Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 93

Episode 93

For a while, I stared blankly into space, unable to say anything.

‘How could that…’

Why is such an important thing coming to mind only now?

How could I remember everything else and forget about my own family and house, which could be considered the most crucial part?

I was lost in despair, berating myself, but then I shook my head, regaining my composure.

Now was not the time to waste on such useless emotions.

First, I clung to a sliver of hope that maybe I was mistaken, and I went over the resurfaced memories once more.

But sadly, the more I thought about it, the clearer and more distinct the memories became.

<The Young Lady of Anaïs from a few years ago… I heard she had a similar illness to yours.>

<Oh, the family that disappeared recently, accused of treason?>

<Yes. They were so powerful that they could even bring down birds in flight, but that’s how they ended.”>

That was all the information about our family.

Why we were accused of treason and what happened to the family afterward was not mentioned.

‘Is it possible that I still can’t remember…’

Holding on to a faint possibility, I focused all my mind on recalling the original story.

But beyond that, nothing else came to mind.

‘This much is enough.’

Knowing even this much was okay.

Consoling myself, I managed to calm my anxious heart and tried to think rationally.

Everything my father said was correct.

Even though I only intended to repay the favor by breaking the Blighton family’s shackles, the imperial palace or the temple would never stand idly by.

And in the end, the Anaïs family was ruined.

But how could someone as meticulous as my father fail? What happened?

At this point, I couldn’t guess anything specific.

‘This won’t do.’

My father told me to wait, but with the future that had just come to mind, I couldn’t just sit and do nothing.

I was the only one who knew this future, so I had to be more proactive in changing the outcome.

Resolutely, I spent the rest of the night pondering what to do next, unable to sleep.

* * *

Meanwhile, Lloydin was at the border, fighting alongside the holy knights against the hordes of monsters.

They had been engaged in battle here for over a month.

Lloydin poured all his strength into his sword, determined to return to Ayla as soon as possible.


The monsters were torn apart by Lloydin’s powerful magic.

“Aah, s-save me!”

Then, a holy knight’s scream came from the other side, and he quickly headed towards the source of the sound.


Fortunately, Lloydin arrived just in time and swiftly dispatched the monster attacking the holy knight.

“Th-thank you, Duke!”

“Stay alert. If you let your guard down here, you could lose your life.”


After giving the holy knight a sincere warning, Lloydin scanned the surroundings briefly before running to where he was needed next.

“He’s incredible.”

“That’s what I’m saying. How does he have such power?”

“He doesn’t seem to be rampaging, given how well he’s aware of his surroundings. It’s really remarkable.”

The holy knights marveled at Lloydin’s immense power, each muttering in awe.

Meanwhile, a priest who had secretly followed this subjugation squad watched Lloydin with a significant look.

‘I must hurry back and report to the High Priest. The increasing power of Lloydin Blighton is becoming quite concerning.’

The priest carefully concealed himself to avoid being detected.

And just as he arrived at the capital, news spread that Lloydin’s monster subjugation squad had achieved a great victory and would soon be returning.

* * *

After about a month and a half, Lloydin was returning to the capital.

I couldn’t contain my joy and eagerly counted down the days until his return.

Once again, thanks to Lloydin’s efforts, the subjugation squad had not lost a single battle.

He was truly amazing, and even though he was my husband, I couldn’t help but admire him.

His exceptional achievements in this subjugation were being talked about everywhere.

As people praised and commended Lloydin, I felt immensely proud that he was finally receiving the recognition he deserved.

‘I miss him.’

Though it would still be a few more days before he arrived in the capital, waiting those few days felt even harder after having waited over a month.

Each day passed slowly, my heart feeling light and restless.

And finally, today, news came that the subjugation squad was entering the capital.

“Madam! The subjugation force has just passed through the capital gates!”

Lia rushed into the study to deliver the news.

“Really? Then let’s head to the square immediately.”

“Yes, I’ll get everything ready right away.”

I quickly prepared to go to the square and then left the mansion by carriage.


I repeated his name in my mind.

It was really soon now.

My heart pounded with excitement at the thought of seeing him.

When we arrived at the square, it was already packed with a huge crowd.

After getting out of the carriage, we found a spot among the people.

The square was filled with the noise of countless conversations and cheers.

Amidst the noise, the loud conversation of two men caught my ear.

“Did you hear about it?”

“Hear what?”

“They say the Duke of Blighton wiped out almost all the monsters even near the other country’s border.”

“Really? So, both we and they can sleep easy now?”

“Exactly! They say those fearsome monsters ran off with their tails between their legs. You know that blue-haired merchant who deals with the neighboring country? He said he was welcomed there like never before.”

“Wow, that’s something. That has never happened before, has it?”

“Indeed. It’s truly remarkable.”

Listening to their conversation brought a pleased smile to my face.

“Madam, there seem to be even more people here than last time.”

Lia glanced around and commented.

“It does seem that way.”

I also looked around, noticing the crowd seemed twice as large as the last time we came to welcome the subjugation force.


Suddenly, I remembered how we missed seeing Lloydin last time.

Could it be that he’s heading straight to the mansion again?

Thinking it over, I realized Lloydin would never show himself in such a public place, making it highly likely.

‘Why didn’t I think of that?’

I was contemplating whether to go back when suddenly, the loud sound of a horn signaling the return of the subjugation force filled the square, followed by thunderous cheers.



“Leteus! Leteus! Leteus!”

Everyone in unison started chanting the name of the empire.

“Long live the Leteus Empire!”

From the end of the street, the army marched in perfect formation.

Realizing it was too late to leave now, I decided to stay and watch.

Then it happened.

“Blighton! Blighton! Blighton!”

The crowd, who had been chanting the empire’s name, suddenly started shouting Blighton’s name.

I strained my neck to get a better look at the person leading the march.

As the man on horseback drew closer, I recognized Lloydin.

“Oh my, it’s the Duke!”

Lia’s excited voice grew louder as she, too, recognized Lloydin.

“Long live the Leteus Empire!”

“Long live Blighton!”

The people alternated their chants between the empire and Blighton.


Seeing him return proudly amidst such warm reception gave me goosebumps and made my heart swell.

This was exactly the sight I had longed to see, right before my eyes.

Tears threatened to fall, but I refused to cry on such a happy day.

I focused all my attention on Lloydin, and I felt as if he was looking my way.

‘I’m right here.’

I waved my hand vigorously, silently shouting that I was here.

It was unlikely he would spot me among so many people, yet I felt as if he might.

With a bit of hope, I kept my eyes fixed on Lloydin.

But, as expected, finding me among the crowd was nearly impossible, and soon Lloydin turned his head and continued moving forward.


Even though there was no need to feel disappointed, a deep sense of it washed over me.

I lowered my head, trying to soothe my heart, when the atmosphere around me suddenly changed.

“What’s happening?”

“What’s going on?”

I heard voices of confusion all around.


Lia, who had been by my side, called out to me in an excited voice.

I quickly raised my head to look forward.

Lloydin’s horse had stopped, causing the entire following army to halt in place.

Feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion, I watched Lloydin.

At that moment, his dark eyes met mine directly, focusing solely on me.



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