Born as the Hidden Daughter of a Villainess and the Male Lead

HDOVAML Chapter 68

<Episode 68>



The conservative and greedy Kandel clan, especially Jordi Egelius1Let me fix that Jordi Aglius Kandle Kandel, who was the Duke of Kandel at that time, was displeased with the fact that Judith, a woman and not a man, had acquired so much power that even the head of the family had to bow his head.

What was the reason that that child was able to rise to this position in the first place?

It was only when HE recognized her talent and told it to the previous duke that she was able to develop her talent.

Although she may not have been grateful, she began to hang out with the current Duke Bastevan, and as the days went by, she became more arrogant.

Still, he persevered because he had to please them for the prosperity of his family and to save his life.

However, without even thinking about contributing to the family by leaving a descendant who would inherit her talent, she seemed to only care about Duke Bastevan, who became a widower.

Then Duke Kandel suddenly thought…

Yes, wouldn’t it be a good idea to link these two people, who have such a close relationship, and get their successors?

Anyway, Duke Bastevan has a daughter left behind by his ex-wife, so he can pass on the title of Duke Bastevan to that child, and the child born to Judith can be brought to the Kandel family to raise.

Although he was an ordinary human being who did not receive any blessings, he was a hero who stood shoulder to shoulder with the monstrous Great Spirits…….

Perhaps, a descendant with special talent comparable to Judith will be born.

In this way, the glory and power that Judith had achieved will never cease.

It would be possible for it to continue without her.

After completing the calculation, Duke Kandel made a proposal to Judith, but the result was a drawing room that was completely ruined due to Judith’s anger.

‘Ugh, kyaaaaa! Judith Sephemia Kandel-!’

The injury was deep enough to leave one of his legs crippled for the rest of his life.

‘Do you think I’m still a child who trembles and obeys my brother’s orders as if he was the most terrifying? Listen carefully. I will never get married or have children until the day I die. The eternal power you desire…….you’ll never be able to get it.’

Jordi laid in his sick bed, vomiting blood with rage.

An alternative…. an alternative was needed.

‘Father, what kind of behaviour is this…? …… My aunt is becoming more arrogant by the day. No matter how much she is a hero who defeated a disaster, my father is the head of the family at the end of the day.….’

‘Stop talking nonsense. How is Meinhardt these days?’

‘He’s growing well. The spirits of electricity are already hovering around Meinhardt.’

‘Is that right…… ?’

The alternative they found was Meinhardt Ciel Kandel, the grandson of Duke Kandel.

Meinhardt, who was born as the eldest grandson of Duke Kandel, was not an indescribably special Great Spiritist like Judith.

However, like Judith, he received the blessings of Astrape, the Spirit King of Electricity, and the blessings of Jin, the Spirit King of the Forest and the higher-ranking Spirit of Wind.

He was a boy with exceptional talent.

Even though he was still young, there was no opposition to the decision to select the child as the next duke’s heir.

Some time ago, the succession ceremony to the title was abolished due to pressure from Judith, Meinhardt’s birth came as a great relief to Duke Kandel.2Yeah, if only he wasn’t the greedy person he was…, Mainhardt was already exceptional enough….ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ

However, it was unexpected that Judith, who had extremely despised and stayed away from her family, was especially fond of Meinhardt.

‘Is this Meinhardt? He’s cute, I’m glad he doesn’t look like his father.’3I guess he was as ugly as his personality 😅 with the approval of Judith.

Was it because she wondered what it would have been like if her younger brother, who had been brutally murdered at a young age, had grown up safely?

No one knew why Judith truly cared for Meinhardt.

In a way that only she knew, Judith loved Meinhardt.

Likewise, to Meinhardt, who lived as if he was trapped under the expectations and pressure of his grandfather and parents and had to focus only on developing his natural talents, Judith was a family member who came to him like the only warmth in a dark prison.

‘Does great-aunt hate grandfather?’

The relationship between Duke Kandel and Judith was becoming more difficult day by day, that even a child could sense it.

Judith was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question, but soon answered, caressing Mainhardt’s cheek with an affectionate hand.

‘Hmm……Well, Meinhardt, you are still young so you don’t know and don’t need to know… but there are people in the world who don’t truly love nor care for each other even though they are family members who inherit the same blood. Brother, to me…is that kind of person.’

‘………I did not know.’

‘It is okay, you don’t have to know yet. Even if your grandfather and parents place heavy expectations on you, they probably do so because they truly care about you.’

The child, who rarely expressed emotions, still had an expressionless face, but he closed his eyes tightly, thinking that it was nice that Judith’s embrace was warmer than when his mother hugged him tightly.4Oh my god, they still had hope in their relatives humanity (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

‘Still, Kandel is my family. No matter how full of idiots that I can’t communicate with, no matter how tired I am of their endless coercion and greed……. Because it is the family that gave birth to me. And, like a gift, they are the family that brought me a child like you.’

Judith stroked Meinhardt’s soft hair and muttered as if she was talking to herself.

‘Hold on just a little longer. My old brother won’t live long. Your biological father is a person who does not have the courage or status to dare to go against my will, so when that time comes, I will be able to raise you my self.’

She carefully held the shoulder of the child who had snuggled into her arms and kept his eyes closed.

Judith smiled softly.

‘When you become the next Duke, this family will be better than before.’

Her wishes toward him were, as always, excessive.

Meinhardt thought as he quietly looked up at Judith’s beautifully shining eyes filled with hope.




As time passed, which at first glance seemed to be going smoothly, Duke Kandel began to think more and more.

Compared to Judith, Meinhardt satisfied all conditions.

But that was only excluding the size of his natural talent.

That was the most fatal flaw.

A great and perfect spiritist from the previous era, even more flawless than Judith… we must create the next Duke of Kandel.’

Only then would they be able to destroy the prestige of that arrogant Judith Sephemia Kandel.

Thus, Duke Kandel’s desire was to create the next Duke Kandel, who would surpass even the Great Spiritual Master who was born with the origins of the Spirit King.

It came to the point where he was willing to get his hands on a banned book.




The author was unknown, but the forbidden book, which was widely rumored to have been secretly read by no one in the dark realm of the spirit world, stated that Arkane was a being of a different class from other spirit kings and that there was no miracle impossible for him.

Almighty darkness.

It was said to be the most accurate and clear definition that symbolized Arkane.

What Arkane hated most was life, and what he was most obsessed with was destroying all life in this universe.

So, if one wanted to make any wish to Arkane, they should sacrifice countless lives.

Duke Kandel, as stated in the banned book, used various methods to lure hundreds of young men, women, old people, and children to Duke Kandel’s residence, whether by kidnapping them or buying them with money.

Offering them as a sacrifice to summon Arkane, in exchange for transferring ownership of Meinhardt’s soul to the finally summoned Arkane.

He decided to make a wish to make Meinhardt a great and perfect spiritist who surpassed even Judith.

The fact that the omnipotent being of darkness was behind the disaster that threatened the world just a few decades ago did not occur to those blinded by greed.

Thus, young Meinhardt’s future fate was arranged to be sacrificed to Arkane and nothing else.

‘We will hold the ceremony when Judith is away from the Duke’s residence.’

‘Two days from now would be agood date. According to the maid’s report, your sister will be visiting Duke Bastevan’s residence that day.’

‘Okay, get ready and stay within a distance enough that she won’t notice you.’

‘I understand, father.’

The darkness was standing with its mouth wide open towards Astrape’s favorite life.





‘……Oh my, are you okay? Where is the injury?’

‘There isn’t any. Why are you overreacting?’

Judith waved her hand at Siorn and answered half-heartedly.

While Duke Bastevan’s maids approached without notice and cleaned up the remains of the broken teacup, her complexion showed an inexplicable sadness.

‘Are you worried about something? Your complexion is dark.’

‘…… It seems like my brother is up to something these days. Otherwise, it couldn’t be this quiet.’

‘That old man again? It’s too much, really.’

Siorn was unable to suppress his angry temper and began to gnash his teeth and pour out curses and insults towards Duke Kandel.

Judith, who was calming down by listening to the harsh criticism on her behalf, suddenly made eye contact with golden eyes that looked exactly like Siorn’s seen through the bushes, and got scared, grabbed Siorn’s wrist and whispered.

‘Hey, your daughter over there…… ! Shut up!’

‘What…… ? Ah, Mariette!’

Her golden, fierce and deep eyes filled with the intimidation of a predator were eerily similar to Siorn, but her hair was a soft lavender color mixed with deep blue resembling the sea and intense red like a scorching fire.

A girl with a unique, calm and elegant aura that closely resembled her mother, Atara, and whose overall appearance seemed closer to her mother than her father, walked lightly and bowed in front of Judith.

Aunt Judith, it’s been a while since I’ve greeted you in person.’

‘It’s fine…… Mariette, you still look like an adult.

Well, she never dreamed that Siorn Bastevan’s daughter would turn so mature.

To Judith, she was a young princess who seemed to be a clone of Atara.

She looked at her and smiled.

‘…. Mariette, did you hear what your father said earlier?’

‘…… He hurled harsh insults at His Excellency, Duke Kandel.’

He is finished

In Judith’s mind, she was looking at the despairing Siorn with a smile on her face as those words were written on his face.

[Judith, hurry back to Duke Kandel’s residence. What should I do? Arkane, Arkane, is casting a shadow towards that place. I can’t do anything, please, Judith….]


Astrape’s voice rang out.

‘Judith? Suddenly…… what’s the matter?’

Siorn, who was surprised to see her standing up suddenly, noticed her indescribably pale complexion and sensed something unusual.

‘Sion, I think I should go.’

‘Wait a moment! What on earth is going on?…I will come with you. Whatever happens, together we…… .’

He shouted as he grabbed Judith, who quickly turned around.

Judith looked back at Siorn and only had a faint smile on her lips.

‘No, it’s something I have to solve alone…… Siorn, there is one last thing I would like to ask you.’

‘……I won’t do it, whatever it is, I won’t do it!’

Siorn was truly angry and refused.

But Judith moved his hand away and whispered:

‘If something goes wrong with me……I want you to look after Meinhardt.’

‘What……… Hold on, Judith!’


After sending down a huge thunderbolt and knocking down a large tree in the back garden to prevent Siorn from following her, Judith suddenly left Duke Bastevan’s residence.


That was the last time Siorn saw her.




I think next chapter will be extra sad, I can’t take this amount of negativity, but some people live on gutsy novels, so I think some of you will really like these chapter.

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