Contract Marriage Interrupted

The white pawn

Episode 22. The white pawn


“So…… something came up and you have to go?”

Odette asked, and Louis nodded heavily.

“I can’t go into details, but it’s about an investment we were working on together. I’m not doing it alone, so it’s hard for me to back out of something like this.”

“…… Is that so.”

Louis explained, but Odette’s response was cold.

She wouldn’t have reacted so coldly if her demeanor up to this point had been acceptable.

But to blatantly avoid her, and then to leave when the inevitable happened.

It seemed too deliberate.

‘……It’s getting a bit steamy.’

I wouldn’t have felt so vulnerable if I hadn’t offered her that I would help her or say that she wasn’t alone.

Odette wondered how different Regis and Louis could be from the blabbermouths, but stopped herself from thinking too negatively.

‘Count Clovis offered to help in the first place, and he meant well.’

You can’t take that for granted.

But it’s also true that it’s doubtful that Louis is really leaving because he’s ‘busy’.

This makes Odette’s reaction a little more cold.


“It must be very difficult for you Count, and I’m sure your Highness will understand.”


If it weren’t for Ellodie, who clings to the side and talks for nothing, there might have been a colder word than now.

“I was supposed to help you with that…… I’m sorry. I’ll finish up as soon as I can and be back.”

Louis must have noticed Odette’s cold response, because he kept his voice low.

Ellodie stepped through the gap, pretending not to notice.

“Don’t worry too much, Count. Or I can help you, how about that, Your Highness?”

“No, that’s not-.”

“Great. It’s not that difficult anyway, and I’m sure you don’t really mind it.”

“…… Your Highness.”

“You’re not going to go if I tell you not to, so go, and don’t mind me.”

At Odette’s answer, complex emotions flashed over Louis’ face.

And Odette could feel the distinct relief mixed in between them.

‘He says he doesn’t, but I must have made him uncomfortable.’

What on earth had Duke Ertmann said to him?

‘Perhaps I should ask him myself.’

As Louis apologized and walked away, Odette let out a small sigh.

In contrast to Odette’s complicated state of mind, Ellodie seemed to have fully recovered.

She was under the illusion that she had driven a wedge between them.


“Then, Your Highness. How can I help you? Your Highness gave me ‘advice’, I really want to help you.”

Odette stared at Elodie, who was in high spirits.

The conclusion came out quickly.

“……It’s not that difficult. There is someone I am supposed to meet personally, and and I was hoping you could keep an eye out for them.”

If I left Ellodie alone, she’d probably try to follow me to the meeting with Regis.

Or persistently asking why you are meeting him.

Better to keep her at a reasonable distance and use her as a lookout.

Above all, there was one thing I believed in.

“It’s not that difficult. When are you going to go?”


I was about to turn away when I realized I had to talk to Regis.

A servant carrying a tray of finger foods approached Odette.

“Excuse me, your Highness. I have a message for you.”


Then the servant handed Odette a note.

Of course the sender is.


Odette folded the note back, handed it back to the servant, and opened his mouth.

“Now, I think I have to go.”

* * *


“You seem to be in a good mood, Lizzie.”

The voice came with the sound like a hitting stone, and a woman with gracefully flowing pink hair, Lizaina looked up.

“Do I like that, brother?”

“It looks like that……. I guess you didn’t see the chessboard we were playing on?”

Blake smirked and tapped his fingertips against the chessboard.

“While you were dumbfounded, the only pieces you had left to play were a bishop and a knight, which under normal circumstances you would have thrown away.”

After saying that, Blake stretched out his hand and swept away the pieces on the chessboard.

Most of his pieces were still intact, so it was a clear case of win or lose anyway.

Normally, Lizaina would throw the chessboard away if she thought she was going to lose, so this was nothing out of the ordinary.

“I guess you’re acting like you’ve put your head in a stable because you’re expecting something, isn’t it Lizaina?”

“Hmph, I was going to keep my mouth shut until the results were in, but I can’t fool you, can I?”

Lizaina leaned back against the couch, crossing her legs in a chess-playing attitude, then giggled.


“You know there’s a banquet at Count Xavier’s today, right?”

“I know. I wondered why you didn’t go to such a big banquet.”

“Count Xavier, that fool is going to avenging to Odette tonight, and I’ve given him enough of a reason to do it, so I’m going to enjoy the results.”

Lizaina plucked a grape from the vine beside her and popped it into her mouth.

As the sweet flavor of the grape wafted through her mouth, Lizaina’s mind drifted back to her conversation with Regis.




“So, you’re going to give Odette a sleeping pill and make a scandal?”

“Yes. What can I do, then? It will work out as we planned.”

Hearing Regis confident words, Lizaina hummed and waved her fan.

As if assessing Regis’ plan.

It was somewhat radical and simple at the same time.

First, he would lure Odette into a situation where they would be alone in the room, and then he would give her a sleeping pill and put her to sleep in one place.

Then, a stand-in is created using Odette’s outerwear, accessories, and wig.

“Aren’t there a lot of people who can act as doubles? All we have to do is bring in a suitable actor.”

“And if we sneak a glimpse of her hanging out with other men, wouldn’t anyone think that the 4th Princess is enjoying a promiscuous life?”

They can’t really see her face when she’s covered up by men anyway, all they’ll see is her outfit and hair color.

And it would be an image of a woman hanging out with a bunch of men.


“If all goes according to plan, the reputation of the Fourth Princess will be at rock bottom.”

Rumors of Duke Ertmann having an affair with the Fourth Princess would be another story that would be fueled by the Fourth Princess promiscuity.

“Then, naturally, you will get what you want, and I will get what I want.”

“Odette, you mean?”


Instead of answering Lizaina’s words, Regis smiled coldly. It was an unspoken affirmation.

Regis was going to be the one to extend a saving hand to Odette, whose reputation had been ruined.

That was why he’d taken Lizaina’s hand in the first place.

To make Odette his own.

However, Regis’s attitude had changed drastically from the first time she reached out to him.

‘You went to see Odette three days ago.’

What happened then.

When she first reached out to him, he had a very moderate attitude.

– If you only had a chance to talk again, how difficult would it be to roasting a woman like that?

– Your Highness, no need to do anything. I’ll take care of it.

There was only one reason why Lizaina called Regis.

‘We have to undermine Odette’s reputation.’


The hot issues in the social world now is definitely Walter, Duke of Ertmann.

The story about which of the two princesses he had feelings for was never seemed to die down.

So Lizaina turned to Regis as a way to break the tension.

‘In this situation, if Odette is rumored to be having an affair with Count Xavier, public opinion will surely be united.’

So it was the Third Princess who really had a relationship with Duke Ertmann, huh.

And that would backfire on Odette.

‘Anyway, the reason she gained people’s favor was because it was a flashy event.’

People would eagerly disparage Odette, saying they knew it would, as if asking when they think so highly of her.

And if Lizaina takes advantage of that opportunity and truly takes over Walter, everything will go smoothly.

For this plan, Lizaina also intended to use a rather radical method.

But Regis rather dissuaded Lizaina.

– She’s not much of a woman, I can convince her of that.

He had said, quite confidently.

At least until three days ago, when he met Odette at Belfort Academy.

“Well…… that sounds good, but your plan requires you to lure her in first. Are you sure it will work? She’s wary.”

“Of course. I’ll give her a bait she can’t refuse.”

Something about Duke Ertmann, that is.

“The Fourth Princess has an absolute lack of information, and she’s very protective of herself, so she’ll definitely take the bait, and it won’t be hard after that.”

As Regis said this, there was a strange determination in his eyes.

A determination to somehow avenge Odette’s humiliation.




‘Hmm, such a jerk.’

When I thought of Regis face, full of lingering affection and obsession for Odette, I felt sick again.

‘It was a few years ago when you were at the academy, but you still can’t forget her? Dumbass.’

But thanks to that, it has become more convenient for me to use it, well.

Lizaina patted her belly and laughed.

“It’s a shame that I didn’t get to see that girl suffer, but there’s no need for me to get caught up in the rumors.”

All I have to do is sit here and wait for Odette’s reputation to be destroyed.

In Lizaina’s explanation, Blake rearranged the chessboard and made a ‘humming’ sound.

“That’s funny. I haven’t seen you rack your brains like that in a long time.”

“Isn’t it obvious? it’s even weirder that it takes me this long to step on Odette! What’s the point of going through all this trouble over her? I don’t want her to get stuck anyway, so I’m going to step on her properly this time.”

At Lizaina’s words, Blake, who had been resting his chin on the chessboard, tilted his head.

“And if you don’t?”


“I asked you, if you can’t, what are you going to do then?”


The last piece, a white pawn, popped up on the chessboard.

“Don’t let your guard down, Lizzie.”

A pawn is the only piece that can become a queen. 

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


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