Concubine's Invitation

That night, Empress Dowager, pretending to be a normal noble at Mandrami Palace, visited Ebenezer.

Svein expressed the most significant regret upon hearing the news of her imminent arrival.

“Why is she coming?”

“It could be that the Empress Dowager is finally coming to make peace with the Emperor.”

“Do you think so, Van Eyck?”

“Our aide is naive.”

Van Eyck chuckled.

“Thanks to her, you’ll get off work early. Just go home for dinner, it’ll be the first time in a while. You’re going to have to look after your sister.”

Ebenezer beckoned Van Eyck.

Van Eyck immediately turned and glared at Ebenezer.

“Silotte? Does she need something again? She’s stupid and useless after all.”

“You’re being too cold towards your little sister. The Palace has maintained its balance thanks to her actions.”

“I think it’s thanks to her that Olivia is so arrogant. Don’t you think she’s just using her for foolish games?”

“Van Eyck.”

He sighed deeply at Ebenezer’s low call.

“Please continue.”

“Empress Silotte must be very depressed right now. Tell her that I express my sympathy.”


“I’m going to entrust her with this welfare project.”


Svein sighed.

“Emperor, with all due respect, I think it’s a bad idea to deal with this many women simultaneously.”

Ebenezer swept his hair over. Svein’s words were dismissed just as easily as gently flowing water making its way downstream.

Ebenezer put his finger on his lips and whispered.

“Svein, shh.”

He didn’t know why he was flirting with Svein since they were both men. The conversation between Van Eyck and Ebenezer continued as Svein grumbled and shook his head.

“I’d like to ask Empress Hilaria for breakfast tomorrow. She managed to ensnare the other concubines, so she deserves to be rewarded.”

“The Empresses are more eager to spend time with the Emperor than to do welfare work. Do you think Silotte will become Empress Hilaria’s confidant?”

“In the long run, yes.”

“You’re really something.”

Svein clapped and exclaimed.

“I knew it! Empress Hilaria is to be the sole Empress? I think you’ve chosen well.”

“Are you still here? I’m going to ask my beloved Empress Hilaria to breakfast tomorrow.”

Ebenezer turned around without answering Svein’s question. Svein, who interpreted it as a hint to finish up, left the room wearing a grin. Van Eyck said suddenly,

“Svein is an idiot, too.”

“He is loyal, for an idiot. It would be best if you got out of here, too. The Empress Dowager will arrive soon.”

At Ebenezer’s words, Van Eyck left the room, saying, “I don’t want to see her face,” Shortly after, Empress Dowager entered the room.

“It’s been a while, mother.”

Ebenezer said lightly.

The Empress Dowager, who wore her simple dress with neatly brushed white-blonde hair tied back, smiled at him benevolently.

“Long time no see, my Emperor. How have you been? I’ve heard that you’ve brought in a new Empress.”

She replied softly.

After talking to Count Eramos, she suddenly had a thought. She wondered what could be possible with Hilaria Guinevere on her side. Hearing the rumors circulating in her Palace, Hilaria seemed intelligent and capable. According to certain stories, the Emperor had good feelings toward her, making her the perfect target.

She had sent a message to Hilaria’s Palace to greet her, but Ebenezer had made sure to cut her off. Since it wasn’t possible to see her face, she had come here.

“I have. Although I didn’t even spend the first night with her because she said she wasn’t feeling well. That’s why I am in a position to ask her to breakfast.”

“So you have restricted the moves Empress Hilaria can make. If that’s the case, I suppose I can understand it, after all, I have the highest rank in the Palace.”

That was only possible when Ebenezer said so. The Empress Dowager stared intently at Ebenezer as if to challenge him to disagree.

“Yes, the mother has the highest position.”

“So now that we have a new resident, we should throw a little party.”

Ebenezer grew a subtle smile. Knowing that his smile would eat into Empress Dowager’s heart, he smiled as often as he could when standing in front of her. Empress Dowager sublimated all of her longing and fondness for Nathan into her desire for revenge against Ebenezer.

To her, the existence of Ebenezer itself was a poison. Empress Dowager’s lips trembled when she saw the smile.


Ebenezer pretended not to have noticed and leaned against the chair. A cold air emanated from him, looking up at the Empress Dowager with his relaxed, shiftless eyes.

“I’ve been told Empress Hilaria will host a tea party to greet the ladies soon. It’s worth seeing since Empress Silotte has decided to help organize it. Why don’t you attend?”

He meant to hand over the initiative to Hilaria. He wanted to chip away at her impressive self-esteem; it would be an insult to lose her initiative to someone who had just entered the Palace. Ebenezer gazed happily as Empress Dowager’s smile slowly cracked.

‘It’s useless pride.’

She should have given up such pride if she had wanted to live in the Mandrava Palace, where she could have had more power over him.

‘If your moves are too sloppy, your son gets taken away.’

Ebenezer’s blue eyes deepened like an abyss. He was now forcing Empress Dowager to submit to his will. He didn’t want to bother Hilaria. If she went to an event planned by Empress Dowager, she would have too much to worry about, from what she would eat, to what she could wear.

‘What would you have in mind?’

“I-is that so? I didn’t know because I hadn’t been invited.”

“I heard the tea party will take place around next Friday. She said it got delayed because she was busy greeting the other Empresses. An invitation should be sent on Monday.”

She had exchanged greetings with the Empresses but didn’t extend that courtesy to the Empress Dowager. Her ego and prestige had taken a hit.

Hilaria was looking down on Empress Dowager.

“I’ll gladly accept it. Aren’t we a family now?”

“Please look at her with kind eyes, mother. I have no doubt you’ll fall in love with her. She’s the kind of person you can’t help but like.”

Ebenezer’s words strangled the Empress Dowager like a snake. That face of someone pretending to be in love was detestable. Every time she saw him, anger boiled from the bottom of her chest, and she felt ever closer to insanity.

‘If only I could get Nathan back into that position…!’

She’d do anything, even sell her soul.



The thunderous news brought her from the drowsy state she had entered upon waking, to one of alarm, eyes wide. The Emperor had invited Hilaria to breakfast again. She had tried to avoid the Emperor whenever she could, but the invitation had arrived before she could make any preparations.

‘Even my butterflies can’t stand him. How can someone vulnerable like me put up with this?’

The wings of the butterflies around her fluttered more assertively as if to protest her innermost thoughts. Hilaria snorted and ruffled her hair nervously.

“Well… perhaps the Emperor has a soft spot for Madam Hilaria?”

Celeste cautiously spoke out. Hilaria snorted once again.

“Absolutely ridiculous. I’m not someone who’s going to put up with this. Just say I’m sick, my stomach is upset, and I vomited so much that there isn’t a chance I can eat breakfast.”

Celeste bowed with a mouth full of things she wanted to say. Contrary to Celeste’s expectations, Hilaria did not seem to have the Emperor on her mind. And regardless, she didn’t want to risk anything by defying Hilaria’s orders.

Just as Celeste was about to leave the bedroom to deliver the message, Hilaria said,

“No! Tell him I’ll be at breakfast.”

What was she thinking? Hilaria’s blue eyes shone blue.

Celeste rubbed her arms as she had goosebumps.

“I have something to find out.”

Katie rubbed her forehead.

“That doesn’t sound like a very good idea, but….”

It wasn’t like Hilaria would listen to her.


The butterfly pitifully folded its wings. The butterfly was now forcibly sporting the name ‘Hil.’ Ebenezer’s cold gaze flashed upon Hil as if mocking it. After capturing it, he kept a close eye on it.

Thanks to the butterfly’s ability, he could catch a glimpse of the entire Palace. And Hilaria was naturally included in that. At first, Hil tried not to reveal anything about Hilaria.

However, the world was not such a painless place. Hil had surrendered to Ebenezer’s power, and even now, he heard Hilaria, Celeste, and Katie’s conversation.

“Well… perhaps the Emperor has a soft spot for Madam Hilaria?”

“Absolutely ridiculous. I’m not someone who’s going to put up with this. Just say I’m sick, my stomach is upset, and I vomited so much that there isn’t a chance I can eat breakfast.”

Ebenezer raised one corner of his lips and smirked. What did she mean it’s absolutely ridiculous?

“If I had someone like your master, this Palace would be worth living in. She is one of the few who has an understanding of reality.”

Ebenezer ran his finger across his lips. That same finger brushed Hilaria’s neck the previous day when he hung the necklace. Her body temperature was warm, but Hilaria seemed frozen inside.

As Ebenezer had intended, the Imperial Palace’s eyes were focused on Hilaria. People discussed the value of Hilaria’s necklace, which she now wore around her neck, and people bet on what he was thinking.

‘They’re wasting their time.’

He took advantage of the time during which people’s eyes were focused on Hilaria and took care of Venice’s family. The now fallen Sebastian’s immediate family members were rescued from prison. It was easy to swap them for some death row inmates. They were to become Ebenezer’s puppets in the Saif Kingdom.

Yet something was a little disappointing,

‘Kartal Sebastian.’

He would have been useful,  and he was still young.

‘I think he just turned 17 years old.’

What a shame. All of this was something she had been preparing for since the first time he had told Svein to prepare her present. And it was all that was on his mind since he caught the butterfly.

She had planted frozen butterflies on the bodies of Sebastian’s immediate family members. 

Van Eyck seemed to have expected something was up, but Svein stuck out his tongue.

‘I’m hungry. Let’s go as soon as possible. When will the Emperor arrive?’

‘Why don’t you at least dress up? Or wash your face…’

‘What do you mean dress up? The Emperor won’t care what I wear. He doesn’t care about me. Besides, today is the weekend. Public officials don’t even work on weekends. So I have the right to a little freedom.’

‘Don’t excuse your laziness like that!’

‘Oh my, my, Katie.’

‘…I apologize.’

Ebenezer burst into laughter. She didn’t know that Hilaria’s appearance was so intriguing to him. It was the first time he had received anyone’s indifference since taking the throne.

Especially from an Empress.

“Hmm. Hil… Did you… tell your master that I don’t care?”

Ebenezer’s smile deepened.


The second breakfast of Hilaria and Ebenezer had begun. Their breakfast drew the Imperial Palace’s people’s attention just like it had the last.

‘That’s why I can’t eat comfortably.’

She felt the eyes of the people surrounding them. Unlike last time, the Emperor had chosen an exposed breakfast area. It was a sunny garden.

‘What a villain.’

Hilaria sighed deeply and put her fork down. She couldn’t continue her meal because the piercing gazes on her were so stinging.

“Did you really have to do this?”

“What do you mean?”

Ebenezer also put down his fork and wiped his mouth.

“Since the weather is so lovely, isn’t it nice to relax in a place like this? The east wing gets more sunlight than the west wing.”

“Oh-ho. I’m going to get shot in the eye before I even get any sunlight. Do you know how many people are watching us now?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m doing this.”

Ebenezer said it softly. This was also to establish and raise Hilaria’s prestige among the Empresses. This was meant as a reward for Hilaria, for gaining the upper hand.

“The other Empresses will envy you.”

“I have always been the envy of others. Your Majesty doesn’t need to point it out,” said Hilaria as she raised her head.

Because it was morning, and her slightly puffy face stood out in the bright sunlight. Ebenezer looked at Hilaria, smirking, thinking how Hilaria looked cute this morning.

“You always look puffy in the morning. Ah, are you trying to look cute just for me?”

“What? Me? Oh, my! Stop saying I’m cute! I’ve always been pretty!”

Ebenezer burst out a refreshing laugh as Hilaria appeared to become furious. Standing and looking from afar, Svein smiled wide as he lifted his head in amazement.

Ebenezer was teasing Hilaria because her reaction was funny to watch, but he unconsciously brushed his bangs. Hilaria put her hand on her chest, took a deep breath, and exhaled to calm herself.

“Huft. Anyway, just the necklace was enough to draw attention.”

“But no one is approaching Empress Hilaria because she is cautious. Wouldn’t you like to see this Imperial Palace fall into your control? I’m helping you, Empress.”

Just by messing around with his bangs, Hilaria couldn’t help but pout her lips. Of course, the continued interest of the Emperor would be of some help to Hilaria. Maybe tomorrow, there would be people lining up in Hilaria’s drawing room?

Not just anyone could approach the Emperor’s Empress, so perhaps the ladies of the family would finally move their heavy hips.

“I’m so grateful that I can’t even put it into words.”

“I’m such a romantic. There’s a lot I could do for my Empress Hilaria.”

“How far are you willing to go?”

“It’s up to the Empress; how much can she get out of me?”

“What are you expecting to get from me in return?”

Hilaria raised a question.

He kept saying that it was all for Hilaria, after seeing that she was paving a path for herself, but it was clear that he was scheming something like some kind of villain. However, Ebenezer paused for a while before answering.

“Now everyone in the imperial family will know there is something between us! I think you’ve seen enough, so tell me. What can I do for you? I have things to do as well, you know!”

“I think it’s time to meet Empress Dowager.”


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