Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 69

Episode 69

If it weren’t for Ian, I would have never even thought about setting up a scholarship program.

“I just wanted to help others with what I had.”

But I didn’t want to hurt Lloydin’s feelings by speaking the truth, so I casually spoke and smiled awkwardly.

A while later, Lloydin and I took our seats at a table set up for the families of students.

As expected, people around us glanced at us.

It seemed like it was finally time to stop paying attention to the Brighton family, but they never seemed to tire of it.

Although I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, it seemed like they were muttering something about us.

I smiled widely at Lloydin, linking my arm with his.

But as he released my arm and then wrapped his around my shoulders, my heart began to beat faster as we got closer.

‘Calm down.’

It’s nothing to get worked up about now.

Don’t tremble like a child at such light physical contact when you hug each other at night.

I chastised myself and deliberately focused on the entrance ceremony to calm down.

The entrance ceremony was nothing special.

The principal, whom I had met before, gave a long speech, and then one student came forward as a representative and took the oath.

“Today, I have a special introduction for everyone.”

People murmured with curiosity at the principal’s words.

“This time, someone has established a new scholarship fund for our academy.”


“Please welcome her with a big round of applause. Duchess Ayla Blighton.”

As the principal introduced me, everyone’s eyes turned to me, and applause broke out.

I was about to stand up, but Lloydin stood up first and reached out his hand to me.

Smiling, I took his hand and stood up from my seat.

Leaving Lloydin behind, I walked to the podium where the principal stood.

After exchanging brief greetings with the principal, I stood on the platform.

Standing there, I could see all the students sitting in rows, from the ones at the front to the ones with their parents sitting in the back.

Among them, Ian, sitting with Daliah far in the back, was the first to catch my eye.

If it weren’t for Daliah, Ian would probably have been sitting alone.

I smiled softly at the two who looked so good together, and began to say the words I had prepared for today.

“First of all, congratulations to all of you who have been admitted to the Intermediate Academy. By entering here, you have earned the qualification to take another step forward.”

At first, it was filled with words of encouragement and motivation for the students, like any other speech, as well as the reasons and purposes for establishing the scholarship fund.

But what I wanted to say was from now on.

“I couldn’t attend the academy because of poor health. So, I don’t have any friends or memories of being with them as if it were natural like you do now.”

Of course, there were Felix, whom I met when I was young, and sometimes the young ones who had tea parties together, but there were no friendships that lasted for years.

“I truly envy you. You are the ones who study hard, compete fiercely, and meet friends with shared aspirations.”

I paused for a moment and looked around at the students.

Although some seemed bored, most of them were focused, except for a few who seemed visibly shaken for some reason.

“I’ve heard that there are some people in the academy these days who harass their friends. I think not valuing your friends is tantamount to ruining not only your own precious memories but also those of your friends. I hope you won’t engage in such foolish behavior.”

As I spoke, some of the kids who had been quietly listening to me began to chatter noisily.

Some of them were noticeably swayed, seeming to be affected by something.

“If anyone is being harassed by someone, I’m more than willing to help. I will consult with the principal to send an investigation team to clearly expose the situation and take action. So, if something like that happens, don’t hesitate to ask for help. That’s all. Thank you.”

After finishing my speech and looking at the principal, he seemed very embarrassed, as if he didn’t expect me to say such things.

Maintaining a smiling face, I opened my mouth as if asking why he had spoken without consulting me.

“You promised me, didn’t you?”

“Oh, yes. I did promise. But to this extent…”

“Principal, you only need to keep one promise with me. Then the sponsorship for the academy will continue to overflow abundantly.”

“What? Overflow? Yes, yes, understood. Please continue to support us in the future.”

He seemed surprised at the word “overflowing,” but then quickly changed his attitude and slightly bowed his head to me.

Leaving him behind, I turned back towards where Lloydin was.

Lloydin stood up from his seat and, like before, reached out his hand to me, smiling gently.

“That was a wonderful speech, Madam.”

“Thank you, Duke.”

After the entrance ceremony, a few simple events followed.

After the ceremony, before Lloydin and I went home, we met Ian one last time.

“Ian, take care of yourself.”

“Okay, brother.”

I stepped back first to give the brothers time to greet each other.

“You remember what I said a few days ago?”

“Yeah, I remember everything.”

“Come here.”

When Lloydin opened his arms, Ian nestled into them.

Lloydin gently stroked his younger brother’s hair, which was the same color as his.

Then it was my turn.

Ian stepped away from Lloydin’s embrace and came over to stand in front of me.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“Just… everything.”

Ian’s expression, grateful yet sheepish, as he thanked me, was truly admirable and endearing.

“Give me your hand.”

Even though he was only twelve, his hand, which was about the same size as mine, reached out to me.

I placed a small ball in Ian’s palm.

It was a ball used in Polatz matches.

The ball was small enough to hold with just one hand.

“This is…?”

“Luke used this ball to score the final goal in the match at the academy a few days ago.”

It was a ball Luke had secretly given me when we last practiced Polatz a few days ago.

He asked me to give it to Ian instead, perhaps because he might feel burdened if Luke gave it to him directly.

“He said it’s a lucky ball that always brings victory.”

“Can I really have it?”

“Of course.”

“…Please thank him for me.”

“Yeah, I will. Ian, as I’ve said before, if you ever want to come back home, don’t hesitate to do so. We’ll be waiting for you.”

“Yeah, I will.”

Ian replied with a bright smile.

After Ian returned to the academy, only Lloydin and I were left in the mansion.

Perhaps because Ian and I got along well, his absence felt larger than I had expected.

Still, Ian often sent letters to Lloydin and me, apparently trying to keep our promise to write.

Most of the content was about how he was doing well, but especially about where he went with Daliah and what they did today.

“Hopefully he’s not being harassed anymore.”

I had warned him so much that if he dared to harass Ian, it would be like challenging me.

And then, he would pay the price for his audacity.

Lloydin became increasingly busy.

The news that the Black Forest, bordering the empire, was unusual spread, making the empire increasingly chaotic.

‘What should I do?’

For a while, I thought the demons were oddly quiet.

If the demons from the Black Forest attacked the empire, it was only natural for Lloydin to go out.

What used to mean nothing to me when I didn’t know him had now become so important.

And because of that, one day after another continued, feeling like walking on thin ice.



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