Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 154

Episode 154

The royal library was located not far from the Crown Prince’s residence. After walking for about five minutes, a building appeared before us, its architectural style slightly different from the rest of the palace.

“We’ve arrived,” the Crown Prince said.

“This is the library?”

“Yes, it is.”

I took a moment to take in the sight of the building. Unlike the other structures in the palace, which were often ornate and adorned with intricate gold details, the library was simpler and more angular. It exuded a sense of order and calm, fitting for a place dedicated to knowledge.

“Shall we go inside?”

“Oh, yes.”

I followed him into the library, though I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Was he planning to stay with me the entire time? Was this some sort of surveillance?

As soon as I stepped inside, I couldn’t suppress the gasp that escaped my lips.


The sheer number of books was overwhelming. The vast space was filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves, each packed with volumes of all sizes.

“There are so many books.”

“The royal library holds the largest collection in the empire, perhaps even on the entire continent.”

“It certainly seems that way.”

The familiar scent of old books filled the air, igniting a spark of excitement within me. I felt a renewed sense of purpose—this library might hold the information I needed.

Trying to contain my enthusiasm, I turned to the Crown Prince and asked, “May I look around?”

“Feel free,” he replied.

“Thank you.”

I gave him a brief nod and turned my attention to the shelves, considering where to start.

‘First, I’ll…’

I decided to head left but paused just as I was about to move. Turning back, I looked up at the Crown Prince.

“Will you be staying here as well, Your Highness? Aren’t you busy?”

“I am busy.”

“Then it’s fine if you leave first. With your permission, I can look around and return on my own.”

“I’ll stay a little longer.”

“…I understand.”

Since he had granted me access to the library, I couldn’t very well tell him to leave. I nodded and proceeded in the direction I had chosen.

But I could feel his eyes on me, following my every move.

‘Why is he watching me so closely?’

I tried to ignore the sensation and focused on the books. However, I quickly realized that with his watchful gaze, it would be too risky to look for the books I truly needed.

To maintain my cover, I pulled a few novels from the shelves and placed them on a nearby table. As I sat down, I stole a glance at the Crown Prince. He was still watching me.

Hoping he would leave soon, I opened one of the novels and began to read. Surprisingly, the story was quite engaging, and before I knew it, I was absorbed in it.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted my concentration.

“What are you reading?”


I jumped slightly at the unexpected sound and turned my head to the side.

The Crown Prince had leaned in close, his face much nearer than I anticipated. I instinctively recoiled, putting some distance between us. He smirked, glancing between the book and me.

“Did I startle you?”

“Yes, you came up so suddenly…”

I replied, trying to steady my breathing.

“I didn’t expect you to be so startled. My apologies,” the Crown Prince said, his expression betraying no real remorse.

“…It’s fine. I’m okay now,” I replied, trying to steady my breath.

“What book are you reading?” he asked again.

“Just a novel.”

As I suspected, he was definitely keeping an eye on me. I answered with a confident tone, as if I had nothing to hide.

“A novel?”

“Yes, it looked interesting, so I picked it up.” I held up the book so he could see the title, feigning a casual attitude.

The Crown Prince glanced at the title and then stared at me for a moment without saying anything.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, maintaining my composed demeanor.

“Did you come to the library just to read a novel?”

“Oh, not really. I just wanted to visit and see the place,” I said lightly.

“…I see,” he replied, clearly skeptical as he studied me.

After a brief pause, he straightened up and said, “Unfortunately, something has come up, so I’ll have to leave now.”

Relief washed over me, and I almost let it show on my face.

“Alright. I’ll stay and look through a few more books. The story just started getting interesting.”

“Very well.”

With that, the Crown Prince finally left the library. I watched him until he disappeared from sight, then immediately sprang to my feet.

Remembering my original purpose, I started searching through the bookshelves.

After some time, however, I still couldn’t find what I was looking for.

‘It must be here somewhere…’

The sheer number of books made it difficult to locate exactly what I needed. But I kept searching, determined not to leave empty-handed.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a book titled *The Origin of the Black Forest*.

‘Got it!’

I knew it would be here somewhere. With so many books, it was only a matter of time before I found it.

I pulled the book from the shelf, excitement bubbling up inside me.


I took the book back to the table and eagerly began reading. But as I delved deeper into the text, disappointment set in.

The book didn’t provide any clear answers about the origin of the Black Forest. Instead, it was filled with various scholars’ opinions—none of which were based on solid evidence, just theories and speculations.

‘I’ll need to find another book.’

Even so, I quickly finished the book, just in case there was anything useful at the end, and then returned to the shelves to continue my search.

Muttering “Black Forest” to myself, I scanned the shelves until I found another book, titled *The Secrets of the Black Forest*. But it was on the highest shelf, just out of reach.

“There should be a ladder around here,” I muttered to myself as I looked around.

Luckily, the ladder wasn’t too far away. It was heavy and cumbersome, but I managed to drag it over and carefully climbed up.

Just as I was about to pull the book from the shelf, I heard the door open, and the Crown Prince walked in.

‘What’s he doing here again?’

The sudden appearance of the Crown Prince, combined with the precarious position I was in on the ladder, made my heart race.

“Duchess?” he called out, his tone tinged with concern as he spotted me.

“What are you doing?”

“Just getting a book,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

“It’s dangerous up there. I’ll do it; just stay where you are.”

He started walking toward me, and I quickly pushed the book back into place so he wouldn’t see it.

“No, it’s fine. I’ve got it.”

I hastily grabbed a random novel from the shelf and climbed down the ladder. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I realized the Crown Prince was standing uncomfortably close.

I deliberately tilted the book in my hand so that the title was clearly visible and gave it a little shake.

“The title caught my eye.”

With that, I moved past him and returned to the table, feeling his gaze on my back the whole time.

“Climbing up ladders like that is dangerous,” he said, his brow furrowing in concern.

“It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, I’m fine, aren’t I?”

I brushed off his concern, though inwardly I wondered why he had come back.

“Didn’t you say you were busy? Is your work done?”

“I took care of the urgent matters and came back.”

“I see,” I replied, nodding absently. I couldn’t ask him why he had returned so quickly or tell him that his presence was unnecessary.

Flipping through the book in front of me, I quickly lost interest and closed it.

‘I should just leave for today.’

With the Crown Prince here, I couldn’t go back to reading the book I had found. Staying here would be a waste of time.

“I think I’ll head back now.”

I stood up, regretting that I hadn’t just read the book earlier.

“Aren’t you going to finish that book?”

“It’s getting late, so I think I’ll come back another time.”

Looking out the window, I noticed the sky had taken on a reddish hue—the sun was beginning to set.

“Very well. In that case, you can take the book with you.”


“Yes. It would be a shame to leave it now after all the trouble you went through to get it.”

“Thank you. Would it be alright if I came back to the library after I finish reading?”

“Of course.”

Fortunately, the Crown Prince granted permission without any fuss. I just hoped that next time, he wouldn’t be there to keep an eye on me.

With that, I left the library and returned to the Anaïs estate.



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