even consider killing someone’s younger sister? You’ve been by my side for so long, so you knew about Odette’s abilities from the beginning. But I can’t just casually tell Walter about it, as I don’t know what misfortune might arise as a repercussion… It’s frustrating.”

“Still, wasn’t there progress this time? You managed to obtain the artifact you were searching for. With that, couldn’t you even revive the deceased?”

The Ring of Ariella, a holy object that can revive the dead.


In truth, Cedric’s recent border patrol mission was to confirm the whereabouts of that ring. Fortunately, Cedric succeeded in obtaining the ring.


“What good is having just the ring? It lacks the gemstone.”

The point was that <Ariella’s Ring> came as a set with both the ring and the gemstone.

And all Cedric got was the ring.

Without the gemstone, <Ariella’s Eye> the artifact wouldn’t work.

So where are the gems?

Fortunately, unlike the ring, the gemstone was quite famous, making it relatively easy to locate.

In fact, the gemstone was located in a very close place.

The Imperial Palace.

Thinking about the distant and perilous location of the Eye of Ariella, Cedric felt a tug in his mind, so he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“Anyway, Walter shouldn’t be involved until we have the gemstone in hand. How could I have protected Odette all this time…….”

“Then did you consider taking a more forceful approach earlier? Couldn’t you have somehow detained the Duchess of Ertmann?”

“I was already considering it, even without you asking.”

At least if it hadn’t been for the conversation Cedric had with Odette during the day.

Cedric’s mind replayed the conversation he’d had with Odette earlier.





“-So, I warned Walter and took such measures as a precaution.”

“So…… I’m not really guilty of any serious Imperial offense, then?”

Odette muttered, and Cedric nodded.

“That’s right. You’ll probably be released within a few days, even if you are detained. It was more to protect you than anything else.”

“If it was to protect me…….”

“There’s no need to lie to me. I know at least that you didn’t want to marry Walter Ertmann.”

And that was why he had called Odette.

“Don’t you want to live the life you always wanted, Odette?”

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