Before the Villains' Ending

BTVE | Episode 35


The Crown Prince was never friendly towards her from the start. His interest in her was merely the kind of formal concern shown to a country noblewoman.

At least, that’s what Beatrice thought. The Crown Prince was well-known for his lack of interest in women.

“Earlier, you seemed quite anxious on your own. You don’t have to push yourself. After all, Florencia insisted on attending this debutante ball.”

Beatrice could read the slight fatigue and annoyance in his expression.

Her response carried a bit of empathy and comfort.

“Is that so.”

“You’ve been watching my fiancée for a while now. What was your first impression of her?”

“Well, she seemed like a noble tyrant… independent.”

Beatrice didn’t realize what it meant to speak freely about nobility.

Perhaps she was too excited at that moment.

Beatrice felt a bit of pride in having a brief, informal conversation with the Crown Prince, just like she did with people in her estate.

The Crown Prince is talking to me. It feels like a fairy tale. On my first debutante ball.

“She’s a woman who’s nothing but a thorn in my side. There’s no need to appease her, but I recommend avoiding any entanglements with her.”

With this advice, the Crown Prince stood up. His actions were clean and devoid of hesitation.

However, Beatrice saw him glance at her before he opened the terrace door.

She easily sensed that the Crown Prince had a bit of interest in her and asked,

“Do you find these events uncomfortable too, Your Highness?”

It was a foolish question. She didn’t know that such a manner of speaking was improper or that she shouldn’t have spoken that way.

There was a slight doubt, but she had a strange confidence that the man in front of her would let it slide.

Indeed, Damon answered all her questions in an oddly detailed manner, explaining that since he wasn’t the first prince, he had also struggled a lot in the social scene before becoming the Crown Prince.

“And after becoming the Crown Prince… I started looking for people who strive, who don’t give up.”

My fiancée doesn’t seem to respect my preferences. From the beginning, Florencia hasn’t been grateful to be by my side.

The Crown Prince swept his hair with a sigh.

You saw it earlier too, didn’t you? She doesn’t need me. She’s overly independent. And being born a noble, her arrogance goes without saying.”


Beatrice agreed with his words. Florencia Eilish, who had caught her eye earlier, was dazzlingly brilliant but showed no sign of wanting to rely on anyone.

You can’t judge a person based on first impressions alone. But at least the Florencia Beatrice saw was a solitary, noble flower.

A flower that blooms by consuming the weeds around it.

“When I accepted her as my fiancée, I had to think a lot. Though my elder brother, the First Prince, stepped down to become a Grand Duke, he’s still a competitor as the second in line. Here I am, telling all this to a young lady who just arrived in the capital.”

He quickly composed himself, masking his self-deprecating expression.

It weighed on her mind. Beatrice, in her innocent way, spoke just as she would in her estate.

“Sometimes, just talking can be enough, even if the person you’re talking to is an ignorant girl like me.”

Leave the complex thoughts to your illustrious fiancée. She’ll handle them, won’t she?

The similarity in their situations stirred her compassion. Thus, Beatrice could comfort him as one would a neighborhood child.

“I just wanted to find someone who would wholly rely on me and be on my side. But it seems I have no choice.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“Yes, it is unfortunate. I need someone who needs me and watches over me. I wasn’t looking for a partner I had to rely on.”

“Are you lonely?”

“…I can’t deny that.”

It was a fortunate or unfortunate thing. The Crown Prince found quite a bit of solace in her, and he would later call it his salvation.

At that moment, Beatrice smiled, believing her prayer had been answered.

The Crown Prince made a casual joke about how she was pure because she had just come to the capital, and he added that he hoped she would remain that way.

And what else was there?

Ah, he mentioned having a dream. Beatrice easily agreed with him, and he became quite kind to her.

Yes, even more so than to his fiancée.

* * *

Time passed quickly, almost imperceptibly.

Before she knew it, Beatrice found herself quite close to the Crown Prince. She even felt a slight sense of superiority when she realized that Florencia was jealous of her.

At that time, she paid no mind to the rumors that Florencia had destroyed the Count of Hartleim’s household. She was too wrapped up in her own happiness.

She couldn’t shake off the feeling of being a princess in a fairy tale.

After meeting a knight and even the Grand Duke, who was the first prince, both of whom were infatuated with her, she felt even more so. The simple kindness she had shown them was seen as salvation, moving them to action.

How easy it all seemed.

Beatrice thought, everyone has similar stories. So, anyone can be made an ally.

There was no need for anyone to dislike her. She was no longer the naive country girl from her debutante ball.

Then, she needed someone to compare herself to.

When Florencia ’s younger sister, Margaret Eilish, made her social debut after recovering from her illness, Beatrice noticed Florencia ’s anxious glances at her.

She did not deny that she wanted to feel a bit superior.

She wanted to show that she was above the Eilish family.

That day, the Crown Prince did not escort Florencia . Watching the sisters become targets of criticism, Beatrice felt a sense of satisfaction that none of it was directed at her.

Florencia , once the flower of the social world, was visibly anxious. People subtly mocked her for not being what she used to be.

Her younger sister looked around with an indifferent expression, showing no interest in her surroundings.

In Margaret’s seemingly indifferent gaze, there was a flicker of curiosity.

Beatrice thought it was a sign of inexperience and smirked. A gentle mockery curled her lips.

She decided to teach Margaret how to survive in the social world.

Creating a friendly expression wasn’t difficult.

Beatrice had learned three ways to survive here: stay close to influential people, act as an information hub, or instigate gossip.

So, she began speaking about her encounters with the Crown Prince, a topic sure to stir gossip. She subtly covered her twisted lips with her fan, glancing towards Florencia .

“My lady, you just…”

“I was only stating the truth. I cherish my meetings with His Highness.”

She could clearly see Florencia clenching her fists.

This time, it wouldn’t be her retreating to the terrace.

Beatrice, unaware that she had become what she once despised, covered her mouth with her fan, speaking with feigned humility.

It didn’t matter that Margaret Eilish was looking at her with worried crimson eyes.

Beatrice couldn’t control herself.

“When I first came here, I was so surprised. We debuted at the same time, but you weren’t present.”

Congratulations on recovering from your illness, though I heard you’re not fully healed yet.

“Don’t worry. I can help you in many ways. Truly, my lady.”

Beatrice Rosen could assess the situation. Her blue eyes were on Margaret, and her intention was clear.

They say the villainess cares deeply for her younger sister.

“Can I call you Margaret?”

She asked sweetly, expecting a positive response. Ever since the Crown Prince’s affection visibly shifted towards her, since the Grand Duke desired to dance with her, and since Knight Castiel Lirode dueled for her honor, everyone had wanted her.

She thought Margaret would be no different. But…


That was the reply she received. Margaret turned around with her characteristic cynical expression, coughing before Beatrice could say anything. When Beatrice realized she was faking it and called out to her, Margaret stumbled away, laughing openly.

She vividly remembered Florencia ’s slightly satisfied smile reflected in Margaret’s crimson eyes.

Ah, pretending to be a sickly lady.

People started to murmur. Few knew Margaret was pretending, but they didn’t take any action.

Beatrice was bombarded with accusations of cruelty. She wanted to cover her ears.

She never forgot the humiliation of that day. The Crown Prince consoled her, saying that all of Florencia Eilish’s family was like that, and Florencia smiled wickedly in response.

Beatrice thought, This can’t go on.

The attention that had been on her was starting to wane. In the social world, where survival depended on aligning with the right people, it was inevitable.

Beatrice suddenly felt afraid of this shift.

The humiliation from her debutante ball. The countless mockeries. She never wanted to hear those again.


Why? What did I do wrong? I was only trying to help.

‘This can’t be happening.’

Of course, with the Crown Prince’s favor and protection from the Grand Duke and other men, Beatrice Rosen never suffered any real harm.

But even so, she couldn’t understand why Margaret Eilish showed such hostility towards her.

Desperately, Beatrice waited for the day she could meet Margaret again.

She needed to understand why her good intentions were met with such a reaction.

If it was because of her sister, she would apologize and make peace with Margaret.

She wanted a life where no one hated her, just like in her estate in the countryside.

However, Beatrice’s expectations were not met.

Margaret Eilish did not leave her house after that day.

On the rare occasions she was required to attend social gatherings, she sent letters to announce that she was still alive.

People began to gossip about Margaret. Florencia ‘s influence had waned, allowing for such discussions.

They reveled in it, and Beatrice shone in the social scene as much as they mocked Florencia . The Crown Prince sneered at his fiancée’s downfall.

Despite everything, Florencia Eilish tried to support Margaret’s position in her own way, such as ‘removing’ certain families.

And after that…

Yes, after that.

Beatrice learned that Florencia could actually eliminate someone.

It was then she first heard of Glacies and met an assassin.

Only then did she start to understand the situation properly. She became terrified of the noble society she once scorned.

They didn’t just stop at insulting someone.

They engaged in contract killings, slave abuse, and masked balls that were fronts for drug use and gambling. Not to mention the rampant promiscuity.

When Beatrice faced Florencia at the peak of this underworld, she truly felt her life was in danger.

Desperately, she attacked Florencia . She had to do something before the villainess could actually harm her.

The best way Beatrice thought to achieve this was by using the Crown Prince.

Of course, she knew that Florencia loved Damon and would torment her because of it.

Despite the chilling cruelty of this threat, Beatrice couldn’t stop.

Even when Florencia tried to completely destroy the Rosen family, slap her in front of everyone, and put a hit on her through the guild.

‘I just wanted someone to tell me they needed me.’

The Crown Prince protected her, as if to prove her point. The Grand Duke and the knight did the same.

Everyone rallied around Beatrice.

Though she felt uneasy, she continued to attack Florencia .

The girl who wanted to become the flower of the social world succeeded in bringing others down. She was always terrified, yet she always emerged victorious.

She was aware that she was not cut out for facing adversity like a fairy tale protagonist.

The feelings of superiority turned into an obsession with safety, and she became increasingly dependent.

She had many things to worry about.

The problem was, there were too many people willing to take care of those worries for her.



* * *



One day in the social world. If Beatrice had to pick the most memorable day of her life, it would be that day.

The sky was bright blue, and the chandeliers in the social hall glittered more brightly than ever before. It was an annual event combined with Beatrice’s birthday party.

Was it also the anniversary of Florencia and the Crown Prince’s engagement?

Now, it was a meaningless anniversary, but the villainess who loved the Crown Prince pretended not to care.

So that year, when Florencia lavishly spent her wealth, the event was exceptionally extravagant.


Beatrice looked down at her ivory dress and bit her lip. Florencia was glaring at her silently.

Her blue eyes, filled with confusion, darted around before spilling over with tears.

She couldn’t understand the situation. Florencia stood before her, closing her fan with a cold, rigid expression.

“Are you having fun?”

It was a voice Beatrice had never heard before. The ballroom fell silent, and Beatrice shuddered at the goosebumps rising on her arms.

“My lady.”

“Miss Eilish.”

Florencia didn’t seem to have any intention of listening to her. Beatrice bit her lip nervously, faced with the unfamiliar sternness amidst the social world’s fake smiles.

Florencia repeated herself, mocking Beatrice’s ignorance.

“I am not so lowly that we can dispense with titles. Call me Miss Eilish properly. Until now, I used honorifics with you because I felt like it, but you seem unaware of that.”


“Only answer my question, dear. I asked if you were having fun.”

Beatrice couldn’t bring herself to answer. Florencia ’s eyes, dark as the night sky, were filled with murderous intent. They were the same eyes the Crown Prince once looked at Florencia with.

Sincerely, she hated Beatrice.

“I just…”

Just what? Those hiding their lips behind fans started to anticipate what she would say.

It’s bound to be a lame excuse. Yes, it was too much. That’s why barons are like that.

Comments on her status and dignity followed. The Grand Duke looked at Florencia with indifferent eyes, and Castiel glared at her as if ready to draw his sword.

Even though everyone was on Beatrice’s side, she was afraid that this time the social scene wouldn’t bend to her will.

Florencia stared intently at Beatrice’s blonde hair and then spoke.

“Your dress is quite beautiful. Yes, I have to admit it. His Highness gave you a truly valuable gift.”

She murmured that it looked like a wedding dress and pulled out her engagement ring.

Although she hadn’t seen the Crown Prince wearing it, Beatrice’s stomach twisted at the sight of the matching ring. The thought that they had coordinated such an item was undeniable.

“Why don’t you ask for one of these too?”

Instead of imitating a wedding dress, try separating formally. Don’t act so rudely at an event funded by my money.

She smiled. It was a sad smile, with tears threatening to spill, yet cruel enough to offset any sympathy.

Beatrice knew Florencia was cornering her.

And at that moment, all she could do was…

“Miss Eilish.”

Well, was there anything she could do?

The deep ring mark on Florencia ‘s finger made it clear that she was the victim.

Beatrice had become the perpetrator. The situation was so blatant that she couldn’t bring herself to say anything more.

Her self-esteem plummeted. The gifts she received while comforting the Crown Prince about his past felt like burdens.

With a face twisted in defeat, Beatrice accepted the situation. Yes, the engagement ring was a more definitive symbol of their relationship than this dress.

The belief that emotional connection would be enough seemed laughable now. Beatrice, with shoulders trembling, stepped back, hugging herself.

If the Crown Prince hadn’t dramatically struck Florencia ’s hand away, Beatrice Rosen wouldn’t have been mentioned as his consort again.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

At that moment. Yes, precisely then.


Beatrice felt a mix of pity and an unmistakable sense of superiority as she watched Florencia ’s face contort.

She looked up at the Crown Prince, feeling an indescribable sense of security from his protective embrace, regardless of the reactions of the nobles around them.

Florencia , clutching her wrist, stifled a small groan of pain.

She showed the same weakness that Beatrice had often displayed in front of her.

“Are you alright?”

The Crown Prince asked. Beatrice let her tears fall.

She gained the certainty that no matter what, the Crown Prince would protect her. After that day, Florencia ’s position noticeably weakened.

The Crown Prince wasn’t hesitant to use forceful methods when necessary, and he promised to protect her from Florencia at all costs.

Back then, Beatrice easily ignored that it was just an obsession binding her.

It didn’t matter if the Grand Duke was obsessed with her, or if assassins were sent to kill her.

She was scared, but the strange reassurance that the Crown Prince was always by her side prevented her from being completely cowed. Concerns about the goddess became irrelevant.

Beatrice gradually emptied her life of other things.

She realized too late that this had completely altered her values.

“I’m going to kill her.”

Florencia would say that. Although she never said it directly to Beatrice, the desperate cries of the falling villainess always made the front pages of gossip magazines, making it easy to know.

So, when the Crown Prince decided to use the same methods Florencia had used to eliminate the Grand Duke and the villainess, Beatrice couldn’t object.

More precisely, she didn’t.

“Alright, we’ll do it that way.”

The Crown Prince muttered. Beatrice had no choice but to nod.

She genuinely thought there was no other way. She didn’t want to lose hope in the day the Crown Prince promised, the day they would be completely happy.

Beatrice bit her lip and looked up at the sky.

The moon was setting. The sky, which once reminded her of refreshing mornings, now looked like a web covering the empire, resembling the eyes of someone she had grown to loathe.

“It’s okay.”

This isn’t what I wanted, but I can still change things now. Beatrice stood up, dismissing the Grand Duke’s threats, and burned a piece of paper over a candle.

I’ll make it myself, personally.

She clenched her fist. In her other hand was another letter, filled with instructions to Glacies.

Two words stood out clearly amidst the text.

Eliminate Margaret Eilish.



  1. Laura says:

    very good! I wait for updates

  2. Vina says:

    I hope it updates soon, been waiting for an update for a while since this is one of those rare yet great slow burn novels. It is such a good find and a hidden gem ✨

    1. Bree says:

      This sunday it will update

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