Before the Villains' Ending

BTVE | Episode 16


One of the reasons I was surprised was that the main customers were from the Imperial faction. They casually borrowed enormous amounts of money for various illegal activities—such as dealing with government and illegitimate child issues, or involving drugs and gambling—and Florencia was solidifying her control over the weaknesses of the Imperial faction nobles by sharing related information while splitting the money earned with Glacies.

Of course, such things were quite common among nobles. However, considering the potential damage to the national image when Imperial faction nobles committed crimes, it was indeed a flaw that needed to be hidden. Especially when it came to foreign nobles.

Nevertheless, they must have been helplessly entangled without any clever countermeasures.

However, simply signing at such inhumane interest rates…

‘Wait a moment.’

I closed my mouth as I looked at additional materials attached separately at the back of the documents.

“She wasn’t just a legendary villain for no reason, right…?”

The paper was densely packed with lists of various real estate and properties that were put up as collateral when they couldn’t pay back the principal and interest on time.

I didn’t expect it to be so meticulous. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of admiration.

My sister had handed over almost half of the initial capital with an interest rate reaching an inhuman level. Seeing that she did so only when she was confident that the other party would “definitely be unable to repay” showed that Florencia Eilish was undoubtedly an incredibly clever person.

As she continued to sell these weaknesses to the noble factions, money kept flowing in. The secret to how Florencia could dominate the cutthroat social scene, where everyone was tearing each other apart, was revealed.

While I was contemplating such things, the Marquis continued his persuasion with an artificially crafted tone as if he cherished his daughter.

“Fine, let’s assume that’s the case. Even if you say so, would a father admit that his daughter is wrong? However, Margaret, you are becoming more and more like her. Haven’t you realized that arrogance leads to destruction?”

“It’s good to be like her. A daughter with more money than the family treasury.”


As always, the Marquis couldn’t properly refute at this point. Well, he had always had the mindset that he could wield my daughter as he pleased, so it was only natural.

Needless to say, his noble pride was wounded, and it was quite satisfying as the one who spat out those words. If a daughter, who was considered a property, had more money than her parent, it would be a twisted situation.

Ignoring everything, I looked at the bundle placed in the corner. I wondered if the sweaters my father used to wear would continue to unravel after he passed away. That was the thought that crossed my mind.

In reality, Florencia’s business was not entirely clean. One of her crimes was embezzlement of territory taxes to secure the initial capital.

The reason I didn’t recognize it as a crime was that she had paid back all the money.

Well, the opposition faction still made a lot of noise about it.

Indeed, it was impossible for the modest allowance of the Marquis’s beloved daughter to suffice for such a venture. Since Glacies didn’t entertain the idea of ‘investing’ in incompetent individuals, she had to prove her capabilities to collaborate with the haughty guild.

This could be considered one of the few ‘misdeeds’ Florencia committed before me.

‘It was quite a carcinogenic element outside of novels…’

Now that I think about it, perhaps using Florencia instead of Beatrice as the protagonist might have garnered a considerable response. After all, even during my days of being an enthusiastic reader, I somewhat liked the keyword of a money-crazed female lead.

Anyway, my sister acknowledged the fact that she embezzled taxes fairly early on, accurately calculated the interest rates she presented to nobles, and compensated by lowering taxes for some territorial subjects and investing in welfare.

The part of the novel described as hypocrisy to constrain Beatrice was quite satisfying to the actual residents of the Eilish Marquisate, to say the least.

If there was a problem, it was that the credit returned to the Marquis.

‘A woman who doesn’t feel ashamed of her wrongdoing.’

‘So she’s a villain.’

‘She’s insufferably arrogant.’

People judged her so harshly.

While Florencia didn’t resist desperately to reclaim her reputation, she did claim that reducing taxes and contributing to welfare were things she had indeed done. Some maids, including me, believed her.

There was a reason why there were maids who joined in the villain’s mischief. Florencia’s extravagance was undoubtedly excessive, but she also lavished it upon others and had enough money to warrant it.

Ultimately, my wicked sister achieved the pinnacle of material success that a single individual could attain within the empire.

Father seemed to be certain of his downfall, and I lowered my gaze to meet his face. There was no mercy, but…

“Please go back. I’ll take care of it to the point where it’s difficult for a child to bear.”

I thought I could at least leave him with some sweet candies.

* * *

Looking back, it seemed like Florencia had a premonition of something before getting involved in treason.

It happened a few months ago. She visited my room out of the blue one day and, with an arrogant fist, looked down at me.

I stared at her blankly, coughed, pulled the blanket up to my neck, and then looked up at her. Florencia, with eyes trying to hide her concern, informed me sternly.

“I have something to give you.”

“What is it?”


Oh my. A renewal like this? I sat up from the pile of pillows I had lazily stacked. Florencia narrowed her eyes but didn’t offer any scolding.

Rather, she had a subtle expression. Somehow, I found it amusing and smiled jokingly. It was as if I gained strength just by doing so.

“Take it.”

Sister spoke in a low tone. At the same time, a maid standing by handed me something politely.

It was a silver key, an insignia with a crescent cut out in dark purple, and a bundle of documents tied with a book. I looked down at them with an indifferent expression.

The insignia was based on the family crest. Therefore, nobles’ personal insignias usually consisted of the family’s unique symbol with their initials added. Revealing a completely new design like this was quite rare.

‘Come to think of it, I think there was a mention of the villain having a personally used insignia in the original work.’

Where did she use it? As I continued with such trivial thoughts, my sister opened her mouth.

“I… you know I’m not a very good person, right?”

“I know.”

“…If you hadn’t answered so promptly, I might have explained it more kindly. From now on, it’s yours.”


Florencia left, leaving those words behind. I, still flustered, had no chance to say anything as she turned her back and left the room. Just before completely leaving the room, she whispered something.

“Don’t tell Father. There’s no need to use this for others.”

Like that.

How was that voice at that time? I couldn’t continue my words and had to watch her back.

It was so cold and proud at the same time, making it pitiful. Even as the story of the villain approached its end, her posture was as straight and confident as a queen, reminiscent of a fully bloomed rose. I truly lost my words.

Since my sister’s concern for my health or gifts expressing such sisterly affection usually manifested itself, I couldn’t help but be truly grateful at that moment.

At that time, the ending was approaching, which made me even more appreciative.



My only sister, whom people mocked as a woman obsessed with money and luxury, interrupted my words and whispered almost inaudibly.

“I can only do this… but really, this is all there is. To me.”

* * *

I forced my lethargic body to rise. The fact that the Crown Prince’s patience had reached its limit could easily be deduced from the urgency of the Marquis, so I also had to prepare.

It was about time to urge him. I scribbled a simple message on the paper stamped with the crescent-shaped insignia my sister had given me. The message in appropriately fancy handwriting was clear.

[Retrieve the collateral. Hurry to collect some of it. The target is-]

I could urge, but it would be more convenient to leave the collection to someone else’s hands. After all, there was also my sister’s statement that we had decided to collaborate with Glacies for that purpose.

I put down the pen, and the letter with no sender written on it vanished into the darkness in an instant.

It was one of the few things I could do with my abilities.

* * *

The Crown Prince, or Damon Ed O’Brien, disliked the Grand Duke. Well, to put it correctly, he was indifferent to everything except for Beatrice. Perhaps he didn’t particularly dislike anyone.

Yeah, the male protagonist was just as heartless towards others as he was towards the female protagonist he loved. At least, that’s how he appeared to me.

“You still seem unyielding.”

Finally, he revealed a facial expression that exceeded the limits of patience. I looked at him with a stern face.

There was no sense of fear or apprehension. Being a possessed individual had almost no advantages, but at least I could feel this.

In reality, looking at all the skilled individuals in the empire, their individual abilities were about the same when all was said and done. They just excelled in different areas.

For instance, Calix in magic, Castiel in swordsmanship, and Taylor in assassination using dark arts. Something like that.

Moreover, the original work didn’t describe the Crown Prince as the strongest man. He was depicted as an equal powerhouse to the others, encompassing all four fields without a specific domain.

Although he was a wielder of magic, it wasn’t as pronounced as Calix’s.

Despite being described as having an especially intense vitality, the fear I felt throughout my body wasn’t as paralyzing as the characters in the original work experienced.

So, besides my predicted ending from the original work, I didn’t feel fear in every scenario where someone was said to have killed or tried to kill someone else.

In the end, it was just a set of predefined scenario values and limited abilities.

After enjoying knitting, a hobby I took up since the arrival of the spirit, I got up from my seat.

Since it was only a way to pass the time, I could meet the man in front of me with a refreshing feeling, even though I really disliked him.

“Nice to see another sun of the empire. May the protection of the goddess always be upon you.”

If that goddess truly existed, we should check whether there was any problem with the balance used for justice. While entertaining such foolish thoughts, I corrected my previous rudeness, and a brief mental skirmish ensued.

“I came to inform you since it seems you’re still intending to persist in this foolish struggle. The imperial support for Ailis will end today. The execution date remains unchanged. It’s regrettable that your family has fallen due to you.”

He added, as if the Marquis would be sorrowful.


I straightened my clothes and met his gaze before flashing a bright smile. If it was ultimately decided like that, then changing the route from negotiation to an all-out confrontation was just a matter of course, and there was nothing I couldn’t do when it came to mere pretense.

“As much as you wish.”

The prince, like a stubborn mule, needed to understand. It was about the policies set by his father.

The title of a Marquis could be bought with a hefty sum of money. Or, in cases where significant achievements were made, granting the title of Marquis as a reward wasn’t uncommon either. Like in Castiel’s case.

Since I intended to actively utilize the law if I had to coerce the Marquis into behaving like a child, my indirect threats didn’t have much effect.

Above all, he couldn’t completely ruin the Eilish family.

“I’m just following the will of His Majesty the Emperor.”

The prince needed to understand that I wasn’t someone to be trifled with to the point where he had to clench his fists. His petulant appearance amused me for a moment.

No matter how much of a protagonist he was, in the end, he was still a prince. Throughout the novel, even if he held substantial ruling power, wasn’t the current emperor enough as the ruler of a nation?

I averted my gaze from the prince to the window.

The easy path is often difficult indeed.

Regardless of rebellion or wrongdoing, when it came down to it, it was clear that the prince had much to lose when he opposed me. While my father placed importance on honor, it wasn’t the same for me, so the Eilish means weren’t that meaningful.

Moreover, it was a fact known to everyone that the emperor’s health hadn’t been good lately.

As in any fantasy novel, the succession battles and rebellions that implicitly occur at such times weren’t rare occurrences. Even if they subdued a rebellion, it would be a significant matter to placate those belonging to noble factions like the Eilish, but to resort to such coercion in such a situation…

If he were just a tyrant, I might have just gone along with it. But Beatrice?

I don’t think the protagonist is stupid. But I also didn’t think that the character could deviate from the original work.

If Damon, as the “hero obsessed with the heroine,” had aspirations for a stable future with Beatrice, then stirring up turmoil with me in this way was undoubtedly foolish.



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