Contract Marriage Interrupted

Because I Love You

Episode 52. Because I Love You


Odette’s eyes widened at Louis’s words.

“How did you know?”

Only Ellie knew that she was planning to propose marriage to Louis.

And despite diligently investigating since the first meeting with Walter, Odette could be sure only of the fact that no information leaked out.

But how do both Walter and Louis know about it?

Is it written all over her face that she’s going to propose that day?

As Odette tilted her head in confusion, Louis slowly smiled.

A smile that looks relieved or confused.

“Your Highness told me you had something to tell me. And after that, there was the incident with Duke Ertmann it wasn’t……. so it wasn’t hard to guess”

“Ah, so that’s what it was.”

Odette nodded without any particular suspicion after Louis’s explanation.

After hearing the explanation, it didn’t seem like such a surprising matter.

‘I don’t know how Walter found out, but…….’

Anyway, now that he knows, there’s no need to hide it anymore.

“I’m relieved that you know. The reason I wanted to meet was because, as you know, I’m married to Duke Ertmann.”

Louis eyes were persistently scanning Odette, who said there was no need to worry.

He was trying to gauge whether Odette was lying.


‘I guess she really doesn’t know.’

Louis started feeling something was off from the moment Odette mentioned not having received any letters.

So, he deliberately mentioned that Odette was planning to propose marriage and that he knew about it, but this is the reaction.

If Odette had something to hide or felt guilty, Louis probably wouldn’t have been this surprised.

Rather, she probably tried to act as naturally as possible.

Especially for Odette, who didn’t meet many people and lived a secluded life, hiding her true feelings in such situations would have been even more challenging.

‘Because the Odette I saw in my dream was like that.’

It wasn’t that Odette was foolish or sloppy.

She just trusted people well, had a lot of stubbornness by nature, and unlike other nobles who considered it a virtue to act cleverly, she preferred to be honest.

If Odette had the same memories as what Louis saw, she would not have been able to skillfully hide her true feelings in a situation where Louis showed it off like this.

Then there is only one conclusion.

‘Walter Ertmann, he is the culprit.’

When Louis met Odette at the Belfort Academy, he recalled the conversation they had.

– I was waiting at the appointed place, but I was interrupted by Duke Ertmann.

– But nothing really happened. It got a bit annoying afterward, but…….

– Duke Ertmann and I really don’t have a relationship.


When he hypothesized that Odette might have the same memories as him, he thought this statement might be false.

But now that that possibility was gone, the meaning of Odette’s words was clear.

‘Duke Ertmann is interfering between me and Odette.’

Only then did the whole situation make sense.

Walter suddenly spoke about the ‘curse’ to Louis at Xavier’s banquet.

It was all Walter’s scheme to drive a wedge between Louis and Odette.

‘It was obviously Duke Ertmann who intercepted the letter.’

The fact that Odette doesn’t even have a clue about the letter means that it was handled before she even realized it.

There’s a high probability that he had bribed a maid or servant.

As a result, Odette, without the option of Louis, ended up choosing marriage with Walter.

She couldn’t even guess that the person she was going to marry had everything around her under his control!

Louis clenched his fist and asked.

“……Walter Ertmann, are you sure you want to marry him?”

“Yes. Now that we’ve announced our marriage, it can’t be canceled.”

Things would have been better if the marriage announcement had not been made.

However, since the marriage has been announced by the emperor, the marriage cannot be canceled under any circumstances.

Even if the ceremony cannot be held due to opposition from within the family, the sluggish engagement will continue.

‘Damn it!’


He wished he had come a little earlier.

It’s so frustrating to know that he couldn’t act rashly due to hesitation.

The grip on his hand tightened, and his nails dug sharply into his palm.

‘I know I should retreat now.’

No matter how clouded his reason was, it didn’t mean he couldn’t see the situation.

However, a burning anger was churning within him.

If the ‘nightmare’ he witnessed was real, and Odette regretted her marriage with him, leading her to use the relic.

So, if she had gotten a new opportunity and had chosen Walter herself, he might not have been as angry.

Who would he blame for the opportunity he had ruined?

He would have respected Odette’s decision with a bitter heart.


‘This is not it.’

It wasn’t Odette’s decision, it was the situation Walter had created.

He’d sabotaged Odette’s will and deceived her!

‘If it weren’t for him, things could have been so different.’

Odette could have asked him to marry her as planned, and maybe this time they could have had a happy ending.

However, the fact that Walter, who didn’t even appear in the ‘nightmare’, suddenly intervened and kicked away Louis’s second chance was unbearable.

He wasn’t even chosen by Odette in a fair way, and he’s been deceiving her all this time!


‘I have to let her know.’

Even if it’s for Odette’s sake, he couldn’t stand seeing her deceived like this.

And he needed to turn her heart away from Walter.

Once he managed that, he could find a way to part with Walter if necessary.

‘No, even without parting ways.’

If only Odette would look at him again……!

“Your Highness, why don’t you reconsider your marriage, Duke Ertmann is not a good man.”

“I know that, but I don’t see why I should listen to you. It has nothing to do with you anymore.”

“Please don’t assume that this has nothing to do with me.”

Louis took a step toward Odette.

Even in the dim light, the man with conspicuously distinctive hair had a sorrowful expression on his face.

He hesitated several times and finally asked with difficulty.

“Isn’t it possible to find another partner even now? For example like…… me?”

“…… You’re kidding, right? Count.”

“It’s not a joke. Wasn’t I the one you initially wanted?”

“That’s true, but right now I’m thinking of marrying Walter.”

The discussion about marriage with Walter had already concluded.

Moreover, the Emperor had announced their marriage today.

Now, if you say you want to change your marriage partner, who will listen?

It was practically impossible, and there was no reason to do so.


“I can’t do something like betraying my husband. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear what you just said.” Odette firmly declared, and Louis’s expression twisted suddenly.

It was from the moment the word ‘husband’ was mentioned.

“Don’t call such a person a husband! Why don’t you know anything about him?”

“…… What are you talking about?”

When Odette furrowed her brows at the incomprehensible words, Louis abruptly grabbed her arm.

“I know this may sound strange. But I need you to listen to me just once.”

“Count Clovis?”

Odette’s eyes widened again, startled by the sudden grab.

“Walter Ertman, he’s deceiving you! Please, just listen to me-!”

At that moment.

“You really can’t take your eyes off her for a moment.”

The strength that gripped Odette’s arm disappeared.

When she opened her eyes, there was indeed the face she had been waiting for.

“My princess is not even three years old, and leaving her alone for a moment leads to such a situation……. Or perhaps you intentionally act like this to see me lose my mind.”

Muttering sarcastically, Walter grabbed Louis’s arm and threw it away.

Louis staggered back a few steps in the aftermath, wearing a determined expression.

“…… Duke Ertmann.”


“W- Walter.”

“Yes, Princess. Your promised partner is right here. Why are you chattering with someone else?”

“It’s not like that, here-.”

Just as Odette was about to explain, Louis’ voice cut between them as he stood up.

“Walter Ertmann, don’t interrupt. Can’t you see we’re having a conversation?”

“I don’t see a conversation, but can’t you see a reunion of a married couple happening? It’s none of your business to interfere in that direction.”

“M-Married couple?”

It was Odette who was surprised by Walter’s comment.

Is it okay to use the word ‘couple’ even though they haven’t even gotten married yet?

When Odette was so embarrassed that she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, Walter smiled loosely and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

“His Majesty the Emperor has announced their marriage, so we’re a couple then. What else would you call it?”

“I suppose, but…….”

Didn’t they usually use the word fiancé at times like this?

Walter insisted so confidently that even Odette became confused.

While she was tilting her head, Louis swept a hand through his disheveled hair and let out a sharp sneer.

“Ha! Married couple? What nonsense. We won’t know until the wedding is held, right?”

Nobody knows how things will turn out.

“It seems too absurd to call yourselves a married couple already.”


“Well, yeah. Honestly, I was scared that Odette might get involved with some trash-like guy if I let things slide.”

Things like this happen even if he looks away for a moment.

“So, if anyone dares to lay a hand on her, I plan to cut off that hand. Count Clovis, I hope you also keep this in mind.”

Louis’s expression twisted at those words.

“Do you think I wouldn’t know that you lied to me? Does Odette know what you’re up to?”

“Just because light and shadow exist in the world doesn’t mean we need to scrutinize them both.”

It was a needless provocation.

Walter added sarcastically and took Odette’s hand.

“There’s no need to deal with this further. I’ll be going now.”

“Walter Ertmann!”

At that time, Louis shouted in a suppressed voice from behind those who were about to leave.

“Why are you next to Odette!”

Walter’s steps came to an abrupt halt.

He paused for a moment as if contemplating something before turning to face Louis.

A sinister and cold smile on his face.

“Isn’t it obvious? Because I love her.”


“I hope that’s a good enough answer.”

With those words, Walter took Odette and left.

Leaving Louis alone in the dark.

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. Stix says:

    Thank you for the update!

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