Contract Marriage Interrupted

Together in Future

Episode 102. Together in Future


After Walter woke up, everything was in order.

Katarina and Blake were eager to bring his death to the surface, so all Cedric had to do was frame them for poisoning his glass.

Not content with just attempting to poison Walter, Cedric also brought forth evidence of a conspiracy to assassinate the emperor that he had gathered over time. With things reaching this point, even if they were who they were, they couldn’t completely shake off suspicion. Consequently, Katarina was exiled to the imperial-owned villa, burdened with all the accusations.

Although it is a villa, it is completely cut off from the outside world, and only food and daily necessities are provided through a small door, so in reality, all Katarina can do there is just wait for death.

As Cedric sent Katarina off to the villa.

“Before departing for the villa, you didn’t forget to warn me. It’s alright if you rot away here, your son and daughter are alive and well. Blake seems to dream of becoming emperor and saving himself. How amusing.”

It was a bitter mockery, knowing that such a day would never come.

Because regardless of Katarina’s presence, the Emperor would soon lose his life to poison. And once that happened, there would be no room for Blake to intervene before Cedric ascended to the throne.

In this way, Blake’s plot came to a bittersweet conclusion. After that, several tearful pleas from Lizaina arrived in the days that followed, begging to spare Katarina’s life, or at least to be allowed to see her, but Odette just threw them into the fireplace.

“There would have been nowhere for me to beg for mercy if I had lost Walter. This is as merciful as it gets.”

* * *


As time passed, the autumn leaves fell, and white snowflakes filled the spaces between the bare branches.

Philip, Ertmann’s butler, looked out over the winter at the mansion he had devoted his life to. The meticulously designed gardens, created at great expense and tended by several gardeners, appeared almost identical to Philip’s memories.

But every time he looked at the garden in winter, he thought it looked different.

Maybe it’s because so much has changed at the Ertmann residence this year.

“-So, we’ve decided to hold the wedding next spring!”

“Isn’t it a bit too soon, Ellie? I think you need a little more time to get to know him…….”

“Oh, come on! You got married within a month of meeting each other. I thought you’d understand, Your Highness!”

“Well, it couldn’t be helped given the circumstances……!”

“That’s true. I did push for it.”

Philip’s gaze swept across the crowded living room, where his master, Walter, sat with Odette, who sat beside him, and across from them, Ellie and her lover.

Ellie, who once had an insatiable love for romance novels to the point of melancholy, had started her first romance before autumn even arrived. It was through none other than Arnold’s introduction.

Strictly speaking, calling it Arnold’s introduction was a bit ambiguous because Arnold had brought this charming young man solely to introduce him to Odette.

Odette shook her head in disbelief as she remembered.


“I’m still amazed when I think about it. Sir Arnold was truly on fire. To think he was ready to introduce a new prospect for marriage at the first sign of a couple’s quarrel.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re your grandfather’s family, not mine.”

“Don’t say that, Walter. You know how much Lord Arnold cares about you.”


Even at Odette’s words, Walter couldn’t hide his skepticism. In fact, Philip also agreed on this point.

‘Sir Arnold…… seems to cherish Madam more than Master.’

So, not only did Arnold send carriages full of gifts to Odette with every change of season, but if there was even a hint of discord between the couple, he would take Odette’s side in a fit of rage.

It was the same back then.

– Ah, don’t live with a man who brings tears to your eyes!

With these words, Arnold barged in unannounced, closely examining Odette’s condition, then grabbing Walter by the collar to have a private chat. Leaving Odette and the young man he brought alone together.

Thanks to that, Odette almost had to bear an awkward atmosphere, but luckily, that day was planned for a guest to visit.

It was Odette’s closest friend, Ellie.

Odette introduced Ellie to the young man Arnold brought, and the two quickly grew close, perhaps even falling in love at first sight. And as soon as a season passed, they brought news of their marriage.


Although there were concerns about getting married so quickly after meeting, Odette sincerely rejoiced in Ellie’s choice. This was because Ellie had not been able to find a suitable match and was facing marriage to a foreign noble due to family circumstances.

“I’m a little surprised, but I’m very happy for you two. I’m so glad you found the right person, Ellie.”

“To be honest, I hadn’t planned to marry so quickly, but I felt it might be beneficial for my family if I did. Of course, Your Highness’s assistance made things much easier for me.”

Ellie shook her head, realizing that her siblings had been so adamant that she not marry.

But her face was filled with unconcealed joy and affection for her lover. The young man quietly holding her hand shone with the same light, and surely they would make a good couple.

‘If Ellie can’t find someone suitable, I was going to introduce her to Sir Russell.’

For those who knew, it was somewhat of a known story that Russell secretly had a soft spot for Ellie.

Describing Ellie as cute and lively, Russell seemed to have been charmed by her energetic nature.

Although Ellie didn’t directly tell anyone about her lover, her prolonged melancholy and withdrawal into her quarters didn’t go unnoticed at Duke Ertmann’s estate.

Perhaps upon hearing news of her marriage, people would understand even more than they did then.

Odette sympathized with Russell’s heartache and considered whether she could introduce him to another suitable young lady in the future. Maybe marriage had suddenly become enjoyable for her in connecting others.


‘Was it Lea Denzel? She was adorable. I should strike up a conversation with her at the next social gathering.’

Odette now regularly hosted social gatherings at Ertmann’s estate, thanks to the strong foothold she had established in society.

For a time, the whole country was interested in Odette after she publicly announced that she had the power to give life. Not surprising, since this was a power that only appeared once every hundred years or so.

If it weren’t for Cedric and the Belfort Academy, with whom she’d been working, stepping in and taking her under their wing, Odette would have been traveling around like a clown for a while, turning fountain pens into pigeons.

Nevertheless, Odette did not miss the sudden surge of attention focused on her and used it to solidify her position in society. Thanks to this, she became a figure capable of hosting regular social gatherings even before a season passed.

Walter considered this to be natural, but Odette still found such changes somewhat unfamiliar and awkward. She preferred sitting face to face with Ellie like this rather than at large social gatherings.

“I’ll send you the invitations as soon as they come out, Your Highness!”

“Come visit again next time. Or shall we go to the villa together? Walter says the winter scenery there with the lake is very beautiful.”

“Of course, I’d love to! Anytime you call!”

Ellie replied cheerfully and left Duke Ertmann’s estate with a bright face.

As the carriage departed and Odette returned after seeing off her friend, she was surprised to find her husband sitting with a pouty expression.


“Why do you look like that, Walter?”

“…… We agreed to go to the villa together.”

“Of course you’re coming too. Wouldn’t it be fun with all four of us, including Ellie’s couple?”

“It wouldn’t be fun. I was thinking of just the two of us going.”

Odette couldn’t help but chuckle at Walter’s petulant reaction, accusing her of making plans without consulting him. Her husband often exhibited childish behavior, relying on his wife’s love, and this was clearly another instance of such antics.

The problem was that to Odette’s eyes, this side of Walter seemed incredibly endearing.

‘My God, a man twice my size looks so cute.’

Is this how love changes one’s perception of the world?

Nevertheless, watching a man who usually doesn’t bother with a single word being so attached to her gave Odette a peculiar sense of satisfaction.

Perhaps she herself was not immune to rather unconventional tastes. With that thought, Odette draped her shawl and wrapped her arms around Walter’s torso tightly.

“Don’t be grumpy, we have plenty of occasions to go together. This winter, all four of us will go, and next winter, just the two of us.”

“So you’re telling me to wait a year?”

“It’s not like the villa is the only option, and we don’t have to wait a whole year. There are plenty of places we can go together just the two of us. We’ll always be together from now on.”

Always together. As if he liked the sound of that, Walter’s stony expression softened.

“You’ve become quite persuasive, Odette.”

“Well, I am your wife after all.”

With a light chuckle at her nonchalant reply, Walter suddenly changed his stance and lightly embraced Odette.

“If you’re my wife, then you should have acquired other talents.”

“What talents?”

“Ask those novels you’re hiding from me.”

“……! W-when did you see that?!”

“Of course I won’t tell you.”

With a quick kiss on Odette’s flushed cheek, Walter headed for the stairs.

The view in Ertmann’s mansion was now nothing special, just another day in the life.



Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. Gio says:

    Dear Readers, thank you for always waiting and following up this novels! I really enjoy translating it. CMI is now part of my favorite stories, I hope you guys enjoy it too.
    See you in the next story!

  2. HeathBar says:

    What a lovely ending, they are so sweet!

    Thank you for bringing us the story through the end. I look forward to seeing more of your projects!

  3. rosie_reign says:

    It was a great read and the translation was excellent👌✨ Thank you for the efforts💖

  4. niki1da1 says:


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