Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 46

Episode 46


Here, no one else called Ian except for me.


I let him know that I had come to find his room by calling him Ian.


There was no answer from inside.


I was engulfed in silence again.


I hesitated about what to do, then raised my hand to knock on the door again.


The moment I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly creaked open.


“What is it?”


The child who appeared between the doors was glaring at me with a defiant look.


But strangely, Ian’s attitude didn’t bother me at all.


Perhaps it was because even before facing this child, I already had a heavy heart with the facts I knew.


I smiled and spoke to Ian.


“Can I come in for a moment?”


Ian looked at me strangely.




Even without putting on airs, it seemed like he was aware of me being his brother’s wife, asking for reasons.


“I have some things to talk about and give you.”


Saying so, I shook the book in my hand towards Ian.


As soon as Ian saw the book in my hand, his eyes flickered.


“I have nothing to talk about.”


But Ian quickly replied coldly, hiding his expression.


“It’ll only take a moment. I won’t take up much of your time.”


With repeated requests from me, Ian pondered with a hesitant expression.


Instead of urging the child, I waited patiently for Ian to make a decision.


After a while, Ian opened the door wide.


It meant for me to come in.


“Thank you.”


Worried that Ian’s mood might change suddenly, I quickly entered the room.


As Ian walked briskly and sat on the sofa, I also took a seat across from him.


As I sat on the sofa, Ian’s room came into view.


Last time, we were in a rather awkward situation, so I didn’t get to see Ian’s room properly.


It had a slightly large bed for a child to lie down, a study desk and chair, a bookshelf full of books on the wall, and the sofa and elevated table we were sitting at now.


“Here’s a gift for you.”


After finishing my observation, I stared at Ian and extended the book in front of him.


“…Did you hear it from William?”


Ian replied with a sour expression.


Knowing that I knew his secret seemed to make him very uncomfortable.


“Yeah. But don’t say anything to William. It was my request. I wanted to give you a gift, so I asked what you wanted.”


The butler simply answered my question with the utmost courtesy.


I quickly praised the butler in case Ian flared up.


“He said he lost the book that his brother gave him as a gift. Coincidentally, I have the same book, so I wanted to give it to him as a present.”


As I spoke, I felt a twinge of guilt towards Noah, whom I had given the book to as a gift.


“Why are you giving me a gift?”


Ian asked suspiciously, looking at me with doubtful eyes.


“Well, it’s because I want to get to know you better.”


I answered honestly and without any embellishment.


“I know you don’t particularly like me. You might feel like I’ve taken your brother away since I came into this house. I understand that. But I like you. Most importantly, I want to make it clear that I didn’t take your brother away just because I married the Duke.”


I tried to convince Ian in a way that he could easily understand.


“Can you think of it this way? Not as if your brother was taken away, but as if a new family member has arrived. A family member who will protect you, eat together, and talk with you.”


“… “


“I’m the youngest with just my two older brothers. So it feels really nice to have a younger brother. So, how about instead of thinking of me as your brother’s wife, you think of me as your older sister? Is it okay if I call myself your sister?”


I poured out what I wanted to say to Ian without giving him a chance to distance himself from me.


“… Sister?”


Ian’s expression softened slightly at my words.


“Yeah. I’ve been calling you without your permission, but if you allow it in the future, I’d like to think of you as my brother and call you by your name.”


The room fell silent again.


However, it seemed like Ian was thinking about something.


And after a short moment, Ian spoke up.


“…I’ll think about it.”


Thankfully, his response was positive.






I felt so happy at Ian’s response that I wanted to jump around the room.


Trying to calm my excitement, I looked at Ian.


Seeing my joyful expression, he seemed slightly embarrassed.


“I said I’ll think about it, not that I’ll agree.”


“Yeah, I understand.”


Although Ian intentionally didn’t give a definite answer until the end, I found that Ian, acting that way, was even more adorable.


“Think about it, and if you decide to get along with me, come to the restaurant at mealtime.”


Considering Ian’s personality, I deliberately gave him a signal instead of straightforwardly suggesting that we get along.


Ian nodded as if he understood.


“Thank you. I’ll take a break for now.”


Having finished my words, I felt content and stood up.


As I was about to open the door and leave the room, a loud voice came from behind.


“I’m always the first one for my brother!”


Even with the child’s jealous tantrum, a smile naturally formed on my lips.


I turned back, smiling, and replied to Ian.


“I know. Ian will always be the first for his brother.”


Seeing Ian’s relieved expression at those words, I left the room and returned to the bedroom.


* * *


I had thought that no one would be in the bedroom, but surprisingly, a human shadow was cast there.


Surprised, I looked closely and saw Lloydin standing with his back to the door, gazing out the window.


“Your Grace.”


As I called Lloydin, he turned around slowly.


“My lady,”


His low, resonant voice calling me ‘my lady’ was pleasant to hear once again.


I approached him with a smile on my lips.


“You’re here early.”


“William had something to discuss, so I came to talk for a while.”


“I see.”


I nodded in understanding.


“Where did you go?”


“I went to see Ian.”




“Yes. I mentioned that I wanted to have a conversation with Ian. I felt it shouldn’t be delayed any longer.”


“Has Ian not misbehaved again, by any chance?”


“Not at all.”


I smiled, indicating there was no need to worry.


“What did you talk about with Ian?”


“I didn’t mention anything about my illness, as you requested. We’ll have to keep an eye on him, but I’ve made it clear enough for Ian to understand. Let’s give him some time to think.”


“We’ll do that.”


“Yes. By the way, what were you looking at?”


“I was looking at the moon.”


“The moon?”


I followed Lloydin’s gaze out the window.


In the night sky, there was a full moon shining brightly without a single cloud.


“Yes. I’m considering making a pond over there, where it’s best seen from here.”


“A pond?”


At Lloydin’s mention of making a pond, the pond in the Anaïs estate immediately came to mind.


The pond that was most visible from my room, where on nights like tonight, with a bright moon, it felt like there were two moons, flashed through my mind for a moment.


“You showed it to me when we went to the banquet, didn’t you?”


As if he could read my mind, Lloydin mentioned the pond.


“Yes, I did.”


I confirmed, remembering the beautiful scenery it offered on nights like this.


“I remembered the words of the lady who said she liked it there the most.”


“So, are you planning to make a pond down there? For me?”


Feeling emotional, I looked up at him.


Lloydin’s affection and thoughtfulness, understanding my disappointment at not being able to see my favorite spot anymore since coming here, were conveyed to me completely.


“Thank you. When our pond is finished, let’s watch the moon together from there again. I’m sure it will be incredibly beautiful to see the moon from there as well.”


I couldn’t contain my excitement and wore a radiant expression, as if I were already there.


“Yes. Let’s do that.”


Since then, I continued to discuss with Lloydin what we could do there.


Although I say “discussed,” it was mostly one-sided.


When I spoke, he listened and responded.


At that moment, I didn’t know why, but I felt that way.


This time felt so peaceful and pleasant.


His loving gaze, looking straight at me, and his warm expression made me so happy and content.



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