Bu Wei

Emotional Difficulties (end-part 2)

“Profound cultivation?” Xie Jiu sneered, “He’s merely mediocre.”

Chu Bai was shocked.

“Ning Buwei will leave the child with him, and those two menial servants will likely stay by his side too. If you can’t get close to Chu Jun, can’t you at least approach the servants and the child?” Xie Jiu said, “His heart demon is still unresolved, and he took a hit earlier. Two void battles have almost drawn out his heart demon, and his cultivation will be restricted… With such favorable conditions, if you still can’t hold him back, you might as well forget about being the Sect Leader.”

Chu Bai pondered for a moment, “Does the Venerable…want to lead Chu Jun into possession?”

“That’s not for you to worry about,” Xie Jiu said gravely. “You only need to remember one thing: neither Chu Jun nor that child can be allowed to remain.”

Chu Bai nodded, “Understood.”


Ning Buwei finished regulating his breath, feeling his spiritual energy replenished. He used spiritual energy to form a string of small balls and went to find his son.

Ning Xiu was staying with Chu Jun in the room next to his. As he entered, he saw Ning Xiu angrily kicking Chu Jun’s hand. “Ah!”


Ever since this kid met Chu Jun, he had a “mother” and forgot his father, thinking his “mother” was perfect in every way. He almost wanted to stick to Chu Jun all the time. Ning Buwei had been sour about it for a long time. This was the first time he saw him throw a tantrum at Chu Jun. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s going on?”

Chu Jun looked at the half-spilled medicine and glanced at him calmly, “He won’t take his medicine.”

Ning Buwei’s gaze lingered on his face for a moment before turning to his thoughtless son. He walked over and took the bowl from Chu Jun’s hand. “Just pour it down his throat.”

Chu Jun disagreed, “Forcing it down is too bitter and might choke him.”

Ning Buwei raised an eyebrow, “A real man shouldn’t fear bitterness.”

“He’s still a child,” Chu Jun didn’t allow his recklessness.

“Spoiled,” Ning Buwei looked down at his son sternly. “If you don’t drink it, your soul will scatter.”

“Ugh~” Ning Xiu pouted, pitifully asking Chu Jun for a hug.

“Don’t scare him,” Chu Jun reached out to pick up his son, stroking his little head.

Ning Buwei felt his son deserved a spanking. He told Chu Jun, “Don’t indulge him in everything.”

A hint of amusement flashed in Chu Jun’s eyes but disappeared instantly. When Ning Buwei looked at him again, his expression was still indifferent. “Alright.”

Ning Buwei pondered for a moment while holding the bowl of medicine. He snapped his fingers, and the black medicine instantly transformed into sweet rice porridge. He wafted it under Ning Xiu’s nose, squinting as he coaxed, “Smell it, it’s rice porridge.”

Chu Jun: “……”

This coaxing expression looked more like someone trying to poison their child than a good person.

Ning Xiu smelled the fragrance of the porridge, twitched his little nose, and stretched his neck to look at the bowl.

Ning Buwei fed him a spoonful, confidently saying, “Smells good, right?”

Nestled in his Bai Bai mother’s arms, Ning Xiu tasted the porridge that didn’t quite taste right. A flash of confusion crossed his little face, but he was ultimately deceived by his father’s expression. “Ah~”

Smells good~

But there was also an indescribable taste…

Ning Buwei managed to feed him a few more spoonfuls through coaxing and trickery, but Ning Xiu refused to eat any more. He glared accusingly at Ning Buwei, “Ah!”


Ning Buwei said solemnly, “It’s not bitter. I’ll drink some to show you.”

He really did scoop up a spoonful and drink it, almost spitting it out from the bitterness, but he maintained a straight face and said, “Really sweet.”

Ning Xiu looked at him suspiciously.

“If you don’t believe me, let your mother have a drink too,” Ning Buwei said, putting great effort into coaxing the child. He scooped up another spoonful and held it to Chu Jun’s mouth. Ning Xiu turned to look as well.

Chu Jun looked at Ning Buwei, his expression unreadable. “Mother?”

“Ah~” Ning Xiu obediently echoed.


Ning Buwei, feeling nervous, immediately shoved the spoon into Chu Jun’s mouth.

The bitter taste of medicine instantly spread in his mouth. Chu Jun stared at Ning Buwei without changing his expression, his Adam’s apple moving slightly as he slowly swallowed the medicine.

Ning Buwei narrowed his eyes, forcibly shifting his gaze to his son, “See, your…other father drank it too. It’s sweet.”

Ning Xiu looked up at Chu Jun.

Chu Jun lowered his eyes and said, “Mm, it’s sweet.”

The two fathers shamelessly collaborated to deceive their son, finally getting Ning Xiu to drink nearly half a bowl of medicine.

Ning Buwei had never felt so tired even after fighting. He put the medicine bowl on the table and collapsed into the chair, motionless.

Chu Jun made a gesture to clean the medicine-stained sleeve, then fed a small spoonful of fruit syrup to their teary-eyed son. Ning Xiu’s eyes immediately brightened.

Ning Buwei, sprawled in the chair with his head tilted back and eyes closed, couldn’t help but tease, “So I feed the medicine and you feed the sugar, you’re taking all the credit—mmph.”

Before he could finish, a warm sweetness suddenly entered his lips. Ning Buwei’s eyes snapped open.

He saw Chu Jun standing beside him, one arm holding their son and the other withdrawing the small spoon from his mouth. Chu Jun looked down and asked, “Is it sweet?”

Ning Xiu’s innocent eyes stared at Ning Buwei, imitating his mother’s question, “Ah?”

Is it sweet?

Ning Buwei instinctively licked his lips, the sweetness of the fruit syrup spreading across his tongue, making his mind a bit fuzzy. After a while, he slowly said, “Sweet.”

Chu Jun made no comment and fed Ning Xiu another small half-spoonful, then carried him to the window to look at the scenery outside.

Ning Buwei stared suspiciously at Chu Jun’s back.

Has he remembered?

But he quickly dismissed this thought.

Whether Chu Jun remembered or not, nothing could happen between them. He wouldn’t fall for the same person twice, let alone when that person was Chu Jun.

“I’ll head back first,” Ning Buwei felt the sweetness of the fruit syrup was truly overwhelming, stubbornly clinging to his lips and teeth, refusing to dissipate. It was quite annoying.

Chu Jun carried Ning Xiu to see him off at the door.

Ning Buwei suddenly turned and asked, “Did you see what that green light looked like?”

“No,” Chu Jun said. Seeing Ning Buwei frown, he added, “I once sparred with Ning Xingyuan. That person wasn’t using the Ning family’s techniques.”

Ning Buwei was stunned, “Not the Ning family’s techniques?”

“Mm, although the Four Symbols Six Harmonies Array on Yuanye Peak seemed like Ning Xingyuan’s work, there were subtle differences,” Chu Jun said. “It seemed more like it was just meant to lure you there.”

When Ning Buwei went to Yuanye Peak, he had lost all his cultivation and could only deduce from the array-setting techniques. Those extremely subtle differences were hard to discern.

“Then in your opinion—” Ning Buwei started but then stopped. “Never mind, don’t get involved in these matters.”

As long as Chu Jun was here, protecting the entire Wushi Sect wouldn’t be a problem. Ning Xiu staying with Chu Jun was a thousand times better than following him.

Chu Jun seemed to see through his thoughts at a glance. “You’ve just recovered from serious injuries. It’s not advisable to use spiritual power extensively. The other party has ill intentions. You should stay here to recuperate and meditate before making any plans.”

Ning Buwei leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms. He smiled maliciously and said, “Venerable Jinghe, since you attended the emergence ceremony, you should know who I am now. Do you still want to keep me in the Wushi Sect?”

Chu Jun frowned slightly, recalling the utterly wicked person mentioned by others at the ceremony. He looked at Ning Buwei and said in a neutral tone, “Do I know what kind of person you are?”

Ning Buwei extended one hand, his palm emanating a sinister black mist. He waved it in front of Chu Jun’s face and said, “Do you see this? It’s made from those whose souls have been scattered. Even if we don’t mention this, you saw the tribulation lightning when I was ascending.”

No righteous cultivator’s tribulation lightning would be so evil.

Chu Jun stared at him impassively and said, “There are three thousand great roads, each with its own path.”

Ning Buwei said, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll turn your Wushi Sect into a bloodbath?”

“The Wushi Sect is not mine,” Chu Jun said indifferently. “In the world of cultivation, the strong prey on the weak. It’s all about one’s own abilities.”

Ning Buwei was stunned, then laughed and said, “If the people of Wushi Sect heard their venerable speak like this, they would probably be heartbroken.”

“Ning Chengfeng,” Chu Jun frowned slightly. “Don’t laugh if you don’t want to.”

Ning Buwei’s smile froze, and he spoke with a barbed tone, “Venerable Jinghe, you’re overstepping your bounds.”

“Ah?” Ning Xiu snapped out of his drowsiness, sensing the strange atmosphere between his father and mother. He looked at one, then the other, puzzled.

What’s going on?

“Wuu~” Ning Xiu whimpered tearfully when he saw they weren’t paying attention to him.

Pay attention to me~

Ning Buwei was silent for a moment, then suddenly curled his lips and said, “Also, my name is Ning Buwei.”

With that, he left without looking back.

Chu Jun watched him enter the adjacent room, then looked down at his son who was about to cry, and wiped away his drool.

“Ah?” Ning Xiu looked at him uncomprehendingly.

“It’s nothing, he’s just a little unhappy,” Chu Jun said softly.

“Ah~” Ning Xiu blew a spit bubble at him.

Chu Jun smiled slightly, then looked at the tightly closed door next door.

“Always throwing tantrums.”

“Ah?” Ning Xiu stuck his tongue out at his mother.

Chu Jun answered him seriously. “It’s the same as you not liking to take medicine.”

When Ning Xiu heard “medicine,” his little face immediately scrunched up like a steamed bun.


When Chu Xin was brought out of the spirit-binding array, he was still in a daze. He raised his hand to shield his eyes from the dazzling sunlight and said, “Senior Sister Shen, did the sect leader really agree to release me?”

Shen Xi nodded, “This matter has been investigated very thoroughly. Naturally, we won’t keep you confined.”

Chu Xin felt a mix of emotions. “Thank you, Senior Sister and Martial Uncles, for your efforts on my behalf.”

“It’s what we should do,” Shen Xi handed him his sword. “However, now that you’re the only inner disciple left on Yuanye Peak, you can’t shoulder the responsibilities of an entire peak. If you want to transfer to another peak, I can also introduce you.”

Chu Xin stared at the sword in a daze, flashing back to the scene in the reversal realm where he had lost his mind and slashed at his fellow disciples. His hand hesitated as he reached for the sword, then he clenched his fist and said, “Senior Sister, I think…I’d better choose another sword.”

Shen Xi’s eyes flashed with an almost imperceptible hint of disappointment and regret. “No matter, I’ll take you to the Cangjian Peak another day.”

“Thank you, Senior Sister,” Chu Xin withdrew his hand and asked, “Has Ning Buwei been caught?”

Remembering Chu Linyuan’s instructions, Shen Xi said to him, “This matter is of great importance. The sect elders will make their own decisions. You should focus on your studies. As for the murderer who killed your master and fellow disciples, they will certainly be brought to justice.”

This implied that he shouldn’t get involved in this matter.

Chu Xin could only nod.

Shen Xi escorted him to his new residence. Before leaving, she advised, “If you hear any rumors, don’t take them to heart. Just remember that you have a clear conscience.”

Chu Xin nodded and watched Shen Xi leave.

He returned to his new disciple quarters with a glum expression, only to find his belongings thrown on the ground. He paused, frowning, and asked, “Who did this?”

The other disciples in the room remained silent, focusing on their own affairs.

Chu Xin gritted his teeth and picked up his bedding.

“Where are you going to sleep tonight?” one disciple whispered to another.

“I’ve arranged to squeeze in with Junior Brother Li,” that disciple replied. “I don’t want to be chopped to pieces in the middle of the night.”

“Hiss… No good, I’ll go talk to Senior Brother properly. I don’t want to sleep here either.”

“The elders are really something, putting him here of all places…”



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