Contract Marriage Interrupted

What Have You Done!

Episode 4. What Have You Done!


The Duke of Ertmann was a prestigious man with a bit of exaggeration and the key figure who holds high position within the Empire.

Of course, He’s been living in isolation recently due to ‘some kind of incident’.

It was not that he lacked wealth or influence, this time it was Duke Ertmann himself who announced the victory, which further solidifying his influence.

Rather, it means that he is a big shot that Empress Katarina would be anxious to take away.

But what does such a person necessary to play along with this crude mischief?

The only thing that makes sense is…….

“……Come to think of it, Duke Ertmann thought I liked Count Clovis.”

“What? But I think he knew you were planning to arrange a contract marriage?”

“That’s right. I wonder if he assumed that the reason why it was Count Clovis is because of love?”

Of course, Ellie knew that love was not Odette’s reason for wanting to propose.

However if someone had overheard and relayed the conversation, it would have be rather difficult to convey everything correctly.

In the process, it was obviously that Odette could not convey the reason for choosing Louis.

Above all, it is true that Odette was looking at Louis throughout the banquet to deliver the note to Louis, so he may have guessed it from her gestures.

“Because anyway, Duke Ertmann had such a misunderstanding… Perhaps the reason for his cooperation is because of the Count Clovis.”

In society, political issues often arise over competitors.

And Odette thought maybe this was the case as well.

“So, I can’t clear up the misunderstanding at first. I think we should wait and see.”

“Count Clovis and Duke Ertmann, do you think they are enemies?”

“Well, no. I don’t know about that, but…… that was put me into trouble.”

If the two were indeed enemies, it was likely that Louis would not think well of Odette, who was rumored to have had an affair with Walter.

‘Besides, if Queen Katarina knew my plans…….’

She would certainly not let me to meet with Count Clovis.

Even so, it was even more difficult to interfere in this way when the meeting with Louis had failed.


So Odette had early called in Ellie, who was on her furlough due to an injury.

“I apologize for calling you here so early, but I needed your help because of the situation.”

“Oh, don’t mind it. My leg is almost healed, and if I had known this was going to happen, I would have followed you to the victory celebration!”

“Forget it, you’re not going anywhere with that leg. I just need you to deliver this letter.”

Odette picked up the letter she had written beside her and hand it out.

A letter with the address written to Count Clovis.

‘My meeting with Count Clovis was interrupted yesterday, but I can’t give up.’

Luckily, when Louis entered the terrace.

He only looked at Walter and did not seem to see Odette, who had been hidden by him.

Of course, if he’d heard the rumor, he would soon notice who the owner of the dress that Walter couldn’t cover up, but it didn’t matter.

Walter would soon explain that the current scandal for his reputation is a false rumor.

So Odette quickly wrote a letter to reschedule the meeting with Louis that had been interrupted last night.

The letter she wrote is that she was sorry for not showing up, that the rumors were untrue, and that she wanted to meet again.

Normally, she would have had someone else write the letter, but she couldn’t trust anyone else now that her private conversations with Ellie had been leaked.

“We must deliver the letter quickly, Ellie, before the Queen Katarina tries to interrupt again.”

“Don’t worry. It’s not a difficult thing.”

Ellie smiled and stood up from her seat.

Suddenly, the door swung open and someone walked in.

The person who appeared beyond the open door was none other than


The 3rd Princess, Lizaina Rodel Celestine.

“What the hell have you done!”

* * *


She was dressed up again today to match her nickname the flower of society.

Her lovely-looking pink hair was fitted with jewellery, which must have been painstakingly crafted by the artisan, and the features of the beauty appeared sharper and more fascinating thanks to the make-up of the skillful maid.

Of course, there was a strong impression and fierce look because of that, but the confident attitude that the noble status of the royal woman and arrogance matched well was digesting as an advantage that could be a disadvantage.

It was according to people opinion that there was no man who could not add a little exaggeration to the width of that skirt.

However, the only one difference is it that Lizaina looks angry to the end of her head.

The hem of her dress, which her maids would have spent hours smoothing out, was now ruffled in a different way by Lizaina’s hands.

Although Lizaina may have a fiery personality, she had been trained to maintain her dignity as an imperial woman.

It was rare for her to lose her temper like that.

“Why is she so angry?”

Odette asked, rising from her seat.

“What’s the matter, sister? If you tell me earlier, I would have prepared…….”

“Tell you what? Are you saying that I have to contact you when I want meet you?! People will think you’re a superior!”

“That’s not what I meant sister, it’s just I’m sorry that you’re coming over and I’m not prepared yet.”

She didn’t mean it in that way, of course, but more as a way of avoiding it.

Odette was quite used to Lizaina’s sudden visit with anger.

“Next time, at least give me a little word through the maid. It would be nice to have a cup of tea when you’re here.”

“Hmph, what’s good if you served me by a cup of tea, you’re so good at saying things you don’t mean!”

Regardless of Odette’s attitude, Lizana’s reaction was always the same.

She finds fault and reveals her dissatisfaction, and somehow gets angry with Odette.

Today was no different.

“Cut the crap and tell me the truth. What the hell did you do?!”

“What did I do?”

The only problem was that Odette could never guess why Lizaina was so angry.

“Ha, what did you do? you know everything and you’re acting like you don’t, you shameless.”

Lizaina’s red lips twisted fiercely.

“If you have ears, you must have know what rumors are circulating in the palace right now!”

“Of course I’ve heard, but it’s not something my sister should be upset about, is it?”

Technically, Odette was the victim.

Even if rumors spread, it’s like I tripped over myself.

As far as Odette could see, there was no reason for Lizaina to be upset.

“If you’re doing this because of rumors, it’s just false rumors. Nothing happened between me and the Duke.”

“Ahaha! Rumors?”

At Odette’s words, Lizaina burst into a sharp laugh, and raised her eyes fiercely.

“Don’t deceive yourself, Odette. Do you think I’m only doing this because of rumors?”


“I don’t care about rumors! It’s not a day or two that there are false rumors in society. But this is a different case!”

“What do you mean different cases?”

It wasn’t because of rumors?

Just as Odette’s eyes widened in disbelief, Lizaina blurted out.

“What on earth did you do to make Duke Ertmann admit the rumors about you is true!”

* * *


“The story must have gotten around by now.”

“Ah, the story about how your Excellency admitted to walking a fine line between the two Princesses in the Empire. It’s very popular.”

Duke Ertmann’s lieutenant Russell Huntley, clicked his tongue.

He was the one who spread the story.

“It was an order and I had to obey it, but I admire you, Your Excellency. I can’t believe you’d think to make a scandal with two Princesses.”

“Say what you mean, Russell. I didn’t start the rumor, at least not with the Third Princess.”

Walter finished signing the last of the papers, insert the quill into the ink, and spoke.

“I suppose it’s not my fault that the Empress is so desperate that she can’t offer me her daughter?”

“You could have refused, and to be honest, I have no idea what your Excellency’s intentions are.”

Russell’s eyes half-open and giving off a tired look, frowned slightly.

Recently he felt something was wrong with his master.

‘It was about a month ago.’

Rusell remembered the time clearly.

Just before we left for the capital after clearing the battlefield. There had been a day when Walter had been acting unusually strange.

– What day is it?

– It’s not a capital city since it’s not a mansion. Was it then? What about Cedric?

– Are there currently any married members of the Imperial family?

Walter asked things that so obvious they were a common sense.

Like a man who has been living in a faraway place by himself.

‘And after that…… I don’t know what His Excellency intentions are.’

After that day, Walter seemed strangely different.

Not in person, but in his behavior.

From his uncharacteristic hasty march to the capital, to his recent visits to Empress Katarina, to his meetings with the Third Princess.

And to start rumors that he was having an affair with the Fourth Princess.

This is a very un-Walter Ertmann-like behavior.

“In the past, you even refused the request of the Crown Prince, saying that you didn’t want to be involved with the royal family, but what kind of wind made you do this? Let’s say that’s the case with the 3rd Princess, but why the 4th Princess…….”

“It’s nothing. I was thinking of marrying the Fourth Princess. I’m just clearing the way.”

“Of course, marriage is great. But marry the Fourth Princess, really? the Fourth Princess?!”

Russell’s eyes which are always half-open, become perfectly round.

The curvature that even a bird flying by the window would clap its wings at how round they were, but Walter could only answered calmly.

“I just didn’t say it because it wasn’t that great of an intention, but I didn’t know you were thinking about it. I’ll tell you in advance from next time.”

“No, What are you talking about? Married?! Didn’t you reject all the marriages your grandfather offered you because you hated them!”

“I was young then. I’m a little older now.”

“That was only half a year ago!”

“Half a year changes many things.”

“Maybe by now, whether it’s the Queen or the Third Princess, the fire must have fallen on their feet…….”

I’m looking forward to how it’ll turn out.

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