Conditions for Becoming a Perfect Idol Leader

Episode 6


He looked so hard that he thought he would break the screen, but all the messages Go Young-in could see was just that.


Even as he kept scrolling down, there were no new messages.


Really, nothing was written after that.


‘Damn… Is this for real? No, let’s think about it. Was it around the time that he had just newly joined Mubble?’


“Don’t you have anything else you want to send?”


“What more do you want me to send?”


“Do you usually communicate like this?”


“Yeah. Probably?”


“…I see.”


[Condition 20 | The kind idol leader will gladly help the members.]


‘…Was ‘kind leader’ actually supposed to mean babysitter? This is driving me insane. Do I have to spoon-feed them everything?’


The last Mubble sent by Kyeon In-woo was 30 minutes ago.


The Mubble before that was a month and a half ago…


Go Young-in, who had grown tired of explaining that not everyone understands this, quietly turned on the camera on his phone.


Of course, most fans don’t mind and just like the fact that you come to see them, but it was clearly paid content. There were bound to be fans who curse if the idol doesn’t communicate as much as they expected or if the response seems insincere.


Go Young-in gestured casually for Kyeon In-woo to step back and framed him in the camera angle.


“Just stay like that for a moment.”


The angle of the face was appropriate, and though it was a bare face, his skin was clear, and the filter wasn’t overdone.


His hair wasn’t styled, but he was wearing a hat, so it should be fine.


Given that he’d been doing this for two years, Kyeon In-woo adjusted his pose without needing further instruction once he saw the lens.


‘At least you have a bit of a conscience, like a dog’s fur, huh?’ But if Kyeon In-woo takes care of this himself, there’s no need for me to do it.’


Worried that this might become a regular hassle, I hinted at my thoughts.


“Wouldn’t fans like it more if you took and posted the pictures yourself?”


‘Don’t wait for someone else to take it for you, do it yourself, you jerk.’


“It’s better than Pyo Jae-ho. That guy doesn’t listen even when you tell him. At least I pretend to listen.”


Kyeon In-woo said in a particularly annoying tone.


Thanks to Kyeon In-woo’s words, my attention turned to Pyo Jae-ho, who was sitting in the back seat.


Taller than Kyeon In-woo, his face was set in an expression that screamed ‘stoic’ to anyone who saw him.


He was the only minor member of Zero-One and the youngest.


Just then, Pyo Jae-ho, who had been looking away from his laptop stretched his neck and raised an eyebrow at Kyeon In-woo’s words.


“As long as we show it through our music, it doesn’t matter.”


‘What the hell is he talking about?’


While it wasn’t wrong to say they could repay fans through their music, being an idol meant you had to do more than just make good music.


Go Yeong-in was worried just hearing Pyo Jae-ho open his mouth after a single comment.


‘Could he possibly…?’


The actual cause that made him speak up, Kyeon In-woo, shrugged his shoulders, showing a gesture that he didn’t care.


Trying to avoid another warning message, Go Young-in started speaking in a tone that wasn’t meant to sound argumentative.


“…Still, we should at least pretend to care. Our job isn’t just about making music.”


“I don’t understand why I have to say things that don’t matter. Instead of talking, I’d rather focus on my work and produce better results. In the end, what fans want from us is good music and performances.”


Pyo Jae-ho looked genuinely puzzled. Why did he even decide to become an idol with this mindset?


“You’re not wrong, but not all fans like idols just for their music.”


“Idols are artists too. People who make music should at least be good at it.”






Silence again.


In fact, Go Young-in hadn’t noticed until now, but fans already had a rough idea about Pyo Jae-ho’s tendencies.


Kyeon In-woo at least did his part properly when needed, but Pyo Jae-ho was… well.


Pyo Jae-ho Alive? @P_AREYOU_DEAD

It’s not the first time he hasn’t shown up, but

For God’s sake, at least announce that you’re alive. I’m not even asking for a selfie.

Shares 211 Replies 436 Hearts 330


DiePyoBird @Mydaegal_X

Replying to @P_AREYOU_DEAD

What if he actually shows up with a selfie?


Pyo Jae-ho Alive? @P_AREYOU_DEAD Replying to @Mydaegal_X There’s no way. Don’t say creepy things.


There was so little interaction that even Pyo Jae-ho’s individual fans would react as if something was wrong if he did show up. If Go Young-in knew this, he might have actually clutched his neck and passed out.


‘Better not to say anything.’


For his peace of mind, Go Young-in decided to focus back on his work.


Click, click. He usually couldn’t get a satisfactory photo even after taking multiple shots for uploads, but this guy managed to look good even with quick snaps.


Of course, that didn’t mean he took them carelessly. With such a handsome face, he couldn’t just waste it.


After taking pictures In-woo, he took some selfies too, planning to upload them later.


He hadn’t properly greeted his fans for their 2nd anniversary yet.


He chose one of the photos and sent it to In-woo.


Noticing the hint, Kyeon In-woo uploaded it to their social media.


After confirming that Kyeon In-woo uploaded it properly, Go Young-in also posted separately on SNS.






Sorry for the late response, busy with scheduleㅋㅋ


Here’s a gift instead


[Anonymous Celebrity Chat] Ha… Kyeon In-woo is freaking amazing… Loved it [35]


ㅇㅇ 2020.05.13 | Views: 353


Did anyone see Kyeon In-woo’s post? Is he flirting with us?


Reading those short and pointless responses from Kyeon In-woo every time makes me consider canceling my subscription to Mabble, but then he goes and does something cheeky like this, and I go crazy.


At this point, I even look forward to seeing what kind of response this guy will give me today that will make my heart sink.


When we were dating, he didn’t hold his phone like this. Now, it’s like waiting for my owner, like a loyal dog.


The real dog wasn’t Kyeon In-woo, it was me. From now on, my surname is Kyeon, just like his. Kyeon Ik-myung.




>> His outfits are crazy too. Kyeon In-woo always wearing a cap and horn-rimmed glasses on his face.


ㄴ For real, he’s the ultimate in effortlessly cool boyfriend looks. How does he make basic items look so good?


>> Imagining having a fling with In-woo at university… Waiting for me in front of the library dressed like that…


ㄴ Then, after he confesses, hearing “weren’t we just friends?” and being heartbroken, I want to cry and beg him to date me. Damn, I love him.


ㄴ This is seriously creepy lol.




ㄴ Are you using the comment section alone? Calm down lol.


>> Honey… I told you not to post photos like this. What if you accidentally post our wedding photos?


ㄴ Wedding photos lol.


>> You’re so sneaky, changing your surname to Kyeon to be linked with In-woo lol.


ㄴ So funny, so transparent lol.


>> Doesn’t look like this photo was taken with In-woo’s phone. The size and filter are different from the ones he usually posts.


ㄴ How would I know? He rarely posts anything.


ㄴ The filter looks like one Young-in uses. Probably taken with Young-in’s phone.


ㄴ How do you even notice stuff like that? It’s fascinating.


>> Did Kyeon In-woo wear ripped jeans? Knee up? Leaning on his hand, looking at me like that? Is he asking for a kiss?


> Did Kyeon In-woo wear ripped jeans? Knee up? Leaning on his hand, looking at me like that? Is he asking for a kiss?

ㄴ Lol, this is hilarious.


ZER01 @ZER01_DD✓ (4 photos of Go Young-in with hearts)


It’s Young-in!! It’s already been 2 years since AION and ZERO1 met. Thank you for being with us until now. I’ll continue to show you my best. I love you. See you soon. #10N ZER01 #2YearsForever #YOUNGIN


Shared 21k times Quoted 1,985 times Hearted 85k times


[Anonymous Entertainment Chat] Someone teach me how to not love Young-in (ft. ZERO1 official account) [153]


ㅇㅇ 2020.05.13 | Views: 7,483




Our precious cat posted a morning selfie with a thank you message for the 2nd anniversary. Come take a look.


What do I do with him? It’s so adorable that he posted four photos with different heart poses. He’s wearing casual clothes, which makes it even more maddening. Seems like he took these on his way to a schedule with In-woo. I’m losing my mind over Go Young-in’s idol power, banging my head so much my neck automatically aligns. Why does his face look like it carries the weight of the world? And why are his hands so beautiful and delicate, even his bones are pretty. When I first saw the photos, I was like an uncivilized person encountering unknown technology. He sent K-hearts, double hearts, and a head-heart in sequence, making me realize my foolishness. I should have appreciated his entire body before zooming in. If these photos were released as photocards, they would be priceless due to their rarity. Young-in, with that face, what else can you do but be my husband?


So you want to know how not to love Young-in?


Does anyone know how to not love him?




>> How can anyone not like him when he talks so sweetly every time? It’s Go Young-in’s fault.

ㄴ Hello, I am in charge of the ‘Who likes Go Young-in’ department.


>> What’s with the Q&A? lol, it’s ridiculous lol.

ㄴ [Author] Be glad I didn’t use a gun.


>> When he says we’ll meet soon, HOXY…?

ㄴ It’s obviously for the 2nd anniversary event, but still, maybe… comeback…?

ㄴ Don’t say it. Don’t jinx it.

ㄴ Damn, why so firm lol, you’ll hurt their feelings lol.


>> Usually, Young-in seems like a withered rose bearing all the world’s worries, but only at times like this he becomes a rose that’s had too much sunlight.

ㄴ Oh my god, a rose with too much sunlight lol.

ㄴ It’s absurd, but I get it, so it’s funny lol.


>> Sigh… I’ve been staring at Young-in’s photos and haven’t replied to my boyfriend for over an hour. But what can I do when his face won’t let me go?

ㄴ Lol, boyfriend wondering why his girlfriend isn’t replying lol.


‘No typos, checked the spacing, hashtags are good… Is there anything else to worry about…?’


After uploading to social media, I looked up various things about ZERO1.


I needed to know exactly what ZERO1’s current image was.


Though it was a time when nothing particular had happened, the status always had a way of being vague, so I couldn’t just trust the words as they were.


First, I searched the group as a whole, then planned to check each member to get a general feel.


‘ZERO1, Young-il, Young-won, Go Young-in, Zero In, Kim Young-in, Kkeubbang…’


Go Young-in searched from common keywords to search prevention names, also known as ‘search block names,’ as he knew them.


Honestly, when searching with the search block names, he often couldn’t understand what was being said, but he did it anyway.


Search block names… he didn’t want to know either.


[Clause 52: A perfect idol should understand the needs of their fans.]


If it weren’t for that guy. At first, he had no idea what to do and struggled for a long time.


He thought he’d get a few warnings, but they let it slide as long as he pretended to work hard.


‘Damn it. Do I have to be happy they’re letting it slide now?’


He could roughly figure out the search block names for the other members with a bit of thinking, so searching itself wasn’t hard.


When he checked the reactions to his earlier post, he felt guilty that fans seemed overly deceived by him and embarrassed by the excessive compliments, so he scrolled quickly. When he saw posts about Kyeon In-woo, he nodded and clicked back with a subtle expression.


‘How do they know it’s my phone……. I need to be careful about this too from now on. It’s confusing to tell if the reaction is good or not just by the nuance.’


Thinking he needed to be more careful in the future, Go Young-in clicked on each visible post one by one.


Blue Ko-fi Button


  1. M4ng4_l0ver says:

    that’s some crazy fans how they know it’s his phone 🙁

  2. M4ng4_l0ver says:

    wrong emoji 🙁

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