Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 31

Episode 31


I approached my parents and brothers with Lloydin.


“Father, Mother. Duke Blighton has arrived.”


As I introduced Lloydin to my parents, suddenly it seemed like all eyes and ears around us were focused on us.


The previous commotion had disappeared, and a silence settled around us.


‘They must be looking at Lloydin.’


As my brother Luke and mother mentioned before, the Blighton family rarely appeared in places where people gathered unless there was something special happening.


So, the fact that he was here was undoubtedly a big shock to people.


But regardless of the shock people felt, he had come to the right place.


Glancing around, I boldly took Lloydin’s hand to show the people around us.




I felt Lloydin hesitate as he called me.


“We haven’t seen each other for a few days. Can’t we…?”


I purposely whispered in his ear, making a pitiful expression, as if to be heard only by him.


It seemed to work because I felt Lloydin’s grip on my hand tighten.


That was answer enough.




Then I heard my father’s cough.


It was a sound he often made when he was displeased about something.


I knew why my father was like that, but I couldn’t let go of Lloydin’s hand here.


No, I didn’t want to.


Later, I could explain that it was because of my illness.


“It’s been a while. Duke Anaïs, Duchess Anaïs.”


Lloydin greeted my parents first.


“Duke Blighton, welcome.”


“It’s been a long time indeed, Duke Blighton.”


My father’s attitude was gruff, but my mother welcomed Lloydin with a kind smile.


Then my brothers also exchanged greetings with Lloydin.


“I apologize for not coming earlier. I was delayed due to some business.”


“No need to apologize. You came on time.”


“We can talk later after the party ends. Ayla, go inside with the Duke first.”


“Yes, Father. Duke, come with me.”


I took Lloydin’s hand and entered the garden.


Although there were only a few people at the entrance, as we entered, I felt the gaze of the many people we had greeted earlier gathered inside, all looking at us.


Knowing it was inevitable and that they would soon learn about our relationship, I willingly accepted those warm glances and took my seat.


As soon as I sat down, the hand I was holding automatically let go.


Feeling the vibrant energy no longer flowing into me, I glanced at Lloydin with a slight sense of regret.


“Aren’t you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”


“No, I’m fine.”


“Still, you should have something. We’ve prepared plenty of delicious food.”


Before Lloydin could answer, I raised my hand to call someone over.


“Miss, do you need anything?”


Lia, who was nearby, approached me.


“Would you like me to bring you something to eat and drink?”


“Yes, please. Just something simple. Thank you.”


“Sure, wait a moment. I’ll bring it right over.”




Confirming that Lia quickly disappeared to where the food was set up, I looked around.


The attention of the people was still focused on us.


Although they seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, the words were all mixed up, making it hard to hear clearly.


After assessing the situation, I turned back to Lloydin and whispered softly,


“Is Young Lord still asleep?”


“I was about to tell you, but Ian woke up.”


“He woke up… What?”


Shocked by the unexpected news, I barely managed to suppress my voice, which had almost come out too loud.


Self-blaming for my recklessness that almost led me to announce Ian’s situation to everyone, I wiped my chest.


“When? When did he wake up?”


I leaned close to Lloydin, lowering my voice so that only he could hear me.


“He woke up just before coming here. That’s why I’m late, checking on Ian’s condition.”


“How is he? Is he okay? Your family physician… Oh! You don’t have one. I’ll arrange for a physician immediately.”


I was about to get up from my seat to send for our family physician, but Lloydin shook his head and spoke up.


“Fortunately, he’s okay with no injuries.”


His refusal reminded me of our previous conversation.


His words about not trusting anyone.


I understood his refusal, as it was imperative that nothing about Ian leaked out.


“Then, after the party, let’s go together with Brother Noah. Alright?”


Finally, Lloydin nodded.


Knowing that Ian had woken up was such a relief, and I couldn’t help feeling excited at the thought of meeting the male lead.


Although it was still early and the original story hadn’t even started, thanks to Ian, I had learned about the treatment for my illness, so I suddenly felt a desire to repay him.


After a while, my parents, who had finished greeting the guests, entered the garden, and the party officially began with music filling the air.


I enjoyed the party with Lloydin, who seemed very out of place in such gatherings.


Despite feeling the gaze of others still on us, I pretended not to notice and ignored them.


As the party progressed, my parents stood at the front of the stage.


I stared at where my parents were standing.


Truly, not just because they were our parents, but to anyone’s eyes, they were a well-matched couple, looking at each other with the happiest faces in the world.


As my father raised his hand, the music stopped.


“I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who attended our 30th wedding anniversary celebration.”


Starting with words of thanks to the guests, my father spoke for quite a long time.


Even as my father spoke, I could feel the gazes of those present constantly flickering towards Lloydin and me.


In response, I held Lloydin’s hand even tighter, refusing to let go.


Then, the moment came.


“And there is something I would like to announce to those who are here today.”


It was finally the moment to dispel the curiosity in their eyes, which had been regarding us with suspicion.


“You two, come here.”


When my father called us, Lloydin and I stood up from our seats.


Before stepping forward, I looked up at Lloydin with a big smile.


Though his face seemed stiff with tension moments ago, seeing my smile caused his lips to relax slightly.


“Let’s go.”


As soon as I finished speaking, we took steps forward together.


Upon stepping onto the stage, the gazes that had been surreptitiously observing us now stared at us with piercing intensity.


“Under the blessing of God, Lloydin Blighton, the Duke of Blighton, and our daughter, Ayla Anaïs, have joined together in marriage. We plan to hold the wedding ceremony soon and would be grateful for your attendance.”


“What? Marriage?”


“With whom? Lloydin Blighton, the Duke of Blighton?”


“My, what’s going on?”




The nobles attending the reception murmured amongst themselves.


All the words spoken by the people around me mingled in my ears.


Fortunately, perhaps because my father stood steadfastly at the front, I didn’t hear any negative remarks about Lloydin or the Blightons.


“We hope you continue to enjoy yourselves until the end of the reception.”


As soon as my father finished speaking, the music, which had stopped, resumed its melody.


“Duke of Blighton.”


As Lloydin and I were about to return to our seats, my dad called out to Lloydin.


“Would you mind joining me for a moment to help me introduce some people?”


Lloydin didn’t hastily respond to my father’s proposal.


Perhaps he didn’t know whether it was right to go this far.


My father’s introduction of Lloydin to the people was a way of firmly establishing him as our family’s son-in-law while also subtly warning others not to meddle.


Though I promised to do whatever I could to ensure the Blightons were no longer ignored or looked down upon in the Empire, honestly, showing my father’s authority like this might be the most effective way.


His authority in the Empire was immense.


“I’ll wait here for you. Go ahead.”


I urged Lloydin to make a decision since it was a good opportunity.


“…Alright, I’ll go for a moment.”


My father and Lloydin walked away, their figures gradually disappearing.


I glanced at the two men for a moment before looking around.


My mother and brothers were engrossed in conversation with the guests at the reception.


As I sat alone, sipping wine, I noticed two figures approaching me.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks for the chapter and your wonderful translation dear Layana!❤️‍🔥

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