Bon Appétit

To my child 2

Side story 9 : To my child 2


Every moment of a child growing up is a miracle.

The child, who had been sleeping soundly under a soft blanket, tossed and turned. She groaned for a while and finally opened her heavy eyelids.

A familiar figure was reflected in her opened red eyes. It was the image of a mother who always cooked delicious food for her child. The hair that was hanging down on the pillow looked soft, so she grabbed it with her hand and brought it to her mouth.


However, because of her mother’s tossing and turning, her hair couldn’t get where she wanted it to go. Reina pouted her lips, similar to her mother’s, and patted her mother’s back. Still, her mother had no plan to wake up soon.


Raina watched her mother some more and after some time stood up with some effort, then she got down on her hands and knees and started crawling.

Although she recently learned how to stand and walk, it was still too much for her to walk long distances.

Raina, who crawled vigorously across the wide bed, soon ran into a problem. The height of the bed isn’t small. After hesitating for a moment, a useful-looking object caught her eye. It was a soft-looking staircase connecting the bed and the floor.

In fact, it was something Luana had prepared for Raina. It was an idea to help Raina, who especially enjoys sleeping with her parents, to be able to get up and down the bed comfortably.

Reina stood up quickly and went down the small stairs that reached the floor. It took a lot of strength to get down there, but she did it courageously. This was due to her body growing faster than other children her age.

When she got down to the floor, a soft rug welcomed her. The decoration of Luana and Legion’s room was somewhat chaotic compared to the typical Emperor and his wife’s room. The reason for all that was Raina, but she didn’t know that now, she was just having fun crawling on the soft rug.




The goal of today was to reach the door she always wanted to go through. Raina really wanted to pass through the large door that opened without a sound. But usually, people were so close to her that she couldn’t even get close. Her only chance was now!

Raina started crawling at a fast pace. And just as the goal was reached, the door opened and Legion appeared.


Legion smiled slightly and picked up Reina, who was crawling on the floor.

“Where are you going?”

All her hard work had become useless. Reina was filled with anger and slapped her father, but it was a meaningless action to Legion. Her hands, which were still small and delicate like maple leaves, were just cute.

“Mom is still sleeping.”

Legion laid Reina down next to Luana. Then he took off his outer clothes and climbed onto the bed. Mom on the right, Dad on the left. Raina was trapped without the chance to move. She was trying to escape again, but suddenly her eyelids started to feel heavy.

Warm sunlight, cool breeze, and a soft, warm blanket. Among her favorite people, Raina also slowly closed her eyes. And soon after, she snored softly.

It was nap time for the family.

Raina grew up safely and well. She was a bit late in speaking, but once she started, her eloquence was outstanding. And self-assertion began to emerge.

“I don’t like this!”

She doesn’t like pink, But she likes sky blue. She doesn’t hate pants, but she likes skirts better.


“Because it’s cool down there!”

Reina shouted confidently and insisted on wearing a skirt. Compared to skirts, dresses were more prefered, because it could be worn at once.




She ran around the garden today again, wearing an ocean blue dress. After a while, Luana would call her to have a snack.


At times like that, Reina would quickly run over and hug her mother’s legs. She ate everything, but if she had a favorite food, it was what her mother made, because her mom was the best cook!

After washing her hands thoroughly and sitting down at the table, tea and snacks were served.

One, two, three tea cups. One is Raina’s. One is my mom’s. The last one is my dad’s. No matter how busy my father, Legion, was, we ate together or had a snack at least once a day. Raina really enjoyed that time.*

TL:this one is frm Reina p.o.v.

“Today’s dish is Madeleine.”

“Madeleine! I like Madeleine!”

“So I made a lot.”

Hearing Luana’s words, Reina smiled brightly and picked up the madeleine. They ate diligently, talking quietly about what happened that day. Compared to the princess’s childhood, the days passed smoothly.

But as she got older and learned more, she realized one strange thing.

Why can’t anyone other than dad enter mom’s kitchen? How does Aunt Sarah, whose face I see occasionally, get here? How can mom cook so well?

As numerous questions began to arise, Raina made a decision.

She decided to sneak into her mom’s kitchen. However, there was nothing special to be seen in the kitchen that she sneaked into, aside from the nanny and maid, it was no different from any other kitchen. There, Raina learned that it was not the kitchen that was special, but her mother that was special.

Mom knew how to use magic! When she found out that fact, her heart started pounding. She learned that only witches can use magic. Is her mom a witch too?

So, could it be possible to use that magic to create the little sibling she so desperately wanted? That would be great!

After thinking for a while, Raina decided to ask her mother everything. Dad also said that everything between family members should be resolved through conversation! There was no need to hesitate once she made her decision. Raina immediately ran to her mother.


She opened the door without thinking and went in, but somehow the atmosphere in the room was different from usual.

Mom was lying in bed, and the doctor and dad were standing next to her. Suddenly, her heart sank.

“Mom, are you sick?”

Reina asked in confusion. Then her dad smiled and shook his head.

“No, she isn’t hurt.”

TL: oh! I think I know what is going on….

“Then why is the doctor here?”

When Raina asked for further elaborating, her father answered with a deeper smile.

“Congratulations, Raina. You now have a younger sibling who sings so well.”*

*TL: I don’t know why he said that, but let’s see how he got to this conclusion.

Raina’s red eyes widened. Then she immediately shouted in a surprised voice.

“Did mom create a younger sibling with magic?”

As soon as those words were out, everyone in the room burst into laughter.

The maids tried to quickly resolve the issue, but they could not do anything about the twitching of their lips.

“Magic, in a way, it is magic.”

The doctor spoke to Raina while suppressing his laughter.

“Congratulations, Princess.”


Raina, who suddenly received congratulations, blinked and approached Luana.

She asked her mom.

“So where is my sibling?”

“they are in mom’s tummy.”

“Huh, why are they there?”

Raina was shocked. Her younger sibling is in mom stomach, so how do you get it out later? She was already starting to feel worried.

“They can’t be alone yet.”

“Can’t I stay with them?”

“No, your younger sibling still needs their mom.”

Reina, who was staring at her mother’s stomach as she smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand. She carefully touched her mother’s stomach, but she didn’t know where her younger sibling was.


Every time Reina said a word, waves of laughter passed through the room. At times like that, subordinates had a hard time holding back their laughter.

“I guess education is needed.”

“Well, it’s about time for basic education.”

Children of the royal family receive thorough education from an early age. And among that education was sex education. Although it was limited to making people aware of the differences between men and women and teaching them what to pay attention to, it was an important class.

“I guess I’ll have to find a lady who’s good at teaching that.”

Reina perked up her ears at those words, then she protested, pouting her lips.

“There are still a lot of classes!”

“Still, it’s an important class. It won’t be difficult.”

“How does Dad know that?”

“your dad learned it too when he was young.”

There was no longer any excuse to run away. Raina had no choice but to increase her classes. Still, the reason she didn’t feel bad was probably because she heard the news that she was going to have a younger sibling.

“Is it a boy? Or a girl?”

“I don’t know. What kind of younger sibling does Reina want?”

“I wish it was a girl!”

“I hope that wish comes true.”

Meanwhile, Mom stroked Raina’s head. The touch was so warm that her eyes were half-closed without her realizing it, But that time wasn’t long. This was because her father, Legion, suddenly picked Reina up in his arms.

“Okay then, since Mom needs to get some rest now, should Raina chat with Dad?”

“What are we chating about?”

“Multiple stories.”

Dad widened his red eyes, which were the same as Reina’s. Reina, who fell for him, smiled at him with the same face.

That day, Raina learned that her mother was a witch who used magic and that she might become one too in the future. Also, Aunt Sarah is a great witch. And she swore to her father to keep everything a secret.




Guess how much is left…

Next will be on sunday 7/1

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