Bu Wei

Yunzhong (2)

Relying on the face given by his parents, Ning Buwei had never been short of admirers since he was a child.

When he was young and studying at the Wanxuan Academy, there were gentle and cute junior sisters, beautiful and dignified senior sisters, and the daughter of the headmaster who came to the Wanxuan Academy for an exchange… Even some male cultivators almost got beaten half to death by him for climbing through the window in the middle of the night. Wen Zaiye and Cui Ci despised him for not understanding romance, and often mocked him for this.

Later on, he committed all sorts of evil deeds in the seventeen states. Despite his notorious reputation, there were still people who dared to approach him. These people, most of whom had never seen his face, assumed that he was kind-hearted and had a hard time doing evil deeds…

To hell with hardships.

After causing trouble for many years and finally earning a bad name, they even wanted to erase it. Ning Buwei was so angry that he wanted to chop people with the Suzaku Sword.

Remembering the last time he was chased by the three sisters of the Hehuan Sect and ran through seven states, Ning Buwei’s face turned a bit dark.

Admiration was nothing rare for Ning Buwei.

But to love him so deeply, to take her own essence, blood, and flesh to “give birth” to a son for him, even risking her life to drag his divine and spiritual consciousness into her sea of consciousness, not afraid of backlash, and doing her best to repair his meridians and dantian…

Ning Buwei knew how serious his injuries were. This move would definitely not work in Ning Xiu’s sea of consciousness, and besides Ning Xiu, no one else could possibly enter his sea of consciousness. The remaining answer was self-evident.

This was really the first time Ning Buwei had seen such a thing.

If it weren’t for him waking up early, he might not even have seen her back. Obviously, “she” just wanted to give silently, to hide her merits and fame, and didn’t want to attract his attention.

So pure and unaffected.

Ning Buwei looked down at the dumbfounded Ning Xiu and asked with a frown, “How should I thank your mother?”


Gen Prefecture, Liu State.

Yunzhong Sect, Thirteenth Peak, Meal Residence.

The large dining hall, which could accommodate thousands of people, was bustling with noise. Most of the people who came here to eat were low-level disciples who had not yet built their foundation, and there were also disciples who had already built their foundation and came to eat some spiritual grains and plants.

Recently, the Thirteenth Peak of Yunzhong Sect had somehow managed to invite a chef from the neighboring Linggu Sect. The spiritual food made by this chef was full of spiritual power and incredibly delicious. Not only the disciples of the Thirteenth Peak, but also the disciples of other peaks within the sect came here when they heard about it, and it was packed every mealtime.

“Hey, you menial worker, what’s the matter! Don’t you have eyes?” A male cultivator in a green shirt suddenly stood up, pointing angrily at his sleeve that had been splashed with soup, “Look at this!”

The woman holding the tray was of average height, with ordinary looks, but her eyes were bright and black. She quickly apologized to him, “I’m sorry, I was careless!”

As she was about to cast a small cleaning spell to clean him up, she was disgustingly pushed away by him, “Don’t dirty my sleeve with your inferior spiritual power, this is a high-level robe!”

Sensing the malice in his tone, Jiang Yizheng raised her head to look at him and asked, “Then what do you want?”

The cultivator looked her up and down, sneered disdainfully, “Easy, compensate me with a hundred high-grade spirit stones.”

Jiang Yizheng was just a menial worker at Yunzhong Sect, she could only get a thousand low-grade spirit stones a month, which could be exchanged for at most eighty or so middle-grade spirit stones, let alone high-grade spirit stones.

She suppressed her anger and said, “Your robe is not worth a hundred high-grade spirit stones.”

“Senior Brother Wu Liang’s robe is a high-level robe, bought for five hundred high-grade spirit stones, asking you for a hundred spirit stones is just pitying you.” A tall and thin cultivator with a mole at the end of his eyebrow laughed.

“She’s just ignorant.” Someone else mocked, “She was just stuffed in by Feng Zizhang because of connections, she has nothing, she’s so ugly, what did Feng Zizhang see in her?”

The people at their table immediately burst into laughter.

Wu Liang glanced at her with disgust and said rudely, “Did you hear that, aren’t you going to hurry up and pay?”

Jiang Yizheng was so angry that her face turned red, and she gritted her teeth and said, “I can’t afford that many spirit stones.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, you’re still raising a waste and a little brat.” Wu Liang raised his eyebrows and laughed, “Is your father still alive?”

Jiang Yizheng was so angry that her hands were shaking.

“Her father is not a good thing, didn’t you hear what Senior Brother Chen Zisong said?” The tall and thin cultivator with a mole at the end of his eyebrow said with disgust, “It was him who killed the two senior brothers Zichen and Zisong!”

“Chen Feng is right!” Wu Liang said, “If it weren’t for Feng Zizhang pleading, how could the master agree to let this woman bring her father and brother to the Thirteenth Peak, in my opinion, the master should have killed that bastard with one palm!”

Saying that, he was so angry that he pushed Jiang Yizheng hard. Jiang Yizheng stumbled and was deliberately tripped by someone. She fell to the ground, and the hot and greasy soup was spilled all over her.

Jiang Yizheng didn’t want to cause trouble, she kept her head down and didn’t speak, but it only made those people more aggressive.

Chen Feng and others laughed uproariously. There were unaware cultivators who couldn’t stand it and wanted to reach out to help her, but they were held back by their companions.

The companion whispered, “Chen Feng and Wu Liang’s elder brothers are both top disciples in the inner door, don’t provoke them.”

Wu Liang was about to kick her, but he heard someone shout at the door, “Stop!”

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and it was Feng Zizhang who had just returned to Yunzhong Sect.

He was originally going to see Ning Buwei and Ning Xiu, but when he passed by the dining hall and heard the noise inside, he curiously came in to take a look. He found Jiang Yizheng falling on the ground, surrounded by a group of outer door disciples, and those people were still saying disrespectful words about their senior, he immediately became angry and shouted.

Wu Liang and Chen Feng were not afraid of him. Everyone knew that Feng Zizhang had a good temper. He was a good old man at the Thirteenth Peak, a soft persimmon, they didn’t take his anger seriously.

(t/n: good old man-A person who is kind, easy-going, and does not offend anyone.)

Wu Liang sneered, “Feng Zizhang, my two elder brothers raised you, is this how you repay them? By treating the enemy who killed them well?”

“The senior did this to protect the souls of Zichen and Zisong!” Feng Zizhang helped Jiang Yizheng up and glared at the two, “He was saving the two senior brothers!”

“You believe what he said? Killing them is saving them?” Wu Liang looked at him with a vicious look, “This is the first time I’ve heard such nonsense!”

“The senior saved my life several times in Linjiang City, he definitely wouldn’t lie to me!” Feng Zizhang said with a lack of momentum, “And senior brothers Zichen and Zisong are fine now.”

“That doesn’t mean he hasn’t killed people. If it weren’t for the Rejuvenation Array that saved my elder brothers…” Wu Liang sneered, “Feng Zizhang, don’t think I won’t touch you because you’re an inner door disciple, I will kill that waste sooner or later to avenge my two elder brothers!”

Feng Zizhang said, “How could you do this!?”

But no one paid attention to him. Wu Liang gave him a fierce look and left the dining hall with Chen Feng and others.

Jiang Yizheng wiped the soup off her face and said to Feng Zizhang, “Did I cause you trouble?”

Feng Zizhang shook his head, looking a bit depressed, “It’s my fault, I couldn’t protect you and the senior.”

Jiang Yizheng comforted him, “You’re already very powerful. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know where I would go with father and younger brother.”

Feng Zizhang cast a small cleaning spell for her, “Wu Liang and Chen Feng are both outer door disciples, but the two senior brothers Wu Zichen and Wu Zicong of the inner door are Wu Liang’s real elder brothers, and the second senior brother Chen Zichu is Chen Feng’s cousin. They are used to being arrogant and domineering outside by relying on the names of a few senior brothers. They deliberately came to find fault with you.”

“It’s okay, they can’t run to the dining hall every day.” Jiang Yizheng smiled, but the smile on her face didn’t last long.

Feng Zizhang was now isolated by the inner door disciples, he could hardly protect himself, and sighed with worry.


The man lying on the bed was pale, covered in wounds, especially the wound at the heart was particularly eye-catching. His body was covered with dense hemostatic symbols, but the blood still soaked his clothes, and his breathing was weak and almost imperceptible.

Seeing, life was not long.

In the sea of consciousness, Ning Buwei was in the midst of justifiable distress, when he suddenly heard someone talking next to his ear.

He immediately withdrew from Ning Xiu’s sea of consciousness, and his divine and spiritual consciousness returned to their positions, but he did not open his eyes immediately.

“Did father just move?” Jiang Yizheng, holding half a bowl of rice paste in her hand, asked Feng Zizhang.

“Ah… it seemed to move, and it seemed not to.” Feng Zizhang said with a worried look, “He has been inhaling more than exhaling.”

Jiang Yizheng said sadly, “It looks like he’s not going to make it.”

Feng Zizhang said sadly, “I haven’t had time to kowtow to recognize father yet.”

“I had already kowtowed in secret, sigh, let’s just consider it as providing for the aged and sending him off.” Jiang Yizheng looked at Ning Xiu, who was crying for food on the bed, and couldn’t help but tear up, “It’s just pitiful for younger brother who is not even a month old, who lost his father at such a young age.”

Feng Zizhang couldn’t help but shed tears on the spot, “Sob sob sob, younger brother!”

“Although father, you’re so poor that you didn’t leave us anything.”

“But we will raise younger brother to adulthood.”

Ning Buwei, who had fully regained consciousness, listened with a throbbing vein on his forehead.

The two little brats were playing house here in all seriousness, and they really planned to send him off.

He was both angry and amused.

Then he heard Jiang Yizheng sigh and said to the person on the bed who was about to die, “Father, you can go in peace.”

Ning Buwei slowly opened his eyes.

He met Jiang Yizheng’s tearful and mournful gaze.

Jiang Yizheng: “…”

Seeing this, Feng Zizhang stammered, “Re…returning to light?” (TL: describe the abnormal temporary improvement of terminally ill patients before their death)

Ning Buwei, lying on the bed motionless, glanced at the two fools lightly.

The desire to kill someone was not easy to hide.

The same goes for killing two people.

Jiang Yizheng’s mind worked faster than Feng Zizhang’s, she changed to a cheerful expression and said happily, “Senior! You finally woke up!”

She looked very happy.

If her hand holding the bowl wasn’t shaking, and she hadn’t spilled the rice paste on Ning Buwei’s clothes, she would have looked even happier.

Feng Zizhang, who was slow to react, came over and tried to please, “Senior, you woke up?”

Ning Buwei’s throat hurt terribly, and there was a spicy bitter taste in his mouth. He didn’t know what he had been fed, and he silently watched them.

Jiang Yizheng remembered the painful experience of being hung on a towering redwood, and decisively lowered her head, “Senior, I was wrong.”

Feng Zizhang was crying without tears, “Senior, you are strong and indomitable, full of energy…..sob sob, I was wrong, I will never dare to call father again, please don’t hang me!”

Ning Buwei’s mouth twitched slightly.

Ning Xiu, had eaten only half of the rice paste, pulled Jiang Yizheng’s sleeve discontentedly, “Ah~”


Jiang Yizheng didn’t dare to move.

After a while, Ning Buwei was able to speak, and asked, “Where is this?”

The narrow little room was dark and damp, with very few things in sight. The only table there had a broken leg and was barely standing.

Hearing his question, Jiang Yizheng immediately fell silent, reaching out to tug at a corner of Ning Xiu’s swaddling clothes and lowering her head.

Feng Zizhang said with shame, “The third firewood room behind the small kitchen of Linggu Meal Residence at the Thirteenth Peak of Yunzhong Sect in Gen Prefecture, Liu State.”

Ning Buwei: “…”

What a mess.

Seeing this, Jiang Yizheng explained to him, “That day when Linjiang City broke, it was very chaotic. Senior Chu Xin and Chu Song were taken away by the people of Wushi Sect without a word. Feng Zizhang and I reacted but couldn’t find you.”

“Later, we found you holding younger brother and falling by the river on the way out of the city. The blood was almost dry.” She said in a muffled voice.

“Senior brothers Zichen and Zisong recognized you and wanted to kill you. I had a hard time explaining to them.” Feng Zizhang remembered the two senior brothers who were always cold to him and sniffed, “Just in time, Jiang Yizheng had nowhere to go, so we lied that you were Jiang Yizheng’s father. I asked the master to take you in, and then we took you and younger brother back to Yunzhong Sect.”

Jiang Yizheng wiped her eyes with her sleeve, “Yes, that’s how it is, we’re doing well now.”

Feng Zizhang’s voice was also full of grievance, “Yes, we haven’t been bullied or ostracized.”

Ning Xiu, who had been half-fed and then stopped feeding, also joined in the fun, “Yiya~”

Ning Buwei: “..…”


  1. Kayachoumin says:

    What a mess 💀😂😂😂

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