Bu Wei

Wushi (8)

Feng Zizhang walked honestly over to the bed and joined Jiang Yizheng in coaxing the child.

“What are you doing, Senior?” Jiang Yizheng turned to look at Ning Buwei when she approached, but Feng Zizhang held her head and turned it back.

Jiang Yizheng: “?”

Feng Zizhang pointed at Ning Xiu, saying, “Look how cute this dog is.”

“Ah~” Ning Xiu kicked his legs.

The Suzaku broken knife floated in the air, pointing directly at the heart of this body shell.

Ning Buwei reached out and took the broken knife, then pulled open the clothes on the body to reveal a large, fair chest. He couldn’t help but squint his eyes.

The face wasn’t pinched, but the figure was quite good.

The Suzaku broken knife cut his fingertip, and he began to draw blood symbols on the other’s chest.

Although there was no divine consciousness in the body, there was still an instinctive reaction, causing the body to stagger back a step in resistance.

Ning Buwei’s first stroke missed, with blood dripping onto the floor. He raised an eyebrow and then firmly pressed his hand on the opponent’s bare shoulder, pinning the body solidly against the wall and quickly drawing again.

Meanwhile, Feng Zizhang couldn’t help but sneak a curious glance. From his point of view, he saw Senior trapping that body in his arms, the person’s clothes half-off exposing fair shoulders. Senior’s hand was on that slender neck, looking inexplicably… hiss.

Feng Zizhang couldn’t describe it, but his ears reddened slightly as he quickly turned his head, covering Jiang Yizheng and Ning Xiu’s eyes with one hand.

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Yizheng was puzzled.

“Ah~” Ning Xiu protested.

“I-I don’t know, but children shouldn’t watch,” Feng Zizhang stuttered.

It was strange, he couldn’t help but take another look.

Jiang Yizheng pried open his fingers and widened her eyes to look.

Ning Buwei’s skill in drawing symbols was top-notch. The final stroke landed right in the center of the body’s chest, but as he was about to finish, his wrist was grabbed by a warm hand.

Ning Buwei frowned inwardly. The Suzaku broken knife in his hand flipped over and headed straight for the opponent’s chest, but it was easily dodged.

The body glanced down at its half-unbuttoned clothes, the blood-stained blood symbol on its chest, and fell silent for a moment.

Ning Buwei’s attack missed, so he decisively retreated.

Instead of attacking again, the body reached out and pulled its messy clothes that Ning Buwei had pulled into order, covering itself firmly up to the chin before lifting its head.

Though it had no face, it somehow conveyed a sense of reproach.

Ning Buwei: “…”

Even though the Suzaku broken knife was inside the body, he dared not dissect the body further because the opponent’s divine consciousness was absent. However, if the divine consciousness was still present, he wouldn’t dare to act again.

A person who had lost all cultivation facing someone in the Fusion Stage or even possibly in the Hianayana Stage would undoubtedly find death coming too slowly.

Even if there was only a trace of the opponent’s divine consciousness left in the body, it would take just a moment for them to find out the situation. However, the opponent didn’t counterattack but instead stood silently in place.

Ning Buwei recalled the protective sword qi left by the opponent before.

The owner of this body should be that deeply cultivated old monster.

If the opponent didn’t want his life, could it be that they were after his identity?

The great demon thought of this and his expression turned completely dark.

He never really broke off his rotten peach blossom, but this was the first time he encountered such a troublesome situation.

He couldn’t win in a fight, and communication seemed impossible.

Although Ning Buwei’s gaze was unfriendly, his address was very polite, “Could you at least say something? It would be more pleasant at least.”

Body: “…”

Feng Zizhang and Jiang Yizheng, who had been secretly watching the excitement for a long time, shook their heads suddenly.

Just pinching the mouth is even more terrifying, okay, Senior!

Seeing the silence from the other, Ning Buwei narrowed his eyes.

Dissecting was out of the question. Regardless, the other party had saved his life in a sense. As a great demon who believed in repaying kindness, he couldn’t dissect someone’s body in front of their divine consciousness.

He chose to ignore the recent altercation and cleared his throat before asking, “Was that sword qi from earlier yours?”

The body nodded slightly.

Indeed, it was this old monster!

Ning Buwei clenched his teeth. He could be flexible when needed. Stepping back two steps, he performed a perfunctory junior’s salute, “I have offended earlier, please forgive me, Senior.”

Feng Zizhang and Jiang Yizheng were shocked.

They had never seen Ning Buwei bow to anyone before. Now, as they looked at this faceless body, there was a hint of awe in their gaze. Quickly getting up from the bed, they followed Ning Buwei and saluted behind him.

The body nodded again, indicating that it didn’t hold grudges.

Ning Buwei, who really did not bend down, straightened up instantly, taking two steps back guardedly, “In that case, this room is yours. I bid you farewell, Senior.”

With that said, he picked up Ning Xiu and the little puppy from the bed and turned to leave.

Feng Zizhang and Jiang Yizheng hurried to catch up.

However, before they reached the door, the body appeared in front of it in an instant, blocking their way.

A flash of fierceness crossed Ning Buwei’s eyes.

Although facing an old monster in the Fusion Stage or even Hinayana Stage, whose cultivation was intact, Ning Buwei couldn’t win, and now, with his cultivation completely lost and burdened with family, he stood even less of a chance. However, if the other party became aggressive, he wouldn’t show any courtesy.

The “aggressive body” “looked” at Ning Xiu in his arms.

Ning Xiu, unafraid even of the faceless body, smiled and reached out his hand for a hug, “Ah~”

Mother, hug~

Ning Buwei coldly pushed his son’s arm back into the swaddle, preparing to fight to the death. However, he was surprised when the body extended two hands and tilted its head at him.

Ning Buwei: “???”


Yijian Peak.

It took some time for Chu Jun’s divine consciousness to find the body, but as soon as it entered the body, the connection was severed.

This divine consciousness was only a trace, without any autonomous consciousness. It acted purely on instinct — in other words, the body would become like an idiot.

Venerable Jinghe felt uneasy.

Chu Linyuan and the other disciples waited for a while, but the venerable didn’t appear. The elders couldn’t help but exchange glances.

A thin letter floated down in front of Chu Linyuan.

Chu Linyuan opened the letter, which only had four words written on it:

[Next month, fifteenth.]

Chu Linyuan suddenly realized and stood up, addressing the elders and disciples, “Venerable will emerge from seclusion on the fifteenth of next month. We have come too early.”

Although they didn’t know why the venerable had released such a powerful aura that nearly shook the entire residence, when the venerable said the fifteenth of next month, it meant exactly that, and arriving a day early was unacceptable.

So they hurriedly came, and then hurriedly left, afraid of displeasing Venerable Jinghe.

The already displeased venerable was busy deducing.

Someone must have tampered with the body, causing the disconnection with his divine consciousness. He had three bodies, but this one was the most convenient to use, so he had to retrieve it even if it was troublesome, especially since there was still a trace of divine consciousness remaining.

The art of deduction was something Chu Jun could handle effortlessly, having only failed once, and finding a person shouldn’t pose a problem.

The stone was something he picked up by the lake earlier. Half an hour later, the person with a cold expression lowered his gaze to look at the hexagram, his eyes pausing slightly.

Close at hand.


Destined one.

The first two were fine, but the last one, “destined person”… was very problematic.

This wasn’t the first time he deduced this hexagram.

Deducing this hexagram was equivalent to “preparing for bad luck” in the martial uncle’s eyes.

Five hundred and sixteen years ago, he deduced this hexagram, and afterwards, his Dao Heart was destroyed.

Five hundred years ago, he deduced this hexagram, and afterwards, was possessed by demons.

The person, as cold as frost and snow, seemed to be frozen at this moment.


Early the next day.

Chu Xin jumped down from the sword and eagerly entered the Sangyun Inn.

“Knock knock knock!”

The door was opened from inside.

“Senior, I’ve inquired about it. Yijian Peak did indeed recruit two menial workers—what happened here?” Chu Xin was startled by the mess inside the room.

Jiang Yizheng leaned against the door, rubbing her eyes vigorously.

Feng Zizhang crawled out from under the table, yawning, “Nothing much, Senior and the esteemed senior were just sparring.”

Chu Xin’s eyes lit up, “Did Senior win?”

“It was a draw,” Feng Zizhang whispered, “Mainly because that esteemed senior doesn’t seem very bright.”

Curious, Chu Xin looked at the “esteemed senior,” but all he saw was a white-clad person sitting on a stool by the bed, cradling a fluffy little puppy in their arms, looking inexplicably gentle.

“Is it this senior—ahhh, where’s the face!?” Chu Xin jumped back in shock, pointing at the faceless person in terror.

Feng Zizhang remained calm, “It’s fine, the esteemed senior is very kind.”

Chu Xin turned to Jiang Yizheng in shock, “B-b-but he doesn’t have a face!”

“Don’t speak nonsense,” Jiang Yizheng warned in a low voice, tugging at his sleeve forcefully, “He really dislikes it when people mention the word ‘face.'”

Chu Xin went from shock to confusion, “Huh?”

Ning Buwei leaned against the head of the bed, playing with his son. He poked Ning Xiu’s belly, and Ning Xiu laughed. He poked again, and Ning Xiu laughed again.

The body holding the little yellow puppy looked at Ning Xiu, raised its hand, and immediately caught Ning Xiu’s attention. Ning Xiu reached out his arms, wanting to be held.


The pale back of the body’s hand instantly bore a red mark.

Ning Xiu was also startled, blinking in confusion as he looked at his father, “Ah ya?”

Why did Father hit Mother?

Ning Buwei, expressionless, pinched Ning Xiu’s cheek.

He had indeed planned to confront the body and go all out last night, only to find out that the body had no cultivation at all and hadn’t regained consciousness. Yet, somehow, there was a trace of divine consciousness.

The concealment barrier he had set was still effective, and the real self couldn’t establish contact with this body at all.

The great demon, who reluctantly performed a junior’s salute after being misled by this seemingly idiotic body, was very displeased. He spent most of the night venting his frustration on this body.

However, now that there was divine consciousness, if he directly dissected the body without the concealment barrier blocking it, the real self of the body would soon come looking.

The safest approach was to directly refine the body with divine consciousness, not only erasing all traces but also extracting the Suzaku broken knife from this body.

The body, after being struck, lowered its head, touched its reddened hand, then reached out to pat the little yellow puppy’s ears. After a moment of thought, it took out a small piece of redwood from its pocket and handed it to Ning Buwei.

Ning Buwei’s gaze froze.

In that moment of distraction, Ning Xiu, who was lying on him, was taken into the body’s embrace.



  1. Kayachoumin says:

    Awwwww he wanted to hold his son

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