Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 63

Episode 63

Riding the carriage through the vast expanse of the palace, the buildings inside were spaced widely apart, standing proudly in their respective positions.

Perhaps to give the buildings a sense of unity, they were all supported by thick pillars, forming their roofs.

Especially fascinating were the pillars, emitting various colors depending on the amount and angle of the light, although I wasn’t sure what they were made of.

While admiring the surroundings, I glanced inside the carriage and noticed Ian, like me, was captivated by the palace, his mouth slightly agape.

Among the three of us, only Lloydin, who had visited the palace yesterday, sat quietly without any excitement.

After a while, the carriage passed through the entrance and arrived at the grand building where today’s banquet would be held.

‘Wow, this is the epitome of splendor.’

Though I had seen several buildings before arriving here, the one in front of us was adorned with sparkling decorations, making it even more magnificent.

“We’ve arrived.”

As soon as I finished speaking, tension visibly crept onto Ian’s face.


To ease Ian’s tension, I smiled softly at him.

“Let’s have a good time today, okay?”


Though he couldn’t completely erase his tense expression, Ian nodded with a much lighter demeanor and replied.

With that, we stepped down from the carriage onto the ground.

As we revealed ourselves in front of the banquet hall, I could feel the gazes of those nearby turning towards us.

Standing proudly between Lloydin and Ian, I linked arms with each of them.

“Let’s go in. Let’s go.”

With each step we took, the eyes of the people continued to follow us.

It wasn’t particularly surprising since the same thing had happened at my parents’ anniversary last time.

However, since it was Ian’s first time, I couldn’t help but worry about his confusion and anxiety as I glanced at him, only to find his expression stiffening.

“It’s okay. You don’t need to care how those people look at you.”

“But, brother…”

Ian’s wavering gaze turned to Lloydin.

“It’ll be fine, Ian.”

Accustomed to such situations, Lloydin reassured his younger brother with a calm expression.

Seeing the two of them in that moment, I was deeply moved.

I couldn’t understand why I had been looking at people like this since last time.

Perhaps because I was with them, I didn’t stare openly but kept an eye on things discreetly.

Finally, we reached the entrance to the banquet hall.

Once inside, there would be even more eyes on us.

After firmly steeling my resolve, I alternated my gaze between the two men.

“Are you ready?”


“Are you ready?”


After hearing their affirmations, I took a deep breath inwardly and gestured to the gatekeeper.

As the large doors opened, the sound of people buzzing and murmuring could be heard from all around.

“Wow, they’ve arrived.”

“Oh my, they really came!”

“To think they’d come here…”

Though many words were spoken at once, I couldn’t catch everything, but some of them stuck in my mind.

Since I had expected this anyway, there was no reason to be shaken.

Lifting my head confidently, I led the two men deeper into the hall.

Seeing that the high seats were empty, it seemed that the emperor and the nobles had not yet arrived.

Since they weren’t my concern anyway, I turned my attention back to the surroundings.


The person I was looking for spotted me and was making her way over.

“Brother Jade, Brother Luke!”

Calling out to my brothers in a loud voice, I briefly let go of Lloydin’s arm and waved happily at my brothers.

“Why are you so late? We’ve been here since earlier.”

As my brothers approached us, Luke didn’t even bother greeting me and instead reprimanded me directly.

“I’m not late. I came on time.”

“You’re late compared to us.”

“Brother Jade, how have you been?”

Disregarding Brother Luke’s trivial remarks, I greeted Brother Jade.

“Ayla, your face has improved a lot.”

“Really? Maybe it’s because I’ve been eating well and doing fine.”

“That’s good. Duke Blighton, it’s been a while.”

“It has indeed been a while. Duke Anaïs.”

Jade and Lloydin exchanged greetings.

“It seems like it’s the first time since the wedding. Luke, I should greet you too.”

“Duke, it’s been a while.”

“It has indeed been a while. Ian, you should greet as well.”

“Ah, hello. I’m Ian Blighton.”

“It’s fine. Ian, we saw each other a few days ago, right?”

“Yes, we did.”

“Are you practicing well?”

“Yes, I’m practicing hard.”

“Is that so? Next time we meet, you’ll be able to beat me in a match, right?”

“Uh, well…”

Ian looked flustered and quickly rolled his eyes.

“It’s a joke. You’re still far from surpassing me.”

“Oh… I’ll work harder.”

“Good, you should.”

Luke chuckled and tousled Ian’s hair.

Fortunately, during the conversation with my brothers, Ian seemed much more relaxed.

“Where are Father and Mother?”

“They’re over there.”

In response to my question, Jade pointed to a certain direction inside.

Because the hall was so spacious and crowded, even looking in the direction he pointed didn’t reveal our parents.

“Shall we go greet them, Madam?”

“Yes, Ian, let’s go.”

But just as we were about to set off to find our parents…

As the door opened, the gatekeeper’s booming voice filled the hall.

“The esteemed sun of the Leteus Empire, His Imperial Majesty Frederick Leteus, has arrived. Please show proper respect to His Majesty.”

Amidst the music and the buzz of conversation, the bustling hall suddenly fell silent as the nobles all bowed their heads toward the emperor.

Following the emperor, the empress, crown prince, princes, and princesses entered in turn.

As they took their seats in the high places within the hall, no one dared to lift their heads.

“Everyone, please raise your heads.”

At the emperor’s command, everyone immediately complied.

“I would like to extend my gratitude first to all of you who have attended today’s New Year’s reception.”

With those words, the emperor began a tedious and lengthy speech.

And as soon as the speech ended, the hall once again filled with lively music and bustling conversation.

We moved again to find our parents.

Fortunately, Father and Mother were not far away.

“Father, Mother.”

After exchanging greetings with a noble, I hurriedly approached my parents, who were moving elsewhere.


“Our daughter is here.”

Father and Mother greeted me warmly.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. Look, Brother Jade said my complexion has greatly improved as soon as he saw me.”

“You met Jade and Luke?”

“Yes. I heard from my brothers that Father and Mother are over here.”

“I see. Ah, have you come?”

“Duke Anaïs, Duchess. It’s been a while.”

After Lloydin greeted our parents first, he glanced at Ian.

“Nice to meet you for the first time. Duke Anaïs, Duchess. I’m Ian Blighton.”

“If you’re Ian Blighton, then you’re the duke’s younger brother.”

“Yes, that’s right. I mentioned my younger brother before.”

“You two really look alike.”

“I thought so too, Father.”

“That’s right. Both of my sons are truly handsome.”


Agreeing with our parents’ comments about Lloydin and Ian being handsome, I chimed in.

“That’s enough for greetings. Now, let’s spend some time together today as well.”


“Father, wait.”

As Father, as usual, tried to take Lloydin away, I quickly intervened and stopped them.

“What’s the matter?”

“Just a moment, Duke.”

I took Lloydin’s hand and led him away from our parents and Ian.

“What’s the matter, Madam?”

With a puzzled look on his face, Lloydin looked at me.

“It’s nothing important. Just a moment.”

As we got close enough to each other for our lips to almost touch, I felt the curious gazes of the people around us.


In a slightly lower voice, almost as if our lips were about to touch, Lloydin looked surprised.

With a gentle smile directed at Lloydin, I suddenly hugged his waist.


As Lloydin looked bewildered, the surrounding crowd erupted in surprised murmurs.



  1. Fanfic says:

    I think it would be chapter 62 and chapter 62 actually chapter 63

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