Because I was Terminally Ill, I Married the Male Lead's Brother, and Now He's Obsessed with Me

BTILMB | Episode 134

Episode 134

The study fell into silence.

Father and I were both lost in our own thoughts without saying a word.

After a long pause, Father finally broke the silence.


“Yes, Father.”

“Lift your head.”

At his words, I slowly lifted my bowed head.

The expression of near despair that had been on his face earlier was now replaced with a determined and resolute look.


“We will find a way together. So don’t start thinking negatively already.”


That was just like my father.

I regained the hope I had almost let slip away.

As Father said, it wasn’t over yet.

So, we would find a way together and solve this problem somehow.

Moreover, I had sought him out because I wanted to do something, not just sit back and do nothing.

“Yes. Let’s think of a way together.”

“Alright. Hmm, what should we do?”

As we each pondered solutions, I finally decided to share something that had been troubling me.

“Father, do you remember the prophetic dream I had about Princess Daina?”

“I remember.”

“So, what do you think about telling Princess Daina about this?”

“Princess Daina?”

“Yes. You know that Brother Jade has been close to Princess Daina recently, right?”

“I’ve heard about it. Jade roughly told me how they met.”

Brother had spoken to Father. That made it easier to bring this up.

“I also heard from Brother Jade and Princess Daina. So, I think Princess Daina might have mentioned those things to me in the dream because of Brother Jade.”


“Yes. That’s why I think there’s a high chance she would help if we asked.”


“And Princess Daina has strong connections with the temple, so she would definitely know a lot about divine power.”

“That’s true. But…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Asking Princess Daina for help is a good idea, but it could put her in danger.”

“Oh… that’s true.”

Why was I so foolish and selfish?

If something went wrong, Princess Daina could get hurt because of me.

I felt ashamed and pathetic for trying to solve the problem by exploiting her feelings for Brother Jade.

At the same time, I was immensely grateful and respectful towards my father for keeping me grounded.

“I hadn’t thought of that. It was foolish of me to consider it without thinking about the risks to her.”

Princess Daina, currently a contender for the next emperor along with the Crown Prince, could lose her position if things went wrong while helping us.

“No, no. Ayla, you’re right that Princess Daina’s help would be invaluable. So, if we do this, it must be done secretly, without anyone knowing.”


“We need to start thinking about that now.”

“But Father, we don’t have much time. I asked the Crown Prince for time, but he didn’t seem like he’d wait long.”

“Hmm, then let’s talk to Jade first. Can we tell him everything?”

“Yes. It’s alright. I planned to tell everyone soon anyway.”

“Alright. Then we’ll meet with Jade tomorrow.”

“Yes, Father.”

“And… we should send a letter to Noah.”

“To Brother Noah?”

“I think it’s time for him to come home.”

“Do you think he’ll come back?”

“He must.”

Father firmly believed that Brother Noah would return.

“Do you know where he is?”

“I don’t. I just hope he’s not too far away. As you said, we don’t have much time.”

With that, our conversation ended.

After bidding farewell to my mother and father, I returned to the Blighton estate.

The next day, I went back to the Anaïs estate.

Mother was delighted to see me again after just one day.

I chatted with her briefly before heading to Father’s study.

As I entered the room, I saw Brother Jade already there.



“Both of you, come and sit down.”


“Yes, Father.”

After Father took a seat on the sofa, Brother and I sat across from each other.

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been well. How about you, Brother?”

“I’ve been well too.”

“And how are things with Princess Daina?”

“Oh? Well… We’re doing well. Thank you so much.”

Brother seemed a bit shy to talk about it in front of Father, but he eventually answered.

“There’s nothing to thank me for.”

“No, both Her Highness and I are very grateful to you.”

I responded to Brother Jade’s words with a warm smile.

“Jade, I have a question for you.”

“A question for me?”

“Yes. What do you think about Princess Daina?”


“I’m asking if you’ve thought about marriage with her.”

“Marriage… That’s not something I can decide on my own, is it?”

“I’m not asking about the technicalities. Do you want to marry Her Highness? And does she feel the same way about you?”

Father’s straightforward question made Brother Jade pause for a moment.

But then he straightened up and met Father’s gaze directly.

“My feelings for Her Highness are certain. I believe she feels the same way about me.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“But why are you asking me this?”

“Ayla will explain. Ayla?”

“Yes, Father.”

“It’s best if you tell him.”

“Yes, I will.”

After nodding at Father, I looked at Brother Jade.

“Brother, before I get to the main point, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not sick anymore.”


Brother Jade was visibly shocked.

“My illness is completely gone, thanks to Lloydin.”

“Really? You no longer fall into those deep sleeps?”

“Yes. I’ve been free of symptoms for quite some time now.”

“Then why didn’t you tell us sooner? Did Father know?”

“He knew.”

“Only Father knows. Mother doesn’t… not yet.”

“Why didn’t you tell us? You know how worried we all were.”

Brother Jade’s voice was filled with hurt, and I understood his feelings.

I knew better than anyone how much my family had hoped for my recovery.

So, it was natural for Brother to feel hurt and disappointed.

“I know. But there were things that needed to be dealt with first.”

“Things to be dealt with?”

“Yes. Brother, after my illness was cured, some startling things happened to me.”

“What do you mean by startling things?”

“I started having prophetic dreams.”

“Prophetic dreams? Really?”

“Yes. Through these dreams, I learned that our family and the Blighton family are in great danger.”


Brother Jade was visibly shaken by this unexpected revelation.

“Treason… Our families were accused of treason, and everyone lost their lives. Except for me.”

The word “treason” was always difficult to say out loud.

Thinking about that dream, where Lloydin was executed, made me feel as if I couldn’t breathe.

“Treason? How could such a thing happen? And everyone lost their lives?”

“Yes. At first, I couldn’t believe it either. But Brother, every event I saw in my prophetic dreams came true. So, I had to believe it.”

I struggled to calm my emotions and continued explaining to Brother.

“Sigh, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Ayla, are you saying that you saw our family’s destruction in your dream?”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s why I couldn’t tell anyone about my recovery. I planned to keep it a secret from everyone except Father until this matter was resolved.”

“Then why are you telling me now?”


I paused and looked at Father.

Seeing the determined look in his eyes gave me the courage to continue.

“Because Princess Daina was in my dream too.”

I hadn’t given Father the full details of my dream before. Even yesterday, I had only briefly mentioned it during our conversation.

I couldn’t interfere too much in the relationship between Brother and Princess Daina.

From now on, I planned to share something that would likely surprise Father too.

“Princess Daina?”

“Yes. She told me in my dream to run away, saying she didn’t want that person to die and that I should take my family and flee far away.”

Brother Jade’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Princess Daina said that?”

“Yes. And that’s why I think she might help us if we ask.”

Brother was silent for a moment, processing everything I had said.

Father, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up.

“Jade, Ayla believes that Princess Daina might be able to help us.”

Brother Jade looked at Father, then back at me, his expression a mix of confusion and determination.

“Father, Ayla… if Princess Daina can help, we should ask her. But we must be cautious.”

“Yes. If we involve Princess Daina, we need to ensure her safety as well.”

“I understand. We need to proceed carefully and discreetly.”

“Let’s think through this together. We don’t have much time.”


“Jade, I need you to talk to Princess Daina. Tell her everything.”


“Yes. She needs to know the gravity of the situation.”

Brother Jade nodded, determination filling his eyes.

“Alright. I’ll talk to her.”

Father then turned to me.

“Ayla, we’ll get through this. Together.”

“Yes, Father.”

“And we need to get Noah back.”

“Brother Noah?”

“Yes. It’s time for him to return.”

“Do you think he will?”

“He must.”

Father’s firm belief in Brother Noah’s return gave me hope.

“Do you know where he is?”

“No, but I hope he’s not far away. We don’t have much time.”

With that, our conversation ended.

I bid farewell to my mother and father and returned to the Blighton estate.

The next day, I returned to the Anaïs estate.

Mother was delighted to see me again.

After a brief chat with her, I headed to Father’s study.



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