Contract Marriage Interrupted


Episode 58. Realization


As Odette gets closer, the pain inside Walter’s chest becomes worse.

But even that brings him pleasure.


Does this woman really want to change the design of her wedding dress?

Emma had reported that the maidservant who had visited Odette today found out the mark on her neck and shoulders, but perhaps that wasn’t enough.

Every moment alone with Odette, or whenever she allowed physical contact, tested Walter’s limits of patience.

He had never been greedy for something before, and he was used to patience due to his long career as a knight, but whenever he had Odette in front of him, his patience would always become thinner than a sheet of paper.

If Odette knew what Walter thought every time he looked at her, she would surely despise him.

‘Even now.’

He’d only pulled her into a hug, but Odette was tense as a trapped animal.

It was a naïve way of saying she wasn’t used to this behavior.

However, his fiancée lacked a proper sense of caution.

Normally, even rabbits run away when a predator approaches, but in this case, she was the one enticing him.

Despite her stiff tension, Odette didn’t avert her gaze from Walter.


“…… I don’t believe you.”

No, Odette looked at Walter as if she desired it.

“So prove it to me.”

Odette’s trembling fingertips touched Walter’s cheek.

It wasn’t hard to see what she was doing.

“…… Ha. Are you copying me now?”

A hand that caressed his cheek, brushed against his ear, played with his hair, and trailed down his neck.

There was no need for deep thoughts.

It was the same trail Walter’s hand always followed.

“I’ve never tried seducing someone before.”

“You should have taught cheating in Belfort.”

“I wasn’t a model student even back then.”

“You’re lying.”

How many times had Odette seen him with that one girl who was supposed to be senior all the time.

Swallowing his words, Walter’s gaze traveled to Odette’s white nape.

A graceful line from neck to shoulder.

When his lips met her collarbone, the warmth of her skin always tickled his nose with a sweet fragrance.

His mouth felt dry as he recalled the memory of invading that white flesh.

Perhaps that was why Walter had never gone lower than her second shirt button.

He knew himself well enough that once he crossed a certain line, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself.



In the end, Walter swallowed the curse and loosened his arms around Odette.

“…… I’ll grant you your wish once we’re married, but not today.”

Then a look of blatant disappointment crossed Odette’s face.

It was not just a simple disappointment from the seduction’s failure.

She knew why Walter rejected the seduction.

“Are you planning to go out?”

“……How did you know?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I went to check on you, but your bedroom was empty.”

Walter sighed as if he now understood the situation, brushing his hair back like a dry wash.

“I had to go out for work. It’s not a big deal, and I didn’t want to bother you with unnecessary concerns. I didn’t expect to be found out like this.”

“If it’s not a big deal, can you tell me what it is?”

“That would be difficult. It’s a personal matter. If I get a chance, I’ll let you know.”

If he get a chance, is the premise.

But what if the opportunity never came?

Odette swallowed the question that was sitting on the edge of her jaw.

“Okay, I understand. I’ll leave now.”

She left Walter’s room without looking back.

The negative emotions were rising to her knees.

She felt bad, really bad.

* * *


“Oh my, Your Highness. Did you not sleep well?”

“Yes…… somehow.”

When Odette smiled faintly with a slightly tired complexion, Anne-Sophie, who had been walking around making clattering sounds, smiled brightly and clapped her hands.

“Me too! I couldn’t sleep either. I was writing a report yesterday, and I was so tired that when I went to get water, I accidentally spilled it on the report I had just written. Haha, they sold it as waterproof ink, but I guess I got scammed!”

There was no sparkle in Anne Sophie’s eye as she laughed cheerfully, saying that next time she should just make her own waterproof paper.

“……Anne, are you okay?”

“……If I’m not okay, I should go home, right…….”

Anne Sophie is a research student at the Academy, where her tuition, research, and living expenses are all paid for by the Academy.

Not only is she a talented student of magic, but she’s also a financial asset to the academy, as she hasn’t missed a class in her entire time here.

And the Belfort Academy had succeeded in tying her down with money.

“Well, I love this work, so it’s okay! But Your Highness, why couldn’t you sleep? You’re about to get married soon.”

“…… I’ve been thinking a lot.”

“Well, they say people tend to think more when they’re about to get married.”

Odette wished that was the only reason.


Odette fought her doubts all night long.

She was torn between wanting to ask Walter right away what was going on and why he was sneaking out at night without telling her, and wanting to trust him.

‘I could definitely trust Walter until I heard that from Count Clovis.’

How treacherous is the human heart could turn from trust to doubt.

If it were someone else, Odette might have been able to comfortably harbor suspicions.

She could have used her ‘ability’ to investigate or borrowed magical tools from Anne Sophie to secretly uncover the truth.


‘I don’t want to do that to Walter.’

He said it was clearly a personal matter, and everyone has things they want to hide from everyone.

What if Odette recklessly uncovered such things and got caught by Walter?

No, even if she doesn’t get caught, will she be able to see Walter’s face with pride after that?

‘I don’t want to ruin our relationship like that.’

I didn’t want to go into what may have been Walter’s secrets just to make me feel less anxious.

It was only then that Odette realized something.

‘I…… value this relationship more than I realize.’

Without realizing it, Walter had gotten deeper into her life.

Of course, it may be a one-sided relationship, but how could human relationships always be so balanced?

‘…… Okay, let’s wait.’


He said he’d let me know if there was a chance, so let’s not jump to conclusions.

Thinking this way, her mind settled.

With that thought, Odette was able to relax and fulfill the purpose of her visit to the Belfort Academy.

To help Anne Sophie with her experiments.

It was an extension of the research on the magical pendant Odette had borrowed from Sophie last time.

After several experiments, including testing magical power, Sophie nodded in satisfaction.

“Well, it’s always a useful ability.”

“Thanks. Do you think there will be some progress in your research?”

“Well, I think I’ll have to run some of today’s results through it first…… Anyway, I’ll let you know if it goes well, and with all due respect to Your Highness, I’d love to be able to do some more serious research, really!”

Sophie seemed sincere in her words.

She had the air of someone who would actually tie Odette down if she said so.

“…… Do you know that I get a little scared every time you say that?”

“Come on, do you really think I’d do that? It’s just a hopeful wish. Just kidding!”

No, it seemed like she might actually do it.

Sophie was unusually enthusiastic today.

“Anne, you’re not usually this enthusiastic. Is something going on?”

“There is! As expected, Your Highness has a good sense of observation!”


And as if this question had touched a sore spot for Sophie, she began to pour out words like a burst dam.

“Do you know that we’re not on good terms with the Theology Department? Professors may say so, but we are bitter enemies! But lately, they’ve been making a fuss! Saying their research is thriving!”

The Theology Department and the Magic Department were like cats and dogs.

The nature of divine power and magical power was different, but their fundamental operation was quite similar. This led to ongoing disputes about which side had the superior ability.

Of course, professors who had reached a certain level were more focused on learning from each other and complementing their approaches rather than directly competing. But the situation is different for research students under them.

Because of this, when the other department shows achievements, it naturally ignites here and they become motivated to show research results in some way.

“So, the Theology Department has made some progress this time?”

“That’s right! I heard they had been researching a relic for a long time. There are only three of them in the whole continent, and they can grant wishes.”

“Wishes? How is that possible?”

“According to the records, it’s said that it’s possible to turn back time or bring the dead back to life. Of course, it’s just a record and a claim.”

Sophie’s words were intriguing.

But Odette wasn’t entirely convinced by the story.

It wasn’t because it was such an absurd story.

‘Divine powers and magic are so unorthodox.’

Moreover, this was the research laboratory of the Empire’s top academy.

The person sharing the story was the senior research assistant in the Department of Magic.

So this was not an unreliable story.


However, Odette found it puzzling that there was no known information about the relic.

“If it’s such an extraordinary item, shouldn’t it have been known to the public by now? I’ve never heard of it.”

“That’s true……. There are stories from people who have used it, but it seems like the method of use is not disclosed.”

Moreover, the last known person to have used it lived more than a hundred years ago, and the contents of the transmitted documents were scarce and jumbled, making research challenging.

“That’s why the imperial family didn’t want anyone to talk about it until they knew how to use it.”

“Did the Theology Department manage to find out the method of use this time?”

“That’s not the case. However, it seems they’ve found someone who could provide a case. I don’t know who it is, but apparently, someone in the current era has used the relic.”

Sophie, who had been complaining that even Zantipe, a professor in the Department of Magic, had been busy running around, suddenly exclaimed, as if a thought had just occurred to her.

“Oh! Come to think of it, My Lady might know this person too.”

“Me? Who?”

“Well, there was someone who said they seemed to be under a curse. A man who looked like a specter! I think his name was Count Colovy?”

At Sophie’s muttering, Odette’s voice turned perplexed.

No way.

“……Count Clovis?”

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