Contract Marriage Interrupted

An Unrejectable Offer

Episode 13. An Unrejectable Offer


“……What did you say?”

“The question is, did you act innocently, pretending not to know a single man, and then go around hitting on other men? From Ertmann to Clovis, it seems like your skills are very great.”

Louis, who had been smiling at Regis sarcasm, turned cold.

“Be careful what you say, Regis Xavier. If Your Highness and I were really in that relationship, I would have flown my fist into your face earlier.”

“I’m sure you would, with all the women you touch.”

Regis sarcastically said that it must be quite fun to play as a shield for a princess with no backs.

Then he turned the arrow straight at Odette.

“I understand that you are angry with me, but I meant every word I said. and I recommend that you do not trust the men you have in your life, especially Count Clovis and Duke Ertmann.”

“It’s my own business. I don’t want to deal with it anymore, so stop-“

The moment Odette about to say stop and go.

Regis whispered in Odette’s ear as he approached.

“Don’t you want to know why Duke Ertmann admitted to a secret meeting with your Highness?”


Odette immediately frowned and pushed Regis away, but Regis only smiled.

“I know that. And I can tell your Highness.”

“……What are you up to?”


“I don’t have anything up my sleeve. I just want to let your Highness know how I feel.”

Regis said something that at first glance sounded very romantic, then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Odette.

“If you want to know, please attend the banquet at Xavier Mansion in three days. There is no invitation, so this is a substitute.”

“I do not need it. I won’t go. How do you know that when you just returned to the country in the first place?”

“It hasn’t been long since I returned, but as you know, I have a pretty close relationship with Her Highness the Third Princess.”

If Walter really wanted Lizaina and had Odette involved, and Lizaina also knows the plan, it’s no wonder the story goes to Regis.

The handkerchief that had been rejected once was offered to Odette again.

“So, what do you say?”

* * *


‘Is this really a good choice?’

Odette thought as she looked at the handkerchief in her hand.

But the handkerchief wasn’t going to give her an answer, and instead she heard a question.

“I thought you had made up your mind since you took the handkerchief. Are you still thinking about it?”

“Maybe there’s a way to conclude that you don’t take the handkerchief and go, Ellie.”

Odette replied, eventually putting the handkerchief down again.


Some time has passed since she met Regis by chance, and now it is night.

After Odette had taken the handkerchief, Regis had slipped away, as if that had been the end of the matter.

Of course, it had been decided that there was no point in staying.

Louis, no one else, saw the two of them quarreling, and even asked him if he had threatened her.

He thought that the word would be spread incorrectly and no good would come of it.

It was rather unpleasant because the intention was so obvious.

‘That’s the same with this handkerchief.’

He was saying it sincerely and all, but it seemed clear that it was a trap aimed at Odette.

The problem is that you have no choice but to step on that trap even though you know it.

“I don’t think Count Xavier will let me go easily. Why would he suddenly come to Bellefort Academy?”

“It must have been leaked that Your Highness went to Bellefort.”

“Exactly. He’s an informant, I don’t have to guess.”

Lizaina would have dragged Regis into this.

So it’s obvious that you’re going to come at me.

“I’m just saying, you’re likely to make things worse by trying to avoid this. And there’s no guarantee it won’t happen again the next time we go out.”

“Really, but it’s a good thing Count Clovis was there!”

“Ah, yes.”

A faint smile crossed Odette’s face as she remembered Louis.

Today had been a mix of bad luck and good luck, so to speak.

Meeting Regis was really terrible, but thanks to that, she was able to talk to Louis casually.

It was also very lucky that Louis happened to be there.

‘He seemed like a nicer guy than I thought.’

Odette recalls her conversation with Louis after Regis returned.





“Thank you for helping me, sorry I’m late to say hello because I was in a hurry.”

“It was natural, so you don’t have to worry about it. I thought I’d see you again at the victory celebration that day, but I didn’t expect to see you like this.”

“Ah……! I’m really sorry about what happened back then. Anyway, there were rumors, so I sent you a letter about that, but have you ever seen it?”

“I’m sorry. There was no time to check the piled-up letters.”

Louis said he came to Belfort as soon as he recovered, without any way to confirm the piled-up letters.

As Anne Sophie said, Louis looked much sicker than she remembered.

As a result, his original image of a gentle young man was complemented by a sickly beauty, giving him a more rational feel.

“Did something happen to you that day?”

“Well, it’s not that big of a story. I was waiting at the meeting place, but I was interrupted by Duke Ertmann.”

“……Duke of Ertmann, you mean?”

Louis’ voice sounded a little stunned as he finally understood the situation.

“So you were with the Duke at the time…… that’s what you say?”

“Uh, yeah.”

Odette blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.

“But really, nothing much happened, although it did get a little annoying after that…….”

Odette briefly explained to Louis what had happened.

From the story spreading that she was having a secret meeting with Walter, to the tea party.

“So that’s why Regis Xavier was referring to Duke Ertmann, I understand.”

“And just in case there’s any misunderstanding, Duke Ertmann and I have absolutely nothing to do with each other.”

“That’s well understood, too. Then I have one question for you.”

At that, Louis stiffened slightly.

It wasn’t an expression of displeasure, but rather a way of emphasizing that what he was saying was not a light question.

“Why did your Highness call for me that day?”

And with that, the question fell in Odette’s direction.





And did she answer honestly?

The answer was.

‘I couldn’t.’

It wasn’t because Louis wasn’t as good as she thought when they met.

‘Rather…… He was a much more gentlemanly person than I thought.’

Odette developed quite a human interest in Louis.

She was a little worried because it had a very light and debauched atmosphere, but she liked that Louis, who she actually talked to, seemed much more serious.

But aside from that.

‘I’m concerned that a curse has been placed on Count Clovis.’

Louis’ complexion was much worse than she remembered.

This means that Anne Sophie’s words were not such an excessive evaluation.

A curse that could turn someone like that in a matter of days was certainly no ordinary curse, and the cause of the curse could not be ordinary.

‘It’s too dangerous.’

He could also become a victim of the curse, and even if he avoids the curse, he will be far from the quiet and peaceful life that Odette had hoped for.

So Odette put off talking about marriage for now.

‘I need to find out a little more about Count Clovis before I bring up the story.’

Fortunately, after the tea party, word spread that Walter wanted to marry the Princess, and the marriage talks between Odette and the Count somewhat calmed down.

She had a feeling that even if marriage talks were to proceed, it wouldn’t be right away.

Thanks to this, Odette, who had to hold on to both rotten and half-loosened ropes, was given some breathing space.

And Odette decided to take advantage of it and use it to check on Louis.

Fortunately or unfortunately, she had the right opportunity.

Odette picked up the pen she’d set aside next to the handkerchief.

She finished the letter, melted some beeswax to seal it, and handed it to Ellie.

“Send this to Count Clovis.”

“Have you made up your mind?”



As Louis escorted Odette to the carriage, he asked her out of the blue.

– Will you go to Xavier’s banquet?

– Well, I’m thinking about it, but I think it might be more troublesome if I refuse.

– Then…… If you don’t mind, why don’t I come with you as your partner?

– Partner?

Odette’s eyes rounded.

Still, it was an offer she couldn’t refuse, especially since she wanted to make contact with Louis somehow.

But not for Louis, so why?

As if his thoughts were revealed through his expression, Louis smiled slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed.

– I don’t think I could send your Highness off alone with something like that in front of me, it might be dangerous, and I don’t feel comfortable with it.

– ……Thank you.

Maybe it was because I had no memory of receiving such a favor, but my voice came out a little strangely.

– But, I’ll think about it, so can I call you when I decide?

– Sure, I’ll be waiting.

Louis smiled brightly, and only left after watching Odette climb into the carriage.

He had a neat attitude, as if he had stuck to a routine until the very end.

Thanks to this, Odette’s evaluation of Louis was at its peak.


‘I think it would be a good idea to check the part about the curse and propose right away.’

And as a first step, Odette decided to attend Xavier’s banquet.

She can’t leave Regis alone because he seems to have something up his sleeve.

‘I should also see what Duke Ertmann is up to.’

Things seemed to be getting back on track after being derailed by Walter’s interruptions.

Perhaps because of the relief of seeing Louis, Odette slept well that night.

Nothing more would happen.

* * *


“Count Clovis is attending Xavier’s banquet?”

Duke Ertmann’s office is decorated in calming colors.

An unexpected voice came from Walter, who was sitting at the desk.

“Yes. After being isolated for a while due to health problems, it appears that his health has recovered quite a bit. Or, since someone I’m close with has returned home, I’m thinking of going to see them.”

“It doesn’t matter much either way. That’s great because I almost got bothered if I kept staying away. Russell, was there an invitation from Xavier?”

“There is. It seems that Count Xavier is holding a large banquet since he returned home, and for courtesy, he seems to have given it all to most aristocrats.”

Regis Xavier was originally a man of luxury, so this banquet will be quite large.

“Would you like to attend?”

“Of course.”

You’d better get rid of the old enemy quickly.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    seems like he doesn’t know count clovis’ partner

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