Contract Marriage Interrupted

Weeds in the Palace

Episode 6. Weeds in the Palace


Odette’s mother accidentally caught the Emperor’s eye while working as Katarina’s maid.

But that was it.

“I don’t see why you’d go after other people’s men when you’re not even a Princess. Didn’t you learn anything from how your mother died? They say daughters take after their mothers, and you’re just as stupid.”

Odette’s mother was not even the Emperor’s mistress, and she gave birth to Odette alone.

It wasn’t uncommon for an imperial maid to fall in love with a nobleman and have a child out of wedlock, but the fact that the child looked exactly like the Emperor caused quite a stir in the palace, a story Odette was well aware of.

The nanny who raised her always talked about it and told her to play dead.

– The princess is not welcome in this palace, so whatever you hear, just go to bed. What’s the big deal about being a Princess?

No, come to think of it, I think it was mainly after the nanny was insulted by the word illegitimate.

Like, for example, after a big fight with Liza and Blake.

When Odette came back sulking and not taking the insult well, Nanny always said that she had to put up with it.

– There is no other way, so if you act out too much, you’ll get nipped in the bud. The princess has to hold it in.

– But I said the right thing!

– Remember your favorite history book: the Count of Turin, trying to stop the tyranny of the tyrant King Arthur III, was beheaded because he said the wrong thing?


– Right and wrong doesn’t matter, power is the only thing.


The nanny’s advice was cold, but wise.

And Odette had listened to them ever since she’s been kicked in.

She’d been confined to the palace, never socializing, living as if she didn’t exist.

It was like that when Lizaina made an outrageous statement and slapped her, and even when Blake threw harsh words in an attempt to get at her in some way, she’s just smiled and still being polite.

Like now.

‘There’s nothing good about getting angry in this situation.’

I know it in my head.

I know that if I lose my temper here, I’ll lose everything I’ve been hunkering down and holding my self for.

The more it is, the further away it will be from Odette’s dream of leaving the palace and living quietly.

‘And yet Ellie is holding a letter to send to Count Clovis.’

If she make a fuss here, it will be hard for Ellie to deliver the letter.

Lizaina tapped Odette’s temple, who was gritting her teeth, with the fan she was holding and said mockingly.

“You should be grateful to be called a Princess for being an illegitimate child. It’s a disgrace to share the same family name as an unscrupulous one like you. Do you understand? Do not approach Duke Ertmann again. Behave yourself.”

At that insult, I could hear Ellie behind Odette’s back muttering, “How dare you……!” and clenching her teeth.

It was enough to make anyone lose their temper, but Odette had to hold it in.


Because she was a weed in the imperial palace with no support.

“……Yes, I will, and I won’t tangle with Duke Ertmann again.”

So Odette laughed as usual.

If you laugh, at least you won’t get slapped.

‘Let’s put up with it. I just have to put up with it until I get a reply from Count Clovis.’

The situation wasn’t quite as hopeless as it might have been, even with Walter’s sudden interruption.

After all, thanks to Lizaina’s fuss, it was clear that it wasn’t either Katarina or Lizaina who had interrupted her.

‘I don’t know how the hell Duke Ertmann know about my plan…….’

In that case, the fact that the plan hadn’t been leaked to the people on the Empress side so it’s hopeful enough.

After the disgraced Lizaina returned, and Ellie left to deliver the letter.

Odette stared down at the blank sheet of paper and calmed her racing heart.

‘There’s still a chance.’

All I have to do is get a reply from Count Clovis.

If I can just get through to him, everything will be fine.

* * *


……That’s what she thought.

But seems like Odette’s bad luck wasn’t over yet.

“Count Clovis is…… sick and not receiving guests?”

“Yes. He’s been ill since the day he returned from the victory celebration, and he says he’s not in a position to see anyone…….”

When Ellie said that she had no choice but to give the letter to the butler and return, Odette looked confused.

“Since the day he returned from the victory celebration? I saw Count Clovis well that day.”

“But it didn’t seem to be a lie, because Count Clovis’s mansion was unoccupied, and we had to go all the way down to the count’s townhouse.”

If each aristocratic family’s mansion was the official place to receive people, the townhouse was a private space.

A place made for situations where you rarely have guests and need to get away for an extended period of time.

So when Louis went down to the townhouse, it was a way of saying he was really, really sick.

“Besides, there were no signs of people coming and going anywhere, including the count house and the townhouse. It was all quiet.”

With such strong circumstantial evidence, it was likely that Louis was sick.

It was just a matter of timing.

‘He seemed fine until I sent him a note asking to meet, and then he fell ill right after the banquet?’

It was too much of a coincidence.

It was as if the whole situation had been settled to get her in trouble.

Ellie must have sensed the same thing, because she couldn’t keep the worried look off her face.

“Why don’t you go there yourself, Your Highness? If you tell them the princess came, they’ll at least let you in.”

“I want to do that, but…… You know I just can’t afford it now.”

After Walter and such rumors had gone viral, Lizaina was not the only one who came to Odette.

The mother, Empress Katarina, had also visited Odette.

The blue-haired Empress, who has a gentler face than Lizaina, but has a very harsh impression, looked over Odette with her usual appraising gaze.

As if to determine if Odette was a threat or not.

Then she spoke simply.

– You know what’s going on here without me having to tell you. You’ve got quite a pile of invitations coming your way, and it’s putting me and Lizzi in a bit of a bind.

This was how Katarina always spoke.

Convey the situation, and then bluntly deflect.

Then Odette would quickly say what she needed to say.

– I apologize for the inconvenience, Empress, but if you could please select from the invitations which ones are worth attending, I’d be happy to attend, and I’m sure that would put some of the rumors to rest.

In the end, Katarina’s request boils down to this.

‘Go around the social circles and tell them the rumors are false.’

Of course, since Walter admitted to it, there will be some gossip, but it will save Lizaina’s face.

It was clear that this was the best option for Katarina, who couldn’t refuse Odette’s invitation outright.


In the end, Odette had to travel around the social hall for several days to explain the rumors.

At least the sudden increase in external schedules managed to bear, but what really made Odette suffer was the reaction of those who heard her explanation.

– Duke Ertmann must have been mistaken for something. Well, I did think it didn’t make sense at all. Walking a fine line between the 3rd and 4th Princess consort……

Those who ignored Odette, saying they knew it, were better.

– Maybe you had some expectations after rumors were spreading, Your Highness? You never know what happens to people.

– Oh my, what are you saying to someone who’s getting married soon?

– I heard that Count Marvo’s son is a year older than you? Since we are similar in age, we can get along well.

People said things that might offend Odette and watched her reaction.

They’re enjoying seeing if she’s angry or upset.

Like throwing stones at an animal in a cage to provoke it.

‘This is the worst.’

Even when she wasn’t out and about, Odette was well versed in the physiology of social life, as the palace itself was one giant social hall.

Even for her, such blatant mockery was hard to take.

In the space of a few days, Odette’s face had turned to mush, and the once lightly made-up Odette was now forced to wear somewhat thicker makeup to hide her pale complexion and thick shadows under her eyes.

It’s a good thing Ellie is so good at applying makeup.


“But you are beautiful, Your Majesty.”

“I’m not a fan of flattery, Ellie.”

“Oh, have you ever seen me flatter, I always mean it.”

Ellie said so and smiled, and brought a mirror to light her face.

It was true, Odette’s face was beautiful in the mirror.

Even though it may look a bit simple thanks to the long, abundant eyelashes and round eyes, it gave a neat impression, and the line from the neck to the shoulders stood out a little more elegantly, making this look even more vivid.

In addition, the deeper eyes and Odette’s serene aura gave her a sense of excellence that made  a strange protective instinct.

“Ellie, you seem to be getting better at makeup.”

“Your Highness has become more beautiful!”

Ellie smile enthusiasm at Odette’s and added a thin veil to the shoulders of her dress.

It was a much more colorful and demanding dress than Odette usually wore.

The reason was simple.

Odette was supposed to attend a tea party with the Emperor.

Although it is a tea party that royal officials must attend, Odette has always been absent under the pretext of health.

But other socializers are out and can’t going to the Emperor’s tea party.

‘At least, only members of the imperial family sit at the main table…… I won’t be bitten outright.’


But instead, she got to see Katarina, Lizaina, and Blake all in one place, so should she call this a blessing.

Odette sighed and stood up.

“I must go now. Ellie, you should go to Count Clovis one more time. You have to get an answer at least a little bit.”

“Yes, I will. And please take care Your Highness. You haven’t slept since yesterday.”

Odette yawned lightly at that, smiled, and left the palace.

But as Ellie said, the condition was not so good. It was because she couldn’t sleep all day thinking about marriage.

‘Now I really don’t have time.’

Although she have tried my best to avoid it until now, if she meet the Emperor today, she will not be able to avoid talking about her marriage with the Count.

‘And once the story comes out, my marriage to the Count will become a fait accomplish.’

This made Odette even more agitated.

She would have to prevent that from happening somehow…….

“If the situation is not favorable, we should even consider putting up a precipitation.”

With that thought in mind, Odette headed to the tea room.

Until she reached the palace’s tea room, a converted greenhouse, her mind was filled with thoughts of Louis.

But when she arrived, she could think of nothing else.

There was something Odette had never imagined waiting for her.


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