Before the Villains' Ending

BTVE | Episode 4



Lord Heizen is a good person, that was an undeniable fact. However, I couldn’t spare any energy to dwell on his and my sister’s love story.


I do feel bad for him, but the emotional wounds Florencia received throughout her life, plus the stress from her imminent death must be unbearable for her right now.


It would be impossible for my sister to conceal her pain in front of the genuine affection in Sir Heizen’s eyes.


Perhaps that’s why Florencia has consistently rejected his visit requests. Nevertheless, he persistently waited for hours outside the prison, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.


So, while I brought medicines for the three villains, I often brought some snacks along for him, seeking to provide comfort .


Though he rejected them most of the time, but that was fine by me. Like they say it’s the intention that counts. And anyway, there were undoubtedly others who enjoyed the rejected snacks, while Lord Heizen was too busy giving himself gray hair worrying about my sister. 


“You’re persistent. Do you come every day hoping there will be something different to see?”


“I came to see my master, as usual. Please eat, he said, offering snacks to the people guarding the main door of the prison.”

Ah, always so straight to the point.


Just like this other man standing right in front of me.


Kastiel Reload.


 He also liked the female lead.


 But he never desperately tried to have her for himself even after Beatrice became engaged to the Crown Prince. He was one of the characters who never committed any misdeeds in hope of getting the heroine’s love, but instead took on the task of monitoring the main couple’s enemies.


 Hence why he was here.


He and Lord Heizen were quite similar. They possessed the kind of heart that let them watch their loved ones be happy with someone else, without losing it.


He was living purely for Beatrice’s safe happiness.


And like Lord Heizen, he didn’t hide his selflessness. Rather, he displayed it, as if asking to be taken advantage of. I guess that’s how loyal knights are towards their master.


Kastiel was holding a box containing simple baked herb cookies and a small sandwich. His expression has always been difficult to describe as anything other than ‘hard to read’ whenever I visited the prison.


“Young Lady isn’t afraid of them?”He asked.


 It was a question I occasionally heard, so I nodded reflexively. Normally, I would have said, “Of course.” and an innocent look would follow. But today I couldn’t play it like I used to, his tone made me feel like the question meant more than it should.


Troubled, I halted my steps and stepped back from the carriage.


His next question felt even weirder, and was way beyond the realm of my expectations, “I’ve heard that Young Lady visits other inmates besides your sister. How do you feel about them?”


I’ve spent a lot of money to avoid this specific situation.


Damn it. I’ll have to reconsider the guards’ ability for discretion.


I cursed under my breath and bit on my tongue. There’s no waste greater than this.


I’ve spent so much just to bribe those idiots but they went to run their mouth, this is just ridiculous.


I hesitated briefly before answering his question about whether I sympathized with them or not.


“Well, anyway.” I started as I turned back to address his question, lightly brushed my hands on my garments and raised my head, giving him a lazy smile.


“What’s there to fear? These are people who have already lost their will to live. I don’t think anything I do matters.”


You probably know that too.


The answer I provided was almost a denial in itself, but…..


“I don’t know what you think of other people’s lives–but I just go to see their faces–there’s nothing more to it. I’m too busy to be visiting people with mere sympathy as an excuse anyway,”I added.


Well, as a bonus, I do plan to get my sister out of prison. Of course, I didn’t say that part out loud.


The conversation ended there. And as I raised my head that had been down while talking, I saw Kastiel’s distinctive green eyes swelling up, as if something had pricked him somewhere.


Whether it was because of me not feeling bad for Calix and Taylor or because of his own circumstances, I didn’t care why he looked like that. So, I just turned my gaze away from his eyes.


After only a few seconds, he quickly regained his composure and began to speak. Or rather, he attempted to speak.


“But, Young Lady, Lady Flo…. uhh hmm Lady Florencia…”he stuttered.


“She is my sister.”


Kastiel was undoubtedly righteous, as well as Lord Heizen. So, whenever they looked at Florencia and me, there was always a hint of discomfort in their eyes.

I suppose it is justified, after all, she’s a villainess and I’m the one shielding that villainess.


Whether it was the love for Florencia from Heizen or the curiosity for me from Kastiel, there was always a hint of doubt mingled with the emotions they exhibited.


I didn’t like that.


Was it necessary to display that sense of righteousness in front of me? I wasn’t claiming for them to release her.


I also knew that my desire for my sister’s release was unreasonable. Opposing  the attempted coup, and assassination on the Crown Prince accusations, without solid proof, would be seen as an act of treason. And  quite an unrealistic move, I must say.




“Lord Kastiel, there’s something you’re misunderstanding. Florencia is my family. No one wishes to see their family die.”


There was a time when I had suggested an alternative path to Florencia, hoping she wouldn’t become the typical jealous woman she was in the original story.


She didn’t listen.


Yes, she was too infatuated with the Crown Prince. And apart from reproaching myself for underestimating the extent of her obsession, there was nothing else I could do.


I wasn’t even her real younger sister, and I did not have the will to tear apart the original story to the extent of sacrificing myself.


Therefore, the alternative option I had casually proposed was easily turned down.


So believe me, I know it’s unreasonable to demand a pardon.


Still, she was the only sister I ever had, shouldn’t I spare some time to try to save her? Can’t I make an effort before it’s too late, even if it’s just that much?


I have too many regrets already, if I don’t do anything till the end I won’t be able to forgive myself.


Kastiel hesitated.


“But Marquis Eilish…” he tried to say, but I immediately cut him off.


“Lord Reload. I already told you, I don’t want to talk about individuals who don’t act like human beings.”


The remark about my father was harsh and resolute.

Kastiel gazed at me with a strange look again, then eventually lowered his head.


“Shall we go back?” Lord Heizen asked out of nowhere.


I looked at the carriage waiting in the distance and nodded.


“Yes, let us go to the palace.”


Lord Reload also looked at the spot where my carriage was for a brief moment. Then, he uttered words I never thought he would.


“I will accompany you. Allow me to accompany you, my lady.”


I had to look at his face to make sure I heard him right. And I did so  with a bewildered expression.


“…Excuse me?” I uttered


“Aren’t you going to meet His Majesty?”


Kastiel seemed confused, as if he was wondering what could possibly be the problem.


But why? I did perceive, for a second, some weird emotions hidden in his eyes, but why would he want to accompany me to the palace?


“Yes, but why would you want to come along with me?”


“I know what you are going to say to him,” he declared and I stared at the man, looking perplexed.

How did he know? What does he plan to do? No, more importantly, what relationship did we have for him to comfortably ask to go together?


Amidst the confusion, one more thing came to mind, and I asked with a casual tone,


“Are you trying to interfere in my business?”


My footsteps halted. I looked at the honest knight with a questioning gaze.


“Did I bother you so much that you want to stop anything I’d try to do?”


For a moment, Kastiel neither confirmed nor denied my accusation. I watched his brown hair sway in the wind above his green eyes. 


Then, realization hit me. He was conflicted.


“That’s not the case.” He finally answered.


I wasn’t naive enough to believe his words completely, nor was I too timid to not counterattack any potential trap from him. So, I quietly passed by him and got into the carriage.


“Please get in,” I said drily, and permitted him to accompany me. Kastiel didn’t hide his hesitation at my thorny response; his expression clearly indicated something was bothering him.


Somewhat amused, I closed my eyes, and sat more comfortably.


If one is unable to read their adversary’s intentions, it’s best to just go along with whatever they’re suggesting. Situational adaptation skills are more important to have than any well prepared plans.


I got this advice from Florencia at some point in time, and it perfectly fits the present situation. So, let’s just wait and see what Kastiel is up to. 


I leaned back against the swaying carriage’s wall, deliberately avoiding any conversation with him.


The differences between Lord Heizen and Lord Reload were small but they did exist. They both disliked injustice and that made up most of their personalities, but Kastiel Reload had a much colder aura than Lord Heizen. 


 For example, he has always used overly honorific language while addressing me. And while Lord Heizen showed politeness, and opened up  to everyone without discrimination, Kastiel Reload was distant with everyone except Beatrice and the extremely rare nobles he served. Even his tone was quite impolite.


 He must’ve also made it rudely clear he wouldn’t participate in Florencia’s plans, considering my sister once called him a useless brat.


If something fit his criteria, he poured everything into protecting it, but if not, Kastiel’s clearly show his dissatisfaction.


He even treated the Crown Prince, the one he had personally sworn loyalty to, the same way. Consequently, most people disliked his character.


‘My Lord… I mean, his Highness is surely the superior I wish to serve. However, I have yet to find the person ‘I want to protect.’ He confessed to me once.


In the story, it was confirmed he found that person in Beatrice. That’s probably why he  took on the role of the prison’s chief warden, and quietly accepted  that he didn’t win her love.But somehow, he was still trying to convince himself that he still hadn’t found the one he wanted to protect.


The twist in the original story caused by my intervention barely managed to be averted through these few words.


The carriage continued to shake, and I rehearsed the speech I prepared to say in front of the Emperor, the Crown Prince, and Beatrice.


When asking for something, a composed and persuasive tone was important, so I rolled the words in my head again and again.


Well, honestly, even if I practice for eternity, it won’t be easy to persuade those people to do anything in favor of my sister.


Anyway, if I can at least negotiate a reprieve, wouldn’t that be good? At the very least, that’s what I hoped for.


The story was coming to an end but everything felt somewhat suspicious and more complicated than it should.


As I became Margaret, I couldn’t change much as the story progressed, and most things flowed in the predetermined direction. But, I kept feeling even more anxious as the finish line approached. 


What will happen after everything is all over?


 The Eilish Marquisate had avoided doom, but what comes next?


I don’t think they will ever enjoy the glory of the past again. Even if business still thrives, wealth and honor are two completely different things; and nobles generally value the latter more.


Moreover, there was a need to contemplate the fact that my father, the Marquis, hadn’t died in this version of the story.


And except for me, everyone in the Marquisate, who didn’t know the villainess’s true nature, cursed her vehemently. Among them, my father was the most active one and completely abandoned his own child with no remorse.


Those people were the first ones to throw stones at Florencia, saying they were forced to do it to save their own skin.


 How should I deal with them going forward?


“Young Lady?”


But more importantly, how should I deal with myself?  What will become of me, an outsider, after the story ends?

Whether I came here through reincarnation or possession, I never thought I’d live a real life here until I died.


No, I never even believed that I died in the real world to begin with. 


As I immersed myself in my thoughts, Kastiel’s voice grew more distant.


Amidst the turmoil of those thoughts, I found myself loudly questioning, as if I was alone in the carriage,


“Did he really kill me?”


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