Contract Marriage Interrupted

Not the worst

Episode 36. Not the Worst


The fact that the two kissed in the banquet hall of the Imperial Palace was a clearer announcement of marriage than any other words.

It said without words that Walter wanted the Fourth Princess, and that they would soon be married.

And that was exactly what Odette wanted.

Odette was quite encouraged that her planned work had proceeded without interruption.

So when she returned to the Fourth Palace, escorted by Walter, she exclaimed in excitement.

“Duke, we really did it!”

Of course, it would be quite a pain to deal with the aftermath, but there was still a strange feeling of pleasure.

Maybe it was the fact that they’d gotten away with it without anyone noticing.

Or maybe she actually liked being the center of attention.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Yes. It’s always nice when something you plan works out, isn’t it, Duke?”

“I am pleased, too. Now everyone will know that you are mine.”

“…… H- Huh.”

Odette was stunned again by Walter’s words.

The most shocking thing was Walter, who calmly said those words and didn’t change his face at all.


‘When am I ever going to get used to that way of speaking?’

She didn’t think he meant anything by it.

It was a way of speaking that had a knack for making people feel embarrassed over and over again.

“Is there a problem?”

“…… No. I just need to touch up my makeup.”

Let’s not think about nothing. Odette turned her head and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, using the excuse of putting on makeup.

“Are you feeling better now?”

At Odette’s words, Walter’s gaze turned towards her.

And for some reason, Walter’s eyebrows became slightly distorted.

“…… This side seems a little less polished.”

Was it really that big of a deal?

‘How much of my makeup is ruined?’

Odette felt a little embarrassed. Unlike some people who wear heavy makeup for long banquets, Odette wore light makeup.

This is because she did not enjoy long banquets, and she was not in a position to bring along various cosmetics and maids to frequently change her makeup.

So there won’t be much damage.

‘Are all kisses like this?’

If you do it once, your face is a mess.

And yet, there are many lovers having secret relationships at the banquet hall. Everyone is amazing.

Odette thought she was naively misunderstanding and wiped her mouth thoroughly with a handkerchief.


“Is that it?”

But this time, her brow didn’t lift.

“No, a little further down.”


When Odette touched the corner of her mouth with her index finger again, she frowned openly this time.

Then, when she couldn’t take it anymore, she reached for it herself.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Their eyes met at a slightly closer distance, and a hand that was one joint larger than Odette’s touched her cheek.

Odette felt a gentle warmth touch her skin, and slowly lowered her eyelids.

‘I think my body temperature is a little low.’

Looking back, the warmth I felt when we kissed…… I think it was low.

Suddenly, as her thoughts landed there, her cheeks heated up as she remembered what had happened earlier.

Just a moment ago, she hadn’t minded Walter’s hands on my cheeks and lips.

Now it was unbearably embarrassing.

Odette’s eyes widened involuntarily.

“Is that all right now, Duke?”

He turned to face her.

Walther’s green eyes staring back at her with a steady gaze.



She stuttered for a moment.

Walther’s face was too close.

‘I’ve never seen someone’s face so close before.’

And it’s the same person she just kissed.

Walter’s eyes, which had become strangely quiet, were staring at Odette without a single movement.

As if checking and re-checking her presence.

While Odette paused, not knowing how to react, Walter’s lips opened.


“…… Sorry?”

“Call me Walter, we’re about to get married, and we’ve already kissed.”

“That’s true, but isn’t it too soon?”

“For that matter, I think I know better about the Princess’s lips.”

When the topic of kissing came up, Odette’s cheeks turned red again.

Even though she couldn’t look in the mirror, she could tell that her face was hotter than before.

Otherwise, there would be no reason for Walter’s mouth to be so perverse.

“Seeing that you like it so much, it seems like I’m not really good at kissing.”

“W- what do you mean, I’ve never liked you.”

“Oh, so you didn’t like it then?”

Is it even possible to use the word ‘like’ in that context?


Strange is a better word, isn’t it?

In the first place, it was Odette’s first kiss. This means that there is no object of comparison, good or bad.

But it seemed like it would be belittled to say that, so after much thought, Odette came up with an appropriate answer.

“…… Well, it wasn’t the worst.”

“Not the worst, huh.”

Walter stared at Odette with his characteristic lazy gaze, and slightly raised his eyebrows as if he was regretful.

“I’m sorry, I should have pleased your Highness, but I could not, and that is why I cannot be called a good husband who loves his wife…… Perhaps I need to practice.”

With those words, Odette’s jaw dropped.

Walter’s thumb gently pressed Odette’s lips, where half of her makeup had been removed.

“What do you think?”


And Odette’s face turned a shade of red she would never see again.

Walter’s seduction had been too much for Odette, who had never been close to a man in her life.

Anne Sophie was right.

This man is causing heart disease.

Ellie was right.

Walter must be a troublemaker!

“Y- you such chaos…….”


Odette, whose face was red, sharpened her blade and glared at Walter.

She tried to fight back in her own way, but unfortunately, it didn’t work on Walter.

In fact, it backfired.

‘……I was only half kidding.’

It seems like she is slowly learning how to stimulate a man.

The reddened, slightly frowning face and watery golden eyes had a strangely provocative aspect to them.

The heated skin wrapped around her hand, and the shaky voice that trembles slightly in embarrassment.

‘Don’t be so naive, this is how you react when you touch him…….’

It was difficult because I didn’t want to let go.

Besides, there was one thing Odette had to realize.

“So, you don’t like messing around?”

Even in this situation, she never said a word that she didn’t like Walter.

How much joy it brings to Walter, and how much that red and frowning face stimulates him.

Odette would never know.

“Promiscuity is reprehensible. It’s the most basic culture.”

“That is correct. But do you also remember that being faithful to your spouse does not constitute promiscuity.”

“Ooh, we’re not married yet.”

“Isn’t it ridiculous to say that when you’re already signing a contract?”


Walter kissed Odette’s hand lightly.

She was not wearing gloves, and she could feel his nostrils brushing against her delicate flesh.

Odette flinched,  reflexively grabbed Walter’s shoulders.


“Walter. I don’t think that’s the best way to pronounce it.”

“Haa……. Okay, Walter.”

Only then did a faint smile appear on Walter’s lips.

“I like the sound of it, say it one more time.”

“I thought you said it wasn’t that great.”

“It’s because there is someone who say with a very noble pronunciation even if it’s not that great.”

Walter whispered that and moved Odette’s hand, which was holding his shoulder, to his back.

So that their distance becomes a little closer.

The distance closed, and Walter caught her eye.

“In return, I would like to please your Highness with…….”

His gaze flickered to her lips, then back again.

“Would you allow me?”

I think I can do better this time.

The additional whisper felt tickling.

Odette was confused by the sudden onslaught of temptation.

It seems like there was quite a distance just a moment ago, but it wouldn’t be strange if their lips overlapped in the blink of an eye. If it had been before, she would have been freaked out.

‘But…… is it really alright?’

We already do it once.

There were still some sharp emotions lingering in Walter’s mind, but they were separate from this.

‘I’m just following the terms of the contract Duke Ertmann gave me…….’

The moment when Odette closed her eyes tightly after confusion.

“What the hell……!”

A familiar voice came from behind Walter, accompanied by the sound of something falling.

Odette’s heart sank as she recognized the voice.

“…… E- Ellie?!”

“For God’s sake, Duke, let her go now!!!”

In hindsight, it was one of the most humiliating moments of Odette’s life.

* * *


In the end, Walter’s plan ended in failure due to Ellie’s appearance.

This is why Ellie, who was waiting for Odette to go to the banquet, was frightened by the sudden scene and jumped up.

“You two! Stay away! Don’t step on a shadow!”

Of course, Ellie’s misunderstanding of Walter through various romance novels had a huge impact…… Even if that wasn’t the case, it was a situation that would have surprised Ellie.

Her master, who had said she was going out to a banquet, came back with smeared lip makeup and was seen doing something like that creepy guy.

Moreover, the shock was even greater because Ellie was very fond of Odette.

“What happened to you that made your makeup look like this…… No, nevermind I don’t want to listen, I told you to be so careful!”


And that made Odette feel like she wanted to hide right away.

Walter slightly raised his eyebrows when he saw that the master and maid seemed to have been swapped.

“Is it me you’re telling me to be careful?”

“Then is there someone else here?”

“Having too many good senses is probably not a very good trait.”

Walter’s words had substance, but they did not make sense to Ellie.

“It’s okay because my senses are only used for Your Highness. Could you please leave now? I think I need to talk to her now.”

It’s an unexpected ambush.

Walter glanced out the window while thinking about this.

“…… Fine.”

It looks like things have been sorted out over there as well.

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