Bu Wei

Yunzhong (1)

“Ah ah~” Ning Xiu looked at him with innocent eyes, blinking.

Chu Jun lowered his gaze and stared at Ning Xiu, trying to educate his son, “What impropriety it is.”

However, his son didn’t understand and was impatient, patting his clothes to signal him to save someone quickly.

With a wave of his snow-colored wide sleeve, the white gold hidden pattern on it shone under the dim light.

Ning Xiu immediately forgot about his dying father and stared at Chu Jun’s sleeve with interest, reaching out his little hand to grab it.

Chu Jun borrowed a bit of spiritual power from Ning Xiu’s sea of consciousness, mixed it with his own, and the light golden spiritual power turned into mist, wrapping Ning Buwei. He didn’t even take a careful look at what the other person looked like.

Ning Buwei didn’t reject Ning Xiu’s spiritual power, but he frowned uncomfortably.

Chu Jun kept his gaze down, not even looking up at the mist again. Borrowing a little bit of Ning Xiu’s spiritual power to probe again, the other party indeed did not resist anymore.

His crimson spiritual power mixed with Ning Xiu’s gold, traveled around the other’s meridians, and then fell silent in front of the dantian that was about to shatter.

The fact that his meridians were broken and his cultivation was wasted was all praise for him.

If it weren’t for a surge of surging green spiritual power protecting his dantian and heart meridian, he would have probably exploded and died long ago.

Chu Jun’s expression was somewhat solemn.

He raised his head and looked around his son’s sea of consciousness. It wasn’t considered big for a Golden Core cultivator, but for a baby, it could be described as vast.

But in the vast sea of consciousness, only a circle of area had light, at most only as big as two rooms.

A huge lantern was hanging in the air, emitting a soft light. However, it was different from a real lantern, as if it was kneaded out by someone using spiritual power. They even thoughtfully kneaded out tassels. Next to it was a string of more than a dozen bells of different sizes, also kneaded out of spiritual power.

There was also a porcelain spoon the size of an adult’s palm, on which was painted a fluffy yellow dog, constantly sticking out its tongue and wagging its tail.

Next to the spoon was a flower bowl larger than a human head, painted with festive red flowers. These two items were second only to the lantern and bells in status, placed in the brightest place to show the owner’s importance.

In addition, there was a jade-colored leaf, half of a dark cave wall, several dried grasses taller than a person, a fist-sized stone, a swaddling cloth embroidered with calming spells and exorcism symbols, a black garment, and half of a white garment. That half of the white garment was exactly the same as the one Chu Jun wore, except it was several times larger.

Just as Chu Jun was looking, a shiny white gold pattern appeared on the sleeve.

Chu Jun: …

The brightness was a bit exaggerated.

On the ground illuminated by the lantern, strange things were piled up.

After a cultivator opened up their sea of consciousness, they could transform it into whatever they liked. Obviously, this pile of strange things was his son’s favorite.

Ning Xiu finally grabbed his sleeve after much effort and excitedly stuffed it into his mouth.

Chu Jun pulled his sleeve out of his mouth and said to him, “I need to heal your… father. Your sea of consciousness can’t bear it.”

“Ah~” Chu Jun didn’t know what a father was, smacked his lips, and still wanted to play with his sleeve.

Chu Jun said, “You take me to your father’s sea of consciousness.”

Ning Xiu’s attention finally returned from the sleeve to his poor father, “Ah!”


Chu Jun: …

After a while, a large cloud of light gold mist floated in the vast sea of consciousness, with Chu Jun standing next to it, his face as cold as frost.

Ning Xiu was lying in a simple cradle, swinging back and forth. Hanging above was a string of pink bells, prettier and shinier than the ones his father gave him.

He liked this better!

The place where he lay could move!

Ning Xiu happily swung back and forth, and the shiny bells also swung back and forth. He couldn’t help but yawn, his eyelids heavy, and he turned his head to look at his father worriedly. He found that his father had been changed into a white, soft outfit, and he softly “ah~”ed.

Bai Bai must remember to hold Father and sing~

Then he fell into a deep sleep.

The light and soft sound of the bells was especially noticeable in the vast space.

The other party was half-naked in the mist, appearing and disappearing. Chu Jun could only put his own robe on him and set up a trapping array around him to prevent him from suddenly attacking when he woke up – based on the previous two experiences, the other party was cunning and sinister, not a good person, so it was better to be prepared.

Dragging the other party into his own sea of consciousness was a helpless move. The child’s sea of consciousness couldn’t bear the spiritual power he used to heal, but dragging all of the other party’s divine and spiritual consciousness in…

Chu Jun’s fingers flickered with spiritual power, and he began to carefully repair the other party’s dantian, which was about to shatter, inevitably adding his own spiritual power.

After a while, his gaze paused.

This person’s dantian had been damaged more than once, and looking at his repair method, it seemed somewhat familiar.

Ning Buwei, who was sleeping, noticed the movement in his dantian, frowned, and was about to sit up with a sudden force in his waist, but was forcefully and gently held down by a warm hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t move.” Chu Jun’s voice was very low, afraid of waking the child.

A small section of the other party’s fair and strong neck and tense jawline appeared in the swirling light golden mist.

It carried a hint of arrogance and domineering provocation.

Chu Jun lowered his eyes, and with a slight force on his wrist, he pushed the half-dead person back into the mist.

Ning Buwei hit the back of his head on the ground, took a solid knock, and completely passed out.


His limbs and body felt as if they had been crushed and then reassembled, causing ache all over.

Ning Buwei struggled to open his eyes, and found himself staring at a dog’s head sticking out its red tongue.

This dog’s head looked familiar, like the one on the small spoon he used to feed Ning Xiu.

This dog’s head was bigger than his own head, Ning Buwei thought in a daze.

“Ah~” Ning Xiu’s happy shout sounded in his ear.

Ning Buwei subconsciously turned his head to look at him, but through the misty mist, he saw a figure.

Dressed in white, with hair like a waterfall, tall and upright, with a fair and slender hand behind his back, just a single silhouette was as beautiful as an immortal being.

Ning Buwei, whose brain hadn’t started turning yet, thought in a daze: This hand would be quite suitable for changing his son’s diaper.

It seemed that it had noticed that he was awake, the figure stiffened for a moment, and then suddenly disappeared.

Ning Xiu was lifted up by the golden spiritual power, facing down, staring at his father with wide eyes, and excitedly shouting at his confused old father, “Ah~ Ah ya ah~”

Father~ You’re awake~ Bai Bai saved you~

Ning Buwei, who was slobbered all over by his son, grabbed his son who was floating in mid-air with one hand and sat up, immediately dazzled by a pile of messy things around him.

Big spoon, big bowl, big lantern, and a string of bells that had been magnified more than ten times, pebbles by the Endless River, dried grass and vines, and half of a dark cave… Except for the size, they were all very familiar.

Ning Buwei immediately reacted, looked at Ning Xiu with a bit of surprise, “This is your sea of consciousness?”

Ning Xiu had heard Bai Bai mention “sea of consciousness” many times during this period, and he shouted excitedly.

Ning Buwei stood up with the help of the big spoon, took a look around, and surprisingly found the swaddling cloth that he had thrown away before, raised an eyebrow, “If you like it so much, Father will buy you another one.”

“Ah!” Ning Xiu, held by his single hand, was not afraid and happily kicked his legs.

As soon as Ning Buwei stood up, he felt something was wrong. His previously shattered dantian and broken meridians had been…repaired by someone?

Ning Buwei took a bit of his son’s spiritual power and let it travel around his body, finding that his meridians had indeed been repaired from the outside. Although they were still broken inside, they were much better than before. His dantian had been patiently and meticulously repaired bit by bit. As long as he didn’t overuse and deplete his energy, he wouldn’t face the deadly situation of a shattered dantian again.

If his dantian was like a broken pottery jar before, with spiritual power pouring in like water, full of cracks and gaps, unable to store anything, the battle in Linjiang City almost ground this pottery jar into slag, and it was a fluke that he could survive…

But now someone had spent countless spiritual power, patiently bit by bit, pasting his shattered pottery jar back together, and pasted it so carefully and seriously, the shape was beautiful and smooth without a single flaw, and the pottery jar was pasted into a porcelain jar.

Ning Buwei thought of the figure just now, and a bit of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, that was not his illusion.

Ning Buwei looked at the pink bells in his son’s sea of consciousness that he had never seen before, which were next to the bells he had kneaded, and the comfortable and cute little cradle below, and the astonishment in his eyes turned into complexity.

He had made a defensive spell for Ning Xiu’s sea of consciousness, and people without blood relations couldn’t get in, but “she” not only came in, but also saved his life, and even used spiritual power to make a pink bell and cradle for Ning Xiu…

Ning Buwei saw the blue and pink bells huddled together intimately, touched his nose uncomfortably, and said to Ning Xiu with emotion, “Your mother is really beautiful and kind-hearted.”

Just looking at the kneaded bells, you can tell that she is a gentle and skillful woman.

“Ah?” Ning Xiu heard the word “mother” for the second time, looked at his father in confusion, and made a small thinking pose with his head tilted.

Ning Buwei pointed at the blue bells, then pointed at himself, “I am your father.”

“Ah!” Ning Xiu indicated that he understood.

Ning Buwei pointed at the pink bells and the small cradle, then pointed in the direction where the “beauty” disappeared, “That beautiful and kind-hearted immortal is your mother.”

Ning Xiu blinked, Bai Bai… mother… It took him a good while before he “ah~”ed.

Bai Bai is mother~

“Teachable child.” Ning Buwei was satisfied to see that he understood, nodded in satisfaction, and said to his son with a firm tone, “Your mother must be very good at changing diapers.”

Hearing “mother”, Ning Xiu happily pointed at the pink bells and the direction where the “woman” disappeared, “Ah~”

Ning Buwei recalled the waist that was faintly visible in the misty mist just now, and his expression was slightly startled.

That “woman” left Ning Xiu to him, and even used so much spiritual power to save his life, but she didn’t expect any return, and ran away shyly when she saw him wake up…

It seemed that she had admired him for a long time.

Ning Buwei cleared his throat, looked at Ning Xiu seriously, “Your mother is a good person, but I cultivate the ruthless way, and cannot marry.”

Ning Xiu, who didn’t understand, “Ah?”


  1. Hawa says:

    How’s going to tell him hahaha. I hope bu Wei is the bottom. I don’t like reverse but I like the plotline so bad. Thank you for the translation.

  2. Kayachoumin says:

    “Your ‘mother'” it will be so fun we he discovered the truth 😂

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