Bu Wei

Linjiang (End-part 5)

Feng Zizhang looked at Han Ziyang, then at Zisong and Zichen, these two senior brothers who had come back to life, his eyes reddened, and he cried out with a wuwu, threw himself into the arms of his big senior brother, and cried with snot and tears.

Han Ziyang, who had just woken up, was still dazed, and was bumped by his junior brother, wiping a body of tears.

Chu Sun looked at the fellow disciples and elders who had come back to life, full of emotion, and Chu Xin was even more frank, and jumped up directly.

The boss lady of the clothing store looked at the ruined shop, touched the ragged clothes on her body, but there was no wound on her body.

The shop’s second child held the newly born child and his wife, crying with joy.

The cultivators who thought they were bound to die in the illusion were stunned to see their intact spiritual consciousness, thinking of their irrational behavior in the environment, they looked at each other.

Qing Yan and Zen Master Bai Yu looked at each other, escaped from death, and both smiled bitterly.

Countless Heart Confusion Seeds fell from their bodies, turning into dust and drifting away in the wind.

The cultivators outside the city rushed into Linjiang City, searching for their own disciples and relatives. They had escaped from death and met again. People always have a lot to say.

The greenery filled the entire Linjiang City, and then quietly dissipated amidst countless cries of surprise and joy.

Ning Buwei looked at the crowd with cold eyes, and put the withered seed in Ning Xiu’s swaddling clothes and the broken pieces of the Suzaku sword into his arms.

Yan Lanpei’s every attempt to perform the Rejuvenation Array was a failure, but he finally succeeded once when he was dying.

He saved a group of irrelevant strangers.

Ning Buwei held Ning Xiu and struggled to get up. He walked through the bustling crowd and walked slowly towards the outside of the city alone.

‘Dulu deserves to die, but I also didn’t save Mei Luoxue and those who robbed Ning Xiu.’

‘I can’t be a bad person.’

‘But I’m not willing to be a good person.’

‘Chengfeng, it’s hard to be a human.’

Yan Lanpei’s distant voice rang in his ears, and with a sigh, it finally completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Life is hard.

Behind Ning Buwei was the noisy and ruined Linjiang City, and in front of him was the endless sky.

He held Ning Xiu, staggered a step, and his exhausted body finally couldn’t support it, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

The sky was vast and the autumn wind was bleak.

The sun set over the mountains, and the light orange and light purple sunset clouds were layered and spread out, adding a bit of vast warmth to this endless cold silence.


Ning Xiu struggled to drag his dead and heavy father into his own sea of consciousness, so wronged that he was about to cry, and nestled in Chu Jun’s arms and hummed.

His father’s sea of consciousness was so scary, he searched for a long time before he found his father, but his father was very vigilant and wouldn’t let him get close.

Fortunately, his father fainted, and he was able to drag his father into his own sea of consciousness with difficulty.

He never wanted to enter his father’s sea of consciousness again, it’s uncomfortable and scary.

It’s better in Bai Bai, warm and clean, he also sings to him.

Chu Jun looked at the large group of black fog dragged in by the little guy, and his body stiffened for a moment.

This group of black fog… why is it so familiar?

If he didn’t recognize it wrong, this black fog should be the cultivator who shamelessly stole the spiritual power in his sea of consciousness twice, was bold enough to use his spiritual consciousness to enter his sea of consciousness, and accidentally had a Shenjiao with him. (TL: everytime, the character Shenjiao “神交” always translates to divine intercourse, I mean it could be understood as divine intercourse)

Chu Jun had a moment of wanting to slap this bold and reckless fellow directly.

“Ah ah~” Ning Xiu in his arms anxiously patted his arm.

Bai Bai hurry up~

Chu Jun looked at the little guy in his arms with a frosty face, “Is he your ‘mother’?”

Although the Shenjiao was hasty, he could feel that the other party was a…man.

Chu Jun was even more puzzled, how could a man give birth to a son for him?

Could it be that he has been in retreat for many years and can’t keep up with the development of the cultivation world? Can men also give birth?

This weird thought made the nearly thousand-year-old ancestor feel his scalp a bit numb.

“Ah~” Ning Xiu patted him, twisting impatiently in his arms.

Bai Bai save Father~

Chu Jun helplessly pinched his little feet, “Why are you so impatient?”

I don’t know whom he followed.

Chu Jun’s gaze fell on the large group of black fog stained with blood, and remembered that the other party rubbed his spiritual consciousness before leaving last time and ran away in a hurry—

Chu Jun: “…”

Obviously, he followed this large group of black fog.

The other party had already lost consciousness, and logically speaking, he cannot enter someone else’s sea of consciousness, but Ning Xiu, didn’t know what method he used to drag people in—even dragging in the spiritual consciousness and divine consciousness.

He really is a filial son.

Chu Jun held Ning Xiu and tried to send some spiritual power into the large group of black fog. As soon as he approached, the other party tensed up vigilantly, and spikes stood up all over his body, as if anyone who dared to approach him would die without a place to be buried.

Chu Jun: “…”

So fierce.

This group of black fog was not only impatient, but also extremely cruel. The soul was filled with a strong aura of evil and blood.

The other party had infiltrated his sea of consciousness twice, and the disguise was perfect. Chu Jun recalled that the person with the sky-high aura of evil had infiltrated his sea of consciousness without him noticing, and he couldn’t help but feel a little scared.

If a demon enters the body, if you are not careful, you may become demonized and your soul will be scattered.

If Chu Jun saw it under normal circumstances, he would usually regard the other party as a heretic and strangle him.

But now it’s not a normal situation—

This cultivator full of evil aura was in the same sea of consciousness as him, and this child was his and the other’s flesh and blood. The other party had no resistance and was subconsciously protecting the child.

Chu Jun looked at the large group of black fog that refused him to approach with an expressionless face.

The safest way was for him to exit immediately, find the child, and then kill this demon.

But he found that he didn’t want to do that.

The other party was the child’s other…father, and the child obviously only recognized the other party as a father. Now in the child’s eyes, he was at best a familiar stranger.

“Ah~” Seeing him not moving, Ning Xiu began to command him anxiously, “Ah ah~”

Bai Bai~ Hug Father~ Sing for Father~

In Ning Xiu’s memory, every time he was held by Bai Bai, he would not feel uncomfortable. Chu Jun’s chanting sounded like singing to him, so naturally he thought that it would be fine for Ning Buwei to be held and listen to the song.

But Bai Bai stood there and didn’t move, making him anxious.

Chu Jun lowered his head and said to the child in his arms, “Don’t worry, I don’t cultivate the Ruthless Path.”

Nor those stubborn and conservative cultivators.

Just save it.

There was already a child between them, and saving his life was just a matter of raising his hand.

Ning Xiu didn’t understand what he was saying. His small head thought about it and thought that Bai Bai was disgusted with his ugly father.

The place where Bai Bai lived was all white, and his father was now a black mass. Bai Bai must be unwilling to save his father because of this.

The smart and filial Ning Xiu took advantage of his father’s spiritual consciousness unguarded against him, worked hard, and stripped off the thick black fog and blood-stained clothes on his father, and proudly pointed to Bai Bai, “Ah~”

Father is also white~

Chu Jun raised his eyes when he heard the sound, and unexpectedly saw a strong and thin waist and half a handsome side face. He suddenly lowered his eyes, and his expression was a bit unnatural.

Then he scolded the proud little guy in his arms, “Stop messing around!”


  1. Kayachoumin says:

    Oh ? Hehrhe

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