Bu Wei

Yunzhong (10.1)

Ning Buwei’s gaze faltered for a moment, then his fingers transformed into claws, and spiritual power surged out, directly crushing it into dust. Under the water mirror, this person’s real body was just a withered peach blossom branch, which suddenly turned into dust and dissipated.

A stream of light burst out from the withered branch and shot straight towards the Changsheng Cliff. Ning Buwei wanted to chase, but he heard Feng Zizhang loudly say, “Senior, be careful behind you!”

Ning Buwei turned around abruptly and caught a sword.

Chen Zichu held the sword and sneered, “As expected, you’re not a good thing.”

Just looking at the thick evil aura around this person, it almost filled the Thirteenth Peak.

“Feng Zizhang, open your eyes and take a good look, this is the person you insisted on bringing back!” Wu Zisong shouted angrily, “I’m afraid you’ve brought back a demon!”

As soon as his words fell, Ning Buwei flicked his long sleeve, and the two of them were thrown out and then heavily hit a tree.

Feng Zizhang naturally sensed this chilling ghostly aura, after all, he was currently restrained by a giant skeleton and couldn’t move.

The Mountain Protection Array consisted of 108 formations that complemented each other. If one moved, the whole body would be affected. Chen Zichu rashly made a move, and Wu Zisong exposed his position, revealing the entire formation to Ning Buwei.

He formed a seal with one hand and broke the formation with the other. The 108 Mountain Protection Formations were disrupted by the black fog that was rushing around, and the disciples in the formation were all severely injured. They fell to the ground like dumplings, their life or death unknown.

“Senior!” Feng Zizhang called out to him, but Ning Buwei ignored him and flew straight towards the Duanchang Cliff.


On the Duanchang Cliff, Wen Heshen sensed someone coming and immediately sealed off Wen Zaiye’s five senses.

He looked at the severely injured remnant soul and frowned in disgust, “How did you get out?”

“I just went to deliver a message.” Countless peach blossom petals instantly solidified into a human form, revealing Dulu’s gloomy face. He cackled, “If it weren’t for Ning Buwei always carrying that little girl from the Four Seasons Hall, I really couldn’t get close to him.”

“Attaching souls, such a low-level and despicable method.” Wen Heshen sneered, “Why bother?”

“If you really want to talk about doing too much, I’m afraid it’s you who insisted on reviving a corpse.” Dulu looked at the slow-moving Wen Zaiye and sneered, “A walking corpse that was forcibly put together with three souls and seven spirits–uh!”

Wen Heshen grabbed his neck and said leisurely, “Since when did it become your turn to interfere in my affairs? A good show was ruined by you for no reason. I agreed to keep you, but I didn’t promise not to kill you.”

“I’ve already died once, it’s just dying again.” Dulu suddenly scattered into countless peach blossom petals from Wen Heshen’s palm, and then re-solidified into a human form, only this time he stood a little further away from him, “Even so, we must let our young master see what kind of person Ning Xingyuan is.”

“I don’t care what you want to do.” Wen Heshen said coldly, “Your Rejuvenation Array is not as good as that demon vine’s Rejuvenation Array. My elder brother’s body has been dead for five hundred years and can’t carry his divine soul. I want the Linglong bone.”

Dulu laughed, “If you hadn’t sensed the aura of the Linglong bone outside Linjiang City at that time, would you agree to your little disciple bringing Ning Buwei back? The Linglong bone is that little doll in his arms, once it’s refined, it’s done.”

Wen Heshen frowned.

“Enough, Elder Wen.” Dulu sneered, “Why do you have to pretend to be so hypocritical now?”

“You sealed Wen Zaiye in the ice coffin for five hundred years, repairing his remnant soul day by day, and even selected so many children who matched his birth date to be disciples. You know what you’re up to.” Dulu’s smile was very pleasant, “The piece of Suzaku knife fragment in Wen Zaiye’s body just woke him up early. If you really want to keep him in this world, you need to use the Linglong bone to mold his flesh and blood, and then use your 108 good disciples to sacrifice the array to supplement his remnant soul–”

“All seventeen states say that Wen Heshen is upright and hates evil, and is one of the few upright and resolute people in the world.” Dulu laughed loudly, “What a righteous and resolute person!”

Wen Heshen’s eyes were full of murderous intent, but Dulu was not afraid, even a little excited about getting what he wanted.

Suddenly a strong wind blew, and Ning Buwei, who was full of evil aura, landed on the Duanchang Cliff.

“Sure enough, it’s you, Dulu.” Ning Buwei looked at the half-human and half-ghost Dulu in front of him and said with disgust, “Yan Lanpei shouldn’t have used the Rejuvenation Array to meddle.”

It was fine to revive those irrelevant people, but it also left Dulu a line of life.

Unexpectedly, Dulu was furious when he heard his words, “I can survive all because of the Rejuvenation Array I learned myself!”

Ning Buwei sneered, “Just by you?”

The contempt in his words almost made Dulu lose his sanity. He pointed to Wen Zaiye next to him and said, “He was also revived by me!”

Wen Zaiye, who had lost all his senses, stood quietly on the edge of the Duanchang Cliff. He didn’t breathe, moved slowly, and his face was pale.

When Wen Heshen saw Ning Buwei coming, he immediately restored Wen Zaiye’s five senses and stood beside him, “Brother, do you see? This is Ning Chengfeng whom you saved–”

“Now everyone wants to kill the great demon, Ning Buwei.”

The person who had just revealed his evil nature in the water mirror appeared in front of him, and Wen Zaiye looked at Ning Buwei incredulously, “Chengfeng?”

Ning Buwei pressed his lips and remained silent. The spiritual power in his body was losing rapidly, but he didn’t want to make a move.

But Wen Heshen was relentless, his eyes fixed on Wen Zaiye, “You remember, don’t you? Back then, you were just like that fool Feng Zizhang! You took the waist token to save him! You were besieged, and he, Ning Chengfeng, was so precious that you had to risk your life to protect him!”

Countless images flooded into his mind like a tide, and Wen Zaiye collapsed and held his head, his eyes red, “Stop talking…you stop talking…”

“I insist on saying!” Wen Heshen grabbed the pale and thin neck of the young man, forcing him to look at Ning Buwei, gritting his teeth and saying, “You abandoned Master and me for your friend, and died!! You died, do you know!?”

Wen Zaiye was trembling all over, “No, I didn’t want to abandon you and Master…”

The voice was heartbreaking, but his eyes were still empty and soulless, without a single tear.

“Wen Zaiye, ask yourself! Who do you owe!?” Wen Heshen’s expression was gloomy, pressing step by step.

“Enough!” Ning Buwei shouted coldly, and the Suzaku broken knife attacked Wen Heshen’s arm that was restraining Wen Zaiye, “Can’t you see he doesn’t want to listen!”

The Xianfeng sword came out, and the thick spiritual power blocked the Suzaku broken knife. Wen Heshen said in a deep voice, “Is it your turn to say this? Why don’t you think about who made him look like this, half-dead!?”

Ning Buwei suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Wen Heshen sneered sarcastically, “So you know it was you who did it!”

The Xianfeng sword rushed towards Ning Buwei, but Ning Buwei just defended and didn’t attack, and was soon forced to retreat step by step.

Wen Heshen pressed him to the front, his face full of disgust, “Ning Chengfeng! If you still have a bit of guilt, hand over the Linglong bone! Let my elder brother fully revive! This is what you owe him!”

Ning Xiu, who was nestled in his clothes, moved a bit, but was very well-behaved and didn’t make a sound.

Ning Buwei looked at Wen Heshen expressionlessly and said coldly, “I owe him a life, but I don’t owe you.”

“Then give it back to him!”

The Xianfeng Sword, true to its name, was swift as the wind and heavy as a thousand catties. It broke Ning Buwei’s Suzaku broken knife and slashed down with a loud crash.

But in that instant, the sky and earth changed dramatically. A rolling black fog poured out from the Suzaku fragments, and countless bones gathered into a thick barrier, forcibly blocking this sword.

Countless bones shattered all over the ground and then regrouped. The ghosts wailed incessantly.

His spiritual power was about to be exhausted, and a severe pain came from his sea of consciousness. The outer part of his dantian, which had just been repaired not long ago, had a few more cracks, and there was a faint tendency to shatter.

Ning Buwei found a moment to think, it was a pity for that fairy maiden’s good craftsmanship. Fortunately, he didn’t have to see her again, otherwise she would definitely be annoyed with him.

Seeing that Ning Buwei was exhausted, Dulu, who had been watching the battle on the side, could no longer hold back. He flew up and rushed straight towards Ning Xiu in Ning Buwei’s front.

“Looking for death!” Ning Buwei flipped his wrist, and the Suzaku knife handle, which had been silent for a long time, finally saw the light of day again. The black fog, a hundred times thicker than before, instantly swept Dulu into it.

Countless ghosts and spirits restrained Dulu’s remnant soul, forcibly pulling him out of the human form condensed from the petals and withered branches, screaming and laughing, and the terrified Dulu’s remnant soul was sealed into the knife handle.

However, this also completely exhausted Ning Buwei’s not much remaining spiritual power. Countless skeleton ghosts all fell silent, and the evil aura that enveloped the Thirteenth Peak suddenly disappeared.

The Xianfeng Sword, carrying a strong spiritual power, slashed down. He only had time to protect Ning Xiu in his arms, and tried his best to roll to the side. His movements were a few points slower, and Wen Heshen took advantage of the victory and chased after him, stabbing a sword towards his throat.

The red blood talisman was tightly clenched in Ning Buwei’s palm, but he was slow to respond. Who expected that the Xianfeng Sword would stop in mid-air.

A pale hand firmly grasped the sword body, and dark green blood dripped onto the dust, emitting a strange fragrance all around.

Ning Buwei and Wen Heshen were both stunned.

The owner of that hand stood upright on the chaotic Duanchang Cliff of, his expression surprisingly calm.

He turned his head to look at Wen Heshen and slowly said, “Chengfeng owes no one, it was me who wanted to save him back then, so naturally I should bear the consequences of this choice.”

“Wen Heshen.” Wen Zaiye’s tone became indistinguishable from ordinary people, with a hint of regret, “I bought you some sugar-fried chestnuts, but…I didn’t have time to peel them for you.”

“I also know why Changsheng Cliff was renamed Duanchang Cliff.”


Five hundred years ago.

Gen Prefecture, Liu State, Yunzhong Sect.

Wen Zaiye drew another transmission talisman and sent it out through the window.

“Brother, why aren’t you sleeping yet?” Wen Heshen climbed down from the bed with sleepy eyes, barefoot and holding his pillow, pitter-pattered to Wen Zaiye’s bed, his face still had the red marks pressed out by the pillow.

A ten-year-old child didn’t understand much, he only knew that his elder brother seemed to have a lot on his mind.

“I’m going to sleep now.” Wen Zaiye closed the window, picked him up and tucked him into his own quilt, laughing, “How old are you, and you still want to squeeze with me?”

Wen Heshen giggled a couple of times, hugged his brother’s arm, and burrowed into his brother’s arms with his hair messed up like a chicken coop.

Wen Zaiye habitually patted his back to coax him to sleep, but he himself had no sleepiness.

Now the whole southeast Xun Prefecture was in turmoil. The master had called him back from the Wanxuan Academy early in the morning and ordered him not to go down the mountain. And as early as a month and a half ago, he had lost contact with Ning Chengfeng.

The sent letters had no response for a long time. Wen Zaiye sighed.

“Brother, are you worried about Brother Chengfeng?” Wen Heshen asked in a low voice.

Although he and Ning Chengfeng had always been at odds, every time they met, he would be bullied and cry, he even refused to bounce a word out in front of him, but he would always call ‘Brother Chengfeng Brother Chengfeng’ in private.

And Ning Chengfeng would entrust him to deliver any interesting things he had collected. Every time he clamored to see the little bird, but when he saw it, he would bully people with his cheap mouth and hands, and he would not stop until he made people cry. Wen Zaiye really couldn’t understand the way these two people got along.



  1. Kayachoumin says:

    More of the past aaa

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