Before the Villains' Ending

BTVE | Episode 27


7. Florencia Eilish


Margaret called her in a languid voice. That day, she seemed to be smiling more sadly than usual. Florencia recalled how her younger sister, whom she hadn’t even cared about in the past, had been taking good care of her since a certain day.


Margaret called her again in a small voice. Florencia checked to see if her wrist, swollen red from the Crown Prince’s grip, was well hidden, and then she shifted her gaze from the food in front of her.

“What is it?”

“…You know, can’t you just not do it?”

“Do what?”

“Love the Crown Prince.”

“Oh, my. Let’s hear why you’re saying such things. If it’s because you’re swayed by the nobles for no good reason, I’m going to be really disappointed.”

“…Because I think you’re too good for him?”

Ha. Florencia scoffed, as if it was nonsense. Such innocent excuses were not allowed at a noble’s luncheon. Their father, the Marquis, was also frowning subtly. The change in atmosphere was palpable.

But Margaret didn’t care at all.

“You’re quite the romantic, but I just think it wouldn’t be bad if you stayed single, sister.”

“What nonsense. What’s in it for me?”

“You could live with me.”

Margaret smiled brightly, moving her fork. Florencia watched her with a cold expression before shaking her head.

“Do you think I have no one else to live with? If the eldest daughter of the Eilish family becomes the empress, you will live well without any envy. I don’t understand why you’re so pessimistic.”

Yes, at that moment, she couldn’t remember Margaret’s face. In her imperfect memory, Margaret’s face, filled with noise, clearly replied like this:

“I can’t live without you, sister. What joy would I have here?”

Ah, was there any sentence that struck her as deeply as that one? Certainly not. Florencia thought of the man to whom she was bound in a political marriage, whom she did not love.

The Crown Prince had always told her that she was a replaceable presence.

“Don’t be mistaken. The power of your family is a great pride for you but is of no help to me. You are, in the end, nothing more than a replaceable partner in a political marriage.”

It would be better if he wasn’t there.

Florencia felt her eyes redden at those childish words, which seemed to only consider himself.

“…I should leave first.”

It was precisely at that moment. Suddenly, she hated herself for devising schemes to harm Beatrice Rosen out of jealousy.

She stood up, grumbling. Margaret teased her in a clear voice.

“Even though I confessed my love to you.”

“Shut up. Do you want me to shut your mouth with that dessert?”



“You just finished it.”

“…Bring more.”

In that blurry memory, Florencia suddenly remembered that she had forgotten a certain sensation. Yes, it was definitely a sense of incongruity. What else was there after that?

She shuddered. The memory started to come back against her will.

‘Stop both of you. You have no manners.’

‘Ah, suddenly my head…’

‘That coward…!’

Yes. What came after that? What was it?

The memory repeated itself, becoming clear and blurry multiple times. Florencia wondered if she had really gone mad, clutching her hair and breathing heavily.

A considerable amount of time passed. Eventually, Florencia Eilish succeeded in recalling a sentence with a feeling of something distorting.

‘Why bother touching Lady Rosen?’

Sister, you know how to grow stronger than the imperial power. If you were just a bit kinder to those two, you wouldn’t just be the flower of high society, but the crown of the empire.

“…My impudent little sister.”

Florencia stood up and walked towards the door.

How could I have forgotten this? How could I forget?

“You saw what I couldn’t.”

From the beginning, Margaret had been advising her. She had suggested a method that Florencia had never considered. Ignoring the feeling of something breaking, she exclaimed.

Ah. Why had she been so obsessed with loving the Crown Prince that she missed something better?

Florencia Jay Eilish is a villainess.

Arrogant, flamboyant, vicious, and cunning. She denied her crimes, but she did not deny the titles.

Such a woman could smile brightly even when told her execution had been moved up by two days.


“Yes, my dear.”

Ha ha. Florencia laughed genuinely. Walking towards the bars with the graceful steps befitting a noble, she extended her hand elegantly and straight as if she had never been tortured. The woman, notorious as a villainess, arrogantly declared.

“I thought I was that kind of person.”

The guard thought she had an alien beauty. Ah, she even resembled Margaret Eilish.

“But I wasn’t. I was just stupid. Both I and your master were missing something.”

One step. That was the distance between Florencia and the guard. The group of guards who had been on Carlix’s side fell silent.

Florencia, resplendent and dignified even within the prison, let a sentence drop like a soliloquy, echoing through the space.

“There’s no way I’ll die nicely just because that man told me to.”

* * *

Florencia happily accepted Sir Hyzen’s visitation request that day. He had been turned down so many times that the young knight was visibly surprised.

Yet, seeing his face filled with joy was simply endearing. Florencia tried to muster a smile.

“It’s been a while.”

Her voice felt scratchy as she spoke. Hyzen, looking at her with a complicated expression, replied with a simple “Yes.” His response carried many unspoken meanings, but neither of them paid any attention to those implications.

The air grew awkward. To be honest, Florencia no longer wanted to be entangled in these personal emotions. She had to repeatedly consider whether she should just leave.

“…You don’t seem disappointed.”

In the end, she couldn’t bring herself to leave.

“I have never been disappointed in you, my lady.”

“How sweet-tongued you are.”

Florencia gave a faint smile. Hyzen clenched his fists, trying to steady his trembling body. It wasn’t just because the woman before him was broken.

The lady he adored had become the most notorious woman in the empire. And in two days, she would be gone. If she refused visitation tomorrow, today would be the last time he saw Florencia Eilish. He felt like crying.

Florencia sang as if her own death didn’t matter at all.

“But this time, you will truly be disappointed. I can shatter your love for me so easily.”

It was a stark declaration. Hyzen gritted his teeth and shook his head.

“Sia, I have never thought of you as a villainess…”


Florencia cut him off as if it were natural and murmured as if she were about to disappear.

“You know. I may not have committed all the crimes I’m accused of, but I am still a criminal and a villainess. You know, the charges for my execution are ridiculous, so you want to cover everything up and ignore the situation.”

“My lady.”

“I’ve done it several times before. I can do it many more times in the future.”

Acts of evil.

Florencia lowered her head, unable to meet the eyes of the knight she had once felt a semblance of love for. Was it because she couldn’t bear to look at him, or was it…

“And now I will do it again. I cannot let her take on ‘my tasks.’ I called you here to apologize. I want you to stop lingering around me. It’s a sign for us to go our separate ways.”

Hyzen repeated to himself that he had to say something. He truly did not want Florencia to cross the final line. Stuttering, he forced out his next words.


“…But? Will saying anything change the situation?”

The Crown Prince’s rage had reached its peak. The Marquisate of Eilish had to endure a house search under the pretext of Margaret’s probation.

Florencia and Margaret’s personal maids were arrested, some knights were interrogated, and the family’s messengers and butlers were detained.

The Crown Prince had declared that if there were any more issues from the Eilish family, he would eliminate all their relatives without exception.

For the safety of that damned Beatrice.

“Remember, since Margaret has not backed down, the Marquisate will no longer have any honor.”

What had the Marquis said? Hyzen scoffed, seeing the father curse his daughters. Who was the real villain here?

Nevertheless, Beatrice Rosen couldn’t hide her joy. She was likely celebrating the end of her anxiety in the Crown Prince’s arms.

Hyzen realized for the first time how revolting fluttering blonde hair and ornate lace could be.

‘I will not leave anyone who threatens you. I swear it upon the empire.’

Hyzen ground his teeth. He tried to continue speaking. He tried.

“I… Ha. Damn it.”


“Sia. You will fail. You always have. Just ask for help. Rely on us. You sisters…”

“Sir, do not forget your chivalry. You and I have different fates.”

“I said I would throw that away!!”

Silence. The air was filled with silence. Florencia’s deep blue eyes flickered around before she eventually let out a dry laugh. The knight’s advice resembled that of another person, and she thought,

Ah, love.

“…Alright. Sir, let’s say you’re right.”

Creak. The chair made a cold, grating sound as it was dragged across the stone floor. Florencia bent down to look at Hyzen.

“Even so, I will not pass everything on. This is my task—to bring down Damon.”

And I will not fail again. Their breaths were close enough to touch. Hyzen Claude stared into her night-sky eyes, which shone coldly, and unknowingly let out a groan.


“I have done everything I could. It may not have been righteous. Now, there will be no more consideration. His Highness is too blinded by love to see clearly, so I must make it known.”

When the atrocity they defined and judged turns upon them, there will be no one left alive to dare call me a villainess.

“Make sure the Crown Prince does not touch my sister. If anything happens, go directly to her.”

It was innate intimidation. Hyzen responded reverently, slowly and clearly.

“…Do as you wish.”

The unfulfilled, obsessive love of the villainess ultimately came to a perfect end. The short letter, filled with mockery towards the Crown Prince, was delivered exactly five hours later by Hyzen Claude, and the servants, whispering among themselves, spread the rumors further.

The Crown Prince, upon receiving the letter, trembled with rage and screamed.


Damn it, damn it, damn it!!

Beatrice, with tears welling up, stared at the torn paper. Even in the hastily written words, the elegant cursive script, which she lacked, was clear in its hateful message. The short letter, dripping with contempt, read:

“It will end soon, Your Highness.”

And with that, the chapter closed.

* * *

In the empire, there are three supernatural powers referred to as miracles: Esper abilities, sword aura, and magic.

Florencia clenched and unclenched her hand, trying to ‘move’ something. It didn’t work. Perhaps it was expected.

An Esper ability is the name given when one can handle a specific magical power far better than others innately. Unlike magicians, who use a general array of spells and need to calculate their energy source, known as mana or magical power, Esper abilities are highly valued because they do not require such calculations.

Florencia was satisfied with the reality that no one in the empire knew she possessed such an ability and smiled languidly.

Inborn Esper abilities are considered a blessing. Those with such powers could live their lives in luxury, save for the slight restriction of being bound to the state. However, there was a good reason why Florencia Eilish was exempt from this state dependency. She closed her blue eyes completely.

‘I’ll give you a gift.’

A long time ago, she had a dream so vivid it was unclear whether it was a dream or reality. It was too lifelike for a dream, yet too disjointed to be a real memory.

Considering it was a turning point in her life, it was strange that Florencia could not remember the face of the person in that vision.

“I hardly ever used it.”

She muttered, waving her fingers. Still, nothing changed. She compared her ability to that of Carlix Hamel.

Looking back, his destructive Esper power was so transcendent that its range and limits were unclear, yet she had never seen him use it.

Not even during the prison break.

“More tearful devotion than Kestiel Reload’s.”

She clicked her tongue. It was admirable that he had orchestrated a mass prison escape without using his ability to keep Mel uninvolved, but that was the extent of it.

With the assassin also having escaped, it seemed nearly impossible for Mel not to get entangled.

At least no evidence connected Mel to the escape, so they couldn’t pin the breakout on Margaret.

Florencia was slightly relieved because she wasn’t sure her younger sister could endure the torture-like interrogations.

“Those idiots don’t know how to cooperate.”

Florencia clicked her tongue, condemning the three foolish men one by one.

It seemed the Crown Prince and Beatrice had decided to shut down the entire Sinalore. Florencia laughed, inhaling the stifling and oppressive air that made it hard to breathe.

A pointless endeavor.

Though the time for her execution was drawing closer, she didn’t feel any fear. Florencia muttered frivolously.

“I gave it, but I wonder if it’s being used well…”

* * *

Florencia recalled the man who had reached out to her when she was young. She couldn’t remember the details clearly, but she knew he was a man, a magician, and wore a black robe.

‘I’ll give you a gift.’

She couldn’t even remember when or where they had met. Her faint memory of herself was from when she was quite young, perhaps around fifteen, long before she loved the Crown Prince.

It was a summer long before her engagement ceremony. Yes, it was definitely summer. Florencia bowed her head.

She had forgotten everything about that mysterious magician except the background of their encounter and showed no interest in remembering the forgotten details. She didn’t care if that outsider had passed the knight’s entrance inspection.

The young girl had simply asked why.


‘Because there is something you must do.’

The moon-shaped seal was something she had received from him. Florencia tilted her head, showing curiosity about the unfamiliar object, and the man kindly explained.

‘There are two types of Esper abilities. Innate, or given by someone.’

‘I know.’

‘I thought so. But the latter case is not well known, is it?’


‘Try to move it.’


‘Just reach out your hand.’

Florencia obediently extended her hand. The emblem, decorated with grotesque vines and engraved with a moon shape, glowed eerily. Florencia watched the light with a blank face, maintaining her silence.

The man laughed cheerfully. He seemed pleased that she didn’t react to the mystery.

Florencia let him laugh to his heart’s content.

After a while, he stopped laughing and continued with a pretense of kindness.

‘I admire your talent. You are a vessel worthy of accepting an Esper ability. Of course, how you use it will depend on your capabilities.’

He added that Esper abilities come with a price and removed a leaf stuck to his robe.

‘It’s rare to bestow an ability without side effects. The skill required to engrave magic onto a soul is something only a few in the Magic Tower possess.’

‘It’s not something you need if you’re not given it.’

‘Well, I’ve already finished “engraving” it on you.’


At those words, Florencia had to let out a small scream, frowning.

The light from the moon shape converged into a needle and pricked her wrist. Tears welled up in her blue eyes from the unfamiliar pain.

‘Don’t worry. Nothing will happen.’

I have no intention of demanding anything in return for giving you this ability. The man explained kindly, matching the pain she felt in her wrist.

‘It’s not an ability you asked for. Well, most abilities aren’t given because they’re asked for…’

‘I don’t understand what you want.’

‘Most abilities are given with a purpose by a magician. The price is deeply related to that purpose. The same goes for me. Let’s discuss the price later… For now, I want you to kill someone for me.’

Crazy. Florencia shuddered and uttered a word she usually considered vulgar when her servants used it.


A girl of extraordinary intelligence. An emotionless, noble expression that never changed. A monstrous girl,

A creepy lady.



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