Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 67

Episode 67

As he said, the taste of the tea was quite good.

After sipping on the tea a few times, I placed the cup back on the table and brought up the purpose of my visit while staring at the headmaster sitting across from me.

“The reason I came here today is because I want to establish a scholarship program for the academy and its students.”

“A scholarship program?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

The headmaster seemed a bit surprised at first, his eyes widening, but then his expression brightened.

“How exactly do you plan to do that?”

I explained in detail to the headmaster about raising a certain amount of funds and what I intended to do with them.

When I mentioned not only providing scholarships to students but also contributing to the development fund for the academy as a whole, the headmaster gladly accepted.

Especially upon hearing the amount of the donation, his smile didn’t fade for a moment.

“But there is one condition.”

“What condition? Please feel free to tell me.”

Unable to contain his joy at the funds I proposed, the headmaster grinned widely.

“You must be aware of the fact that Ian Blighton, my husband’s younger brother, was harassed at the academy.”

“Oh, yes. Due to that, Edward McKellen was expelled.”

Whether proud of his decision or not, the headmaster lifted his chin slightly and boasted.

“I hope that such despicable incidents will never happen again in this academy in the future.”

“Of course, that’s only natural.”

“So, if such incidents were to happen again in the future, I will withdraw all scholarship programs at that time.”

“With, withdraw?”

The headmaster seemed flustered at my firm and extreme decision.


“But withdrawing…”

With his head tilted and a troubled expression, he hesitated to continue.

“Am I making it difficult for you?”

“It’s not difficult, but as an educator, I also think that such incidents should not happen. But…”

Seeing the hesitant headmaster, I reiterated my decision firmly.

“If you’re not sure, then let’s consider this proposal non-existent.”

“Oh, no. I can do it. I will do it!”

As he said that and tried to get up from his seat, the headmaster grabbed my arm. I sat back down on the sofa and faced the headmaster.

“You must absolutely keep your promise.”

“I will, I will.”

The headmaster hastily replied, perhaps worried that I might leave again.

“Then let’s proceed with trust.”

“Yes, yes. Thank you.”

Afterward, I asked the headmaster to keep my scholarship program a secret until the enrollment ceremony, then I left the academy.

As I rode back to the mansion, I reviewed my conversation with the headmaster and carefully organized the remaining tasks ahead.

‘No room for error.’

To ensure that everything went according to plan, there couldn’t be any mistakes.

As I pondered whether I had forgotten anything, suddenly, Lia called me.



I paused, looking at Lia, whose expression seemed like she was about to cry.

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

Suddenly, with concern evident in my voice, I asked Lia, who was tearing up.

“Oh, nothing. I just felt moved seeing Madam wandering around without any worries.”

“Oh… Is that so?”

I was worried there might be something wrong, but hearing there wasn’t, I felt a mix of disappointment and relief.

“Yes. I’m so, so happy. Truly.”

Lia’s expression as she said that looked genuinely blissful.

“Do you remember what I said when I announced I was marrying the Duke?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“I was right, wasn’t I?”

“Yes. I trusted you back then, but honestly, I had more worries. But seeing you become happier day by day, I feel ashamed of doubting myself even a little.”

As Lia tried to bury her head in her hands, I quickly grabbed her wrist.

“Don’t do that. And you still followed me despite everything. I’m always grateful.”


Moved by my words, tears that had been welling up in Lia’s eyes streamed down her face.

“Don’t cry. Why cry when you’re happy?”

“I’m crying because I’m happy. Sniff.”

I hugged her to stop the tears, and Lia began sobbing in my arms.

I had to comfort Lia all the way until we arrived at the mansion.

* * *

After the confidential meeting with the headmaster, I spent each day as if nothing had happened.

After a few days passed, finally, the awaited day arrived.

To attend Ian’s enrollment ceremony, we all hurriedly got ready from early in the morning.

Knock, knock.

“Ian, it’s me.”

“Come in.”

Entering the room, I found Ian trying to put on his neatly pressed school hat.

“Ian, are you ready?”

“Yes, I’m ready.”

Approaching Ian, I helped him adjust his hat, which he was awkwardly trying to wear.

“Shall we go downstairs then?”


As we passed through the hall and stepped outside, there was a pile of luggage in front of the carriage, filled with items for Ian to use in the new academy.

“It’s quite a lot of luggage.”

Upon hearing Lloydin’s voice from behind, I quickly turned around.

Lloydin, dressed in casual attire, stood there looking incredibly handsome.

“These are all the things you need, right, Ian?”

I smiled brightly and sought Ian’s agreement.

After hesitating for a moment, Ian nodded.

It was a grateful response, considering my heart that had purchased things for him.

After our luggage was loaded onto the carriage, we climbed aboard.

“Let’s go.”

With a hearty cry from the coachman, the carriage began its journey.

It took about two hours from the Blighton Ducal Palace to the academy located on the outskirts of the capital.

During the two-hour journey, we couldn’t hide our disappointment at not being together and engaged in conversation.

“Ian, you have to come back often even after entering the academy. Understand?”

“From the intermediate academy onward, there will be a lot of assignments and exams, so I’m not sure, but I’ll come whenever I can.”

“Okay. And if something happens, you must tell us, don’t just suffer alone.”

Especially regarding this matter, I firmly warned Ian.

“Yes, I will.”

“And you haven’t forgotten the promise with your brother, right?”



Lloydin gently ruffled Ian’s hair.

Ian’s mouth stretched into a wide smile at the affectionate gesture.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

It seemed like we had arrived at the academy.

Before getting off the carriage, I looked at Ian and spoke.

“Ian, don’t forget that both your brother and I will firmly support you from behind. Got it?”


“Good. Let’s go.”

As we got off the carriage and looked around, the square inside the academy was crowded with people.

Seeing many chairs and a high platform in front, it seemed to be the venue for the enrollment ceremony.

“Looks like it’s over there.”

“Let’s go.”

“Yes. Ian, let’s go.”

As we headed towards the square, we felt the subtle gazes of those who recognized us following us.

It was a familiar situation, and since it didn’t bother us, we confidently walked forward.


As we entered the square, a voice calling Ian could be heard nearby.

Ian quickly responded and looked around.

The owner of the voice soon approached us.

It was Dalia.

Ian calling Dalia seemed very natural by now.

Having shared their daily lives through letters, they seemed to have become close.

“Hello. Duke of Blighton, and Duchess.”

The affable Dalia greeted us first.

“Hello, Dalia. It’s the first time seeing you since the ball, right?”

“Yes. Have you been well?”

“Yes, we have. And you, Dalia?”

“I’ve been well too. Oh, Duke and Ian, you look very alike, don’t you?”

Dalia also expressed surprise at the fact that Lloydin and Ian looked so much alike, like everyone else.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Wow, when Ian grows up like this…”

Seeing Dalia absentmindedly gaze at Lloydin’s appearance, I couldn’t help but nod.

“The future looks bright indeed!”


“Even now, you look handsome, but I’m really looking forward to your future, just like the Duke’s.”

Was he embarrassed to be called handsome? Ian’s face turned red.



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