Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 37

Episode 37

As Lloydin said, when Ian was young, the duke and duchess passed away early, leaving Ian alone with his brother.

However, even the brother who seemed to be there to protect him couldn’t stay with him due to the fate of the family.

To make matters worse, Ian faced bullying at the academy, leaving him with no friends or family to rely on.

‘So he must have been desperate for the help and support of the heroine.’

“It would be nice to have brotherly love. I’ll take my leave now. So, you can have lunch with Young Lord, just the two of you.”

“I will do that. Then, I’ll escort you to the carriage.”


Putting aside the brief first meeting with Ian, I returned home.

However, contrary to my expectations of being able to have meals and conversations with Ian, I never got a chance until before the wedding.

He openly avoided me, using excuses like being sick or tired.

And time passed, finally, it was our wedding day.

* * *

The wedding took place in the large garden opposite to the small garden where the reception was held.

As if my father’s promise to make it the grandest wasn’t a lie, the garden was filled with pure white flowers symbolizing the bride.

Most of the guests were familiar faces from the reception.

Although the wedding procedures were omitted due to it not being held in a temple, the wedding turned out to be quite long due to various other events.

The most memorable moment from the wedding was when we exchanged vows.

As we recited the vows, pledging eternal love like all couples do, when our eyes met, I almost felt like we were getting married out of genuine love.

His gaze was so affectionate and sweet that I had to really focus to keep my composure throughout the wedding.

The wedding, which started in the daytime, didn’t end until evening.

I changed out of the white dress I had been wearing throughout the wedding and put on a comfortable dress that shimmered like the sky.

Now it was time for me to leave the cozy home where I had stayed for 20 years and move to a new one.

After finishing my preparations, I gathered all the servants for a brief farewell.

Then, alone in the middle of my room, I looked around.

Even though it was a place I could return to anytime if I wished, somehow, I felt sentimental and teary.

Knock, knock.

That moment.

Lost in emotions, I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.

“Who is it?”


It was my mother’s voice.

Mother opened the door and entered.

In her gaze towards me, there were numerous emotions that couldn’t be expressed in words.

As I looked at my mother, my eyes turned red, and tears welled up.


“Ayla, are you ready?”

“Yes, I was about to go downstairs.”

Mother took my hand and affectionately caressed the back of it.

“My little daughter, who used to be so small, is getting married. It feels like a new experience.”

“I can’t believe I’m getting married.”

“If I had known it would happen this quickly, I would have spent more time with you.”

Mother expressed her regret with sad eyes.

“I’m not completely leaving, you know. And I’ll visit often, so don’t be too sad.”

“Okay. Ayla, always remember that behind you, there’s your father and me. Plus, your three older brothers.”

“Yes, I will never forget.”


Finally, mother embraced me tightly.

Her embrace was incredibly comforting and warm.

I held my mother’s hand and left the room.

Passing through the second-floor corridor and descending the stairs, I deliberately slowed down.

It was because I wanted to linger a little longer in this place.

Servants working in the mansion bowed their heads respectfully as I walked by, creating a corridor of acknowledgment on both sides.

“Miss, have a safe journey.”

“Ayla, thank you so much for everything.”

“You must be happy. *sigh*”

Some wished me happiness and peace, while others couldn’t hold back their tears at the thought of parting ways.

Seeing them, I felt like I must have been a decent person after all.

“Take care, everyone.”

“Yes, Miss. Please don’t forget about us.”

With each familiar face that I had known for 20 years engraved in my mind, I stepped out of the mansion.

Outside, Lloydin was waiting by the carriage, and Leia, who would continue to accompany me from the Blighton Manor, was also there.

And my beloved father and three older brothers were there to bid me farewell.


I released my mother’s hand and approached my father.


Without further words, my father and I embraced each other tightly.

“Take care.”

“Yes, Father. I will always remember the immense love you gave me.”

“Yes. Your mother may have said it, but remember, you have our family and relatives. So live confidently.”

“Yes, I will.”

After exchanging the final farewell with my father, I walked towards my brothers.

“Thank you, brothers.”

“Isn’t it a bit too much for you to be the first one to get married?”

Luke, my brother, joked with his characteristic playful tone, instantly lightening the mood.

“Who said I’d be the troublemaker?”

I retorted without missing a beat, playing along with my brother’s joke.

“So, don’t linger around here and go back home too, brothers. Got it?”

At my words, the three men smiled warmly.

“Ayla, farewell.”

“Take care, Jade.”

After a warm hug with my dear eldest brother, I stood in front of Noah, my other brother.

“Let’s part with a smile. It’s not the end, you know.”

“Yeah. Noah, are you leaving soon too?”


“Take care and come back safely.”

“I will.”

I also shared a brief hug with my second brother.

Then, I looked at my third brother, with whom I had spent the longest time.

“Ah, now that there’s no one to play with, what will you do when you’re bored?”

Luke complained slightly, sounding a bit petulant.

People really were so light until the end.

So, I felt most comfortable with Luke, and I always enjoyed spending time with him.

“You should find a partner too. Then you can play with that person for the rest of your life.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Ah, it’s bothersome.”

Unable to resist anymore, I burst into laughter at my brother’s words.

“Take care, big brother.”

“Yeah. Little sister, farewell.”


After a brief hug with Luke, I took a few steps back and looked straight ahead.

In front of the grand mansion, my family and those who were as precious to me as family were gathered, looking at me.

An overwhelming mix of emotions flooded me, almost unbearable to endure.


Lloydin, who had approached my side unnoticed, called me.

“Let’s go now.”

I turned around to face Lloydin and took his hand.

The vibrant energy that had kept me from falling into dreams until now seeped into me.

Lloydin gently led me forward. I followed him and got into the carriage.

As Leia boarded the carriage, it departed without delay.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the people and the Anaïs Manor, which were gradually getting farther away.

Once we passed through the main gate and nothing was visible anymore, I closed my eyes.

“Goodbye, Anaïs.”

And so, from Ayla Anaïs, I became Ayla Blighton.

Upon arriving at the Blighton Manor, the butler and the servants came out to greet us.

After being escorted by Lloydin, I got off the carriage and, like before, surveyed the Blighton Manor and the people.

Now that I considered it my new home, many thoughts flooded my mind.

Among the adults, I noticed a particularly small boy standing at the forefront.

It was Ian.

“Welcome, Lady Blighton.”

The words that came out of the boy’s mouth were unexpectedly polite.

I looked at Ian with a surprised expression, but then quickly composed myself and spoke.

“Let’s get along well from now on, Master Blighton.”

Since Ian greeted me politely, I reciprocated by treating him as a young master of the family.

However, despite my demeanor, it was evident from the boy’s gaze that he didn’t approve of me.

‘Well, things will get better as we spend more time together.’

As I mentioned earlier, I understood why Ian behaved the way he did, so as an adult, I wanted to be patient with him and wait for his heart to open.

Believing that I would approach him first and that the moment when Ian’s heart would open would come, I smiled brightly at the boy who resembled Lloydin.

This is TL Layana Most of this novel would be updated on my Patreon.

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  1. midori says:

    thanks! ahhhh she’s finally married! so starts a new arc! so exciting! i’m happy for them! hoping for more sweetness between her and lloydin, and for her to get close to ian! and when will she realise her feelings for lloydin, teehee! actually, does ian even know what she’s done for him? hmmmm!

    1. Bubbly_BingeReaderRN says:

      I wonder that too… but for now I’m looking forward to their married life!

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