Contract Marriage Interrupted

He's an asshole

Episode 53. He’s an asshole



Inside the moving carriage, the black-haired man turned his head at the distant call.

Although his face was as sharp as a blade, but his face would soften by the time he turned to face the person across from him.


“You’re not really mad at me, are you? I explained to you that it was an accident that Louis was there.”

“Of course not. If you say so, what more is there to say? It’s highly unusual that he happened to be there at the promised meeting place where people rarely come, but I still trust you.”

“…… I just don’t believe it.”

Odette protested with a sharp tone.

At any other time, it would have been such a cute protest that would have made him want to tease her right here and right there but right now, Walter was in no position to easily talk to his fiancée.

Ever since witnessing the scene where Louis and Odette were in conflict, a firmly embedded discomfort had taken root in Walter, and it stubbornly refused to fade away.

‘I shouldn’t have waited.’

Originally, Walter had left the banquet hall, following Odette.

It was only natural that he followed Odette after seeing her leave.

However, while following her from a distance, she noticed an unfamiliar shadow following her.


‘It took me a while to chase it down.’

In the end, it became uncertain whether the shadow was following Odette.

If Russell had been with him, there wouldn’t have been any delay, but Walter, not wanting to miss the precious time alone with Odette, so Walter sent him off in the carriage first.

If only that hadn’t happened, he wouldn’t have witnessed the sight of Louis and Odette together.

– Walter Ertmann, he is deceiving you, please listen to me for once-!

Seeing the desperate expression on Louis’s face as he grabbed Odette’s hands made Walter have to suppress the urge to erupt in anger.

He wanted more than to cut off the hand that dared touch Odette, especially considering he had always been careful even with just touching her arm.

Every time he looked at that familiar face, memories of the past echoed in his mind.

– Walter Ertmann, you were just a bastard. Such a shameless man who covets someone else’s wife. Otherwise, there’s no reason to come all the way here and grab me by the collar, right?

– No matter how much you protest, Odette is my wife. That won’t change.

That cold, sarcastic voice.

The voice that had pushed Odette towards death must have carried a similar temperature, a similar shade.

The thought was almost unbearable.

Of course, Underlying this twisted judgment was the fear of how far Louis might have gone in revealing the truth.

So, for that reason, it was better to talk to Odette and resolve the situation appropriately.


He knew, but…….

Eventually, Walter clenched his teeth tightly.

“……Odette. Are you sure this isn’t the first time?”

“What do you mean it’s not the first time?”

“Louie Clovis. Even when he grabbed you, you didn’t seem very surprised. Is this kind of situation familiar to you?”


Odette gave her wrists a little squeeze.

She didn’t think she’d been grabbed that hard, but she could vaguely feel a small mark.

However, it did make her wonder.

‘It was weird, but it felt familiar.’

She would have rather been slapped than grabbed by someone.

Why didn’t she even think to pull away?

Maybe because it didn’t feel as threatening as when Regis grabbed her.


She even felt her heart sinking.

Was it because of Louis Clovis? Or was it because, as Walter said, situations like this had become somewhat familiar in her subconscious?

It was impossible to tell, but Odette shook her head lightly.


“It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t hurt.”

“So…… you just stayed still in such a situation?”

“I know basic self-defense, and it’s not like I couldn’t get out of a situation like that.”

Walter frowned at Odette’s words. Just like he was angry.

“Even so, don’t say it’s not a big deal. Do you realize this is the second time something like this has happened to you?”

Judging by what he said, it seems right that he was angry.

‘Come to think of it, Walter values his dignity.’

Odette recalled that Walter had once told her, ‘There is no need to endure it.’

She thought it just meant avoiding physical harm, but she knows now that included this.

‘I was careless.’

She still couldn’t quite understand why she didn’t think of resisting, but she’ll be more careful.

Odette nodded slightly.

“Okay. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“I’ll believe you.”

“So you too, loosen your expression.”

“I can’t. Didn’t I say? When I see my wife with another asshole, it makes me want to give that guy’s head as a gift on our anniversary.”

At Walter’s words that if he hadn’t believed Odette, Louis would already be a corpse, Odette’s face turned pale at the thought.


“You weren’t just saying that, were you?”

“It would be good for you to remember now. Your husband doesn’t make empty threats.”

“I’ll just consider that I saved one person’s life.”

How did I end up marrying someone like him?

Walter’s rough language still felt somewhat unfamiliar at times.

She still felt like she wasn’t used to his harshness sometimes.

Especially since she doesn’t use that kind of language often.

‘He’s usually a little more polite and…… gentle than that.’

Now she knows.

That’s the way he talks when he’s in a bad mood.

Walter’s slightly furrowed face looked complex. It seemed like he might be angry, but there was also a hint of sadness in his expression.

‘It’s probably my fault that he’s upset.’

Why was he making that face?

Because it was right after she heard those words, a part of her heart felt uneasy.

– Why are you next to Odette!

– Isn’t it obvious? Because I love her.

Walter’s words to Louis lingered in her mind.

Love. When she thought about it again, it made her cheeks feel warm.

‘Of course, that would be the obvious answer, since we decided to get married for that reason.’

However, the fact that such awkward words came from Walter’s mouth made her feel strange.


Of course, she knew he didn’t mean it.

‘After that, nothing happened until we got to the carriage.’

Walter walked Odette to the carriage with a stiffness that made her wonder if this was the behavior of someone who had said he loved her.

He was always like that polite, and almost overly cautious.

‘What he says and what he does are completely different.’

A well-educated duke, to say the least.

‘He seemed so murderous to Count Clovis…….’

Odette thought about meeting Louis a little while ago.

The actions that Louis showed in front of Odette today were completely incomprehensible.

‘Especially the part where he said Walter deceived me.’

What could Walter possibly have deceived her about?

No matter how much she thought about it, there didn’t seem to be anything that could be described as ‘cheating’.

After all, Walter had explained everything, from the incident at the tea party and before they made the contract to the reasons for intentionally involving Ellodie.

Did Louis think she was unaware of these facts, that why he made such a statement?

Louis also needed to marry, and perhaps he regretted missing out on Odette, a suitable partner, which could explain his attempt to cause trouble.

‘Anyway, I can ask about that later.’

Odette now had a strange sense of trust in Walter.

– Nothing I do will harm you.


As Walter had said, none of his actions had harmed Odette.

And in the future, Walter will never harm Odette, who will become his wife.

‘Regardless of his feelings for me…… Even just for the sake of Ertmann’s dignity.’

Walter would stand up for Odette.

‘For me.’

It was a strange feeling, and Odette couldn’t help but stare at him.

She had always thought she had to face everything alone, but now she was not alone.

There was someone who told her she didn’t have to endure it, someone who could be angry at the unfair things she experienced.

She had a partner who could help her through her problems.

‘Of course, it’s not love.’

Whatever the reason.

Isn’t that why everyone gets married?

As Odette’s gaze lingered, Walter flashed a wry smile.

“My face is worn, Princess.”

“……! Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”

As Odette hurriedly lowered her head, Walter’s hand cupped her cheek, pulling her back to face him.

“You can keep looking. Right now, I want to look at your face too.”

As Walter’s gaze drew closer, Odette’s cheeks warmed up once again.


Before her gaze could linger in his green eyes, his lips below caught her attention.

Reflectively, memories of the past resurfaced.

Eventually, Odette closed her eyes tightly.

“D- don’t look.”

“Isn’t that unfair?”

“Life is inherently unfair…… you might not understand.”

Odette answered in a hushed voice and dug into Walter’s palm.

The carriage was too small for her to escape, so she chose to bury her face in Walter’s hand rather than get bitten.

The calloused palm, firm as a sword grip, was larger and warmer than she had expected.

It probably covered almost all of her face.

She felt like a peacock with its head in the bushes, trying to escape the hunter, but somehow it was good.

Odette held her breath, hiding her face in Walter’s palm, and then slowly opened one eye.

She found herself facing Walter’s fierce expression.

“Haa, Damn it…….”

And he sounded like he was enduring something.

Odette was taken aback by his seeming anger and backed away.


“I- I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just…….”

“I never said you made me uncomfortable.”

His arm wrapped around her waist, blocking her retreat.

In an instant, the distance closed again.

No, it became even closer than before.

Walter pressed his forehead against Odette’s, and whispered in her ear.

“I hope you’re not making excuses just because you dislike me.”

“O- of course not!”

“Of course, I believe you. You’re supposed to love me, after all.”

That’s our contract.

“So next time, try hugging me like someone who loves me…… Don’t look at me with those eyes that say you hate me to death.”

With that whisper, Walter loosened his arms and let Odette go.

Odette’s face had flushed slightly in the meantime.

“…… You’re a bad person.”

“I know. Get used to it. You’re going to have to live with me starting today, And there’s that too.”


“Your way of convincing your grandfather.”


At those words, Odette’s face once again blazed with embarrassment.

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. niki1da1 says:

    ooh what’s the way?

  2. Stix says:

    Thank you for the update!

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