Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 26

Episode 26


A little while later, Noah followed me down from the carriage and stood on the opposite side.


His gaze briefly touched my hand, which was holding hands with Lloydin, and I felt a slight shiver as it slipped away.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Noah Anaïs.”


“I’m Lloydin Blighton.”


After the greetings, the two men stared at each other in silence for a while.


The most anticipated priest of the gods in the temple and the man with the strongest magic power in the world.


Perhaps because it was a meeting of those with special powers, there was a strange mix of two energies in the surrounding air.


I glanced at the two of them and observed their reactions.


With no expressions on their faces, it was impossible to tell what they were thinking.


After looking at them alternately, it seemed that neither Noah nor Lloydin would speak first, so I stepped forward and spoke.


“I apologize for not informing you in advance, Your Grace. I couldn’t contact you as Noah followed us suddenly.”


“I decided to follow without notice, so I’ll apologize. I’m sorry for coming without notifying you.”


“No, it’s okay. Let’s go inside.”


Following Lloydin’s guidance, we entered the mansion.


Lloydin and I led the way, with Noah following behind.


I naturally continued the conversation with him, not letting go of his hand.


“We have a lot to discuss today. It might take a while; is that okay with you?”


“It’s okay. We have plenty of time; please don’t worry.”


“Can we have dinner as well? Oh! Come to think of it, we’ve never had a meal together before.”


“Dinner, you say?”


“Yes, is that not okay?”


I deliberately made a pitiful expression, trying to evoke his sympathy.


“Of course, it’s okay. Let’s have dinner together tonight.”


“Wow, that’s great. By the way, how about Young Lord? Has he woken up by any chance?”


When Ian was mentioned, Lloydin’s expression darkened abruptly.


“…He hasn’t woken up yet. It seems that he can’t easily wake up because this level of seizure is unprecedented for him.”


“I see.”


As I responded, I turned my head back and looked at my brother.


“He hasn’t woken up yet.”


As a sign that Noah understood, he nodded subtly.


I turned my head back to Lloydin, and soon we arrived at the drawing-room.


As soon as we entered the drawing-room, I felt a sense of regret and let go of Lloydin’s hand that I had been holding all along.


‘I want to keep holding it.’


Since my brother had also come along, I decided to be satisfied with this much for today and took a seat next to Noah on the sofa.


As we sat down, Lloydin took a seat alone across from us.


For a moment, his sunken gaze briefly passed over me.


But it was so fleeting that I convinced myself I had seen it wrong and started the conversation.


“Your Grace, my brother came here, putting aside manners, to see Young Lord directly.”


“Young Master will see Ian directly?”


Lloydin looked at me and then at my brother, with eyes that expressed disbelief.


“Yes. Brother?”


From now on, I called him directly.


“Ayla’s words are correct. You must be aware that I am a priest of the temple.”


“Yes, I am aware.”


“Symptoms of rampage due to unstable magic can be somewhat controlled with medicine infused with divine power, but what’s more effective is the divine power itself.”


Lloydin and I listened quietly to my brother’s words.


“I heard the details from Ayla yesterday. Considering that Ian hasn’t woken up even after a day has passed, it means that his magic is more unstable than we thought.”


Whether all priests were like this, Noah seemed to know quite a lot about magic.


“Without seeing it for myself, if we continue treating him only with medicine, he might not wake up for quite a while.”


“Does that mean we don’t know when Ian will wake up?”


“Brother, what do you mean?”


Facing a more serious situation than expected, Lloydin and I looked at my brother with expressions of despair.


“Please calm down. Ayla, you too, calm down.”


“How can I calm down when we don’t know when Ian will wake up…”


Unable to suppress the shock, I was just pacing back and forth, but suddenly Lloydin reached across the table and grabbed my hand that was resting on my knee.


Even that small contact somewhat eased my restless and tense mind.


“Well, if anyone needs to calm down more than me right now, it’s Lloydin.”


I could sense a slight tremble from our joined hands.


Knowing well the fear and anxiety he must feel as someone who cherishes his younger brother more than himself, I could easily imagine it even without speaking.


I managed my astonishment and gently exerted pressure on the connected hand to reassure him, just as Lloydin had done to me earlier.


Thus, relying on each other, we refocused on my brother’s words.


“I also heard from the Duke that we cannot gauge exactly when he will wake up. However, as I mentioned earlier, I came because it’s certain that directly infusing divine power would be more helpful than medicine.”


Although the worry hadn’t completely disappeared, thanks to my brother, a sense of relief washed over me.


At the same time, I heard Lloydin let out a small sigh.


“Thank you so much for coming here for my younger brother.”


“Where is Lord Blighton? I would like to examine his condition right away.”


“Oh, please follow me. I’ll guide you.”


Lloydin got up from his seat, and his hand moved away from mine.


But given the circumstances, I didn’t feel any regret.


I followed my brother and Lloydin to where Ian was.


As we climbed to the second floor and entered the familiar room, Ian was lying quietly on the bed.


“Excuse me then.”


Noah approached the bed and carefully examined Ian.


Lloydin and I stood aside, holding our breath, watching my brother’s every move.


After briefly inspecting Ian’s face, my brother closed his eyes.


Then, in a barely audible voice, he began murmuring something.


At that moment, a transparent and clear light emanated from my brother’s fingertips.


Although it was my first time seeing it, just by the sacred and reverent feeling emitted from that light, I knew what it was.


“Wow, that’s divine power.”


After extracting the divine power outward, my brother scanned Ian’s body.


Occasionally, he seemed to sense something, furrowing his brow, and his touch lingered longer in those areas.


After quite some time passed, the divine power disappeared from his fingertips, and my brother exhaled as if exhausted.


After a while, my brother looked at us, who had been quietly waiting beside him.


Specifically, he looked at Lloydin.




I called out to my brother cautiously.


“Is it over…?”


Unable to contain my curiosity, I asked, and my brother nodded, opening his mouth.


“For now, today’s treatment is finished.”


“Does that mean he needs to continue receiving treatment in the future?”


“Yes. His condition is more serious than I had thought. To stabilize Young lord’s magic, we need more divine power than I can provide all at once. Therefore, we have no choice but to continue treatment over time.”


My brother’s face was filled with exhaustion as he spoke, and sweat beaded on his forehead.


‘Pouring out divine power must be incredibly exhausting.’


“Brother, are you okay?”


“I’m fine.”


When I asked about my brother’s condition with a worried heart, he smiled reassuringly and patted my shoulder as if to reassure me.


“I’ll give you the room to rest for a while.”


“You don’t have to. As Your Grace may know, it’s not a situation to worry about.”


“I know that just like magic, when you consume divine power, you need to rest to replenish it. So, how about resting and then going back?”


“It’s okay. I’ll go home and rest.”


Despite Lloydin’s repeated offers, my brother politely declined all of them.


“Then let’s go home quickly. Your Grace, we might have to postpone dinner for tonight. I apologize.”


“No, Young Master needs rest, so it’s best to go back quickly.”


No matter how much resting might help, I couldn’t help but worry. Furthermore, knowing that my brother, who hadn’t viewed the Blighton family favorably as a priest, had deliberately come this far to help with the treatment, I couldn’t bear to send him back alone.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the translation!❤️ looking forward for the new chapters!

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