Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 41

Episode 41


“Prepare a meal specifically for Young Master’s favorite food and bring it to him.”


“Yes. Understood, Madam.”


In the end, I had dinner alone, following lunch.


Eating alone in the midst of quiet silence was a first for me.


Whenever I had meals at the Anaïs Mansion, family members were always together.


Luke, my older brother, would lead the family conversations and talk incessantly throughout the meal.


Back then, I sometimes teased him for being overly talkative, but today, strangely, I found myself missing his chatter.


‘I wonder how the mansion is without me.’


Yesterday was too hectic for me to think about it, but as much as I longed for my family after just one day, I thought they might be feeling the same way, and a slight sadness crept in.




I am here to live longer with my family.


Once I recover from my illness, I can return. So, I shouldn’t weaken my resolve.


With that determination, I finished my meal, went up to my room, bathed, and got ready for bed.


‘Why hasn’t he come yet?’


It was getting quite late into the night.


The butler said he would come in about two hours, but that time had already passed.


It seemed like I should go to sleep early today, so I put down the book I was reading and was about to get up from the sofa.


Then, the sound of the door creaking open reached my ears, and the person I had missed all day entered the room.




Seeing him, I beamed with the brightest smile, rushing towards him.




Although his face showed a bit of fatigue, the handsome face I saw in the morning was still the same.


“You’re back now?”


“Yes, I said I’d be back early, but I’m a bit late. I apologize.”


“It’s okay. It’s because of work. And you came earlier than yesterday.”


As Lloydin stood there looking apologetic, not knowing what to do, I reassured him that it was fine.


“Were you reading a book?”


“Yes, there are many books in the study. I brought one, thinking it would be interesting.”


“My grandfather had a hobby of collecting books.”


“Oh, so that’s why there were so many books.”


“Yes. Well then, I’ll go wash up and change my clothes quickly.”


“Shall I help you?”


The words popped out of my mouth involuntarily, and I immediately regretted it.


It was only after suggesting to help with his bath that I realized I would have to see his naked body to draw the bath.


“Oh, um… that’s…”


“It’s okay.”


As I stumbled to pick up my words in embarrassment, he, on the contrary, seemed quite composed for some reason.


“Oh, yes. Then, I’ll continue reading the book I was reading.”


Feeling embarrassed, I quickly pretended to go to the sofa to read.


“All right.”


I heard his voice from behind as he left, followed by the sound of the door closing.




Wait, why did I make that sound all of a sudden?


Of course, if it were any other couple, it wouldn’t be awkward for the wife to draw the husband’s bath.


But we weren’t just any couple.


‘He looks tired.’


I rationalized to myself as I sat on the sofa without touching the book, thinking he must be tired.


Shortly after, Lloydin came back into the room, as if to keep his promise to return quickly.


He was wearing a robe, and I caught a familiar scent from him, much like yesterday.


“Shall we sleep now?”


As soon as he entered, I stood up from the sofa.


“Are you very tired?”


“Not particularly, but you seemed quite tired, Duke.”


“I’m fine.”


Lloydin took a seat on the opposite sofa.


Since he seemed uncertain, I sat back down on the sofa as well.


“Other than touring the mansion today, what else did you do?”


“I received a report from the butler about the financial situation of the Blighton family and various other matters. Oh, Your Grace.”


In the midst of our conversation, I suddenly remembered the issue regarding the personal physician.


I had intended to discuss it with Lloydin when he returned in the afternoon, but his tired face made me forget about it.


“I’d like to talk about the personal physician matter. Do you remember what you mentioned to me last time? About no one wanting to work here.”


“I remember.”


“Would you consider bringing one of the physicians from the Anaïs family to work here?”


“The Anaïs Ducal House, you mean?”


“Yes. The Anaïs Ducal Family employed quite a few physicians to treat my illness. However, now that I’m not there, there won’t be a need for so many physicians.”




Lloydin seemed hesitant, with a somewhat reluctant expression.


“I know what concerns you, Duke. However, your father is meticulous and thorough when it comes to hiring staff for the mansion. He ensured that information about my illness did not leak out, and he monitored it well. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about.”


“Even if they have the skills and qualifications, my concern is whether they have the willingness to work here. While they might have been willing to work for the Anaïs family, their thoughts about our family might be different.”


“I’ve thought about that issue as well, and there is one person who fits the bill perfectly.”


I recalled the physician I had briefly thought of earlier.


“Despite being young, he is exceptionally skilled. He used to assist the physicians with their duties but eventually became a doctor by studying on his own while observing them. I’ll try to persuade him.”


He was a child brought to the ducal estate after being found collapsed on the street during an outing when he was young. Though not as devoted as Lianne, who was always by my side all day, he was still a reliable child.


I smiled at the thought of him, who, despite being young, dedicated himself to researching and studying day and night to cure my illness.


“But I won’t force him. If he wants to continue working for the Anaïs family, he can do so.”


I finished speaking and waited for his response.


Lloydin seemed lost in thought, finding it difficult to make a decision.


“All right. I was also planning to hire a personal physician for the sake of my wife. As they have worked for the Anaïs family, they should be knowledgeable about my wife’s illness and should be fine.”


“I was planning to hire a physician for you.”


“For me?”


“Yes. Duke, you often participate in battles, so there is a high risk of injury. Of course, I hope you return unharmed, but there is always a possibility. Also, if something like last time happens with Ian again, a physician will be necessary.”


Recalling the time when Ian went berserk and I had considered taking the next dangerous step, it was clear that a physician was essential.


“So, for both my wife and Ian…”


Lloydin repeated my words, seemingly lost in thought, unable to decipher what I meant.


“Of course. With such an excellent physician at my disposal, why would I need another one? Unfortunately, I can’t treat you, Duke. So, a physician is even more necessary for you.”


I gestured toward him, smiling.


“Since we’re on the topic, I’ll visit the Anaïs Ducal Estate soon.”


“You don’t have to rush, take your time.”


“All right. I’ll go after finishing up the preparations here.”




With Lloydin’s response, both of us seemed to have finished speaking, and silence settled in the room.


“Um, are you tired? Should we sleep now?”


As the silence began to feel awkward, I quickly spoke up again.


“Yes, let’s.”


Lloydin and I got up from the sofa and headed to the bed.


As I lay down on the bed first, I felt Lloydin turn off the lanterns that were illuminating the room one by one.


The room gradually darkened until it was completely dark.


As the bed swayed, I felt Lloydin lie down beside me.


I started to ponder again.


Although he had agreed when I asked him to hold my hand yesterday, I hesitated slightly at the thought that someone who always said it was okay might not actually be okay.


‘Since we held hands yesterday, let’s just sleep normally today.’


It was at that moment, when I least expected it, that Lloydin grasped my hand first.


In an instant, a clear and refreshing energy flowed into me from him.


This is TL Layana Most of this novel would be updated on my Patreon. 

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