Contract Marriage Interrupted

Has anyone ever committed an affair?

Episode 14. Has anyone ever committed an affair?


Walter’s answer was as clear as it was breezy.

Russell scratched his short hair in response to the monotonous answer, as if saying that the moon sets when the sun rises.

It wasn’t like last time that he was confused because he didn’t know Walter’s intentions.

No, to be honest…… It was still a bit unclear.

‘I heard you are going to marry Her Highness the 4th Princess.’

After the tea party at the Imperial Palace, Walter had not taken any action for several days.

He stopped visiting Queen Katarina and was not responding to any invitations from Lizaina.

If he had done anything, the courtiers would have been all over him and talking about him.

Of course, there was an intention behind this strange attitude.

‘People are quiet when a knife is at their throat.’

The moment a person is most talkative is not when they are certain that the knife is going to cut their throat.

It’s the moment when the blade out of the sword is not decided where it’s headed.

And that’s exactly what Walter did, forcing the courtiers to weigh Lizaina and Odette side by side.

It means that they began to compare the two on the same line.

‘It’s remarkable.’

Lizaina who dominated the social world with Empress Katarina on her side, and Odette who rarely attended any social gatherings, let alone official events, from her childhood until now.


It was virtually absurd to compare the two on the same line.

At least, until Walter created the situation with a confrontational structure with him in the middle.

“Isn’t it a landslide victory for Her Highness the Third Princess? she’s always met Duke Ertmann, and Her Highness the Third Princess said that he was very kind to her.”

“But if that were the case, wouldn’t he have made a show of carrying the Fourth Princess out in his arms, and Duke Ertmann has even admitted to having a secret meeting with the Fourth Princess?”

“That was just an unfortunate coincidence of being on the same terrace, Her Highness the 4th Princess said it herself. And we all know that Her Highness the 3rd Princess is an outstanding beauty, so how can she compare to Her Highness the 4th Princess?”

“Well. I’m not sure. but…… From what I saw in person, Her Highness the 4th Princess was also quite a beauty. Although it may not be as eye-catching as Her Highness the Third Princess…… It seemed like it would be difficult for men in their prime of blood to come to their senses. I can’t say if that’s not the case with the Duke of Ertmann.”

Conversations that appeared from nobles criticized Lizaina and Odette in pieces flowed from everywhere.

In the first place, the members of the imperial family were more like symbols of the Imperial family displayed in a window than individuals, so people were more comfortable comparing them.

As a result, Odette’s status, which no one was paying attention to, also rose naturally.

‘Was it the mainstream story of a beautiful woman with a pure impression that stimulates her protective instinct.’

If Odette had just been dragged to the surface, there would have been a lot of talk about her not being up to par.


But now no one thought it strange to compare Lizaina and Odette.

Even if Walter did marry Odette, there wouldn’t be much room for mockery, for people to say that Odette didn’t deserve it.

‘Well, so far so good.’

If things were just like this, Russell wouldn’t have been too thrilled.

The problem was.

‘That’s Count Clovis…….’

Russell squeezed his eyes shut as he remembered a few days ago.

– Did you enjoy the tea party, Your Excellency? Your conversation with the that person you mentioned went well-

And Russell voluntarily shut up.

He didn’t need an answer to know what was going on.

‘He’s…… bad mood.’

Walter is not the type to show his feelings on his face.

Nevertheless, the fact that he was making such an uncomfortable face meant that the conversation with Odette was ruined, even if it was not necessary to say it.

And Russell wasn’t the only one who felt it, as the rest of Walter’s men shut up and exchanged glances.

‘No, he were in such a good mood until he left…….’

‘What on earth is going on?’

‘Did someone try to ruin the Emperor at the tea party, because that’s not what this is about…….’


Russell was the only one who knew the situation, so most of them seemed to be clueless.

Among those who were exchanging glances, half in confusion and half in tension, Walter slowly opened his mouth.

– You guys.

– Ye- yes?!

– Have you ever had an affair? Or an experience of stealing someone’s lover.

– ……What?

There’s no way.

The only people here were those who lived the life of a knight and had experience dating the opposite sex no different from Walter.

An affair among those people? There is no way.

And Walter must have realized that fact a moment too late, looked around at the dumbfounded people, and clicked his tongue.

– Done.

The next order was to monitor the movements of Count Clovis, Louis Clovis.

While the others followed the order, seemingly unable to comprehend the implications, Russell was quite perceptive.

‘It looks like the Fourth Princess is in a relationship with Count Clovis.’

The problem is…… There was a slight misunderstanding in the process.

‘How on earth did you choose Her Highness the 4th Princess, who also has a lover, as your marriage partner…….?’

Of course, if it’s Walter, there’s no need to ask, it’s definitely for political reasons.


Russell didn’t really think the slightest thought that Walter might have any feelings for Odette.

Thanks to this, he felt human compassion for the 4th Princess, whom he had never met.

Plus, it’s not just that.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door behind Russell, who was confused.

Without a word, the door swung open and a cheerful voice called out.

“Duke? I heard you were here.”

Light beige hair that flows gently down to the waist.

And round pink eyes reminiscent of a rabbit.

Although she was not a beauty that anyone would admire, a woman with a unique and lovely aura entered the room with light steps.

Russell’s face stiffened as he recognized her.

“……Miss Ellodie, you must not enter his Excellency’s office without permission.”

“Uhm, but I knocked, so it’s okay, right?”

“There’s no way it’s going to be okay-“

“That’s enough, leave it alone. It’s not a situation where you shouldn’t come in.”

Ellodie’s face brightened at Walter’s words.

“Thank you, Duke!”

Ellodie’s smiling face was as bright as the sun, but Russell’s expression became gloomy as he watched.


Because that lovely girl was the main cause of the wrinkles between Russell’s eyebrows.

‘Ellodie Montoire.’

She was the daughter of Viscount Montoire, one of the vassal families of Duke Ertmann, and had recently moved to the capital to enter society.

No, let’s put it more bluntly.

‘His Excellency called.’

It was not uncommon for local nobles, who had no connections in the capital, to request social connections from the heads of high-ranking noble families they served.

Such was the case with the Viscount of Montoire, who had recently sent a portrait of Ellodie to the Duke of Ertmann, saying, “My daughter wishes to make her social debut, and I ask you to arrange a place for her in the capital.”

– I asked you to find a place in the capital, so I guess you can find a chaperone and settle down there. I heard that the Marchioness Grimoire, who is acquainted with the previous Duke, is looking for a lady to accompany her niece, so…….

– No, Ertmann will take care of her. Bring her here. Have them stay in a separate building.

– ……Eh?

However, Walter, who saw the portrait, suddenly made this decision.

Even then, Russell wondered if Walter was serious, but he really let Ellodie stay at Ertmann.

He even showed tolerance by letting Ellodie do whatever she want as long as it didn’t go too far.

‘Why on earth?’


Even now, there was even talk among his subordinates, ‘Isn’t Your Excellency in love with that woman?’

That’s right, because it’s quite a picture when you put Walter and Ellodie together like that.

“Enough with the greetings. What’s going on?”

“I’m thinking about decorating my dress, but it’s too difficult. Look at this, Do you think this blue ribbon would look good, or this yellow ribbon?”

“I don’t know. If you really can’t decide, you can buy them both and add whatever you like.”

“But Montoire’s finances are not that good. We have to save where we can, and It’s already over budget.”

“Then Ertmann will pay for some of the dresses. You can pick and choose.”

Ellodie’s eyes widened at Walter’s words, and she let out a squealing sound.

“Thank you so much! I can’t say I’ll ever be able to repay you, but when the dresses are finished, I’ll be the first to show them to your Excellency!”

Ellodie’s face was as bright as the spring sun, and Walter’s was somewhat of a contrast.

Walter, who is consistent with the usual cold and sharp atmosphere, but when he stood side by side with Ellodie, that side was somewhat neutralized and seemed indifferent rather than sharp.

In fact, Walter is being soft on Ellodie.

Therefore, it is not at all excessive for the subordinates to be excited about those two people.

“I don’t think I need to show you first, but I was just going to let you know that your debute date has been set.”

“……! Really? When is it?”

“In two days.”


“Oh my, are we in such a hurry?”

“It’s urgent, but they’re holding a grand banquet at Count Xavier’s house this time. Considering Xavier’s spending, there will be no other bigger banquet this season, so it would be perfect for you to debut.”

“…… ! Then I have to go quickly and discuss it with the designer! See you at dinner!”

Ellodie nodded hastily, realizing that Walter had a point, and rushed out of the office.

Russell breathed a sigh and shook his head at the cheerfulness, if it’s not cheerful, it’s behavior.

“It may be because Your Excellency has a thought, but…… Will it be able to debut well if you do that?”

For Russell, who was familiar with the physiognomy of nobles, this was absolutely impossible.

He could have bet his last name on it.

“It’s only two days later, so there won’t be time to prepare. How can Miss Ellodie handle a banquet as large as Xavier’s?”

Then Walter laughed.

“You’re worrying too much. Don’t worry, she’ll do better than you think.”

“How do you know she’ll do so well? It’s not like you’re making your debut.”

“Debuting is none of my business.”


“Didn’t you see it?”

The pen base spun around in Walter’s hand as he rested his chin with an inorganic look on his face.

“I don’t know anything else, but she’s good at seducing men, right?”

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. niki1da1 says:

    lolololol this guy is hilarious

  2. Mi mi mi says:

    Is Élodie gonna “steal” Louis?

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