Contract Marriage Interrupted

It's a bit too much

Episode 15. It’s a bit too much


“This suits you too, lady!”

“Is there anything that doesn’t suit you?”

Ellodie Montoir lifted the corners of her mouth cheerfully, hearing exclamations coming from the employees standing next to her.

In the mirror she stood, there was a beautifully decorated aristocratic love.

A woman who hadn’t the slightest hint of the countryside about her, but her unique freshness remains and looks very attractive and lovely.

‘This is me.’

It was unimaginable until just a month ago.

Of course. This is all something she could get because she was here in Ertmann, not her family, Montoire!

Ellodie could still vividly recall the first time she came here.

The sprawling gardens and the enormous mansion in the center of it, which seemed like it would take all day to walk around.

Passing through the main gate, which took quite a while to reach by carriage, a beautiful marble hall and a huge chandelier welcomed her.

But what impressed her most was not the gilded corners of the mansion, nor the fact that the paintings hanging in the hallways were so expensive and famous that even she recognized them.

It was a man who stuck in her memory most strongly that day.

“Let’s make a deal. There will be no harm to you either.”

A man with black hair who used to say his first words without saying anything.


The owner of this beautiful mansion, the master of the great Ertmann, a man who would not normally dare to speak to her alone.

She had expected to see him as soon as she arrived.

Walter offered Ellodie a quick deal.

“What, a deal?!”

“Yes. If you work for me, I promise you a halo in Ertmann’s name. Your debut will be held in a luxurious manner, and if you have any shortcomings, Ertmann will provide support.”

“L- let me think about it…….”

“Even if it’s not you, there are many people who can replace you. Once again, it’s not a losing deal.”

Of course. A chance to borrow Ertmann’s name?

This was an opportunity I’d sell everything for.

‘I know, but I tried it once and it didn’t work.’

Ellodie gulped and accepted Walter’s offer.

“I’ll do it, but what can I do for you?”

“It shouldn’t be too difficult. You’ll only have to seduce one man, no, you won’t even have to seduce him.”

And then Walter dropped the organized papers in front of Ellodie.

It was information about a person.

“Louis…… Clovis? Looking for a marriage partner……. The conditions are that there should be no unnecessary scandals and that Louis Clovis himself is light-hearted…….”

“And someone who can make a promise not to bind him after marriage. That’s all. You can play an attractive marriage partner to Louis Clovis.”

“Do I really have to get married?”


“That’s up to you. Arranged marriage or whatever, just enough to make Louis Clovis think positively about marrying you. Not a very difficult condition to fulfill.”

As Walter spoke, he stared at Ellodie.

His piercing gaze seemed to say that he knew her.

That she had actually come to the capital because she was rumored to have had a messy relationship with a man in the province of Montoire, and that she could no longer find a decent husband in the province.

‘No way.’

Elodie shook her head inwardly.

Her father, Viscount Montoire, was very fond of his daughter.

He had sent her to the capital because he couldn’t find a suitable husband.

As such, the Viscount Montoire would have kept Ellodie’s relationship a secret.

– Never! Don’t act like what you did here. Behave yourself!

If she had to ask, they would never let me enter the capital.

And as he say, there are many people who can replace Ellodie, is there any need to investigate Ellodie’s background?

“I’ll do my best!”

That’s how the deal was done.

Anyway, Ellodie was really going to work hard.

She mean.



Walter said she could marry Louis if she wanted to.

He knew that in her eyes, Louis would be a perfect match.

But Ellodie disagreed.

‘Why should I, when there is a better man here?’

Walter Ertmann was a much more handsome man than she had heard.

He is taller than other people and his muscles are so well-structured that they can be seen even through his clothes.

He had a handsome face that was so well proportioned that statuesque was an accurate description.

Of course, his unique arrogant and cold expression is a flaw.

Especially when you’re listening to Walter’s bass voice, which is like soaked satin, you’ll automatically imagine what it would sound like in bed.

‘And the value of Ertmann’s name.’

The few days Ellodie spent with Ertmann were so magical that she wondered what it would be like to live in a mansion without the love of a husband.

Maid’s were always on standby to bring her the things she wanted, the food, clothing, and shelter were of the highest quality to the point where she felt like they were trash.

Moreover, the gaze of envy that you can feel from them!

‘It’s worth trying to push on the Duke on purpose.’

Walter had promised Ellodie the halo of Ertmann in exchange for the deal, and she had graciously accepted it as long as she didn’t cross the line.


And those who give such special treatment took a more polite and cautious attitude, perhaps thinking of Ellodie as Walter’s lover.

I feel like I’ve become a truly noble and special person!

‘If I become Duchess of Ertmann, I’ll be able to enjoy it in the future.’

Of course, the targeted man, Louis Clovis, was also quite handsome.

But she couldn’t compare him to the position of Duchess of Ertmann.

Duchess Ertmann.

How ecstatic to hear a word that would have been unrealistic a month ago.

Some might still call it a pipe dream, but after spending a few days at the Duke of Ertmann’s residence and assessing the situation, Ellodie concluded that it was quite possible.

‘All you have to do is defeat your competitors appropriately.’

And this competitor was Walter and two other Princesses in the middle of a scandal.

It was not difficult to hear the story that Walter wanted a Princess after coming to the capital.

Even the people of Ertmann often talked about Walter’s true intentions.

No, rather, there were some that were easier to encounter because they were inside Ertmann.

“Sir Russell, is it true that your Excellency has set his heart on the Princess?”

“He intends to marry her, after all he’s been through.”

“So he’s going to marry her, then?”

“Yes. He says he is.”

“Well, it’s about time, then, who is your Excellency choose between the 3rd Princess and the 4th Princess?”

“Hey. Seeing as you’re wondering about useless things, it seems like you’re feeling a bit better these days? Let’s go take a tour of the training ground.”

“It’s not- you were wrong!”


Although it was difficult to obtain definitive information, it was certain that Walter was considering marriage.

And with her keen eye, Ellodie noticed things that the knights had not noticed.

“By the way, Duke. May I ask why I should seduce Count Clovis? It’s not a big deal, but I think it’ll help me act more if I know it!”

“You only have to do what you’re assigned to, but you’re interested in useless things. Or is it hard to act that much?”

“……! O-of course not.”

It was a bit of a struggle, though Walter was so cold whenever there were no people around.

Ellodie gave him a last glance.

“It’s nothing more than a marriage partner, It seems like you’re trying to interfere with Count Clovis’s marriage. Did you two are some kind of rival or……?”


Instead of answering, Ellodie turned to face Walter who smiled.

It was the first time she realized that a gentle smile could look so cold and threatening.

And how a mere glance can be enough to put someone under pressure.

“Ellodie Montoire, you’re about to make your debut, so let me give you some advice.”

“Wherever you go, those who know the most and those who are most greedy die first.”

You’d better keep that in mind.


Even that addition.

It was a clear warning.

A warning not to ask any further.

But it was also an admission that Ellodie was right.

‘Are you really saying that Count Clovis is your rival?!’

What Walter wanted to do was not an arranged marriage.

He really has one of the Princesses in mind.

‘So…… then you’re saying you were blocked because of Count Clovis?’

Who the hell is it between those two?

The famous Third Princesses, Lizaina?

Or Odette, the Fourth Princess that Walter admitted to a secret meeting?

Ellodie even considered trying to find out, but the question was answered unexpectedly.

On her debute day.

“The Fourth Princess and Count Clovis are entering!”

At the Count Xavier family’s banquet, there was someone who appeared with Louis Clovis.

* * *


“It’s good to see you again, Your Highness, do you remember me? We met last time at the tea party…….”

“What designer is your dress today, it’s beautiful.”

“We’re having a small banquet at my family’s mansion soon, and if Your Highness would like to attend,…….”

In the middle where countless words are tangled together.

Odette stood in a daze.

This was the scene that happened as soon as she stepped into Xavier’s banquet hall.

People flock to talk to each other, and voices are thrown in a friendly manner.

Louis, who entered together, had been pushed out there due to the crowd.

Thanks to this, Odette’s eyes were spinning.

‘I’ve never seen anything like this before.’

Among those who approached and spoke to her was the man who had secretly mocked her not long ago when she had gone for a social gathering to explain the rumors under pressure from Empress Katarina.

Such a favorable response after so many days.

‘Perhaps the thought of me marrying Duke Ertmann has changed their attitudes.’

Although it was expected to some extent, the reaction was much more explicit than expected.

“Your Highness, do you remember me? I didn’t expect to see you here!”

This is the moment when Odette takes a step back in surprise as the man approaches her.

“I didn’t expect to be greeted so warmly from the moment I walked in.”

A firm hand touched her back.

And a small whisper in her ear.

“Well done, Princess.”

It was…… Walter’s voice.

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. Skandi says:

    Oh my God!!! i wanna know what it comes next!!!

    Thank you Gio for the nice translation!

    1. Gio says:

      Thank you too… it’s my first comment, tysm 🙂

      1. Skandi says:

        Same here ! First comment on this site!!!

        Thank you 😊

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