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BCHG Chapter 34

Damn it, these people triggered the trap…!


They, too, sensed something was wrong and began looking around.


“What the hell? Why do they look exactly the same?”


“What the…”




I let out a loud warning cry. The people, startled by my cry, turned their attention from the person who looked like a twin to the other.


Thud! At that moment, the brown-haired woman standing among the group stabbed the person next to her in the neck with a knife. Suddenly, screams filled the air. A doppelganger, one of the creatures in this mansion, had appeared.


This mansion had various traps, one of which involved mirrors. There was a large full-length mirror in one of the rooms, and beyond it, a strange shadow would flicker. If you stood there observing it for too long, the doppelganger inside would break through the mirror and escape. Someone had activated that trap.


As the doppelganger rampaged with a knife, people began fleeing in all directions. At this point, it was nearly impossible to tell who was real and who was the doppelganger. Of course, I knew the solution: doppelgangers don’t reflect in mirrors. But how could I convey that? Lian wasn’t here…!





Then it hit me—Isaac! Isaac had an Ouija board, so we could communicate through that! Besides, acting alone in a situation where I couldn’t be sure who was the doppelganger seemed reckless.


I hurriedly turned to head back to the room where Isaac was. Just then, I saw someone standing at the end of the hallway. It was Isaac.




Had he come out because of the commotion? I was about to rush toward him when I heard a voice from behind.




It was Isaac’s voice too. I turned around to see Isaac looking at me with a slightly anxious expression. It was as if two people were being reflected in a mirror. The two Isaacs looked identical, down to the smallest detail.


“Mia! Come here, it’s dangerous over there.”


“Mia. This way. I’m the real one.”


Their identical voices echoed. Both were holding sharp swords. It was clear one of them was dangerous, but without a mirror here, I couldn’t distinguish the doppelganger. My mouth felt dry. Who should I trust?


As I glanced back and forth between the two Isaacs, I made eye contact with the one on the right. The moment I saw those eyes, I remembered the time Isaac was trapped in the burning building. The eyes that looked at me then were filled only with concern.


“Hurry, go. Mia… You have to escape…!”


I clearly remembered what color Isaac’s eyes had been when he shouted that.


Isaac on the left was merely smiling gently. He would never wear such an expression when I was in danger.




I hurriedly dashed toward Isaac on the right. he grabbed me into a tight hug.


“Mia! You recognized me…!”


Isaac seemed immensely satisfied, but there was no time for relief. The doppelganger, its expression suddenly shifting, charged at us with a knife.


Clang! A sharp metallic sound rang out as Isaac’s eyes gleamed fiercely. He pushed back the doppelganger’s blade and twisted its wrist, stabbing the doppelganger in the neck. The doppelganger let out a few choking gasps before collapsing, crumbling into black ashes just like in the game.




Thank goodness. That was close.


Isaac hurriedly examined me, speaking with urgency. “Mia, are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?”




I’m fine, but you need to go help the others!


I quickly ran back to the room where Isaac had been, grabbed the Ouija board, and brought it back.


-A doppelganger appeared! You need to help the people!


Isaac looked puzzled as he read the board. I guess it was strange that I knew about the doppelganger. I’ll have to explain that later.


As I was about to place my paw on the Ouija board again, Isaac spoke. “Why should I help them?”


What? What was he saying?


Isaac smiled softly as he continued.


“They’re the ones who tried to kill you last time. Do they really need to be saved?”


But they’re still people!


As I was about to tap my paw on the Ouija board, I heard the sound of Isaac locking the door. He stood quietly, looking down at me with a smile.


“I said I’d let them off for insulting you, but I didn’t say I’d forgive the ones who put you in danger, did I?”


Isaac’s eyes were glowing white. I instinctively knew that I couldn’t persuade him.


Throughout the night, I cried and tried to convince Isaac, but he wouldn’t budge. Until dawn, screams echoed from outside. The night felt unusually long.


* * *

Morning at Blackwood mansion was chaotic. Everyone was busy getting up and preparing for the morning assembly. As everyone stood in line, the butler stepped forward. As usual, he listed any special events or tasks that needed to be done.


While listening, I stood there a bit dazed. The sound of last night’s screams is still ringing in my ears. I wondered what had happened to those people. I couldn’t leave the room until morning, so I had no idea what had transpired.


Was I wrong to care? They had tried to kill me, after all… I should just ignore it, but it still bothered me. And Isaac’s nonchalant attitude toward abandoning those people also weighed on my mind. If he could so easily turn his back on others, I couldn’t help but think that someday I might be the one he abandons.


“…and we have a new member joining the household.”


I lifted my head as the assembly was wrapping up. Now that I looked, there was a man standing next to the butler whom I hadn’t seen before. He was a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and a scruffy beard. He looked somewhat haggard.


“Since he will be working as a new servant, please treat him kindly. That’s all.”


The man gave a brief nod. He didn’t seem like the friendly type. But for some reason, he looked familiar… Why was that? I felt like I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn’t place it.


After the assembly, I headed upstairs to assist Raphael in his room.


“Lord Raphael, may I come in?”


“Yes, come in.”


When I entered, Raphael was sitting there in just his trousers and a robe, leaving his upper body exposed.


Uah, how embarrassing! I tried to avoid looking at him as I placed a freshly filled water pitcher on the table.


Raphael chuckled and said, “You always get so shy when you see me. It’s cute.”


If you know that I get shy every time, couldn’t you at least put on some clothes? I didn’t have the nerve to say that, so I just laughed it off awkwardly.


As I helped him change and retied his cravat, Raphael closed his eyes and accepted my help with a contented sigh.


Ah, today you should go see Isaac. I have to go out for a few days.”


“Go out…?”


“Yes. Why? Are you disappointed that I’m leaving?”


I wasn’t disappointed, but I was a bit uneasy about spending the day with Isaac. Even though being with Raphael was awkward for me, it was better than being with Isaac.


Seeing that I couldn’t answer easily, he chuckled and patted my head. “At times like this, you should just say you’ll miss me. Then I’ll bring you a present when I return.”


“Have a safe trip.”


I saw Raphael off as he left in his carriage and then returned to the mansion. Hmm… Since he told me to go to Isaac, I guess I can’t skip out. I headed to Isaac’s study and knocked lightly.


“Come in.”


When I entered and bowed, Isaac looked at me with a curious expression.


I kept a bit of distance and spoke. “Lord Raphael has gone out, so I’m to assist Lord Isaac today.”


“Raphael told you that?” He sounded surprised as he stared at me intently.


Why was he looking at me like that…?


Then Isaac got up and walked briskly over to me. Standing right in front of me, he said, “This is perfect. There’s something I wanted to ask you…”


“Something to ask…?”


What was he planning to say? I looked at him nervously.


Isaac gazed down at me quietly and spoke. “Do you remember the dress you wore last time?”


Ah, yes.”


“Bring it. The earrings, necklace, and shoes too.”

Hi, if you enjoy the story, please leave a review in the Novelupdates. Thank you~


  1. Oats says:

    I hope she didn’t already sell them, haha. I’m so curious though. Why does he need them? What’s Raphael up to? Is Raphael the demon that Isaacs family was trying so hard to summon?

  2. Archont says:

    Curious. Why would Isaac want these? Are they dangerous? Or could it be that he wants to look at Mia while she’s all dressed up?

    Thank you for translating this story!

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