Captain! Where is the Battlefield?

CWITB | Chapter 89: Clue


  The word “grand noble” metaphorically referred to a house that overwhelmed everything, becoming a powerful and influential family to the point where no one dared to challenge them both in wealth and honor.


  “But sister, I heard that Her Majesty the Empress invited you to the palace.”


  Rosalie feigned indifference after seeing how Bianca received the news with lightning speed. Her access to information was frighteningly efficient.


  “Yes, she summoned me.”


  “I know you’ll do well, sister, but be cautious of the Empress.”


  Bianca whispered cautiously. She had already confirmed the relationship between Derivis and Rosalie, so there was no need to ask whose side Rosalie was on. That also made it clear who their potential enemy was.


  “Our family has always held the vague position as the Captain of the Imperial Knights since Father’s time, but… in reality, the one we are most wary of in our family is the Empress.”


  Despite her fondness for social gatherings and her lack of interest in family affairs, Bianca had a good grasp of her family’s standing and influence.


  “Especially now, with the monster hunting tournament, brother is even more wary of the Empress. He hasn’t shared the details with me, but I have an idea.”


  In high society, reading between the lines was crucial. Rosalie looked at Bianca, who was whispering softly, then spoke up. 


  “Bianca, could you let me know if you happen to hear any rumors about the Empress?”


  “Of course. It’s not a difficult task.”


  Bianca nodded in agreement. Her family’s stance might be vague, but it was clear that she was firmly on Rosalie’s side.


  ⊱⊱⊱────── {.⋅ ✧✧✧ ⋅.} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  The day of the banquet had arrived. Fortunately, the dress had arrived the day before, and Rosalie put it on with Emma’s help.


  ‘It didn’t get any more glamorous. I’m glad.’


  Since the previous one was so glamorous, adding a touch of gold didn’t make much of a difference.


  “Your Grace, I will tie your hair in a round bun.”


  “You can handle it as you see fit, Emma.”


  “Miss Bianca insisted on either lifting it or letting it hang down.”


  Somewhere along the line, they had become close enough that Emma casually referred to Bianca as ‘Miss.’ Rosalie suspected that they had become even closer while deciding on the hairstyle that suited this dress.


  Rosalie obediently waited, entrusting herself to Emma’s skilled hands. It wasn’t until after her makeup was finished that her wait came to an end.


  “All done! Hah, you look absolutely perfect.”


  “Thank you for your hard work.”


  Rosalie admired her reflection in the mirror. The work had definitely paid off, and she looked beautiful even in her own eyes.


  ‘I might have gone a bit overboard in my own opinion, but everyone says that it looks good on me.’


  Rosalie went downstairs to the lobby to take the carriage. It was also where Nathan and Erudit were waiting to escort her.


  “Rosalie, you look stunning~”


  Rosalie thanked him with a faint smile. Erudit stared at Rosalie’s appearance intently and only spoke up when Rosalie cocked her head.


  “…You really look beautiful.”


  “Thank you. Erudit, you can attend banquets later once you gain your barony.”


  “I probably won’t attend crowded events even if I become a Baron.”


  Rosalie smiled gently, knowing Erudit’s personality.


  “Pick a last name soon. We’re past the first round of paperwork.”


  “Understood. Have a delightful evening.” 


  “Yeah. Besides, all that dance practice should come in handy~.”


  “What’s the use if there’s nowhere to apply it?”


  Nathan and Erudit exchanged puzzled looks at Rosalie’s complaint. Rosalie shrugged it off while saying that it was nothing and got into the prepared carriage.


  The coachman smoothly set off upon the departure signal.


  ⊱⊱⊱────── {.⋅ ✧✧✧ ⋅.} ──────⊰⊰⊰


  “The Duchess of Judeheart is here!”


  The palace servants guarding the entrance of the ballroom loudly announced Rosalie’s arrival. As Rosalie stepped into the ballroom, she could feel the intense gazes that seemed to be piercing through her.


  “Oh, I’m certainly drawing quite the crowd.”


  Rosalie tried to ignore the oppressive gazes as she made her way to a corner of the banquet hall. Although announcements of other nobles’ arrivals filled the room, the overwhelming attention remained fixed on her.






  Sarnon and Bianca also approached Rosalie. She greeted the two warmly, glad to see them. Almost immediately, other nobles seized the opportunity to draw near while using Sarnon and Bianca as a pretext.


  “Ah, Lady Bianca and the Duchess seem to get along very well.”


  “Hello, Count Sarnon. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”


  While the nobles’ greetings were directed at the siblings, their gazes were all focused in one direction. Rosalie tried to ignore the piercing stares, especially feeling sorry for Sarnon, who seemed slightly overwhelmed compared to Bianca’s effortless poise.


  “The Emperor graces us with his presence!”


  The announcement of the Emperor’s arrival momentarily diverted the crowd’s attention, giving Rosalie a chance to slip away. However, the attempt was thwarted by the throng and Emperor Patrick’s direct approach.


  “Hehe, the Duchess’s popularity is soaring.”


  Patrick’s arrival made the nobles collectively lower their heads, and Rosalie did the same.


  “I greet His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of the Empire.” 


  “Duchess, I realized that I forgot to send over the sculptures and wine suitable to accompany your villa. I’ll instruct my servant to bring them. Since they were purchased for you, I trust you’ll accept them.”


  “…Your generosity overwhelms me, Your Majesty.”


  Rosalie bowed her head. Patrick’s actions of openly favoring Rosalie during his arrival surprised the nobles and they couldn’t hide their astonishment.


  While Patrick had noble families he was close to, he had never openly and directly shown such favor in formal settings.


  ‘Perhaps he heard that the Empress sought me out.’


  She surmised this was due to rumors of her meeting with the Empress, which many nobles were made aware of. Currently, the nobles’ top concern was the relationship between Derivis and Rosalie. Patrick’s actions were likely driven by his desire to publicly show that the Duchess supported Derivis.


  “Then, let’s have a drink next time.”


  By saying this, Patrick indirectly issued a warning to Nine that the Duchess was under his protection.


  “Yes, I’ll make arrangements to visit as soon as you call for me.”


  Patrick cheerfully announced that he would summon her for a drink and then left. Rosalie let out a short breath and lifted a hand to brush her hair, then remembered that it was tied up and let her hand fall.


  The gazes that followed were even more intense than before.


  “Bianca, should we go to the other side and have a glass of champagne? Would Sarnon like to join us?”


  Rosalie looked at the champagne on one of the tables, intending to slip away. Reading her discomfort, Bianca and Sarnon readily agreed to move away. 


  “Phew, it feels like my face is being pierced through.”


  “Sister, you’re the most famous noble in the capital now. It’s inevitable.”


  “At least it’s somewhat bearable. If you were more approachable, they’d have swarmed you with conversation. Your strong presence keeps them at bay.”


  “That’s a relief, then.”


  However, Sarnon’s expectations were off the mark. Just when they had managed to move to a different spot away from the crowd, a persistent nobleman approached Rosalie.


  “Hello, Duchess. Do you remember me?”


  Rosalie looked at the friendly-looking young man. He seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t place him.


  “I see you don’t remember. We… met at the monster hunting tournament…”


  It was only then that Rosalie remembered who he was. He was the one she had pushed away at the tournament. She wondered if he was seeking revenge, but his flushed face suggested embarrassment rather than malice.


  “What can I do for you?”


  “Well, if you’re okay with it… would you dance with me?”


  He cleared his throat and extended his hand to Rosalie. Rosalie had no intention of dancing with a nameless stranger, and more importantly, she had made a promise to Derivis.


  “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”


  “Yes? But, why…?”


  Despite Rosalie’s firm rejection, the young man didn’t withdraw his hand. He looked at Rosalie with a pleading expression as if an explanation was needed.


  “Because the Young Lord’s feet don’t seem very sturdy.”


  Derivis, who had appeared out of nowhere, addressed Rosalie’s unknown dance partner. The voice announcing his arrival wasn’t audible, so Derivis had probably instructed the servant not to announce his arrival. Rosalie glanced at him as he made the snide remark.


  “Besides, the Duchess only dances with me.”


  Derivis’s chilly smile enveloped the nameless young man. He quickly withdrew his hand, feeling an eerie sensation.


  “Understood. Then, please excuse me.”


  The noble said, nodding vigorously before quickly making himself scarce. Rosalie sighed as she watched him leave. 


  “When you told me not to worry, did you mean that you would solve it by giving them a fright?”


  Rosalie’s rebuke brought a sly smile to Derivis’s face as he moved closer.


  “Your dress is beautiful.”


  “Are you changing the subject?”


  “The earrings go well with it.”


  Derivis continued to feign distraction, playing with the earrings dangling from Rosalie’s ears. 


  “These earrings were a gift from you.”


  “I know. That’s why they match perfectly.”


  He whispered softly while leaning in closer that he had personally chosen every piece, making Rosalie blush. Derivis had bought a large quantity of jewelry, so Rosalie had assumed he had just picked them at random.


  ‘Thinking he selected each one especially for me feels…’


  The thought that he had chosen the jewelry carefully didn’t seem to fit his character. But on the other hand, imagining him doing that strangely made her feel good.


  “Um, sister…?”


  Bianca, who Rosalie momentarily forgot as she was in her world, called out to her. Then, she jumped, startling back to reality and coughing awkwardly as she glanced at them.


  Next to Bianca, Sarnon, unaware of the exact nature of Rosalie and Derivis’s relationship, looked on with wide-eyed surprise.


  ‘Oh no, I forgot they were here.’


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  1. Eleme Nopee says:

    I can feel the love tonight…

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