Contract Marriage Interrupted

Bitter tea

Episode 43. Bitter tea


The worries didn’t last long.

If she had escaped earlier, she wouldn’t have to worry about this.

Since Odette has come to this situation, there was only one path she could choose.

“…… I have something to tell you. I’m actually-“

“What, are you going to tell me that you’re using Celestine’s last name?”


Celestine is the last name of the imperial family.

Odette’s face stiffened at Arnold’s bluntness.

“Did…… you already know?”

“You are so naive. If anyone has ever met the Emperor, how can anyone not recognize him.”

Arnold smiled and brought the teacup to his mouth.

Of course, he’d known it from the moment he’d laid eyes on her.

‘That kind of silver hair is rare.’

Silver with a slight blue hue. It was a trait only occasionally seen in Celestine’s veins.

Of course, Crown Prince Cedric also had silver hair, but his hair had a strong blue tinge, which was different from the current Emperor’s.

Furthermore, Odette’s face was almost identical to the Emperor’s.

Arnold, who had never seen Odette in person since he was in the Duchy of Ertmann when her admission into the Imperial family was confirmed, finally recognized as soon as he made eye contact with Odette.


‘With a face and hair like that, there’s bound to be controversy.’

There were probably more than one illegitimate child of the Emperor, but Odette was the only one to be registered properly.

Odette resembled the Emperor that much.

And, of course, it also resonated with Arnold.

That was why Arnold deliberately invited Odette to tea time.

‘A face that looks just like the Emperor.’

He wondered how much she resembled the Emperor in personality.

And he didn’t bother to hide it.

“Ah, I’m sorry if you’re expecting to be identified and addressed now. Because I don’t use honorifics except in front of the Emperor.”

Arnold waved his hand dismissively, suggesting that if he couldn’t take the insult, he should go to his father and have him reprimanded for imperial contempt.

“I’ve lived too many years, too many minutes, and it’s time to go. It’s no use wasting your time.”

“No, that wasn’t the reason so please speak comfortably. I would have been rather flattered to be honored by the Marquis, who has done countless things for the Empire and admired by all the knights.”

Odette said with a small smile.

It didn’t change the fact that she was a Princess, and her neatly organized words and tone tended to put the listener at ease.


“I just thought it would be rude if I didn’t tell you that the lady you had tea with is the one who will marry your grandson. After all, they might think I had deceived the Marquis.”

“…… Hmm.”

And Arnold was clearly enjoying the effects.

It’s a challenging task to keep sharpening the eyes that are constantly trying to loosen up.

“You’re unnecessarily honest, a type that would be good to exploit.”

“Well, I suppose being wealthy wasn’t my fate. However, aren’t there things in the world that can’t be measured by profit and loss? I think trust is also a matter of the same line.”

In the end, Arnold was chuckling.

‘If she were an illegitimate Princess, there is no way she would have been treated very well at the imperial palace.’

Just by looking at what she’s saying, aren’t they just spouting out things that only people who grew up without any shortcomings would say?

Regardless of sincerity, it means that she’s not lacking in education.

‘You grew up well.’

Even though she wasn’t his own child, he felt somewhat satisfied, but Arnold didn’t show it and continued.

“Speaking of which, let me ask you a question. Was it for the same reason that you defended Ertmann at the tea party earlier?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you’re asking.”

“I’m asking you, did you defend Ertmann because you wanted to gain trust?”

Arnold tapped his index finger on the table.

“Even though I don’t know the details, I roughly understood what you were saying. The situation was painted vividly without the need for further explanation. If today’s incident spreads, there will be no denying that you care about Ertmann.”

In other words, it means that you will gain trust in that aspect from the crowd.


“Of course, I’m grateful that you’re speaking up for Ertmann, but it’s human nature to wonder about your intentions.”

Being familiar with social circles, Arnold could understand.

Odette didn’t have to speak up.

“But even so, did you step forward to build trust with Ertmann?”

Unlike before, when she answered Arnold’s words quickly, Odette didn’t immediately answer this question.

Instead, she was just lost in thought for a moment.

“Is she thinking about the intention behind the question?”

But it’s impossible. It’s a trap question.

Arnold’s voice was much softer than before.

It was partly due to his change of heart towards Odette, but 80% of it was calculated.

A question asked in a gentle tone and non-intrusive.

Moreover, no matter how Odette answered this question, there was no chance she would be caught in the trap.

‘There is no reason to blame her for wanting to establish herself as a trustworthy hostess for Ertmann.’

But a little reflection reveals what Arnold was really asking.

And that is.

‘How much of your behavior is calculated and how much is genuine?’

Without even asking, most of us would choose the former.

The latter would seem like too straightforward of an answer, and depending on the situation, it could be perceived as a somewhat foolish judgment.


At least it’s a little nicer to hear that she did it with intent.

‘Especially if you grew up in an Imperial Palace.’

But Arnold didn’t like that sort of thing.

Deep insight? Skillful tactics?

Of course it’s good.

However, precisely because of that, he had seen too many excessively inhuman people.

There was no need to go far, just look at Walter.

So, he secretly hoped that the child who would become my granddaughter-in-law would be a more compassionate child.

‘It’s my selfish desire, my own greed.’

Arnold sighed inwardly and shook his head.

“No, Nevermind. You don’t have to answer…….”

“I’m sorry.”

And then Odette’s next words were unexpected.

“I hadn’t even thought about that. I just thought it was normal, but looking back, I guess I was a little hasty.”

“…… You thought it was normal?”

“Yes. To put it more bluntly…… I’m a little ashamed to say, I thought I wanted to become a good Duchess of Ertmann.”

Odette seemed a little embarrassed by her words, but she continued without hesitation.

“It’s important to build trust externally, but in order to be a good hostess, I would have to truly care about my family, and I’m ashamed to say that was all I had in mind at the time.”


Odette said that it was embarrassing not to think more carefully.

It was surprisingly simple and pure-hearted.

At the same time, I suddenly felt nostalgic.

– Arnold, it’s funny to say this, but your family is also mine.

– What? We’re not even engaged yet, and you’re already thinking of tying yourself to Ertmann?

– If I want to be a good hostess, I must develop an early attachment to my family, you wretch!

– Ugh! Your weak punches only make my hands dirty!

– It’s ridiculous that I have to marry someone like you, absolutely ridiculous!

First as a childhood friend, then as a wife.

A flash of nostalgia for his longtime wife flashed through Arnold’s mind.

Of course, it was a fleeting moment.

Because Arnold was not a gentle person to the point where something like this brought tears to his eyes.

‘It’s good that she’s more compassionate than I expected, but it’s not always good to act too straightforwardly.’

Clearing his throat a couple of times, Arnold then spoke in a firm tone.

It was a habit he had when he was embarrassed.

“You didn’t do anything wrong to me, so what’s the apology for? Just have some tea. I’m not very knowledgeable about tea, so I don’t even know what it tastes like, but Yannick asked me to evaluate the taste…… I guess I should use your evaluation.”

“So you’re asking me to rate the taste of tea?”

“That’s right.”


Odette calmly raised her teacup in response to Arnold’s evaluation.

Of course, her demeanor was impeccably elegant.

She took a few sips, then opened her mouth.

“It’s bitter.”

“…… bitter?”

“Yes. I don’t think I’ve been able to properly manage it, It tastes bitter.”

However, the tea itself was not bad.

“It’s a good blend of flavors. The chrysanthemum isn’t overpowering, so it’s got just the right amount of flavor without overpowering the taste, and the savory flavors, making it possible to enjoy the bitter taste in a delicious way.”

Odette said it was a good tea, Odette casually nodded as if it truly were so, setting down her teacup and offering some tea to Arnold as well.

“You can enjoy tea in its own way even if you don’t have a deep knowledge of it, Marquis. It has its own charms. If it’s too bitter, you can add some jam or lemon juice to it.”

She explained some various combinations she preferred.

Observing her, Arnold couldn’t help but eventually burst into a warm smile.

And so, He took a sip of the tea.

“This is quite bitter.”

But he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

Is it because Arnold is the one who deliberately made the tea taste bitter by steeping it for a long time?

Or, is it because the stereotypical-looking Princess always gives unexpected answers?


In the end, Arnold admitted it.

The Fourth Princess was much better than he had thought.

Unfortunately, Arnold’s tea time didn’t last long.

Unexpectedly, an unwelcome guest appeared.

“Grandfather. May I speak to you-…… Odette?”

“Your Highness!”

He wasn’t even alone.

Odette was sitting on the side where she could see the door, she recognized the visitors first and got up in surprise.

“Ellie! Duke? How did you both know each other and come together?”

“I had something to deliver to Ertmann, and I was going to come and see you, but the duke said he had to come here too, so I came along!”

“I didn’t expect you to actually sit together like this, though…….”

Walther’s cold expression turned to Arnold.

“Was this the reason you didn’t come to the Duke’s residence, grandfather?”


Look at that guy with his eyes open.

Arnold laughed without realizing it.

The reason was simple.

‘The guy who used to brush off anything with a flick of his ear, seeing him giving such a defiant look……..’

It was the first time he had seen such audacity in those eyes.

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