Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 45

Episode 45


“Now we should go back.”


As I looked out the window, the sky was gradually turning red.


Since we had agreed to have dinner together.


To keep my promise with Lloydin, I bid farewell to my parents and returned to the Blighton mansion with Colin.


* * *


As we reached the Blighton mansion, the carriage stopped.


As I approached the door to get off the carriage, a firm and tidy hand gestured for me to hold on.


I didn’t need to see who the owner of the hand was to know.


I firmly grasped the hand and as I descended to the ground, I lifted my head up towards the owner of the hand.




Each time I saw him, the enchanting gentleman smiled gently with his eyes half-closed.


“Your Grace.”


Seeing him like that, a smile naturally formed on my lips.


“I was about to go straight to the dining room as soon as we arrived…”


About to say something like ‘Why bother coming to greet me?’, I just closed my mouth.


It was clear to anyone that it wasn’t something I wanted to say, thanks to the gradually rising corners of my mouth.


“I heard that Madam arrived just as I was finishing up some work, so I came to greet you.”


“I see. Shall we go together then?”


It was when we were about to enter the mansion with Lloydin.


Suddenly, his gaze shifted behind me, and his smile vanished from his face, replaced by a sharp look.




“I should go too.”


Upon seeing Lloydin, my mind was so preoccupied with him that I momentarily forgot who I had brought along.


“I brought Colin and was just about to leave.”


I released the grip I had on the hand to turn back.


However, whether consciously or not, Lloydin didn’t let go of my hand.


Unable to do anything, I turned my body sideways while still holding his hand and looked at Colin.


“Colin, come over here.”


“Yes, Miss.”


Colin replied and got off the carriage.


“…Who is this?”


Lloydin’s gaze towards the stranger was filled with caution.


Observing his reaction, I quickly introduced Colin to Lloydin.


“I mentioned bringing the Anaïs family’s physician. This is the physician I mentioned.”


“Oh, the physician…”


Only then did Lloydin’s sharp gaze towards Colin soften slightly.


“Colin, say hello. This is Lord Lloydin Blighton.”


“Nice to meet you for the first time. I’m Colin. As Miss mentioned, I worked as a physician for the Anaïs family before coming here.”


Colin greeted Lloydin with a nod.


“I’ll explain the details once I go in.”


“Alright, William.”


“Yes, Your Grace.”


“Have someone show him to a room and arrange for a meal.”


“Yes, understood. Follow me.”


Following Lloydin’s orders, the butler tried to take Colin away.


However, Colin stared at me without blinking, as if he had something to say.


It seemed like he had something to say to me.


It bothered me to leave Colin like that and go inside.


Although it was ultimately his decision, since he had come this far at my request, I felt obligated to take care of him.


“Lord, I’ll have a brief chat with Colin before going inside. Would you like to wait in the dining room?”


“…A chat?”


Lloydin’s expression stiffened slightly, as if he didn’t like something.


“Yes, just for a moment.”


“Then I’ll wait.”


His behavior was slightly unusual, as he agreed to wait, which was different from usual. But since he had always taken good care of me, I didn’t think much of it.


“I understand. Just a moment, Colin.”


I called Colin and took him about ten steps away.


“I don’t think I thanked you earlier. Thank you for coming with me, Colin. Are you feeling strange and nervous?”


I said with a small smile to ease Colin’s tension.


“…No, not really.”


“Really? Well, that’s good then.”


Seeing Colin respond so nonchalantly, I felt relieved.


“It’s good if there’s nothing wrong, but if you ever feel uncomfortable or something happens while you’re here, make sure to tell me, okay?”




“I haven’t been here for long, so I’m not completely used to it yet. But I’ve been here for a few days, and the people are friendly and it’s a nice place. You’ll get used to it too as you stay here. So let’s get along well from now on.”


Colin nodded.




Colin glanced behind me once, as if he wanted to say something, then hesitated.


“No, it’s nothing.”


Then, as if he had lost the urge to speak, he mumbled.




I reached out and gently tousled Colin’s hair, which was a habit I sometimes had when I saw him at the Anaïs estate.


“Oh, please don’t. I’m not a kid anymore.”


But today, perhaps not feeling particularly good, he tried to avoid my touch, which left an impression.


“You’re still a kid. You’re younger than me.”


Though only nineteen and not yet an adult, Colin had already acquired more medical knowledge than most due to his genius brain.


With a teasing intent, I ruffled his hair more vigorously.


This time, however, Colin reached out behind me, not to stop my actions, but to grab someone else’s hand that had approached from behind me.




As his scent wafted into my nostrils and a comforting energy seeped into me, I turned my head.


“Your Grace?”


Maintaining the smile that had lingered throughout my conversation with Colin, I looked at Lloydin, but I sensed an inexplicable tension emanating from him.


“…The meal is ready. It would be better to go in before the food gets cold.”


In addition, his voice seemed to be suppressing something.




Perplexed, as I stared blankly at him without any response, Lloydin urged me.


“Oh, yes. Let’s go quickly. Colin, see you later.”




Before Colin could finish his response, Lloydin gently pulled me away, and leaving Colin behind, I was led into the mansion.


* * *


Throughout the dinner, Lloydin’s expression didn’t look particularly good.


He occasionally responded to my words and even smiled faintly, but that was about it.


I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was different from when he greeted me earlier.


Feeling too frustrated, I even asked him directly if something was bothering him, but he simply brushed it off with an assurance that everything was fine.


Based on past experiences, Lloydin saying everything was fine usually meant the opposite.


After finishing dinner, the butler called Lloydin aside, indicating that there were still unresolved matters.


Lloydin said he would be back soon and escorted me to the bedroom before disappearing.


Sitting on the sofa in the bedroom, I recalled the events that had just unfolded.


‘What’s going on?’


Why did Lloydin suddenly seem upset?


He had smiled brightly at me when he saw me…




Was it because of Colin?


Come to think of it, I remembered Lloydin’s expression stiffening when he saw Colin.


‘Is Lloydin not fond of Colin?’


Or perhaps it wasn’t about Colin specifically but rather an aversion to having outsiders in the mansion.


His feelings were understandable.


Someone who had been rejected by others for a long time might have built walls around themselves out of self-preservation.


Indeed, through Lloydin’s words, I learned that he didn’t trust people easily and was not quick to open his heart.


But no matter how much I thought about it, there was no one else but Colin who could serve as the physician of the mansion.


Therefore, the best solution was to help Lloydin accept Colin.


‘I need to let Lloydin know that Colin is a good person.’


After making that decision, I remembered something I needed to do before Lloydin returned, so I got up from the sofa and left the bedroom.


Entering my private study, I saw a book placed on the desk, the one I had asked Leah to bring to the study before getting off the carriage.


It was the book.


With the book in hand, I left the study and headed straight to Ian’s room without hesitation.


Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Ian’s door without any hesitation.


Knock, knock.


No response came from inside.


Worried that he might not have heard, I knocked on the door more forcefully.


Knock, knock, knock.


“Who is it?”


Only after knocking twice did a young, hostile voice come from inside, as if the person inside knew it was me knocking.


“Lord Blighton.”


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