Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 43

Episode 43


“I, madam. Please keep this a secret from the Duke. The young master does not wish for the Duke to know.”


“I understand. I won’t say a word to the Duke.”


“Thank you, madam.”


Ian’s desire for Lloydin not to know was easily understood, so I intended to keep the promise.


“What about eating? Will you eat well if I bring you a meal?”


“I eat a little less than usual, but there’s no need to worry too much.”


“All right then. I’ll go now. Oh, please let the Duke know that I will be visiting the Anaïs Duke’s estate.”


“The Anaïs Duke’s estate?”




“Yes, understood. Then, I’ll go now.”


After the butler left the study, I immediately called for Ria.


“Let’s go to the Anaïs Duke’s estate right away.”


“To the Anaïs Duke’s estate?”


“Yes. There’s something I need to do there.”


“Oh, okay. I’ll prepare the carriage right away.”




Originally, I planned to go after sorting out all the affairs here, but it seemed better to go and come back today.


After quickly getting ready, I went outside the mansion to get on the carriage.


However, Lloydin had arrived in front of the carriage faster than me, waiting for me.




I called out to him with a surprised voice.




“What brings you here?”


“I heard from William that you’re going to the Anaïs Duke’s estate, so I came to see you off.”


“You didn’t have to come.”


His complexion darkened at my words.


“But it seemed nice to see your face before you left.”


Though I initially said that, seeing his face made me genuinely happy.


“I thought you might say that.”


Lloydin’s face brightened again, and he smiled at me.


“Then I’ll be back soon.”


“You can stay until evening and come back slowly. Isn’t the Anaïs Duke’s estate still uncomfortable for you?”


“No, my home is here now. I’ll have dinner with the Duke.”


“Understood. Take care on your way back.”


“Yes, I will.”


As soon as I got into the carriage, it immediately started moving with the strong neighing of the horses.


I reached out of the window and waved goodbye to Lloydin.


He was still watching me from the same spot until I left the mansion.


* * *


As I got off the carriage, my mother greeted me since I had informed the Anaïs Duke’s estate in advance.






Even though it had only been a few days since I left this place, I felt joy as soon as I saw my mother and hugged her.


“I missed you.”


“I missed our daughter so much.”


I embraced my mother tightly, enjoying the joy of reunion.


“And Father?”


“He’s busy and stayed in his quarters. He would have postponed his engagements if he knew you were coming.”


“I came suddenly too. I’m sorry I couldn’t inform you earlier.”


“No, there’s no need to apologize. This is our home, where you can come anytime.”


“Oh, yes. That’s right. It’s our home.”


While agreeing with my mother’s words, I felt a strange feeling.


This is clearly my home, and yet, why did I feel uneasy?


Despite telling Lloydin earlier, it bothered me. Above all, it wasn’t a lie but genuine concern for him.


It was strange.


Perhaps because Lloydin was treating me so well, the place that hadn’t been mine for long now felt more like home.


“Isn’t it before lunch? How about having a meal together and taking a stroll in the garden?”


“That sounds lovely. I’m fine with anything.”


After filling our stomachs with familiar food with my mother, I took a walk in the garden to aid digestion.


“I thought so.”


Even though I expected to see my father, I thought I would at least see my brothers, Jade and Luke, but they had left early in the morning and hadn’t returned yet.


“Noah left yesterday?”


“Yeah. He left early in the morning without even saying goodbye. Heartless guy.”


There was a hint of bitterness in my mother’s voice, but that was it. My mother never opposed anything we did and always supported us no matter what.


She might have expressed her disappointment verbally, but she would understand my brothers’ decision this time as well.


“By the way, why did you come today? Since you came suddenly, I think there must be a reason.”


“I came to fetch something I left behind. But it’s not mine; it’s Noah’s.”


“What is it?”


“A book.”


“A book?”


“Yes. I saw the one Noah read last time and suddenly wanted to read it too. It’s such a trivial reason, isn’t it?”


I replied with an embarrassed smile.


“Trivial or not, it doesn’t matter. I’m happy whenever you come.”


My mother smiled kindly and patted my head.


“And there’s one more thing. I have something to ask Father.”


“What is it?”


“It’s about the family physician. Mother, do you know when Father will return?”


“Your father sent his regards when you arrived. He’ll probably be back soon.”


“Then I’ll talk to him when he returns.”


“Sure, let’s do that.”


After another round in the garden with my mother, we went back into the mansion.


“Mother, I’ll go fetch the book quickly.”


“Sure, go ahead. I’ll be resting in the study.”


“Yes, Mother.”


Leaving my mother behind, I headed upstairs to Noah’s room.


I felt a little guilty about entering an empty room, but it couldn’t be helped.


I pushed aside my momentary hesitation, opened the door, and went inside, heading straight to the bookshelf.


‘Exploring the different places of the continent…’


Muttering the title of the book I was looking for, I started scanning the shelves from the top left.


Most of the books on the bookshelf were about gods, divine power, and theology.


‘Where could it be?’


Although there were some travel-related books here and there, no matter how carefully I searched, I couldn’t find the book I was looking for.


Could Noah have taken it?


But that wouldn’t make sense.


Even after thoroughly searching the bookshelf from end to end, I couldn’t find the book, and a sense of unease began to creep in.


I carefully searched the bookshelf again, meticulously checking each shelf.




‘It’s not here.’


Christian Maximus’s book, “Exploring the Different Places of the Continent,” was nowhere to be found on the bookshelf.


Feeling drained with disappointment, I didn’t give up just yet.


Now moving away from the bookshelf, I thoroughly searched Noah’s room.


I checked under the bed, between the sofa cushions, and every inconspicuous spot, but the book was nowhere to be seen.


It was certain now.


Noah had undoubtedly taken the book, thinking it would be useful for his travels.




A sigh escaped me, but there was nothing I could do.


From the start, the book belonged to Noah, and I had no claim to it.


I shouldn’t blame Noah for taking the book.


But the disappointment was immense, as my expectations were high. I walked out of Noah’s room feeling disheartened.


My room, which I returned to within a week, remained the same.


I slumped onto the couch and buried my head in my hands.


‘What should I do?’


It was out of print, so was there no way to get that book?


As I pondered, scanning my surroundings, I suddenly noticed a book on the desk.


I got up from the couch as if drawn by something and approached the desk.


And the moment I picked up the book, I realized that it was the one I had been looking for.


‘Why is this here?’


The cover of the book precisely read, “Exploring the Different Places of the Continent.”


But no matter how much I thought, I couldn’t recall putting this book here.


“Then Noah?”


Did he put it here after I asked to borrow it?


Puzzled, I searched through the book, and between the pages, I found a note tucked inside.


It was a letter left for me by Noah, judging by his handwriting.


I quietly read through the letter without taking my eyes off the note.


Now that I have the opportunity to see the world with my own eyes, I no longer need this book.


This book is now yours.


The letter was very short.


There were no greetings or regards, just a simple statement that he was giving me this book as a gift.


But even with just that, I could feel Noah’s sentiment, and a smile naturally formed on my lips.


“Thank you, Noah.”


I silently expressed my gratitude to someone I couldn’t speak to and carefully folded the note, tucking it into the inner pocket of my dress.


Then, I picked up the book, left the room to return to my mother.


  1. Bubbly_BingeReaderRN says:

    Awwww…. so sweet…

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