Becoming a Cat in a Horror Game

Why are you here?


As we looked at each other in surprise, Marquis Dias walked forward and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. I was pinned down onto the altar.


Why is this man doing this?! I resisted with all my might, but it was no use against Marquis Dias.


“Today is the day you are reborn, Isaac. By offering the blood of this beast, you too shall become a true servant of Him.”


A true servant of Him?


Meanwhile, I saw Isaac’s face turn pale.


Marquis Dias’s cold voice continued. “Kill this cat, Isaac.”


Hearing those words, I finally understood what the scene from the flashback meant.


This was a dark magic ritual. A ritual to summon a demon by killing me. That’s why Mia had to die in the flashback scene.


Isaac was now holding a dagger, trembling. The boy spoke with a face full of fear. “C-Can’t we use another cat instead of Mia? Any other cat would do…”




The marquis’s voice was as sharp as a blade. He tightened his grip on me.


“Kill this cat right now, Isaac.” The marquis’s voice was intimidating.


Meanwhile, the people surrounding Isaac took a step forward. They seemed to be threatening Isaac. The atmosphere suggested that if Isaac didn’t comply, they might harm him.


Isaac appeared to be frightened as well. He bit his lip as if making a decision and staggered towards me. His eyes were filled with a mix of emotions.


When he grabbed me, I felt Marquis Dia let go.  It wasn’t the usual gentle touch but a rough grip that held me.


I saw my face reflected in the blade. Even though the moment of my death had come, I felt strangely calm. Why was that?


In the midst of it all, I was more worried about Isaac than my own death. If he kills me, he’ll be very sad. It’ll break his heart…


I almost wished he was truly a cruel demon so he could kill me without a second thought.




Instead of saying goodbye, I let out a small cry and rubbed my head against his hand. Isaac’s eyes widened. He gritted his teeth and threw me towards the exit.


“Run, Mia!”


What? Run? I landed on the floor and looked at him in confusion.


Meanwhile, I saw Marquis Dias click his tongue. “Catch the beast.”


“Yes, Marquis… Mi-Milord!”


At that moment, Isaac ran towards the wall, grabbed a candlestick, and set the curtains on fire. The flames quickly began to spread.


“P-Put out the fire! Quickly!”


But Isaac paid no attention and continued to set fires everywhere. The fire spread faster than expected, and people began to panic. Even the Marquis Dias seemed surprised.


People were unsure whether to catch Isaac or put out the fire. In the meantime, Isaac threw the candlestick aside and ran towards me.


“Run, Mia!”


At his words, I started running frantically. The hallway was long, with several doors.


Where’s the exit? The inside was more complicated than I thought.


As I was running, a person who looked like a guard appeared in front of me. He grabbed Isaac’s arm. He was at least five times bigger than Isaac.


“Milord, what on earth is going on? Please return to the altar immediately!”


Ugh, let go!”


“I can’t. Even if you’re the young master, if you refuse the ritual… Aack!”


I lunged at the man and scratched his face fiercely. As he screamed in pain and let go of Isaac, Isaac grabbed me tightly and ran inside the building.


Gasp, gasp…”


Where on earth are we going? Neither Isaac nor I knew. It felt like we were going deeper and deeper inside.


Voices calling for Isaac could be heard from all around. Avoiding those voices, Isaac entered a small room. It was a small room, just like Isaac.


Isaac hid his crumpled body in the wardrobe, holding me tightly and muttering. “Mia, I’m sorry. I tried to save you…”


You already saved me, you fool.


I rubbed my head against Isaac’s chin. I could feel Isaac smiling.


“If I don’t kill you, will Father kill me instead…?”


Is this something an eight-year-old should be saying? My heart ached. Isaac smiled with eyes that seemed to have given up on everything.


“But how could I kill you, Mia? I’d rather die with you… Let’s die together here.”


The emotion in that voice was so sad that I wanted to cry. But I couldn’t just sit and cry.


The smell of smoke was faintly reaching us, indicating that the fire had spread quite a bit. We had to escape from here.


I wriggled out of Isaac’s arms and tugged at his clothes with my teeth.






We have to get out of here, Isaac! I can’t let you die…!


As I kept tugging at his clothes, the bewildered Isaac chuckled and stood up.


“…Right. We can’t die here. Let’s escape together. We’ll leave this mansion and live together.”


Yes, let’s do that. Let’s escape this hellish place and live together.


Isaac held me tightly and carefully made his way outside. However, the situation outside was dire. Smoke had filled the area before we knew it. Damn, how much has the fire spread?


Isaac held me close and started moving, looking around. The building was burning and collapsing bit by bit everywhere. It seemed everyone else had evacuated, as no voices could be heard.


“Mia, just hold on a little longer. Just a little longer…” Even though it would be better to leave me behind, Isaac held me tightly as if he would never give up.


After wandering for a long time, we finally saw the exit in the distance. Isaac smiled brightly and ran towards the exit. “Mia! It’s okay now, you’re safe…!”


Crack! Just as we were about to reach the exit, I heard something break above us, and the ceiling collapsed.


The moment Isaac threw me from his arms seemed to pass in slow motion. Even as the ceiling buried Isaac, I managed to escape safely, but Isaac did not. That small body was trapped under a pile of wood and stones. I wanted to scream Isaac’s name, but all that came out was the sound of an animal’s cry.




Isaac’s leg was pinned, but it seemed he hadn’t lost consciousness. There was no smell of blood. However, Isaac couldn’t get out.


Isaac looked at me and shouted with difficulty. “Hurry, go. Mia… You have to escape…!”


The exit was right in front of me. If I ran now, it would be over. But how could I leave Isaac behind? How could I save Isaac? Was crying all I could do?


At that moment, I felt the flames crawling up the floor towards Isaac. If things continued like this, Isaac would surely burn to death. I couldn’t just stand by and watch.


I looked around. It would have been great if it rained, but ironically, there were only traces of rain that had passed.


I saw rainwater pooled on the stone floor. Seeing that gave me an idea… One thing I could do to help Isaac.


I ran outside and rolled around in the puddle. My fur quickly became soaked. Then I ran back inside and rolled frantically over the places where the fire had started. The sensation of flames burning my fur and skin made me want to scream.


“Mi-Mia! Stop it!”


Ignoring Isaac’s desperate cries, I ran outside again. I couldn’t let Isaac die like this.


I repeatedly soak my body and roll over the burning spots. Each time, Isaac’s voice began to mix with sobs.


“Mia, please stop! Stop it!”




“Mia, I told you to run. Why, why on earth…!”


You can’t die.


“Mia, please… Please…”


You have to be happy.


“Help! Please! Someone, please help!”

Hi, if you enjoy the story, please leave a review in the Novelupdates. Thank you~


  1. River says:

    It would be funny if at the moment Isaac was supposed to kill her she turned into a human and the marquis started worshipping her as a demon 😂

    1. GiaPotter says:

      Me quitaste la frase del teclado, jajaja, ya estoy esperando en siguiente capítulo, la novela está interesante.

    2. lorenaperez says:


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