Breaking a Couple in Every World (QT)

The Loyal Dog Little Brother

Chapter 151 The Loyal Dog Little Brother


“A-Rou, you don’t need to cook today. Your aunt called and invited us out to a restaurant for dinner!”


“Understood.” Li Huairou hung up the phone and calculated the time. It was probably that kid Ouyang Dan who was coming! Her aunt had finally got her wish!


Three years later, Li Huairou entered high school and still maintained her number one ranking. Zhang Jiale also became a junior high school student who was about to take her senior high school entrance exam. Under Li Huairou’s supervision, his grades had always been among the best.


Zhang Jiale opened the door and came in. “Sister, do you have anything to eat? I’m hungry. What’s for lunch?”


“There’s bread on the table—eat first to pad your stomach. Your mother called and said that she’d take us to eat at noon,” Li Huairou said.


Zhang Jiale put the book down, picked up the bread, and ate it. “What’s the matter? Why are we eating out again? What a waste of time. I still have so much homework to do.”


“How much time can you waste by eating? Let’s go first; bring your schoolbag.” Li Huairou said while holding her school bag.


“Alright.” Zhang Jiale hurriedly finished eating the piece of bread. He reached out to pick his school bag up, then pulled Li Huairou’s school bag over and put it on his back, then turned and left.


Li Huairou looked at Zhang Jiale, who was a head taller than herself. “Have you grown taller again? What have you been eating?”


“I’m 180 centimeters now. I didn’t steal any food—it’s genetic,” Zhang Jiale said with a smile. Since childhood, his wish had been to be taller than his cousin.


“That’s a load of nonsense, don’t think I don’t know! Auntie is only 1.65 meters, and Uncle is only 1.78 meters, you fart gene. Tell me, have you been eating something good behind my back?” Li Huairou stood on tiptoes and tried to pat Zhang Jiale’s head. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t reach it.


Zhang Jiale narrowed his eyes with a smile. This is why he’d worked so hard to grow taller.


When they arrived at the hotel, they found that Ouyang Jie had arrived first.


Over the past three years, the number of times they’d met could be counted on one’s hands, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that they were strangers.


The two sides nodded and greeted each other. Then Li Huairou found a place, picked up her school bag, and prepared to do homework. She had no choice—high school students couldn’t afford to relax, and their homework piled up.


The same was true of Zhang Jiale. Third-year students in junior high could not afford to relax.


Ouyang Jie turned on his computer to observe stock market trends.


This is what Li Hui and Mama Li saw when they came in.


On the way, Mama Li already knew the good news that her sister-in-law was pregnant. After three years, her sister-in-law had finally gotten her wish. She was also very happy. In the past three years, she’d gone with her sister-in-law to countless hospitals, trying both Chinese and Western medicine. Finally, she’d gotten pregnant. With this child, her sister-in-law had gained a firm foothold in her husband’s house.


Ouyang Jie obviously also knew the news. When he saw Li Hui coming, he immediately turned his computer off and stood up. “Aunt Hui, please sit down. Since everyone is here, I’ll have them serve the food.”


Li Hui nodded.


Mama Li also greeted, “You two, quickly put away your school bags. It’s time to eat.”


While collecting the schoolbags, Zhang Jiale asked, “Mom, what’s the matter?”


Li Hui smiled and did not speak. Mama Li smiled and said, “It’s a good thing. You wanted more brothers or sisters.”


Zhang Jiale paused as she put away her school bag. Then he turned to look at his mother. “Mom, is what Aunt said true?”


Li Hui nodded. “Well, it’s been three months.”


Zhang Jiale’s expression was a little hard to describe. Li Hui assumed that he was unhappy, and she was just about to say something when Zhang Jiale said, “Mom, are you an elderly pregnant woman now? Is it alright? Let’s put aside the company’s affairs and take good care of your pregnancy. Did the doctor say anything?”


Li Hui was relieved. “Don’t worry. The doctor already told me everything, and I remember it all. It’s just like this: in the next year, Mom may not be in the mood to take care of you. You’re even already in your third year of junior high school.


“I have your aunt and cousin, so don’t worry about me. Taking good care of yourself and your sister is the most important thing,” Zhang Jiale said. He didn’t lack materially now, and he had his cousin’s family to accompany him spiritually. He didn’t feel that he needed special care from his mother.


“Do you like your sister? Me too, right? I like her. I hope that this baby will be a beautiful girl,” Li Hui said, rubbing her belly. These were her sincere words. The Ouyang family already had Ouyang Jie, who was smart and outstanding. Although his mother was gone, his grandfather and uncle were still alive, and he was the old madam’s heart and soul. She also didn’t want to have a son. If she couldn’t stand up to others, she might have to depend on her elder brother for the rest of her life. Thus, it’d be better to have a daughter. A daughter was caring and would be loved by all. Huairou was an example.


In the past three years, she had not failed in her studies. She kept her house in good order. Her foresight was good. The value of the houses she’d bought in the beginning had appreciated, and she’d sold one of them. Subsequently, a year later, a large shopping mall had been built over there, and the house price went up again.


Li Hui looked at Li Huairou with a smile. “It would be even better if she were like Huairou.”


Li Huairou immediately gave her a thumbs up, an expression of discernment on her face.


Zhang Jiale also nodded seriously. It would be great if his little sister could be like his cousin.


Mama Li showed disgust. “Like her? Forget it, she’s like a housekeeper. You wouldn’t know it, but I’m under her thumb now…”


Then she let out a storm of bad words.


When the dishes had all been served, Mama Li continued to complain. Li Hui was in a good mood today, echoing her sister-in-law’s words. The two chatted and laughed as they ate.


The same goes for Li Huairou and Zhang Jiale, who discussed while eating.


Ouyang Jie still looked calm and breezy, as if there was nothing worthy of his attention. He ate in silence, paying attention to Li Hui’s situation from time to time.


After dinner, he drove them away, first sending Mama Li to the station, then sending Li Hui home to rest, and then he went to work on his own affairs.


After returning home, Li Huairou and Zhang Jiale each did their homework, and when the time came, they picked up their school bags and prepared to go to school.


Li Huairou bought two cans of Coke on the side of the road and handed Zhang Jiale a can. Zhang Jiale looked at her. “Sister, I don’t like this.”


“I know you want to drink alcohol! That’s not good for you. Drinking alcohol won’t make you taller. It’ll just make you stupid.” Li Huairou opened the Coke for him with a smile. “This one’s carbonated, almost like beer. Drink some!”


Zhang Jiale had no choice but to drink. He took a sip and swallowed the cold Coke. Then he couldn’t help but hiccup.


He knew he couldn’t hide it from his cousin.


If there were one person in this world who could perceive his unhappiness, it would only be his cousin.


“I’m not jealous,” Zhang Jiale said.


“I know,” Li Huairou said softly.


“I just think that, if she has a child, she’ll grow farther and farther away from me in the future,” Zhang Jiale sighed.


“That’s for sure!” Li Huairou said directly. “You’ve never been close before!”


Zhang Jiale was stunned. That was right; there was a distance between them, and they’d never been close before. So what was he sad about?


Zhang Jiale laughed, dumbfounded. He lifted his head and drank the remaining Coke in one gulp. Then he threw the can of Coke into the trash can next to him, snatching the Coke from Li Huairou’s hand.


“What?! That’s mine!” Li Huairou said angrily.


“Drink less, or else when your Aunt Flo comes, you’ll have a stomach ache and ask me to make brown sugar water for you.” Zhang Jiale finished the rest of the Coke, threw the empty can into the trash can, and tugged at Li Huairou’s ponytail. “Don’t be angry. I’ll buy you KFC tonight.”


This was also good.


The two quickly rushed to the school.


Li Hui’s life during her pregnancy did not go very smoothly. She was always uncomfortable, and her mood fluctuated a lot. Sometimes she suddenly sat up in the middle of the night and cried.


Fortunately, Ouyang Nanshan was still very considerate of her, always comforting her patiently at this time.


In order to make Li Hui feel better, Ouyang Nanshan even proposed to let Zhang Jiale live in the Ouyang house temporarily, so as to comfort Li Hui’s emotions.


Seeing Ouyang Nanshan and his son say this, Li Hui’s face was full of expectation. Li Huairou was quite speechless; she’d just been about to speak.


Zhang Jiale pressed her hand under the table. “I usually have to study by myself at night and do my homework. I can’t go to bed very late. I’m afraid it will disturb your rest. So, I’ll go over and talk to you on Sunday.”


Li Huairou frowned. Even though she didn’t go to school on Sunday, his graduation class already had a lot of homework. If he didn’t do homework during the day, he might have to stay up late at night.


Ouyang Nanshan was a little dissatisfied. “You won’t be disturbing us. Your mother is emotionally unstable now. If she can see you often, she’ll be very happy.”


Damn, she had nothing to do all day, so all she could do was think wildly.


“Uncle Ouyang, it stands to reason that I don’t have the right to speak here. But since I’m here, I have to say something. Jiale is in his third year of junior high, and his learning tasks are already heavy, so he really doesn’t have much time. I know that it is a difficult time for my aunt, but now, you’re the closest person to her. What she needs most is your company. I think you should take my aunt traveling to relax. Perhaps my aunt’s reaction during pregnancy won’t be so serious then.”


Ouyang Nanshan had subconsciously wanted to say that he was busy with work and might not have time. However, facing Li Huairou’s eyes, he couldn’t say anything to refute her.


Li Hui was a little embarrassed. “I am fine. It’ll be fine after passing this stage. Don’t mind me—just do your work.”


Li Huairou glanced at Ouyang Nanshan and his son, then turned to Li Hui and said, “Auntie, if you really are bored, you can watch some TV dramas. I know a few that are good for passing time.”


Li Hui was also eager to change the subject, so she hurriedly continued, “Really? Then tell me.”


Li Huairou immediately started talking to Li Hui, who nodded repeatedly.


After returning home, Li Huairou was still a little angry, but Zhang Jiale was in a good mood. His cousin was as cool as ever when she was standing up for him!


“You’re still laughing!” Li Huairou became even angrier when she saw Zhang Jiale snickering. “They’ve bullied you so much, yet you’re still laughing!”


“Sister, didn’t you say that everyone cares about different people deep down? My mother and the child she’s carrying are more important than me. I am the same. Because I don’t care, I don’t take their words to heart,” Zhang Jiale said with a smile.


Li Huairou looked at Zhang Jiale and grinned. Finally, her companionship and relief these past few years had not been in vain.



  1. jewu says:

    finally, someone picked this novel up 😭😭😭 thank you for the update ❤️

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